• Published 26th Jul 2015
  • 1,901 Views, 21 Comments

Return to the Mirrorverse - JusSonic

Twilight and her friends confront their dangerous enemies: themselves! Can they stop them?

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Chapter 4: Back from Mirrorverse

Chapter 4: Back from the Mirrorverse

"Well done, heroes of Equestria Prime." Appearing before the Mane Six & Spike, was good version of Chrysalis as she spoke. Then popping near her was Captain Goodguy as they smiled in what was seen. "You have helped save our world from a great peril, we cannot thank you enough." Chrysalis issued off in being sincere about her words.

"Shucks, glad we were able ta help out." Applejack replied off to say this about the fact.

"Yep, being heroes is what we do best." Rainbow Dash bragged off in knowing that they are awesome.

"And now we things settled, what will happen next?" Rarity asked off in being curious about with the Erroneous Equines' defeat of being evil, what will happen after...

"Well, there will be a bit of cleaning up from the damages that's been done, but you need not worry." Captain Goodguy explained off about the case in which those here, won't need to worry about.

"Why's that?" Spike raised an eyebrow in being puzzled by that quote.

"We required your aid, & your deed here is accomplished. It is time for you all to return home." Chrysalis exclaimed to say that with the heroes having completed what they set out for, it was time for them to return to their own universe.

"Aw, so soon? But we haven't had a party to celebrate this moment!" Pinkie Pie pouted to say in seeing that they wish they could stay longer to have fun after everything.

"What will happen to...um, ourselves, if you don't mind me asking?" Fluttershy meekly asked off shyly about what happens to the counterparts of them here.

"Just like Celestia & Luna, we'll hopefully show them the correct path & redeem them of their misguided acts of evil." Chrysalis explained forth in what they will do to ensure things will be alright.

"Yeah, not sure how since they are knocked out." Shining said, concerned for his own sister not being restored. "But we will try."

"Are you ready, I'm sure everyone back in your universe misses you so," Captain Goodguy exclaimed off to mention this to the others of what they mustn't forget back home.

"They're right, while it would be nice to stick around, we have a responsibility back home, & family & friends. So, what do you say?" Twilight explained the case to her friends in knowing that they need to think about what is waiting for them back home, they left without a notice, & that will cause worry, so...they must do this for those that miss them...

Little by little, the others were nodding their heads in agreement before turning to Captain Goodguy, who smiled to nod in understanding the expressions of their faces. With a simple snap of his fingers, the group disappeared into thin air, now on their way back from where they came...

"And now, their little deed is done." Captain Goodguy spoke off to say this while smiling.

"Indeed, they truly were the right ponies to aid us." Chrysalis nodded her head in agreement, the group they called in helped them out a lot.

With that, the scene begins to slowly close off here & grow dark...as for where the Mane Six & Spike end up back in their universe...remains to be seen....


At this very moment, we find three characters walking down through Ponyville having done much around the town & it's problems. But of course, they were nowhere closer to knowing what had happened to the Mane Six & Spike. The others have been gone for almost an entire day now, this didn't sit well with them.

"Phew, that's the last request around." Ben sighs to say this in being glad that last request as prince was over.

"But even still, we haven't found mommy or the others." Nyx stated to say this in appearing to be a bit sad.

"I know Nyx, we'll find them, you can be sure of that." Ben pats his daughter's back to cheer her up.

"Brother, complaining won't get us anywhere! I should know that better than anyone!" Phobos complained off to mention this that complaining won't get them anywhere.

Unknown to the group, a swirling cloud was forming that seem to be a rip from another universe, namely the Mirrorverse, as seven dots are seen falling from it as it zipped away.

"I mean, what's gonna happen, it's not like the answer's gonna fall down from the sky, right?" Phobos rolled his eyes off to say this in what was the unlikely chance of finding those to come down on them without warning.

Then without warning, the Mane Six & Spike ended up dog piling right on Ben, Nyx & Phobos. This caught the latters by surprise while everyone was struggling to push themselves to stand up.

"Why is it I never be more considerate of my choice words?" Phobos remarked off to say this in never being careful of his choice words.

"Twilight, you guys....you’re back." Ben stated off in surprise to see who was back all of a sudden.

"Wow, we actually made it back!" Spike stated to say this in looking around, they are back in their own Equestria.

"Back from where?" Nyx raised an eyebrow in not following along the conversation.

"It's a long story darling." Rarity patted Nyx's head to make the filly follow along that they have a tale to be told.

"A long, very unusual story." Rainbow Dash nodded off to roll her eyes in stating off such a fact.

"One where we were the bad guys & we had to stop ourselves from conquering their world & coming to rule ours." Pinkie Pie stated off this with a perky smile on her face.

"Ugh!" Phobos was left stumped in completely being lost in what the heck was the random pony talking about.

"Um, maybe we should take this elsewhere." Fluttershy stated that maybe they should talk about this where they have more private time than outside where everyone that was looking at them weirdly would here.

"Good idea, we're kinda sore from falling out o' nowhere twice now." Applejack rubs her aching neck from how they fell on a lot of things when they get magically teleported.

"Come on everyone, let’s get back to the castle while we fill you in on what happened." Twilight stated to say this in where they should go to discuss things a bit more while they get to their castle home.

Ben, Nyx & Phobos could not say no to that as they followed everyone to return to Rainbow Castle as they were gonna be filled in while they walk. Unknown to everyone, someone poof'd from where the gang was, & it was none other than Pinkamena that had returned too, apparently.

"Phw, good thing Captain Goodguy gave me a ride back too, now to get back to Goldie & tell him & the others of what happened." Pinkamena exclaimed to say this in feeling relieved that she got back home, & that she best get home to tell her brother & pals of her adventure.

Then Pinkamena zipped off to return to her Secret Dungeon home, where she have some news to tell. The scene goes dark here as much strangeness of those that have come home, are slowly making their progress now...


The group passed by the CMC who are wearing bandages from a certain event, the sisters (and idol in Rainbow's case) are relieved that they're all right. Along the way back to the castle, the Mane Six and Spike explains their adventure to Ben, Nyx and Phobos. Ben of course knew of the world since he was once there himself.

Back at the Rainbow Castle within the Council of Friendship table, the Mane Six & Spike sat down to let themselves be at ease. Ben, Nyx & Phobos came to check on them from after having experienced what they went through, it's a wonder how soar they must be.

"You all gonna be alright?" Ben asked off in seeing everyone was still a bit lost in their own thoughts about what happened.

"We're fine Ben, thank you for the concern." Twilight smiled off to say that they are fine, they are not in trouble, just...distracted by thought.

"It's alright mommy, you went through a tough spot after all." Nyx smiled off to say this to cheer her mother & aunts up.

"Yeah, facing your own counterparts, fighting them, nearly injuring yourselves, & against that unexpected power, who wouldn't be shocked?" Phobos was pointing off all the terrible things that happened, which would only grow to make the problem worse until...

"Okay Phobos, we get it..." Spike rolled his eyes to stop Phobos from trying to cheer them up, it was only making it worse.

"Spike darling, do you know how we obtain our Rainbow Power back there?" Rarity asked off a question that was on the mind.

"She's right, we were about done fer, but ye seem ta struggle wit' somethin' before a light got on us." Applejack nods off in pondering the same thing of what happened to them back there.

"Well in truth, there was a strange voice." Spike rub the back of his head in what he remembers.

"Oh brother, voices in your head, who was it?" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in knowing that hearing voices can't be a good sign.

"Don't know, he didn't sound much like an enemy, he just sounded....mysterious & a puzzling guy when he said I have to answer a riddle & it to save you." Spike rub his head in stating what he knows, some voice said he save everyone if but a single riddle was answered, & that was it.

"Wow! Imagine how life would be if that would help solve everything!" Pinkie Pie spoke off to say in thinking that was something to look forward to.

"I doubt that be enough to solve all our troubles, Pinkie Pie." Twilight lightly smiled off on the topic itself.

"But still, whoever did it, maybe he's a nice pony." Fluttershy spoke optimistic with a meekly smile on her face.

"Think it was a Mystic?" Applejack asked off in pondering if that was who helped them.

"Well it certainly didn't sound like someone we know....heck, I don't think they could even help you regain your Rainbow Forms so easily or that they say you have to do it yourself or something." Spike was concern in knowing that the Mystics usual don't offer too big an extension of help, they have the gang find it out for themselves, plus the voice didn't sound like anyone they know.

"But didn't Tao once spoke to us as a voice?" Nyx raised an eyebrow in pondering this for thought of their last adventure where a mysterious voice guided them.

"Yeah, but it wasn't Tao, nor any of the other Mystics we met before." Spike shook his head off to say that whoever this new voice was, it was no Mystic, that was for sure.

"So our mystery riddle guy is a big mystery to us all." Pinkie Pie rub her chin in thinking that was the question in itself.

"That's one way of addressing things." Phobos rolled his eyes in having heard what the pony said.

"Think we'll even come across this 'savoir' of ours in the future?" Rainbow Dash asked off if they will meet who helped them out this time or in the future.

"Well perhaps someday, right now...let’s just be glad we're all today, safe & sound..." Ben smiled off to say this in knowing what's important, everyone is together.

"Your right Ben, for now...let's let this mysterious riddle of whoever helped us out be settle for later. I may be fascinated in how he could perform such a task, but...I'll wait until I actually meet him." Twilight replied off to say this that though she has interest in who saved them in that last second with such a feat, they maybe as well let it go & maybe find out sooner or later...

The rest of the gang nods off in agreement while soon turning the discussion into something with more pleasant chatters to be heard. Everything begins to go dark around now in how things were turning out...


Meanwhile, unknown to anyone, the strange new & mysterious voice belong to a strange stallion hidden in a strange silver void place. Using magic that made an emerald cloud appear to show images of the heroes that have safely return from their trip from after being victorious against the Erroneous Equines & their Dark Rainbow Power.

"Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That? Can you guess when our next act shall be at?" Spoke the mysterious character that was hidden as if making a little rhyming riddle game in those he was seeing.

Images show other events that will pass, such things the heroes will overcome....before a strange event brings them all...into a strange slumber...From there, strange creatures appear, both evil & good, but the one performing it all...is a scary jester lead off to act...from the Demon God's domain as seen...The emerald clouds fade from there, as the mysterious character has seen all he wants to see, knowing only of what...will occur next...

"Hmmm...a intriguing event to be sure to see, so sleep well little ponies..." The mysterious character spoke off as he twirls a golden scepter with a question mark symbol top when turning to leave. "The next game of where you'll need me will be....in your dreams..." He spoke off in riddles, saying when the group will need him, why was that, remains unsure...

With that, the character suddenly vanished from sight, nothing was seen while everything fades. Just who was that character who helped out the heroes? Why did he say they meet again & in their dreams? What events are sure to follow, that is a question...best left to solve within the future to be told.

The End

Author's Note:

Major Cast

Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle, Evil Twilight
Ashleigh Ball: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Evil Rainbow, Evil Applejack
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Evil Pinkie, Evil Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Evil Rarity, Granny Smith
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon, Evil Spike
John de Lancie: Captain Goodguy
Kathleen Barr: Other Chrysalis
Andrew Francis: Other Shining Armor
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom, Other Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle, Other Sweetie Belle
Madeleine Peters: Scootaloo, Other Scootaloo

Minor Cast

Jason Marsden: Ben Mare
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Jim Miller: King Sombra
Lara Jill Miller: Autumn Gem
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Peter New: Big Macintosh, Mirrorverse Cop
Lee Tockbar: Other Spot
Richard Ian Cox: Other Fido
Scott McNeil: Other Rover, Tough Apple
Jennifer Hale: Flare Tiger

With special voice appearance by
Robert Englund: Mysterious Voice

Phew, glad that fic is over. I'm happy to finally get this done. I'd like to thank my reviewers and suggesters for reading the fic and giving out the usual suggestions. As for who the voice is…that is for another story.

Okay, here's what going on next which is a short story...

"Re-Education For Benevolence (short story happens at the EXACT same time as "Return to the Mirrorverse"): While the Mane Six and Spike are busy helping Captain Goodguy and Chrysalis against the super-charged Erroneus Equines, the Mirrorverse versions of Trixie, the Flim Flams and Derpy are busy helping their recently reformed versions of Celestia and Luna re-learn on how to deal with situations in a completely just manner and save violence as an absolute last resort."

Well, I hope to get this done ASAP, so until next time, read, review and suggest!

Comments ( 4 )

I dunno why you added the VAs for the cast, but okay... :unsuresweetie:


Adding voice actors is something I'd done in the early days of my fan-fiction career. And I'm often continue that tradition in some of my other work.

The voice is Sunset Shimmer isn’t it?

Well that was a pretty interesting story here and I got to say I've always liked that comic of the reflection there was so many possible ways in the alternate universe how ponies and creatures can go so it looks like the Mane 6 and Spike finally stopped the darker version of them self but they will wonder what's going to happen to them what Chrysalis and good guy told them that they are going to the same position as Celestia and Luna so that's good and was that they return to their universe and once they did it was an interesting crash landing but they are home and they explained to Twilight's family about this whole situation and whoever is this mysterious unknown Pony or creature he looks like he knows what's going to happen next but I guess that's another story again this was pretty awesome keep up the good work

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