• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,152 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

  • ...

Equestria Epilogue: Twilight's Turn Bottom

It didn't take long for Twilight to complete the Time Loop and then reabsorb the memories of her Future/Past self. This then led into a very emotional reunion between herself, Starlight and Sunburst, as well as excessive exuberance over little Sunstar. Starlight then promptly disbanded her 'cult', returned all the Cutie Marks, and told all the 'cultists' that the entire thing had been a huge farce deliberately designed to complete the Time Loop. Anger regarding this was immediately dispelled when Twilight offered to explain the technical details involved so they could all understand why such actions were necessary for temporal stability, as all listeners were more than happy to take her word for it instead.

Introducing the new extension to the family had gone over quite well. Ratchet had been surprised to be both a grandfather and great-grandfather, but had taken it in stride as "far from the strangest thing to happen in raising Twilight." The interactions quickly devolved into competition between Twilight, Ratchet, Clank, Sasha, Angela, Talwyn, and Vendra over who got to spoil little Sunstar first, while Qwark and Neftin literally butted heads over who got to be the one to "teach the tyke how to be a man".

Twilight's Equestrian family had dealt with it in their own way. Shining Armor had shaken his head, shrugged his shoulders, and decided to just watch and see who won the 'spoil Sunstar' fight. Cadence had cooed endlessly over Sunstar for a time before dragging Shining off to the room Twilight had given them to share during their stay in the 'Castle At The Edge of Reality', as they'd come to call it. Night Light had some trouble dealing with this latest revelation at first, but after slipping some herbs Zecora had given him before Twilight's return from 'The Town' in his pipe and lighting up, he was soon convinced that everything would be just fine and he could take it all in stride.

Twilight Velvet had been the only vocal one. "Great Grandmother!" she had screamed out in shock. "But how? It's too soon! I'm too young to be a great-grandmare!" She had then pointed at her Cutie Mark. "This is not the flank of a great-grandmare!"(1) Night Light had then given her a pull of his pipe, and she became much mellower.

The awkward part had been introducing Starlight to Nefarious...

"And this is Dr. Nefarious," Twilight said as she brought the little family to her robotic boyfriend. "Or 'Daddy' to you."

"So nice to finally meet you, Daddy!" Starlight proclaimed happily, lunging forward to hug Nefarious...who was currently in his equine configuration.

"So...if I understand your story correctly, you were actually a villain originally who was so talented at messing with the fabric of space-time that Twilight adopted you before you became a villain because she couldn't wait to see what you'd develop as if given access to everything she could teach you?" Nefarious clarified.

"Well...as we understand it," Sunburst allowed.

"Sweet!" Nefarious confirmed, hugging Starlight back exuberantly...only to pull back. "Okay, this just got awkward. You're my daughter apparently. Stop giving me an awkward boner before Twilight removes it!"

"Neffy..." Twilight growled dangerously.

"Oh, Mommy told me all about how she designed your male parts when she gave me the sex talk!" Starlight responded eagerly. "Can I get a closer look? I'm hoping to get some ideas for when I start experimenting with gene splicing magic to give Sunburst an upgrade in that department, cause despite being happily married and with a kid he has some serious confidence issues there-"

"Starlight!" Twilight gasped out, face flaming. "Not only is that a highly inappropriate thing to ask your Dad, but that's also incredibly dangerous magic to experiment with!"

"But Mom!" Starlight whined. "You promised you'd help me with that once we were reunited and we had access to off-world resources to contain the experiments!"

Twilight opened her mouth to object, only for memories to resurface. "By the Sleepless Gods I really said that, didn't I...?"

It was quite understandable that after all of this - and Celestia not even bothering to hide her amusement at Twilight's situation - that Twilight felt she needed a break from Equestria, making it an excellent time to visit Sunset in her world to check up on her progress. Supply requests had been almost entirely automated at this point, but personal messages had dwindled recently, and Twilight felt it was time to find out why.

Stepping through the portal, however, she found herself not in bright sunshine but in what looked like an underground bunker...one that looked more at home in Polaris than the world Twilight had seen last time she passed through the portal. The room she stepped out in was plainly a bedroom...and on the bed was a yellow skinned girl with far too much fluffy orange hair sitting on her hands and knees wearing a tight choker with a blue gem, a leash...and nothing else. She turned ruby eyes toward Twilight...and grinned with malicious amusement, but said nothing.

"Sunset, is that you?" a startlingly familiar voice called from outside the door. It slid open and Twilight got a brief view of what looked like giant color coordinated pony shaped mecha before a young purple skinned woman stepped through. She could have passed for Twilight's twin...except she kept her hair up in a bun, wore glasses, and was only wearing what Twilight recognized from Nefarious internet searches in this world as the 'Leia Slave outfit' (which she had in three colors for when she took human form for their fun). "I'm glad you're here, though," the stranger continued, not lifting her eyes from the dataslate she was carrying. "I think I may have finally figured out how to properly channel the magical energy to power-WUAGHH!" The scream was as she caught sight of Twilight. Dropping the slate from her hands, she desperately tried to cover herself with her arms. The slate halted itself in a purple aura before it could hit the ground.

Before the frozen tableau could become even more awkward, a telepad in the corner flared to life and a Sentai suited female stepped off. The suit was colored in orange and red, and wings of similarly colored flame were spreading from the figure's back. She pulled her helmet off as she walked, revealing Sunset...with pony ears. "Twilight, we really need to work on these wrist units," she began as she shook her hair out. "They're really useful for suiting up in a hurry, but the removal feature for my suit errors every time I pony up while wearing it ever since these came in-" The wings flapped. "And that's unfortunately every time now, because my true self seems to come out strongest in battle-YIPE!" Sunset leapt back as she caught sight of Twilight. "Twilight! I...I can explain!"

Twilight blinked at Sunset. "Did Celestia team up with you to pull the ultimate prank on me? Please say yes, I could use a good laugh right now..."

Sunset blinked for a time. "...you know, the last few months of my life would make a lot more sense if that were the case," she admitted hopefully.

Sighing, Twilight popped a squat on the bed, sending a glare at the fluffy haired young woman when she tried to cuddle up that sent her scurrying to the opposite side of the bed. "Alright...I'm listening. Explain."

Sunset sat down next to Twilight. "It's...a long story-" She suddenly winced. "One easier told without a massive wedgie. Let me just get out of this first?"

(1)Thanks for this, proto20

Author's Note:

Sunset's adventures in the human world of this timeline - while not canon to "My Little PWNY" - will continue in the spinoff sequel, "Power Pony Harmony Rangers".


Comments ( 295 )


It's over...

Well done Tatsurou. This ranks as one of the best fics I've ever read.

By Lunas Frozen Behind!!:rainbowlaugh:
That has to be one of the funniest chapters so far. At least to me:rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh:

And so it comes to an end... Sort of. Kinda. Not really.

Um... is that a pet Adagio? With a blue gem? What does that mean?

Oh, hey! If I'm correct, this means that all the Mane 6 stories are finished! Well, for the time being. You've already mentioned a sequel to Fortresshy, and then there's the Applejack side stories.

So, this leaved Star Trek Celestia, and Final Fantasy Sombra that have yet to be started. Am I missing any? And are you considering adding more, like Starlight, Zecora, or maybe even Tirek? I ask because the Coco one took me completely by surprise, I didn't even remember hearing any mentions of it before it showed up.

All I can say at the end is 'Wat'

Yeah 'Wat' seems to sufficiently express my thoughts on this. Please excuse me as I go put toaster in the bread :applejackconfused:

I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIO- Oh hey a taco!

It's over it's finished!

for now.....You know the last six chapters the Quantum mechanics are enough to make theoretical physicist start drowning themselves in scotch. Not to mention the sister stories makes it feel like Gordian knot of interwoven terror and over powered nightmares. That being said I do believe I've come to enjoy the ride though I do worry for your sanity when these stories start to come to together.

Aside from remaining PWNY stories you've at least what Three side stories to write One for this Sunset, one For Applejack, and another one for Fluttershy.....

Yes, you're missing several.
Dirty Pair Flash Derpy
Mother series Moondancer
Star Fox Sunset
DBZ Abridged Big Mac

I believe he's said he has no interest in doing a Starlight one.

So, it's finally finished eh? Well, thank you Tatsurou for giving us such a hilarious adventure that had me spitting up more than half of glasses of orange juice.

Looking forward to more.

8010749 Yeah, I've missed some of your updates. Sorry, it's a bit hard for me to keep up sometimes. But yeah, really looking forwards to whatever you put out next.

"Oh, Mommy told me all about how she designed your male parts when she gave me the sex talk!" Starlight responded eagerly. "Can I get a closer look? I'm hoping to get some ideas for when I start experimenting with gene splicing magic to give Sunburst an upgrade in that department, cause despite being happily married and with a kid he has some serious confidence issues there-"

"Starlight!" Twilight gasped out, face flaming. "Not only is that a highly inappropriate thing to ask your Dad, but that's also incredibly dangerous magic to experiment with!"

"But Mom!" Starlight whined. "You promised you'd help me with that once we were reunited and we had access to off-world resources to contain the experiments!"

Twilight opened her mouth to object, only for memories to resurface. "By the Sleepless Gods I really said that, didn't I...?"

Twilight! What did you teach your daughter?! :pinkiecrazy:

Hey Night Light, could you hand me some herbs? I'm gonna need some as well after reading this chapter.

i cant beleve it is over. I will miss this. thank you for bringing us this Tatsurou. Not just is this the longest RaC fin on this site by far. It is the first one that got taged [Complete]. Thank you. Seriusly. Thank you. this was and awsome journey.

2 and a half years... And it has been one hell of a ride that I have absolutely no regrets about...

I'm... Kind of sad to see it go, but no matter. This story was awesome, and I can't wait to see what your brilliant mind comes up with next. Have a nice day Tats, the you certainly made mine.

Another Chapter of the PWNY-verse closed ... splendidly ... gods dammit Tatsurou! Stop influencing my head-canons! j/k

Keep 'em coming, eagerly awaiting Ditzy, Big Mac, Celestia, Moondancer, and Sunset's turns, respectively ... not sure which I am waiting for more!

What's next?

Well, that's an interesting ending.

I have no idea what's going on with Sunset now though.

Do you plan to write a sequel to explain it sometime?

well that leaves about... what 3 stories to make? :rainbowhuh: It would look like that if we believe what discord said about 22 PWNY-verse stories.

A-hem...YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of my yes!! Want more, please!!!!
Where is story!?!?!?


Sad days...

That is one hell of a story. Thank.

Cadence had cooed endlessly over Sunstar for a time before dragging Shining off to the room Twilight had given them to share during their stay in the 'Castle At The Edge of Reality', as they'd come to call it.

No, not that one! The OTHER edge of Reality. :ajsmug:

Huh...so it's over...but I have a question. Where's the Achievement? That usually show it 'ended' the series.

I feel off. This past week I have had three of my favorited stories end and two where by Tatsurou! At least next week we are getting two new stories, but will they both be PWNY or will we be getting one of the authors other projects? Also I see Twilight didn't get an achievement so I wonder why?

And thus, an amazing story, one that inspired a fandom, ended in a puff of time shenanigans, internal screaming and insinuations of kinky lesbian threesomes ( or possibly foursomes)...

There is not enough distilled YouTube in the universe for me to snort to get rid of my migraine...

Well next is Sunset's turn I guess?

Achievement Unlocked: Full Circle!

8011064 Was that third story the journal of a certain pegasus transfer student on Earth?

Oh man, that awkward moment with Nefarious and Starlight, though :rainbowlaugh:

Night Light had some trouble dealing with this latest revelation at first, but after slipping some herbs Zecora had given him before Twilight's return from 'The Town' in his pipe and lighting up, he was soon convinced that everything would be just fine and he could take it all in stride.

Now I can see him hitting from a bong...

That pet Adagio, though.

Night Light had some trouble dealing with this latest revelation at first, but after slipping some herbs Zecora had given him before Twilight's return from 'The Town' in his pipe and lighting up, he was soon convinced that everything would be just fine and he could take it all in stride.
Twilight Velvet had been the only vocal one. "Great Grandmother!" she had screamed out in shock. "But how? It's too soon! I'm too young to be a great-grandmare!" She had then pointed at her Cutie Mark. "This is not the flank of a great-grandmare!"(1) Night Light had then given her a pull of his pipe, and she became much mellower.

I can now only wonder how often Zecora herself partakes of some of the more relaxing flora and what the Equestrian equivalent to weed is, and if it's as ridiculous as the poison oak's equivalent of poison joke?!

So Twilight owns Castle Oblivion? I'd believe it.


Yes. I miss her adventures every night.

0_0 ok.......... I don't know if there's enough cider in the world to help me with this. all I can say here is that my mind is now f:yay:d up.

THANK CELESTIA that the Sunset fic IS NOT canon to My little PWNY. I would've had to unfave all of your fics and rescind my following of you if that had happened. I HATE that show with a passion. It's nothing but trash and actually not be crossed over with MLP at all.


Whoa, nearly 3 years, that's how long this story has been going on for. Nearly three years of following Twilight as she turns the universe on it's head just 'caus she can, and I have to say, it was a FUN read! Really looking forward to more PWNY verse stories!

While I do agree that the last few generations haven't exactly been good, that still doesn't mean the original was all that bad.

...you realize it only utilizes the framework of Sentai shows, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Power Rangers itself, right?

Aww. I was hoping to see some biological children of Twilight and Nefarious!

Ah well. It was a wonderful story while it lasted. Looking forward to whichever story replaces it in the rotation!

8011323 I hope you understand that, from this point onwards everything you ever reply to and I happen to see will be treated as less than garbage...

Now, the reason is not for disliking Power Rangers / Super Sentai no... The reason for it is BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY BARFED IT IN TEXT IN THE MOST RACIST, STUPID AND HITLERIAN WAY YOU COULD THINK OF...!

Now than that unsavory stuff is dealt with, Tats you magnificent Kamen bastard the travels of this T. S. Sparkle has been one of the most fun things I've ever read... Just like with Sly Cooper, you have made me interested in the PS games of old... I will NEVER play them, nor visit those universes, but at least I won't disregard them anymore...

It didn't take long for Twilight to complete the Time Loop and then reabsorb the memories of her Future/Past self.

I mean... from an outside perspective...

This is the best. Sunset has a goddamn harem including a supergenius that builds her robots and skin-tight mech suits, and a (possibly-not-reformed) villain of a non-human highly-sexual race...

Unless it isn't a harem, and they just keep Adagio as a pet. Which would actually be better than the best.

Sighing, Twilight popped a squat on the bed, sending a glare at the fluffy haired young woman when she tried to cuddle up that sent her scurrying to the opposite side of the bed. "Alright...I'm listening. Explain."

I am now imagining Sunset being a badass protagonist like Twi, but instead of collecting all her enemies as extended family members, she collects them as pets.

Or pokemon/digimon.


"Gloriosa, I won't let you threaten the camp! I choose you, Adagiomon!"

"Adagiomon? Who is...? What kind of a stupid name is that?"

"You'll get used to it, like I did."

"What? Used to it? I will--"

"Adagiomon, use pepper breath!"

"Pepper breath? How am I supposed to use that!? Wait, why am I acting like a goddamn digimon!?"

"Oh no, Adagiomon's passive ability, Sass, prevented her from doing anything but talking this turn!"


"If you two are quite done, I think I'm going to get back to taking over the camp, now." *cue transformation*

"Gloriosamon has Mega Evolved into Super-Gaiamon! Adagiomon, Armor digivolve to--"


"That's what I was doing. But now you have to say the transformation phrase. The gem is keyed to that phrase."

"...I hate you... Adagiomon... digivolve to..."

"Say it."

"...digivolve to..."

"Say it!"




*Flash of light that somehow lasts for 20 seconds and gives a completely unobstructed view of Adagio, during which she is stripped naked and then covered piece-by-piece with a 7 foot bright red mech suit. Also Welcome to the Show is playing during the scene.*

"Finally! I hate you, and that STUPID PUN, Sunse--"

"Pet." *Suddenly completely serious* "Is that any way to speak to your master?'

"I-I... N-no... I... No, Mistress. S-sorry, Mistress."

"Better. Now, pet, mop the floor with the swamp monster so I can drag you back to our tent and have my way with you. You know how battles make me."

"Yes, Mistress!"

"Oh, and Adagio, don't finish her too fast. That would be rude, and foreplay is important."

*Maniacal Grin* "Yes, Mistress."


I have way too much fun writing shit/smut-adjacents from your universes. I've also taken to seeing how much I can say with just dialogue.

Also Firetruckmon.

Because siren. :moustache:

This story has been an incredibly entertaining read. I wish All of the mustaches and internets on you and your descendants.

This is the part where you say "gg ez" instead of "The End", right? :rainbowdetermined2:

...while hilarious, that's not what's going to happen with Sunset and Adagio.


So....what's next? Sequels, or the long-awaited "My Little PWNY"?

8011394 I'm still not going to read that particular fic of yours. Please refer to my reply to another comment below for my reasons.

8011370 No, it all has been bad. I see nothing but over-acting, easily excitable, not even remotely relatable teens fighting men in bad costumes with fake accents and even more over-acting.

8011467 I have had a bad day and wrote that while I was still experiencing what made today bad for me. I apologize for how I said that, but I will not delete anything as I own up to my mistakes and leave reminders of them so I don't make them again.

Allow me to explain further.
"Power Pony Harmony Rangers" will involve color coded Sentai suits, giant robots, and 'monster of the week' style arcs...and that is literally the only similarity it will have to Power Rangers. In fact, it will be closer to involving Sentai tropes in general than any particular Sentai show. Parodying "Mighty Morphing Power Rangers" in the title just struck me as the funniest and most readily recognizable of the genre.

(...now that I think about it, it will actually more closely resemble Voltron in framework than Power Rangers.)

8011966 .... I will be setting very high standards for it, then, and go in with an attitude against it.

That's alright.
After all, when was the last time you heard one of those in a Sentai show complaining about the suit giving them a wedgie trying to sit down in it?

(That's more or less going to be the style of humor for it: the characters involved realizing just how absurd and over the top most of the tropes and cliches being invoked are and taking the piss out of them, while at the same time making use of them because it's effective and actually experiencing it is f***ing awesome!
I mean, one of the first jokes in it is going to be the fact that Sunset's first set of rayguns from Twilight have three settings: stun, kill, and orgasm.)

8011978 .... I'm thinking we'll be seeing an NSFW side to this story with that last bit. Or the story itself will be NSFW, at least.

Not really. It will be rated Teen-Sex for humor, and might get bumped up to Mature for the same, but I'll do my best to keep it...at least as clean as this story.

8011715 Gilda and Octavia are still free-floating. I imagine once those are done he'll focus all of his time on My Little PWNY. After that would be Power Ponies Harmony Rangers.

I think.

There are also several other PWNY stories waiting to be started.

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