• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 28,456 Views, 2,512 Comments

Rainbooms and Royalty - Trinary

Alternate Universe: Filly Rainbow Dash has just performed her Sonic Rainboom when she gets a visitor

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The next five minutes were a kind of blur. As soon as Nightmare Moon and her new entourage had vanished, ponies burst through the doors and windows of town hall, eager to flee to the (largely imaginary) safety of their homes. Rainbow Dash had propped herself against the wall so that she could be in a relatively upright position. She’d had harder knocks than Nightmare Moon tossing her around…but it wasn’t the physical pain that made it hard for her to stand.

While everypony else had beat a hasty retreat, Twilight had sat herself down in the last spot where she’d seen her brother and was having herself a good cry. Joining her was Dinky, who had just lost her mother. The two held one another, crying and sharing their pain. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had their hooves wrapped around them in a great big comforting embrace.

“Rainbow Dash? How’re you holding up?” She looked up to see Applejack and Rarity staring down at her. Rainbow sighed and looked away from the orange farm pony. “That bad, huh?” She sat down next to Dash. Rarity scrunched her face at the dirty floor and settled for standing next to Rainbow Dash on her other side.

“Just…just go.” Rainbow Dash exhaled.

“Ain’t happening Rainbow.” AJ placed her hoof on Dash’s shoulder. “Mind filling us in?”

“Darling, why didn’t you tell us?” Rarity pouted ever so slightly. “The personal student of Princess Celestia…oh you simply must tell me everything!” Seeing Applejack’s expression she coughed gently. “Erm, perhaps another time then.”

“Why didn’t you tell us though Rainbow?” The cowpony nudged her gently. “Some sort of super-special mission from the Princess?” Dash shook her head. “Well then, what?”

Rainbow swallowed. “I just---I just wanted to get away for a bit. That’s all.”

“That’s all?!” The three mares looked to see a furious, teary-eyed Twilight Sparkle glaring at them. “Y-you ran away right before this Nightmare Moon was going to be come back?! If it weren’t for you Shining Armor wouldn’t have been here! It’s your fault he’s—he’s…go-one!” She hiccupped as she burst into a fresh wave of tears as Pinkie and Fluttershy held her.

“I didn’t know!” Rainbow Dash protested, feeling the gaze of everypony’s eyes on her. “Nopony said anything about this! Celestia didn’t say a word! You believe me, don’t you?” She looked up at Applejack, silently pleading for her to understand. Her face fell when she saw Applejack’s face.

“I—I don’t rightly know.” AJ admitted. “It does seem a mite peculiar that the Princess wouldn’t have told you SOMETHING…I dunno. Ah mean, ah don’t like it when ponies lie t’me…especially ones I thought were mah friends.”

Rainbow winced. That hurt. “I AM your friend!”

“Then why didn’t you tell us about being the Princess’ student? How could you not know about this here Nightmare situation?” Applejack demanded. “We all have family here in Ponyville who’re in danger now.”

Rainbow shot to her hooves, her wings spread in a fight or flight response. “Because everypony expects this! They expect me to have all the answers, to know what Celestia would do! To be smart enough and wise enough and beautiful enough to be worthy of being around her…and I’m NOT. Okay? I’m just…I’m not.” She hung her head.

Rarity felt sorry for her. “Darling…”

“She never said a thing…” Rainbow mumbled, not looking up. “She only told me a few moments before she—she, left.” Dash swallowed. “All this time…she never said a word. I swear, I didn’t know a thing until like, five minutes before Nightmare Moon showed up! You have to believe me!” She stood up, looking at them one by one imploring them to believe her.

Applejack regarded her carefully, her green eyes looking into Rainbow’s teary magenta-rose colored ones. She sighed, closing her eyes. “…ah believe you.” Her voice was gentle.

Dash sunk to the ground, relieved. Pinkie came over to give her a hug. “Aww, its okay Dashie! We know this isn’t your fault. It’s that dumb big meanie Black Snooty who caused all this, not our Rainbow Dash! You’re super-duper awesome and totally fun!” She paused. “Why Rainbow Dash is…dashing! That’s it!” She started to bob her head up and down as she started to sing. “She’s dashing and daring, courageous and caring, faithful and friendly with stories to share! All through the forest she sings out in chorus, flying along as her song fills the air! Rainbow Dash! Flying here and there and everywhere! High—”

“Pinkie’s right.” Fluttershy piped up before shrinking down again. “Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt…but I’ve known Rainbow Dash for a long time. She’d never leave anypony who needed her. I know that if she left Canterlot, it’s because she didn’t know about…her.” She whispered, too scared to even name Nightmare Moon.

“I must agree.” Rarity nodded. “While perhaps not the most refined of ponies, I doubt that even she would be so…uncouth.”

AJ agreed, sighing softly. “Ah’m sorry…ah guess I was just afraid for mah family. We all are. I’m supposin’ we forgot that you lost ponies you care about too, didntcha?”

A nod. “S-shining Amor…Ditzy Doo…Silver Lining and Steelwing…” Rainbow named the two pegasus guards. “…Celestia.” She hung her head. “T-they were my only friends…the only ponies in Canterlot who cared about me. They bailed my sorry flank out of trouble so many times—even when they were furious with me. And Ditzy…she was like my big sister.”

Twilight bit her lip before throwing herself at Rainbow Dash. The other ponies let out a sharp cry of shock and started to move to pull her off until they saw Twilight sobbing as she hugged Rainbow Dash. “I’m so sorry! When I saw Shining Armor just…” Her whole body shuddered. “I’m sorry…”

“It…it’s okay.” Rainbow awkwardly patted her on the back. “I know.”

Twilight pulled back so she could look at Dash in the face. “I—I’m sure the Princess left you some sort of contingency plan, right?” She looked at her imploringly. “I mean, surely the Princess said something. She wouldn’t just keep a thing like a return of a beast like Nightmare Moon a secret…would she?”

“I don’t—”

“Maybe she told you some sort of code or a riddle for you to solve? Somepony for you to meet for more information? I mean she would’ve had to leave you something…a plan, a warning, anything!” Twilight protested, her need for some sort of hope pushing her to the point of being frantic. “Come on Rainbow, think!”

“I’m sure she’s doing her best…” Fluttershy offered.

“Okay, okay!” The frustrated pegasus exploded. “Why are you all trying to sugarcoat it like one of Pinkie Pie’s cupcakes? I. Am. Dumb, okay? D-U-M-B. Dumb as a post! You know it, I know it, Nightmare Moon knows it—Hay, Celestia knew it! That’s why she didn’t bother to tell me anything, she knew I’d just mess it up! Think I'm happy about it?” Rainbow choked as she fought back tears, her voice cracking. Her wings twitched in agitation.

“Aw sugarcube.” Applejack hugged her tightly. “S’okay, none of us think that so don’t you go and believe it neither.”

Rainbow Dash fiercely hugged the farmpony back, the others quickly joining in. Her pride would normally have protested fiercely at all this hugging and crying. But her pride had already been stepped on so much tonight that to object now would be to close the barn doors after the horses had already left. After a moment she felt a new presence on her left hind leg. Looking down she saw little Dinky rubbing her head against Dash’s leg, still whimpering slightly.

“Aww, Dinks…” Rainbow gently straightened herself up, giving the others an indication she wanted them to let go. As soon as they did, she scooped up the little filly and held her close. “Don’t you worry. I’m gonna go get your mom back.”

Dinky sniffled. “R-really?”

“I’ll bring her back…” She looked over at Twilight. “I’m going to bring them ALL back. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a muffin in my eye!”

The little filly let out a sigh of relief and practically collapsed against Rainbow Dash’s chest. She knew things were going to be okay now. Rainbow Dash had promised her and grownups don’t break their promises, right? Dinky yawned and soon drifted off to sleep, exhausted.

“Poor dear…” Rarity gently lifted her up with her magic, settling her down on her back.

“I meant every word.” Rainbow swore. She flapped her wings, hovering in mid-air. “I’m going to find Nightmare Moon and when I do, I’m gonna plant all four of my hooves right up her…”

Applejack bit down on her tail and jerked her head down. “Whoa there!” She gently tugged Dash back to the ground.

Rainbow Dash looked at the earth pony who currently had her tail in her mouth. “Ugh, this isn’t gonna become a thing is it? Cuz I really don’t like pony drool in my tail.”

Rolling her eyes, Applejack spat out the offending appendage. “Yeah, like ah really like the taste of yer behind in mah mouth. Listen sugarcube, you can’t go rearin’ off on yer own…hay, you don’t even know where the varmint went!”

“So?” The rainbow mare blustered, frowning to cover up the fact that those little details had completely slipped her mind.

“SO…” Applejack spelled it out. “First thing is, you’re gotta tell us everything you know, everything the Princess told you.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Ugh fine…but I’m not repeating myself so—”

“Wait!” Twilight protested. “I’ll be right back, don’t start!” She galloped off into one of the side rooms. Everypony just looked at each other as if they would have an answer. As one, they just shrugged. Twilight soon re-emerged with an inkwell, a quill, and several scrolls of paper held in her magical grip. “Sorry, I just need to write this down! It might be useful later.”

Egghead. Rainbow Dash silently confirmed, sighing. “All right so here it goes…” She told them everything Celestia had said after their talk, about the legend of Nightmare Moon, her banishment, Celestia’s decision and her reasons for it…everything Rainbow Dash could remember. Once she finished, she waited for Twilight to finish scribbling everything. When that was completed she looked around. “So…now what?”

The studious unicorn bit her lip as she reviewed her own writing…she even looked on the blank back side of the parchment, as if to check to make sure she hadn’t written something extra that she’d forgotten about. “I—I don’t know. I thought for sure that there would’ve been something that could have told us how Nightmare Moon was stopped in the first place. But what the Princess said was…”

“Short, to the point, utterly useless…” Rainbow Dash checked off. “…and totally consistent with what I've come to expect from Celestia.”

Rarity looked at her. “You could show a little more respect darling.”

Dash smirked. “Heh, if Celestia were here she’d be the first to agree with me.” Her smile faded quickly. “If she were here we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.” She punched the wall in frustration. “This stinks!”

“Well, I suppose we could go to the town library and look up any information on the legends of Nightmare Moon and find out just how she was banished ourselves.” Twilight suggested.

“A library?” Rainbow Dash didn’t hide her incredulousness. “That’s your big idea? Oh yeah, sure, I’m just bet there’s a book in the reference section ‘How To Banish Evil Demons of the Night For Dummies,’ now with sixty new pages of glossy pictures!”

Twilight ducked her head down and looked away, flushing. “No need to bite the poor girl’s head off.” Applejack retorted sternly. “And it’s not like any of us have any better ideas.”

“Ooh I have an idea!” Pinkie Pie waved her hoof high in the air and wiggled it, like a foal in class who really, really wanted to be called on. “Pick me, pick me!”

“…Any better ideas that don’t involve parties.” Applejack amended. Pinkie frowned and lowered her hoof.

Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves and sat down in an angry sulk. “Great. The whole world is falling into ruin and we’re gonna go to the library. Swell. Even at the end of the world I can’t get away from studying!”

Fluttershy gave her a shy nuzzle. “Oh, it won’t be so bad Rainbow Dash. With the six of us, I’m sure it’ll go faster. And it’s certainly better than having to t-talk to ponies.” She shivered.

“As if anypony would even know anything about Nightmare Moon beyond the Nightmare Night stories.” Rarity agreed breezily. Then she paused. “Well—”

“Enough, Rarity.” AJ shot her a look.

Twilight was confused. “What did—?”

With a shake of her head, Applejack stopped Twilight mid-sentence. “She didn’t mean anything by it. There ain’t no pony in Ponyville who knows anything about Nightmare Moon and that’s all there is to it.”

Rainbow Dash stood and looked Applejack in the eye. “Is that so, huh?”

“That’s what I said!” The farmpony responded. “Rarity too!” Her eyes suddenly twitched to the side, not able to fully meet Rainbow Dash’s gaze.

A light went off above Rainbow’s head…after shooing Pinkie and her candle away, she turned back to Applejack. “You didn’t say the same thing. You said ‘in Ponyville.’ That’s not what Rarity said.” She narrowed her eyes. “Is there somepony around here, not necessarily IN Ponyville, who might know something?”

“Just leave it Dash.” Applejack warned. “You don’t want HER help.”

“Her who?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy eeped and hid behind Rarity. “What are you talking about? WHO are you talking about?”

“Z-z….” Fluttershy’s knees knocked together.

“Don’t even say that name!” Applejack said in a whispered hiss, as if afraid to be overheard. Surprisingly for Rainbow Dash and Twilight, the usually calm and confident Applejack looked pale, her forehead beaded with sweat. She was scared—no, petrified.

“Will someone just TELL me what’re you all talking about!” Rainbow raised her voice, almost disturbing the sleeping Dinky Doo.

“Zecora!” Pinkie Pie blurted out. “She’s this weird evil enchantress who lives out in the Everfree Forest!”

“She’s mysterious.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Not t’mention creepy.” Applejack shuddered.

“Sinister.” Agreed Rarity.

“And spoooooky!” Pinkie drew out the word to maximize its effect.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked at each other as if to check that they heard right. “Oookay, why?”

“Why what?” Applejack asked sourly, unhappy to even be broaching this subject.”

Dash sighed. “Why is she so mysterious, creepy, sinister, and blah blah blah?”

“Nu uh! Not blah blah blah! I said and spooky!” Pinkie corrected.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash ignored her. “Well the Everfree Forest just ain't natural. It’s not like the rest of Equestria. The plants grow...”

Fluttershy nodded. “Animals care for themselves...”

“And the clouds move...” Pinkie nodded.

“All on their own!” They said together. Rainbow’s wings twitched a little at the idea of wild weather that operated without ponies…but was otherwise unimpressed.

Continuing, Applejack said “T’live in a place like that…it ain’t natural! Once a month she comes into town and just…creeps around.” She shuddered.

“Terrifying.” Rainbow deadpanned. “Anyway, as horrifying as all this sounds, if she is an enchanter or whatever—

“Enchantress! Evil enchantress!” Pinkie tossed in.

“—then she might know some magical whaddycallits that could help stop Nightmare Moon.” The pegasus finished, rolling her eyes at Pinkie Pie.

AJ snorted. “Assuming she ain’t in league with her.”

“But…” Twilight slowly spoke up. “You haven’t offered any evidence that she is…or that she’s evil at all.”

“Right!” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Look, why don’t you all head over to the library and look up whatever you can find. I’LL go to this Zecora and see what she has to say. Then I’ll come back, you can tell me what you’ve found, and then I’ll go stop Nightmare Moon.”

“Hold up sugarcube…YOU’LL stop Nightmare Moon?” Applejack quirked an eyebrow at her. “All on your lonesome huh?”

“I have to.” Rainbow said simply. “Celestia said it was up to me…and no offense, but you guys will just slow me down.”

“But there’s no way you can do it all on your own!” Twilight argued as Applejack sputtered in indignation.

“We should totally stay together!” Pinkie agreed. “That way it’ll be like a giant party wherever we go!”

Fluttershy looked up. “Please Rainbow Dash…you’ll get hurt if you go by yourself.”

“Better than seeing you all getting hurt.” The cyan pegasus replied. “I’ll see you guys when I get back from Zecora’s. Keep Dinky safe…and you guys do the same.”

Applejack had suitably recovered enough to stamp her hoof. “Now wait just a doggone blasted minute here you arrogant, hotheaded--!”

With a half wave, half salute, Rainbow Dash flew out the window and out into the night sky, leaving her companions behind. As unnatural as it was, at least the night air was cool and crisp. After having spent the rest of the night either talking, seeing her friends vanish or getting tossed around, the chance to fly made for a welcome return to normalcy. Her wings stretched out to catch the breeze as her mane blew back. She breathed softly before pouring on speed. Soon a rainbow trail broke the calm darkness of the night. The ponies that dared look through their shut windows and curtains felt a twinge of hope upon seeing a bright rainbow glowing all the more intensely for being at night.

But that wasn’t the only attention Rainbow Dash was receiving. From behind, three pegasi took to the air, their eyes full of menace. Dark bat-like wings flapped silently as Shadowbolt looked to Shadowbolt.

The leader, the one who had been Ditzy Doo, looked to her two companions. “Shadowbolts…Align and Advance!”

“Advance and Attack!” Said the second.

“Attack and Destroy!” Cried the third.

As one, the Shadowbolts cried out. “Destroy and Rejoice!”

They took off after Rainbow Dash as she entered the Everfree Forest, unaware of what awaited ahead of her…or behind.

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