• Published 26th Jul 2015
  • 1,908 Views, 21 Comments

Return to the Mirrorverse - JusSonic

Twilight and her friends confront their dangerous enemies: themselves! Can they stop them?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Return to the Mirrorverse

Chapter 1: Return to the Mirrorverse

Authorities are called over to the loyal museum in Manehattan. A robbery is taking place as seven of the most infamous criminals ever. The cops knew that they must be careful as they are dangerous and are servants to two of the former most evilest villains in the world.

"Okay, guys." A police unicorn stallion said sternly to his pals as they prepare to storm the museum. "These girls and their Dragon are dangerous...so we must be careful."

The other cops nodded then storms the museum. They rush to the area of the museum where a silent alarm has been tripped. Soon the police stops and saw the villainous seven preparing to make a break for it.

"Hold right there, you brats!" The police unicorn stallion yells making the seven turn. "So, Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends think you will get away with this?"

Twilight smirks as her pals gave cruel chuckles. The mare ask, "Hay, we always do and you never caught us yet! Rainbow!"

Rainbow laughs as she flew around into the air. The police quickly fires at her but she was too fast. The villainess flew down and knocks the copers down. The lead fires at Rainbow but got grabbed by magic, keeping him still.

"’De princesses are no longer in charge thanks ‘ta yer former king saving their lives." Applejack remarks with a scoff. "It's time fer their servants ‘ta rise up ‘ta take over."

"Yeah! Hey, can I cut them into cupcakes now? Huh huh huh?" Pinkie ask madly, clopping their hooves together.

"No, Pinkie, no. ‘Dat's disgusting."

The lead cop screams as Rainbow pounds him a few times then uppercut him across the floor. Twilight, satisfied, released him and trots over to the down cop.

"Well, it's been fun but we are on a little quest now." Twilight said slyly, holding the cop by his chin. "We, the Erroneous Equines, will change the world once the talismans are ours...so toodles!"

Twilight then head butts the cop, knocking him out. She and her pals gather around so that the unicorn can use her wicked magic to teleport them all out of the museum. They got what they came for.


"It appears that the Erroneous Equines has stuck once more." Chrysalis said to her ally who sit in the since abandoned throne of the good king Sombra. "This isn't good. With Sombra now on the side of evil and the former evil sisters under reformation, the seven are more determined than ever."

"So what did they steal?" The ally asked Chrysalis with a concerned look on his face.

"The map that leads to the talismans...for the Dark Rainbow Power. If they get it, the Erroneous Equines will take over Equestria. We need some help."

Captain Goodguy pauses, fiddling with his fingers as he think up a solution. The good guy nod as he stood up. With Sombra now evil and the good Alicorns unavailable...it's time to get help elsewhere.

From those who came to this world before...


Now, folks, you probably guess correctly that those mares you saw aren't the ones we all know and care about. In fact, they aren't and that isn't the Equestria we all know either. Now the story shall continue into the one right in Equestria TUPG.

In the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom castle, the ponies are hard at work. Twilight just got used to her new one, thanks to renovations by her friends and family. But they are hard at work at other problems too. Chrysalis and her Changelings has recently escaped from their prison thanks to the queen tricking the princess. And what's more shocking is her big secret: there are two other versions of her which she used to stand in for her, one of them invaded Canterlot and the other worked with Tirek a while back.

The problem is now, how could there be three versions of Chrysalis running around? And which one is the original?

"Hey Twiley." Ben said as he peeks in. "Sombra and Autumn Gem are here."

"Let them come in." Twilight said to Ben with a smile. It's good to see someone who is no longer an evil tyrant and is now an alley to Equestria.

The now good Sombra came in with his filly Autumn Gem. The unicorn clears his throat, asking, "You summoned me, princess?"

"Yes, something occurred while I was at the Crystal Empire the other day, something about you."

"Err, about me?"

"Yes." Twilight said with a nod. "Cadance and I found your journal."

Hearing that made Sombra uncomfortable, much to Autumn Gem's notice. It's like the mention of his journal...made him uneasy.

"You found my journal?" Sombra ask Twilight in concern, fearing the worst for himself and Autumn Gem.

"Yes. We know you were a creation of umbrum forces waiting beneath the palace...as well as the fact that you smashed Princess Amore into pieces...something your filly hood friend Radiant Hope was unable to do."

"'Radiant Hope'?" Autumn Gem ask Sombra in concern, arching an eyebrow. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Well...back then, when I turned bad, I tried to have her as my queen...but that was my dark side, Autumn Gem!" Sombra explains to Autumn Gem, lowering his ears in guilt. "You're the one I wanted to be with. I changed good despite what I was told...but then that traitor, he..."

"It's all right, Sombra...I forgive you. And I'm sure Radiant Hope does too."

"Anyway, we're looking for a way to restore Princess Amore...we just need to find all her pieces first." Twilight said to Sombra with a smile. "We are hoping you and Autumn Gem will join in the search."

"It will be my honor, princess." Sombra said, bowing to Twilight humbly. He will do anything, anything to redeem his past mistakes.

"Good, you may go now. We will let you know if anything else comes up."

Sombra and Autumn Gem thus leaves the room with Ben following. Applejack remarks, "Well, 'dat went well. Ah done worried he would go into a guilt trip."

"Especially since it's the only way to fit the Fiendship of Magic issue into this fan-fiction series!" Pinkie chirps randomly, making her friends laugh, getting used to this by now.

"So what's next?" Fluttershy ask curiously. "I got so many plans that..."

Just then without warning, Twilight, the Mane Five & Spike were magically teleported from where they were as if like magic. Owlicious was watching the whole thing in seeing what happened before it gave this response...

"Hoo?" Owlicious may be speaking in owl, but it was a good question; who done this?

Which brings us to another scene in where the Mane Six & Spike suddenly drop from in slightly above midair to hit the ground, aching from where they landed. As they recovered, they are greeted by someone who sat on the air in smiling at them...

"Discord?" The gang responded off surprised to see who was here before them, the old trouble making guy that makes chaotic pranks.

"Actually, my name is..." He then stood up, a strange American Flag background was seen, as he gave a loud holler. "CAPTAAAAAIN GOOOOODGUUUUY!" When it was over, the others pretty much got wind-burn of their faces blown back so much & stretch out manes from seeing this guy make such an introduction. "But where are my manners, I am the different counterpart of Discord who exist here, in the different dimension world you saved." He simply pointed this out while everyone was slowly recovering.

"Wait, we saved?" Rainbow Dash stop everything to hear that right.

"Where de heck are we?" Applejack asked off in looking around to see this place looked pretty wrecked.

"Oh, you don't recall stopping an evil Celestia & Luna in which Celly's old lover, King Sombra, took all of the evil so those two princesses would be turn back to being good again to save this place?" Captain Goodguy spoke off to explain the case of what it is that the Mane Six & Spike have long forgotten where they are, but from his tale, it's sure to ring familiar bells.

'Wait, so we're actually in..." Rarity yelps upon hearing this story, then that means....

"Bingo! And the reason why I have pulled you all here today, is well...we have a sorta trouble." Captain Goodguy issued off to slightly say about their circumstances needing aid.

"Oh my, um...what kind of trouble?" Fluttershy yelps in not liking how that sounds.

"Are Celestia & Luna evil again?" Pinkie Pie asked in thinking the problem has restarted again.

"Oh no, no, no, heavens forbid, no..." Captain Goodguy pointed off to clear the misunderstanding of the problem. "The problem lies with you." He pointed off to simply say this of who are causing problems.

"US?" the M and Six & Spike asked off stump, what does that mean?

"You six & your baby Dragon also have counterparts here in this place, which lets say...while you are living a good life...they live in a wanted criminal life." Captain Goodguy explained the case that in this universe, the Mane Six & Spike are not heroes, but wanted criminals.

"Wait, are you meaning to tell us we're....criminals?" Twilight felt like that was too shocking to believe.

"Well yes, and it gets far worse...while you six are called the Mane Six; in this place, your other counterparts are called; Erroneous Equines. And they are going after a power that will be too much for me & Chrysalis to hold back. So, I called you here to help us..." Captain Goodguy explained the case of what new enemy they face, & that the enemy is after a power stronger than he or another can keep at bay.

"But wait, what about those other heroes we saw when King Sombra showed us the palace?" Spike asked off in thinking this place should have other heroes, right?

"Well, in our universe's versions of Trixie, the Flim Flams and Derpy, being such good aids to the kingdom, are busy re-educating the recently reformed Celestia and Luna on how to be good. After all, Celly & Luny had been through so much, they need time to slowly heal. And time is something we don't have much on I'm afraid to say." Captain Goodguy explained off that the other heroes that would help are busy doing other things, so he & Chrysalis need more help, so he called in some...outside help.

"Look, as much as we like to help, we seen what happens if those of our counterparts are injured," Twilight explained about something she knows happens when they fight counterpart versions of themselves.

"She's right, like wit' them princesses evil counterparts, we hurt our own along wit' them." Applejack nods off in recalling if they hurt the corrupted versions of Celestia & Luna, the good versions feel the same thing.

"Just spray yourselves with this then." Captain Goodguy handed the others a strange red spray bottle.

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked off in not knowing what the item does.

"No-Pain-No-Gain Spray! The latest in which it's AntiPain Transfer Linkspell to ever relieve you of others pain inflicted." Captain Goodguy explained forth like a commercial guide in that spray canister will protect the group from feeling the pain inflicted on their evil counterparts.

"So with this, we can beat up ourselves as much as we want?" Rainbow Dash asked off in thinking this could make things easier for them.

"Goodness, I feel just awful harming my own delicate self!" Rarity gasped in feeling uncertain about this.

"Me too, it's like I'm fighting me, but it's not me, but even when it's not me, it's still me, and..." Pinkie Pie was randomly stating off a bunch of things until...

"We get it Pinkie, so....will this work?" Twilight cuts her friend off before asking Captain Goodguy if this spray stuff will help them not feel the pain inflicted on their evil counterparts.

"Yes, for at least 24 hours it should, and we must hurry, they are bound to strike again." Captain Goodguy nods his head in stating that though the effects are not permanent, it should still help out somewhat.

"Well....I guess we got no choice." Spike shrug off to say while he & everyone were spraying the 'No-Pain-No-Gain Spray' stuff which glittered on their bodies to look like sparkling lights; like they were in a car wash or they got turn into near versions of Crystal Ponies...

"Good work, now come with me...we need to be prepare in what you’re about to face..." Captain Goodguy stated off to say in seeing that everything is set, now they need to go in what this group will face...

As Captain Goodguy began to lead off, the Mane Six & Spike felt a little strange about doing this, but....they have to help stop whatever new evil is causing problems. Even if that new evil is....them? Man, this kinda thought is hard for any of them to still process? The scene goes dark now while whatever happens next, the Mane Six & Spike will soon come across it very, very soon...


In her dungeon, Pinkamena was busy helping in making preparations to help Sombra join the search. Just then, her senses made her look up.

"Hmm, seems our friends are heading to another universe to save the day from evil counterparts of themselves." Pinkamena said. "They might need help."

"Well, we best help them." Golden Heart said, knowing that the Mane Six and Spike may need help in their adventure.

"No, it is too risky; we are not sure how stable that world will be when the Mane 6 and Spike are there. Brother, you need to watch this place with our friends. I will enter there. I can easily blend in." Pinkamena gets into her armor and helmet, with the visor which covers her eyes and a piece folds over her muzzle. "The Bird of Prey is ready to hunt."

"Just be careful sister; who knows how powerful the evil counterparts must be."

Pinkamena nods and trots off to secretly join the Mane 6; whatever will happen only time will tell.


Moments later, Captain Goodguy was leading the Mane Six and Spike through the castle.

Spike commented out loud, "Boy, that trouble detector in the castle must be pretty sensitive indeed to pick up trouble in another dimension. Either that, or it is some pretty MAJOR trouble. Or even a combination of the two."

"Yeah, when it rang out earlier, we had no idea since it wasn't on the map." Fluttershy said in agreement.

The group entered a room where they saw her: the alternative version of Chrysalis who didn't have any holes in her horn and, legs but she did have a pair of butterfly wings and a pony-like mane and was wearing glasses.

"Captain Goodguy. So you got the heroes of the other world here." Chrysalis said, noting the newcomers.

"Yes, Your Highness." Captain Goodguy said as he bowed to her, "They are the ones who got through to Celestia and Luna and reformed them."

"Well, at least this Chrysalis is a lot nicer than the one back home." Rainbow remarked to her friends.

"Time is of the essence. We must stop your evil selves from getting their talismans." Chrysalis said seriously. "They have stolen a map which could lead them to the location of them."

"Yes, already the Erroneous Equines, which we called them, are hunting all over our Equestria for the talismans which can grant them new found power." Captain Goodguy said with a nod, pulling down a board which had a picture of nine talismans on it. "There are nine talismans altogether; one dark red, one dark orange, one dark yellow, one dark green, one dark blue, one dark indigo, one dark violet, one dark pink and one black."

"Collect them all to make terror!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

"And destroy all of creation." Chrysalis added seriously. "Each talisman amplifies the pre-existing abilities of the wearer a hundredfold (ten thousandfold if someone is wearing TWO talismans) PLUS grants a different additional power (two different additional powers if someone is wearing two talismans), but when they are ALL in close proximity, the enhancement becomes FAR greater."

"In other words, if they git together, we're doomed, right?" Applejack ask the good versions in concern.

"Precisely." Chrysalis nodded in reply.

"Well, looks like we're on a scavenger hunt, then." Twilight said, scratching her shin.

"Well, yours truly memorized the map before they took it." Discord explained carefully. "Each area in Equestria had two talisman hidden in a different area, except my territory, that had THREE hidden in it."

"Well, we got to secure those talisman before then!" Twilight remarked in determination. She can't let the enemies get their hooves on the talisman. This Equestria had suffered with their Sombra a villain, no more.

"Chrysalis, Good Guy." A familiar voice said. The group looked surprised as a shaggy-looking familiar unicorn with a blue mane came in.

"Is that Shining's other version?" Fluttershy asked in surprise, seeing the frightened unicorn.

"I think it is!" Twilight exclaimed.

"My love." Chrysalis said, smiling as she came over to Shining...and the two kissed. Of course, seeing this shocked and confused the ones from the prime Equestria.

"Wait, hang on, are you two...in love?" Rainbow asked Chrysalis and Shining. "What about Cadance?"

"You mad?" Shining asked in shock and alarm. "That evil witch forced herself on me! She is evil, even tried to force me to marry her! I'm glad Chrysalis got me out of there."

"Yes, Cadance is still around, despite her aunts now reformed." Chrysalis said with an annoyed tone. "She always blamed me for taking what is rightfully hers away."

The ponies looked bewildered. Applejack remarked, "Well, at least Shining being wit' Chrysalis here seems right than it is back home."

"At least this Chrysalis is a lot nicer." Pinkie said gleefully. "The author Jus is trying to find a way to get one of his fave pairings involving a baddie in his stories for some time now!"

"Well, what is it?" Captain Good Guy ask Shining in concern.

"I got reports from Derpy's territory." Shining said seriously. "The other Fluttershy has gotten her talisman and my sister and her friends are on their way to the next one!"

"No!" Captain Good Guy cried in shock and horror.

"Unfortunately, yes." Shining said grimly.

"Then we shall go after them." Twilight said in determination. She commented, "Good thing Ben, Big Mac and Tough Apple all volunteered to help Fred, Barney, Sunset and Flash protect the castle AND Lorcan in our absence, just in case some villain found out about said absence and wanted to take advantage of it."

"Good to hear!" Chrysalis exclaims as she quickly gave a paper to the princess of the good Equestria. "This will give you the information on the Talisman location."

"Hey, who's that?" Spike asked as he noticed someone in a nearby window.

The group turned and saw three familiar fillies peeking in, wearing KISS-like outfits. The three yelped and rushed off.

"The Cutie Mark Traitors." Chrysalis said with a deep frown.

"Evil versions o' mah sister an' her friends?" Applejack asked in concern.

"And they're spies for our evil selves?" Rarity asked though she doesn't really need an answer.

"As a matter of fact, they are." Chrysalis replied with a nod.

"In fact, they are always causing trouble, spying for your evil selves and tormenting poor Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." Shining said, shaking his head in concern.

"The bullying brat and her flunky?" Rainbow asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, don't tell us. Polar opposite versions of them in this world." Applejack guessed.

"Most likely, they are nicer here." Spike said with a shrug. "I feel sorry for them."

"Great, by the time we go after them, they would be gone and informing the Erroneous Equines!" Discord exclaimed seriously, knowing that the CMT would be off telling their bosses.

"In that case, we must move to the next talisman." Twilight said seriously and in determination. She won't let this Equestria fell to any more evil, not again.

"Right, we will keep on trucking and Shining will keep on loving Goody Chrysalis." Pinkie said happily, bouncing up and down.

"And hope Ben and the others back home are fine with our absence." Rarity said, hoping that the others back home won't mind the group's absence.


Meanwhile within the Rainbow Castle, much activity was going on in which Ben, Nyx & Phobos were searching all over. They appeared to be trying to find or locate something that was lost, but were having a hard time trying to find it. After what was nearly an hour to almost 2 of searching with no results, they meant up again in the council table room.

"Any luck?" Ben asked those here if they found anything.

"Nope!" Phobos shook his head off to say this.

"Sorry daddy." Nyx shrug off to say this as her answer as well.

"I don't understand. Twilight & everyone were last seen some time ago, but now they vanished without a trace." Ben stated in confusion of where Twilight, the Mane Five &Spike went off to that no one knows where they went.

"I know, both those six...." Phobos was about to say something until he was cut...

"Seven Phobos, you forgot to add Spike." Nyx corrected to say this in counting Spike among the Mane Six group that was missing.

"Right, right, those seven are gone & we're not sure why." Phobos replied off in continuing to say this stuff off in just not following any of this.

"I'm currently trying to unravel this, if nothing else...I may have to see if anyone last saw them around Ponyville." Ben explained what sort of course he will take in order to figure out this blank mystery here.

"I can go & check on Apple Bloom & Sweetie Belle if they know where their sisters are. Maybe ask if Scootaloo saw where her idol went off to." Nyx suggested in checking out her Cutie Mark Crusader pals if they saw AJ, Rarity & Rainbow Dash anywhere.

"I suppose I can start with the Cake Family if they’ve seen Pinkie Pie. But the only chatter I'm getting is lots of animal talk from Fluttershy's jam-pack cottage of animals." Phobos sighs off to say in where he can get answers on Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy, though the last one will be a pickle for him.

"Do what you both can, I'm gonna try to maybe ask my mom & aunt if maybe they were called to Canterlot or something." Ben stated this off to his family here to do what they can for right now.

"Right!" Nyx & Phobos nod off their heads before heading off to leave Ben alone.

"Twilight, wherever you are, I hope you & the others are doing alright. While you’re away, we'll hold down the fort here for you." Ben issued off to say this that thought their friends & family are away, they will watch over the Rainbow Kingdom until they return.

With that, the scene begins to go dark around now, as it appears that even those still in Equestria Prime will have to handle things on their own while the Mane Six & Spike are off somewhere...All while not really knowing where the gang truly are at...


In the other world, Chrysalis is preparing a transportation device which Captain Good Guy made in his spare time. It should have the ability to teleport the good guys to the area quickly.

"Have you got the teleportation device ready?" Twilight ask Chrysalis as she came in.

"Almost." Chrysalis said as she pushes a button. Beeping noises came out of the device. "There, it should be ready."

"Uh, Your Majesty?"

Chrysalis comment, "No need to sweat the royal titles. You can just call me 'Chrys'."

Twilight ask, "You know, err - Chrys, I was wondering, if you are the entity of Love in this universe, that what about this universe's Cadance?"

Chrysalis comment, "Please, Twilight, do NOT mention that maniac. She's been the Dark Alicorn of Hate ever since her ascension. The situation is bad enough as it is."

"Sorry. So she is really bad?"

"Yes. Shining, oh my beloved Shining, was scared to death of her. She forced him to date, terrorized him and all her classmates back at her school, tried to marry him. But truth be told, his heart always belong to me. So I was able to rearrange a rescue minion, leaving a Changeling who is willing to fight for the good side to fool her so I can get my love."

"Wow, Shining must really love you?" Twilight ask, smiling as she saw the hint of love in Chrysalis's eyes. Unlike her other self who is using the prime Shining for her own means, the love is truly there.

"Yes, that is the case. Shining lacks courage, but he is getting better. I will do my best to help my beloved." Chrysalis said with a sigh. "So tell me...do you have a me back in your world? I got a feeling that you do and she is worst."

"Oh, even worst! She mind controlled by own brother, absorbed his love for Cadance to try to destroy the shield around Canterlot for her own forces to invade, she turned my own friends, brother and teacher against me, try to trick me to kill my own Cadance, kidnapped three little fillies, tried to force me on her side and then tried to kill me, has two doubles who worked with a monster, and even tricked me into letting her out of her prison. Yeah, she is worst and a monster."

"I see...I'm...I'm sorry for I did to you."

Twilight smiles, hugging the Element of Love in the Mirrorverse, saying, "It's all right. At least you're better than she is."

"Are we ready to go?" Rainbow ask impatiently as she, the rest of the Mane Five, Spike, Captain Good Guy, and Shining came in. "Our other selves would've gotten the next talisman by now!"

"It is ready, my friends." Chrysalis said. She purrs while taking Shining by the hoof, kissing him. "My love will help you, Shining."

"Thanks. At least it's much better than dealing with her." Shining said with a shudder.

The two lovers kissed once more. Rarity sighs happily, "While I do like Shining with Cadance, the one with Chrysalis here...so romantic."

"Oh, you and the romantic type." Applejack remarks with a light chuckle.


"Okay, Pinkie Pie, your talisman is here." The other Twilight said as she points to a location. "In Derpy's territory still but I will get us there."

"Yes! Oh yes, cupcakes, you will be mine!" Other Pinkie exclaims with a mad squeal. Her allies look at her in disgust and annoyance. That Pinkie has one track disgusting mind!

"Applejack, Spike, you two get to wielded two."

"Yeah! Hay yeah, no one would stop me." Other Applejack remarks in agreement. "Anypony who said otherwise are lying 'ta themselves like Ah was."

"I hope to get mine soon. I will crush anyone who makes fun of my own size now." Other Spike remarks, smirking wickedly.

"Hey big sis!" Other Apple Bloom remarks as she and her pals in the Cutie Mark Traitors. The small filly smirks wickedly as she spoke, "We done got some news."

"So what is it?" Other Applejack demands more than she asked.

"We found out that Captain Good Guy and Chrysalis has got some new help." Other Scootaloo said with a frown. "In the forms of your goodie two-shoes selves from the other universes."

"Yeah, the same ones who reformed Celestia and Luna but changed Sombra bad." Other Sweetie Belle remarks wickedly.

"What?" Other Rarity screeches out in fury. "Our other selves are here?! Oh, they will ruin everything!"

"No, they won't. We will move on as planned. And if our other selves get in the way..." Other Twilight said wickedly as she fires a blast at a rotten apple, blasting it into pieces. "THEY'RE DEAD!"

The Erroneous Equines laugh cruelly. They will have all the talisman and takes this world...and maybe the other Equestria too if they're lucky! No one, not even themselves, will get in the way. They will be crushed!

Author's Note:

Sorry for the big delay, folks, but this chapter is done. What will happen next? More to come so read, review and suggest.

This chapter has references to the Fiendship is Magic issues, mostly the ones with Sombra and Queen Chrysalis.

Okay, I admit. I like Shining x Chrysalis, but not too much! This story will give me one heck of an excuse to use the pairing.