• Published 26th Jul 2015
  • 1,909 Views, 21 Comments

Return to the Mirrorverse - JusSonic

Twilight and her friends confront their dangerous enemies: themselves! Can they stop them?

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Battle of the Sevenes

Chapter 3: The Battle of the Sevenes

Last time we left off, Twilight & her group were brought to the Mirrorverse to stop their other selves from obtaining all nine talismans together. The mission didn't go so well, for not only did the Erroneous Equines gain the upper hand in their task, but they transformed into their Dark Rainbow Forms. How are the heroes supposed to compete against this type of enemy that has become harder to beat then before.

"Oh man, this does not look good!" Other Shining Armor exclaimed with worry of the situation here.

"One talisman was hard, two nearly twice the difficulty, but now...now all nine are brought together!" Queen Chrysalis exclaimed with a serious face that from all the talismans gather as one, the enemy is more dangerous than ever.

"I can't believe this is happening. It's like seeing our own Rainbow Forms, but in a nightmare version of it." Twilight stated to say this in seeing what was happening here, it's like seeing the Rainbow Forms of themselves gone evil.

"Now they are no longer called our 'Others', but now 'Evil' selves since they obtain some dark powers now." Pinkie Pie pointed out to say this that now they have to address those they called 'Other' before their name, 'Evil' cause now they look & appear like powered up evil forms.

Captain Goodguy comment, "If we can keep that gang separated, I would probably be powerful enough to handle either one of the two-talisman-powered gangsters; albeit just barely. I know Chrysalis would be powerful enough to handle the other one of the two-talisman-powered criminals with the help of your universe's Twilight. Once the two of THEM are defeated, then the nine of us would be free to focus our combined might on the five single-talisman-powered evil-doers, especially that 'Rainbow Power' I heard you have now."

"Gulp, can we even win?" Spike swallowed hard in feeling this may be hard to win when they have a little disadvantage now.

"Never fear friends! So long as you have I, Captain Goodguy, & Queen Chrysalis, we shall standby your side till the end!" Captain Goodguy proclaimed to appear as a general wielding a sword, preparing to go to war here.

"Then why not try this, Captain Goodbye?" Evil Rainbow Dash taunted off to say this to the guy.

"Goodbye?" Captain Goodguy replied off puzzled in why his name was changed as if he was going somewhere unless....uh-oh; now he gets the pun joke.

Then without warning, the Erroneous Equines unleashed a dark beam blast of great size that was coming near the group. Captain Goodguy & Queen Chrysalis couldn't dodge as the blast knock them far from the gang.

"Chrysalis!" Other Shining Armor yelled out in seeing his love get knock across over the lands.

"It appears I spoke too son, we'll be out of the battle as we're knock all the way to a China-theme town! Stay alive, friends!" Captain Goodguy's voice was heard yelling off across the distance before he & Chrysalis vanish like a shooting star to have been knock out of the battle before it even has started.

"Okay, that was seriously crazy." Rainbow Dash pointed off in seeing what just happened, was unbelievable.

"Man, in all honesty, when we fought Tirek wit' them powers, even with so much magic, it did him nothin'." Applejack stated in looking concern, beating Tirek when they had the power seem easy, but their evil selves just took out Captain Goodguy & Chrysalis like it was a breeze to them.

"Gulp....so, what do we do now?" Fluttershy swallowed hard in fearing the situation was not to their liking.

"You can beg for mercy." Evil Fluttershy cruelly suggested this off in what the heroes can do.

"Or get turn into cupcakes." Evil Pinkie Pie suggested an insane idea that made many feel disturbed by the thought.

"Cause don't matter wha ye can dish out." Evil Applejack remarked off that no matter what the good guys here can do won't save them.

"It won't save you from what power has made us become, and I must say....we look marvelous!" Evil Rarity smiled off to marvel at their looks that from such a display, all will bow to them.

"Ahhh, you like such dark looks, now wouldn't you?" Rarity protest off in feeling that her other self has truly lost it in becoming more evil then before.

"Enough of this girls, lets finish what was left unsettled." Evil Twilight cuts in to state this as the main leader as she smiles evilly that it's time they ended the heroes here for good now.

"Heh, you all can enjoy beating your goody selves, the wimpy Dragon is mine to clobber." Evil Spike stated off to chuckle while cracking his knuckles now.

"Twilight, I sure hope we can get through this before these guys can even try to invade our home." Spike whispered this to the smart mare in hoping they can stop these foes before they can invade their Equestria.

"I know Spike. Right now, I'm hoping that Ben & the others aren't having as bad of difficulties as we are right now." Twilight stated to say this in wishing that those back home are not having any difficulties at this time...


Meanwhile, back in Equestria Prime, Ben was being led by Nyx & Phobos to the Apple's Farm where something seem to have crashed.

"What's all the trouble?" Ben asked off in pondering what was going on.

"Derpy was making her mail deliver when a bird flew against her face. She fell by Sweet Apple Acres & the Apples were concerned that they needed help." Nyx stated off in what was going on before the mentioned pony fell around here.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac nods his head off in agreement there.

"And she landed right over near our tomato batch!" Granny Smith pointed off in where Derpy fell near, a bush of tomatoes.

"Okay...let’s see what..." Ben was about to say something when he was cut off...

"Ugh....O." Then appearing out of the tomato batch was Derpy, but she yelped while looking all covered in....RED!

"WAAAAAAAUGH! DERPY'S COVERED IN BLOOD!" Phobos screamed out in horror in seeing what was wrong with Derpy.

"Sweet Nelly! Are we's gonna be sued fer this! But I didn't do nothin' here!" Tough Apple yelps off in thinking this will get them arrested or something for this.

"Wait a second." Ben stated in checking what was wrong with the pony as he used a hanky.

"What's wrong daddy?" Nyx asked her father in what was wrong here until...

"No reason to panic you guys, Derpy's not covered in blood, this stuff is actually tomato juice." Ben turn to the others in explaining that what Derpy was covered in was actually not blood, just tomato juice.

"WAAAAAAAUGH! DERPY'S COVERED IN TOMATO JUICE!" Phobos screamed off in still being horrified by what Derpy was covered in.

"So anyway...there's no problem here." Ben rolled his eyes in seeing this was no danger or any serious problem here.

"Few....fer a moment, thought we were in big trouble." Tough Apple sighs in relief to have heard this.

"Nnnope!" Big Mac shook his head off in stating they are good, they are in not trouble in any causalities with Derpy here.

"By de way, when ye find Applejack, tell her ta come by, won't'cha?" Granny Smith stated to say this to Ben in passing this message to her granddaughter.

"We will!" Nyx nods off in stating this while her family turn to leave the scene.

"Right....as soon as I find her along with Twilight & the others." Ben whispered this off to not alarm the Apples about the Mane Six's disappearing act. "Well, hopefully wherever they are, they aren't in any dangerous situations?" Ben whispered this off in hoping there was no problems as dangerous for Twilight & the rest to be in while they handle things here.

While Ben may have wished for that, what was happening where the Mane Six were at was not the case...


"LOOKOUT! WERE IN A DANGEROUS SITUATION!" Pinkie Pie shouted off this in sounding like the Mane Six bunch are in a dangerous situation at this very moment.

And true to that, the Mane Six find themselves in another strange mess going on. The Erroneous Equines wielding their Dark Rainbow Power was hammering down on the good guys to either they dodge or find cover...The fate of what was gonna happen to the Mirrorverse was now, & so far...the heroes are just trying to stay alive while their enemies begin to toy with the powerless ponies...

"How in 'dis world can we stop them?" Applejack asks her friends in concern.

"Captain Goodguy and Chrysalis did said that if separated, these girls aren't powerful. So if we separate them and keep them away from one another, we may have a chance." Twilight said thoughtfully.

"But how can we do that?" Fluttershy ask Twilight in concern.

"Allow me. CANNONBALL!" Pinkie exclaims as she took out her party cannon at the highest level, sending a shot at the Erroneous Equines.

The evil seven yelps as the shot knocked them a few feet away from one another. Good, that should work!

"Pick a partner, ponies!" Applejack exclaims in determination. "Namely yerselves!"

The ponies and Spike rush to go after their evil twin. Hopefully if they defeat the evil twins, the rest will be a breeze!

Pinkamena was seen watching the events from a bit faraway, as she has seen what was occurring as they speak.

"Looks like things are going to be tough but I can't help them. I might end up getting in the way. For now, I just need to watch & wait for a moment to strike...if things are looking their worse." Pinkamena exclaimed off to say this in feeling all she can do is wait for if a moment calls for her attention to act, but only when things look dire.

The pink mare in armor signs as she continues to watch the action of the Mane Six face off against the Erroneous Equines in their Dark Rainbow Forms. Hoping that her friends can handle this, & hoping they can win this one....somehow.

The battle between the Mane Six and the Erroneous Equines was about to begin.

"Okay, sugah cube! Time 'ta go ugly on yew like ugly on ape!" Applejack exclaimed.

The mare twirled her rope and threw it at her opponent, but Evil Applejack moved in time.

"Hey, how..." Applejack began to say.

"Ah did 'dat? Ah can see 'de future, varmint...an' read minds!" Evil Applejack taunts her good self. "Ah knew what yew were doing before yew were even doing it!"

"'Dat's dishonest!" Applejack exclaimed furiously. "Yer're..."

"An embarrassment 'ta mah family, like Ah care fer those ingrates." Evil Applejack finisheed Applejack's sentence.

"Okay, 'dat's..." Applejack started, a bit annoyed that her evil self was finishing her sentences now.

"...annoying?" Evil Applejack asked with an evil smirk.

"Stop 'dat!" Applejack exclaimed, snorting a bit. She yelped as a blast came from her evil self's talisman.

"Did we forget 'dat mention we got a bit o' Rainbow Power?" Evil Applejack taunted, revealing another power.

Meanwhile, Rarity was having trouble as her evil self reveal the same power, causing the mare to dodge like mad.

"So where is this shape shifting power?" Rarity asked, arching an eyebrow. Evil Rarity responded by turning into Other Luna when she was mad. "AAAHH! I HAD TO ASK!"

Evil Rarity/Other Luna fires magical blasts at Rarity who barely dodges them. She booms in the Royal Canterlot Voice, "THOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE WEAK! THOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE!"

"Oh, we'll see about that, you uncouth mule!" Rarity snapped in determination. A mule sound was heard, making her turn to a mule nearby, saying, "No offense."

"None taken." The mule said.

The mule rushed off the battlefield as 'Other Luna' fired rainbow blasts at her opponent. Meanwhile, both Pinkies crashed heads with Pinkie firing shots from her Party Cannon which Evil Pinkie blocked with her force field generating.

"Come on, play fair!" Pinkie whined to herself. "You're just blocking. Unfair!"

"You want fair?! Go to one!" Evil Pinkie laughed as she jumped up, throwing energy blast at the good self, making her yelp and bounce to avoid the blasts.

"Awww, that isn't nice!" Pinkie whined a bit.

"Who said I was nice?" Evil Pinkie exclaimed madly. She took out some knives. "When I can have Pinkie Cupcakes?!"

Pinkie screamed frantically as Evil Pinkie prepared to attack...only was knocked down very fast by an unknown attacker in a familiar suit.

"Hey, who the buck are you?!" Evil Pinkie snapped angrily.

The figure winked to Pinkie, who grinned. She knew who this was.

"Sorry, evil Pinkie other than the one I know: no pony cupcakes for you today!" Pinkamena exclaimed, disguising her voice to keep anypony but the good Pinkie from knowing who she was.

"Why, you interfering cheater!" Evil Pinkie roared.

"Hey, an eye for an eye, like a cheat for a cheat like Eddie Plant in Pixels!" Pinkamena exclaimed. She turns to the camera, adding, "Seriously, folks. JusSonic likes the film so don't judge it too badly...although, the ending with Q*Bert turning into a woman? What's with that? Can't the aliens give Lady Lisa as a prize than go for that? And the babies? How creepy is that? When the authors go for their inspiration story, no worries, folks, they won't do that route or do anything to make a gender bender!"

"I agree! I mean, that part was TOTALLY gross!" Pinkie remarked in disgust.

"What are you talking about?! Who are you talking to?!" Evil Pinkie asked in confusion. "There's nopony there!"

Uh, girls? Can we get back to the story please?

"Okie dokie lokie!" The Pinkies exclaimed as they got back to fighting.


Nyx walked around until she found Flare Tiger, who was busy with a sale. The Alicorn filly decided to run to her then tap on her leg. Flare Tiger hummed and looked at Nyx but noticed something wrong, which come from face's writing.

Flare Tiger worried, asked the black filly, "Nyx... Is there something wrong?"

Nyx nodded as she told Flare Tiger about not being able to find the Mane Six and Spike, also strange that happened was when she witness her three friends who were knocked away. Flare Tiger realized something when she put piece to piece into whole.

Flare Tiger nodded as she spoke, "Not to worry, Nyx, just have faith in them... Ah promise ya."

Nyx looked up as she asked, "Really?"

Flare Tiger nodded as she watched Nyx's smile and trotted away. The mare turned up to the sky with a mumble, "What have y'all got into?" Then she turned to her business and kept working on it.


"What the hay did we get ourselves into?!" Fluttershy squeaked as she dodged the rainbow blasted from Other Fluttershy while dodging the planets send.

"Hee hee. You are nothing more than a mare who can't fly." Evil Fluttershy madly taunted herself. "Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy who could barely fly."

Hearing this caused Fluttershy to stop in place with widened eyes before they started welling with tears as she started whimpering.

"Wimp, wimp! Worse than your pathetic animals!" Evil Fluttershy exclaims wickedly.

Hearing that made Fluttershy gasp, then growl angrily.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Fluttershy roared as she jumped at herself, ripping through the plants trying to get in her ways. "I can take being labeled a non-flyer...but no one but no one makes fun of my animal friends!" She gave out the Stare, snapping, "You may look like me BUT DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT MAKE MINE OF MY ANIMAL FRIENDS AGAIN, DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Evil Fluttershy flinched in fear from her goody-goody counterpart's Stare along with her yelling.

Rainbow, meanwhile, tried to hit Evil Rainbow, but she kept teleporting and firing Dark Rainbow Blasts.

"Ha ha ha! Man, Gilda put up a better fight than you and she's a wimp!" Evil Rainbow taunted Rainbow wickedly. "I am the most powerful fastest flier in this world! No pony can beat me!"

"Ugh, and I thought I had an ego problem!" Rainbow groaned a bit. "Was I really like that during the Mare Do Well thing?"

"Well, duh! Of course you were!" Pinkie remarked after she stopped fighting Evil Pinkie briefly while looking at her friend.

"Hey, Fluttershy, need some help?" Evil Rainbow asked slyly as she spotted her ally beaten subdued by Fluttershy. The evil version teleported near the good mare and kicked her in the face, sending the good one packing.

"Hey, you don't beat on my friends!" Rainbow exclaimed angrily to her evil self. "Not even me!"

"She just did, Rainbow Crash!" Evil Fluttershy remarked cruelly, and the two evil pegasus ponies laughed together at it.

"Nice one, pal!" Evil Rainbow complimented her teammate while the two gave each other a hoof bump.

"You okay?" Rainbow asked as she help her good friend up.

"Eeep. Meanie. I don't like an evil version of you." Fluttershy said, whimpering a bit.

"Don't be scared. Face up to them, be assertive." Rainbow said to Fluttershy calmly. "Juuuuust don't be assertive to the point of being a brute like when you took Iron Will's lessons too far."

"Rainbow Crash and Klutzershy, sittin' in a tree!" Evil Rainbow sang.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Evil Rainbow and Evil Fluttershy said in unison, "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Lamebow with a baby carriage!" The two bullies then started laughing wildly like hyenas.

Overhearing this, Applejack stopped fighting her evil counterpart briefly as she remarked angrily, "Now, just a minute! That's goin' TOO far!"

"Yeah, ain't it terrific?!" Evil Applejack asked cruelly with an evil laugh.

Hearing the bullies' teasing caused Fluttershy to get into the assertiveness she once had with Iron Will as she shouted in rage, "NOW IT'S PERSONAL!!!"

Then, before anypony knew it, Evil Fluttershy found herself tackled and being punched repeatedly while in flight.

Twilight and Shining fired energy blasts at Other Twilight who got through walls quickly. She reappeared behind Other Shining and punched him in the snout.

"Shining!" Twilight exclaimed in shock. She glared at her evil self. "He just wanted to be your big brother and care, and you're bullying him!"

"He's a wimp, unsuitable to be my big brother!" Evil Twilight remarked cruelly. "I don't see what my Cadance ever saw in him in the first place!"

"Siblings are special and important! They look out for one another like family as I look like for my son Spike!" Twilight exclaimed furiously to her evil self.

"Who is about to be stomped by my boy Spike." Evil Twilight chuckled cruelly. Sure enough, Spike was on the run from Evil Spike, who had grown big and was trying to stomp him. "Oh, good boy, Spike. Mommy's so proud."

"Death to baby slaves!" Evil Spike roared in a deep voice while stomping towards his good counterpart.

"Spike, Spike! Use the moves!" Twilight calls out to Spike.

Spike nodded as he used the Flame Step, flying up and kicking his evil self in the chin hard.

"Oww! Why, you little--!!" Evil Spike snarled while holding his chin in pain.

"Dragon Rage!" Spike exclaimed, firing an energy blast from his mouth, knocking Evil Spike back. "Yeah, all right, I rock!"

Evil Spike growled as he made duplicates of himself, all of them roared at Spike.

"Okay, no problem. DRAGON KAMEHAMEHA!" Spike exclaimed. He fired a big blast, quickly destroying the duplicates in one blast. "Phew...oh crud, I left the original me standing!"

Evil Spike growled as he fired a blast at Spike, knocking him towards Twilight.

"Spike, are you okay?" Twilight ask worried as she help her adopted brother/son up.

"Yes, Cindy, its half past 12 and here comes the Buckinghams with...kind of a drag." Spike groaned in a daze.

"Is he stupid or what?" Evil Twilight laughed, "He should've been treated like a slave and wind up dead, not living like a dumb friend and be with losers like you!"

"Those 'losers' are my friends!" Twilight snorted as she fired an Unicorn Burst, knocking her evil self back. "And I won't let you treat them like trash!"

Evil Rarity turned into Other Celestia and began firing blasts at her good self and Applejack, who both moved to dodge. This fight was becoming more intense!

"Dang it, how is we supposed 'ta fight ponies who can predict 'de future an' who could shape forms?" Applejack asked with a groan.

"We must try something unpredictable, something they won't expect." Rarity said thoughtfully then grabs some mud, throwing it on herself.

"What is yew doing?" Applejack asked puzzled.

"What? Why is she throwing mud onto herself?" Evil Rarity asked bewildered. "She is fussy and isn't supposed to do that."

"Oh yes, Ah do git it." Applejack said thoughtfully. She zipped off and returns in a frou-frou dress. "My, mah hooves are sure fancy. Wow, mah hair is beautiful. Ah want jewels all over me."

"Confused!" Evil Applejack exclaimed, confused. "Ah didn't predict 'dis! Ah normally predict stuff normally!"

"Then predict this!" Rarity exclaimed, throwing mud onto Evil Applejack's eyes, causing her to scream. "Can't predict or read mines if you don't know your opponent well, do you?"

"What in the world?!" Evil Rarity asked in shock.

"Oh, check out mah fancy, Rarity. Come check it closely." Applejack said with a smirk as she did something unexpected: grabbing Rarity and kissing her.

"Ugh, disgusting! Confused, you two aren't supposed to do that!" Evil Rarity exclaimed in bewilderment and disgust.

The two mares then smirked secretly then jumped up, pouncing on the two evil mares, knocking them down.

"Expect the unexpected!" Rarity exclaims with a proud smirk. "Oh, Applejack, darling? What happened? Never happen."

"Nnope!" Applejack agreed with a smirk.

Meanwhile, the Pinkies were having a bit of trouble with their evil self. They needed a plan, but how?

"Simple!" Pinkie exclaimed, throwing a black hole underneath herself. Evil Pinkie yelped as she fell in.

"What was that?" Pinkamena asked Pinkie, blinking in curiosity.

"A plot hole!" Pinkie giggled in delight over the joke.

"Okay, I'd have enough of this!" Evil Twilight snorted in fury. Her allies were being beaten. "Rainbow!"

"Yeah, yeah." Evil Rainbow groaned as she pushed Fluttershy and grabbed the evil one, teleporting away and dropping her near Evil Twilight. "Don't move!"

Evil Rainbow teleported around quickly, grabbing the other mares and dropping them in the right place. Evil Spike just came over with no problem.

As everyone reunited, they watched in horror as the evil mares were together...and bringing forth their Dark Rainbow Power.

"This seven on seven has been fun, but the fun is over!" Evil Twilight exclaimed wickedly. "It's time to end this!"

"Yeah! It's time to activate... DARK RAINBOW POWER!!!" Evil Pinkie snarled with an eerie and dramatic tone while grinning widely... REALLY widely.

"Gah! Evil smile!" Pinkie exclaimed frantically. "It's like Fredbear creeping up on you!"

"Who?!" Most of everyone asked in confusion.

"Oops. Wrong universe." Pinkie said in embarrassment with a squee.

Things were looking bad for the gang, the Erroneous Equines were proving to be tougher with their power of their Dark Rainbow Power. If nothing is done, then the heroes will be toast soon....

"Answer me this, if you wish to survive." Spoke a mysterious male voice within the air that was heard....by Spike, who recovered, alone.

"Hugh?" Spike responded off in hearing the voice, was someone talking to him, but who?

"Do you wish for your friends to win?" The mysterious voice spoke off to say in sounding like it wanted to help.

"Of course, but...who are you? Where are you?" Spike responded off, but he could not find who he was talking to.

"Let’s just say, I am here, but yet...I am not there." The mysterious voice issued this off in making himself one that is a being that is puzzling.

"Say what?" Spike raised an eyebrow in trying to understand that.

"All you need to know, is this...if you wish for your friends to win, solve this riddle & a power will appear." The voice spoke off in wishing to give the ones a fair shot to win, if they can but solve a simple riddle that is.

"Okay, sure....if that will help..." Spike shrug off slightly in seeing if that will help Twilight and the rest out, what else does he have to lose?

"Pay close attention, your answer may save lives...or may lose them. A pony builds a house, with all four sides facing north. A bear walks pass the house. What color…is the bear?" The voice of mystery spoke out the riddle, sounding very certain & confident in asking something to test...if one can solve it.

Spike was trying to solve that question, but the riddle seem....pretty hard. Who builds a house to the north, & with a bear to pass by it, it sounded like maybe...a polar bear? But then he recalls Twilight stating that such creatures live in the north, but the riddle...it felt like, something was off about its meaning that the baby Dragon can't quite figure it out.

"Time we end things." The evil voice of Twilight was heard as Spike turns to see that his friends are in grave danger, they are too weak to do anything...

"Ugh, ugh.....oh who am I kidding, I can't answer. Because there is no answer to it!" Spike held his head before he lash out in not knowing what answer the riddle is as he felt there isn't one at all to be found.

"Ah, that is where...you are wrong, but also...correct." The mysterious voice spoke off in saying something that sounded like...Spike's response was right.

"Say what now?" Spike then flinched a bit while lost, he got the right answer...really?

"Your reward shall fall from above, a blessing from the heavens skies, shine bright a new rainbow to overcome the dark..." The mysterious voice spoke off to say in stating that a gift will fall from above to shine light anew.

At that very moment, Spike saw something fall from the sky that was glowing like a strange...cube-form. The enemy pay no attention to what was going on, so long as they ended the heroes that came to stop them. But then without warning, a bright flash happened when the glowing cube broke on contact near the Mane Six. The flash blinded the Dark Rainbow Power opponents before backing away, then hovering above was...the Mane Six; all healed up & in an amazing shock to their awareness; in their Rainbow Forms!

"Wait the....Twilight...how'd we get our Rainbow Forms?" Rainbow Dash asked off in being lost in thought, how did they get their Rainbow Power Forms suddenly?

"I...I don't know." Twilight shook her head in being as lost & confused as the others.

"All Ah saw was something fell from de sky, busted open & covered us." Applejack rub her head in not knowing how it all happened herself, but vaguely recalls what was seen.

"But who did it? Who could do such a feat unexpectively?" Rarity questioned off in thinking that whoever achieved this was unknown to them.

"Um, excuse me, but...maybe we should focus on them." Fluttershy interrupts to remind everyone...they are still facing their evil counterparts.

"Fluttershy's right girls...doesn't matter what happened, if it can help us turn this battle around, then who are we to complain?" Twilight spoke off in deciding that how this happen can be discussed later, for now...it's time to turn the tables.

Soon it was a stare off as both sides exhibited their Rainbow Powers of Light & Dark, both sides were clashing in causing a small rupture to happen. Both sides were now on an equal footing, it was gonna be the Mane Six VS. Erroneous Equines for the Final Round!

“This time, we’re done letting you rampage this world!” Twilight sternly was issuing this in about to put an end to this battle right now.

“Hmph-hmph, not until you ware all dead at our hooves.” Evil Twilight exclaimed off to say this in where she & her evil group are just getting started.

Soon the Erroneous Equines took off to land on top of a mountain top as they were focusing on gathering much negative dark magic in the air…

“Come on girls, focus all we got in this one attack!” Twilight issued this out to her friends in knowing this was gonna be close.

“Right!” The Mane Five responded off in also agreeing there.

The enemy was charging a strange darken emerald sphere from their combined Dark Rainbow Power. But at the same time, the Mane Six were summoning their pure magical sphere around their bodies to focus in a center.

“Steady…steady…” Twilight was issuing this out in trying to get everything ready.

Then the enemy was soon done, in which they hurl their attack right for the heroes….but they were also ready!

“NOW!” Twilight yelled out in which it was time to fire off their own attack.

With a single push, they fired from their glowing sphere in which took the form of a beautiful rainbow. That attack soon collided against their foe’s attack which on impact….grew to gigantic size. It was now a struggle against who’s power was gonna prevail over another, the power of light or the power of dark, only one could win.

“You think this is all we got….show them!” Evil Twilight smirked off wickedly in saying this was nothing as of yet.

Suddenly without warning, the Erroneous Equines unleashed another negative sphere of dark magic to empower their own attack which pushed the Mane Six’s own attack back. If that large sphere makes contact, the heroes will be finished.

“Hold on everyone….” Twilight issued this off to say as they are seen trying to fight back as hard as they can.

Spike was watching this from nearby, he had to help out somehow or his friends would lose. But as he was almost there, Evil Spike collided in which they were rolling across the ground in which they were struggling their own last minute fighting.

“Give up, your puny pony pals don’t stand a chance!” Evil Spike remake doff to say this in knowing the good Spike’s pals are toast.

“That’s where you’re wrong, friendship can make anything happen!” Spike counter off to say in not giving up on Twilight & the rest.

“Well then say goodbye cause that friendship ain’t looking so hot now!” Evil Spike remarked off in seeing that as how things stand, the heroes are gonna lose.

Spike had to figure something out, that’s when he saw the two forces in where the Erroneous Equines had to fire off a few constant dark spheres to make their giant sphere of darkness super heavy while the Mane Six were just firing a beam. If something could stop the feeding of power, that could turn this whole thing around.

“Let’s see how much your friends care to stop with you around!” Spike counter off to say this with a sly smile across his face.

“What are you…..whaaat?” Evil Spike was about to ask until he was cut off.

Spike used his Flame Steps to boost himself up higher into the sky before spinning around & around. That made Evil Spike let go before Spike focus every last ounce of his Dragon Flame attack to impact his evil counterpart downwards. While the evil baby Dragon screamed, during the Erroneous Equines' next attack, their attack to feed their strongest move was stopped…but what Spike counter with the evil Spike.

“What are you doing, get out of the way!” Evil Twilight yelled off in seeing who was stopping their attack pattern.

“I’m….trying….” Evil Spike groans off to get up, but was stuck on the second peak of the mountain top over the heroes & the enemies in where the flames that surround him weren’t going out.

“Urge, keep feeding our attack!” Evil Twilight yelled out, to which her group continued to fire off more dark spheres.

This group didn’t care that Spike’s Flame Breath was countering the Erroneous Equines from weighing their strongest attack move, not caring of what happens with Evil Spike. Soon the Mane Six were slowly able to push the enemy’s attack off that gave them a single opening.

“TOGETHER EVERYONE!” Twilight yelled off i seeing their chance as the entire Mane Six band let of battle cries in ushering forth everything at once.

That alone helped make the rainbow beam slowly burst through the large dark sphere, scattering it to pieces before it could explode. Now the attack was heading straight for its intended target…

“No…no! This can’t be how it ends!” Evil Twilight ushered off in fury, as she & the rest of the Erroneous Equines were blasting off separate attacks to stop the heroes own rainbow beam. But no matter their dark power, the heroes own light version of the Rainbow Power was breaking through & heading towards them.

“Waaaughhh!” Evil Spike yelps off in being the first to be hit by the rainbow beam as he fades along in the stream force.

“Gruuaaaaguhhhhh!” The Erroneous Equines screamed off in being bathed in that bright glow as their shadowy selves seem to be just trying to keep it together…

“Crack-Crack….Breakfrsuvhmm…” But then without warning, the very aura of the Dark Rainbow Forms themselves shatter & broke apart to disappear into nothings within the rainbow beam attack.

Finally, everything began to settle, as the Mane Six were soon able to float back down to the ground, feeling mostly exhausted from what happened in what they had to pull out of their hats or up their sleeves; you name it. But one thing was for certain, that pure & strong power of light, the light of their friendship & everything that harmony stands for…their Rainbow Power has trumpeted over the Dark Rainbow Power.

The group saw themselves appearing...on the ground and unconscious. They aren't dead but their talismans are gone, and hopefully for good!

Afar from the battle, the CMT, who woke up, saw what happened to the Erroneous Equines, their Dark Rainbow Force was defeated. Which meant the evil that was gonna rule was beat.

"Girls, Ah think it's time we beat it." Other Apple Bloom stated in concern of what will happen next.

"Uh-huh!" Other Sweetie Belle nods off in agreement on the case.

"You said it!" Other Scootaloo stated off that they need to vamoose, pronto.

"Where do you think you naughty fillies are going towards?" Then appearing from flying above, we see Pinkamena who used her chain blades to hold the fillies & then saw the Mane Six above.

"We got just enough Rainbow Power for one more act. Ready?" Rainbow Dash stated off in knowing this will change these naughty fillies right around.

"Ready!" The others responded off in being ready now.

"Uh-oh!" The CMT yelped in knowing this won't be good, at least for their bad selves.

Then without warning, the Mane Six unleashed another rainbow wave of magic that surrounded the bad fillies as it was changing their evil nature. Then as it was over, the Mane Six were out of their Rainbow Forms while Pinkamena release the now sleeping fillies that were turned good.

"Oh thank goodness..." Rarity sighs with relief in seeing this.

"Yep, looks like we knock their senses right back." Applejack nods off in being glad that they fix this.

"Well, at least now everyone is no longer evil." Fluttershy stated to say this in thinking of a bright side.

"And we get to stay nice, which is nice, right?" Pinkie Pie smiled off to happily say this.

"Sure Pinkie Pie, whatever you say." Twilight rolled her eyes to say this in just letting her random friend say what she likes to say.

Author's Note:

Yes! The battle is over and the Erroneous Equines were stopped! The next and final chapter is coming up so don't miss it. Read, review and suggest.

The blood & tomato juice gag is a reference from Turbo FAST from the first episode.

There is a reference to "Pixels" in this chapter. And despite what critics say, I love that film. Okay, the ending bit with Q*Bert needs work, but still.

There is also a reference to my MLP Style version of the Five Nights at Freddy's series.

The final strongest attack scene is a reference of the final battle against a villain in Dragonball Z's film: Broly's Second Coming.