• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2020


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Found 5 stories in 18ms

Total Words: 76,429
Estimated Reading: 5 hours


War has come to Equestria. Changling hordes have wiped several major cities off the map in one night of bloodshed and destruction, and are now marching towards the total destruction of Equestria itself; on their own they were powerful, but somehow they have also enlisted legions of the most dangerous monsters in the world to fight at their side.
The townsfolk all fight valiantly, but against such odds they can only lose ground to the ever growing enemy; to make matters worse, the elements of harmony are scattered throughout the land and cut off from each other. With both princesses injured in the opening battles, the call goes out for all able bodied stallions to join the military and defend their homes or perish like those before them.

Chapters (3)

For some it's a time of fun and laughter with cool costumes and candy, but for others it's a time of fear where their worst nightmares walk the streets. On such a night of ghosts and ghouls it's the job of a good friend to comfort those who don't share the same love of being scared.

But what happens when it all goes wrong and what was supposed to be fun becomes terror?

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo gets passed a note in class that contains how another foal in her class feels about her, but Cheerilee takes the note before she can find out who sent it and so Scootaloo sets out to find who sent her the love note.

Warning: This story contains rule 63 and is set in the same universe as a flutter of the heart so expect references to Rarishy/ Flarity.

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy's heart begins to pound when she reads a romantic fairytale, but after being told to enjoy herself in town during hearts and hooves day will she meet her prince charming?

A/N: chapter one is the original and was supposed to be a one shot, chapter two is a bonus chapter to say what happened after.

Chapters (2)

Broadsword is the captain of Luna's royal guard, but after a battle with Discord he is left with no memory, no cutie mark and wings that can no longer allow him the fly. with his only order to run and never return to Canterlot, who will Broadsword find to help him rebuild his life?

Chapters (7)