• Published 4th Jun 2012
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Rainbooms and Royalty - Trinary

Alternate Universe: Filly Rainbow Dash has just performed her Sonic Rainboom when she gets a visitor

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Seriousness and Statues


Rainbow Dash was awoken by a slight bump. She yawed and opened her eyes, getting a face full of Applejack for her troubles. “Yaah!” She yelped, shocked awake. They had fallen asleep sitting up, propped up against each other up for support.

Applejack blinked, surprised to find a pair of rose-magenta eyes less than a foot away from her face. “Gyah! Rainbow!”

“Why’re you shouting at me?” Rainbow Dash rubbed her head with her hooves. “You’re the one who fell asleep against me!”

“No way, yer the one who—” Applejack began.

“Is there something amiss?” They looked up to see Zecora calmly walking her way down the spine of the sea serpent, his upper body now perched on the riverbank (which had caused the bump that had woken them). “Have I interrupted a moment of bliss?” She winked, a small smile upon her striped face.

The two ponies flushed red as they immediately backed away from each other. “You got it all wrong!”

“No way!”

Zecora chuckled lightly and raised her hoof. “Forgive my jest, merely something I had to get off my chest.” She nodded to the shore as the others started to rouse themselves and stretch. “Come, our ride on the river is at an end. We must journey forth on hoof, our destination is just around the bend.”

“Ah huh.” Rainbow said evenly, eager to move past the awkward moment. “Zecora? What was with the whole sleep business?”

“I figured that you needed rest, in order for you all to be at your best.” She answered breezily. Rainbow Dash and Applejack exchanged a glance with each other. They nodded and looked back to Zecora with an identical look of ‘pull the other one.’ The zebra guide relented with a sigh. “In truth, the land around the castle of the royal is warded by charms. No waking pony can set hoof on the grounds without causing alarm.”

Applejack gulped. “So ya mean the second we get down offa this here sea serpent, Nightmare Moon will know we’re here?”

“She will be aware that somepony has come by, yes.” Zecora admitted. “But just who has arrived, she can only guess.”

Rainbow flexed her wings. “Then let’s get a move on. Fast.”

“Hang on a minute there Rainbow.” Applejack nodded to the others. “Let’s fill them in before we go rushing ahead. We need a plan.”

The pegasus grunted. “Fine.”

As Applejack went to tell the others about what was going on, Zecora turned to Rainbow Dash. “Such a troubled look upon your brow. Tell me, what are you thinking about now?”

Rainbow whickered unhappily. “Nothing. Everything! It’s--” she exhaled roughly before starting again. “If Nightmare Moon is going to know we’re here as soon as we get close to the palace, then that’s just one more reason why I should go myself. I’m faster than anypony here. I could get to the palace and find the Elements of Harmony before the Nutmare even knew what hit her.”

Zecora clucked her tongue. “Ah the impetuousness of youth! Truly, do you think your friends would appreciate being left behind? So uncouth.”

“Ugh, don’t give me that!” Dash snapped. “If I had just picked you up and flown here we could’ve just gone straight over the forest and not had to go through that business with the swamp and the creatures. It would’ve taken us, what, five minutes?”

“There is a difference between accomplishing a task with speed…and doing with the care you need. Your friends have been there through thick and thin. Are you then so sure you do not need them to win? They shouldered a mighty burden and did so well. They have a right to be here, can’t you tell?”

“I know, I know…they’ve been incredible. Amazing even.” Rainbow Dash hung her head. “But they’ve also been through so much and—they didn’t need to! I would’ve handled things better if they weren’t here. We could’ve by-passed all that stuff in our way. What the others have been through: the swamp, the dogs, the sea ponies…There wasn’t a need for that! I’m grateful, really I am. But if it had been just me, or you and me, we could’ve avoided all that.” She flapped her wings demonstratively. “I don’t…I don’t want them to go through anymore. I’m the one Celestia told about Nightmare Moon. That makes it my responsibility, not theirs.”

“Ah, but there is a flaw in your thought,” The zebra lightly rapped a hoof against Rainbow’s head. “They are not here for you, nor is your or Celestia’s permission sought. The others made their own decision to come with you, because they had as much stake in whether we win or lose.”

Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof, ignoring the flinch that ran up the serpent’s spine. “You don’t have to lecture me! I just don’t want anypony getting hurt when they don’t need to be, okay? Is that so wrong?”

Zecora shushed her gently. “My dear, your heart is in the right place. But without companionship, danger becomes twice as deadly to face. And though strongly said and truly meant, which path is paved with good intent?”

Rainbow had no answer to that. But she did have a question. She just looked Zecora in the face and asked, “And what are you doing here?” Then she waved a hoof to cut off the zebra before she could respond. “I might not be able to quote Charles Docken or be able to read Neighzsche or Cutie Marx without getting a huge headache, but I’m not stupid. You know waaay more about Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony than you should." She scrutinized the zebra’s face for any sign of a flinch or guilty twinge, but her striped face was as impassive as ever. Rainbow took a breath. “Who are you anyway?”

“I am Zecora.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“Yes. It does.” With a bob of her head, Zecora turned, sending her cloak whirling about behind her as she leapt down off the serpent’s back.

Grunting in annoyance, Rainbow Dash flew off after her. When she touched down, Twilight trotted up to her. “Rainbow, look!” She pointed with a hoof. Following it, the pegasus saw the tall, if tottering, spires and towers of the old palace silhouetted against the dark sky. Looking down a bit, she saw a domed structure, roughly half way between their current destination and the palace itself. “It looks like an old observatory.” Twilight said a touch giddily. “Oh it must be one of the oldest observatories in Equestria! Why—” seeing Rainbow’s confused stare, she coughed. “We can use that as a half-way point. That way we can rest in there before going on to the palace, and keep out of sight if Nightmare Moon or somepony comes to check out the castle grounds.”

Rainbow Dash grunted. If it was just her she would’ve just gone full on for the palace and blow through any obstacles in her way. But considering that she was in a group and only as fast as their slowest member—this was more sensible, even if it took longer. “Alright. That’s good thinking”

Twilight beamed. “Thanks,” she traced her hoof in the grass modestly. “I just like coming up with plans, makes things easier, right?”

A quirked brow was Rainbow’s reaction. “Yeah…who doesn’t love a good plan?” She asked, not wanting to think of what Twilight’s hobbies must be like. “Let’s…get going, then?”

After bidding good-bye to the sea serpent and the seaponies, the intrepid party galloped hard for the observatory. They didn’t stop until they had all made it inside the wide arching doors.

“Anypony see anything?” Applejack panted from inside the doorway.

“I don’t think so.” Fluttershy said softly.

Twilight wiped a hoof across her forehead. “Good. Even if Nightmare Moon does show up, we’re in the one place she’d never suspect us to be.”

“Inside the bottom of Bon Bon’s gumball machine?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“What? No!”

“So Nightmare Moon WOULD suspect us of being there?”

Twilight facehooved. Hard.

Ignoring the byplay, Rarity looked around in disgust. The entire observatory was coated in dust and spider webs. Beneath them were several layers of arched alcoves stretching up to the roof. A staircase spiraled along the wall, leading upwards towards the ceiling, which was opened up at the top. In the middle of the ground level was an apparently empty fountain. “Hmmf. This place certainly needs some cleaning up.” She said as she took a small washcloth she’d been keeping...someplace…and started wiping the walls down.

“We don’t have time to tidy up!” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Let’s get going!”

Twilight stepped forward. “Wait—why don’t we head up?” She pointed at the spiraling staircase. “It’s a great vantage point for checking out the palace and watching the skies for anypony approaching.”

Zecora nodded approvingly. “You have a wise head on your shoulders. Planning comes before pursuing a course that is bolder.”

“Then let’s get a move on.” Rainbow said impatiently as she flew up to the roof. Zecora and Twilight used the stairs at a more sedate pace.

Applejack sat down and watched Rarity start cleaning out the alcoves and arches. “Don’t you be getting mah hat dusty!” She called after Rarity as she hunkered down against the side of the old fountain.

“Are you okay?” AJ looked up to see Fluttershy shyly approaching. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to intrude—”

“It’s fine hun.” Applejack assured her. “Don’t you be frettin’ about it—ah was just thinking.”

Fluttershy sat down next to her. “Oh, that sounds….nice.” She said politely.

“Uh huh.” AJ raised an eyebrow. “Mind me asking you something?”

“Oh no! Not at all!” Fluttershy fidgeted, getting comfortable. “Um, what is it?”

Applejack flicked her head towards the open ceiling where Rainbow Dash was impatiently flying in circles as she waited for Twilight and Zecora to join her. “Color me curious, but ah have t’ask why you decided to follow us into this here forest?”

Fluttershy looked down. “I-I just wanted to help. Rainbow Dash is a friend and it looked like she needed help, even if she wouldn’t admit it.”

“Yeah, can’t really imagine her asking.” Applejack snorted. “Mind if I ask you something else? Just between us?”

“Of course.” Fluttershy said.

“Forgive me if ah’m being a tad blunt but, how’re you friends with a pony like Rainbow Dash? Now, don’t get me wrong—” she hurried to add. “Ah like that girl and ah consider her a friend. She jest…takes some gettin’ used to ah suppose. And she’s well…” Applejack fished for the right word.

“Uh, brash? Adventurous?” Fluttershy suggested softly.

“Ah was gonna say impatient, stubborn, lazy, competitive and with a fiery temper that could singe rock but that works too. But hay, who am ah to talk? I guess what ah mean is…”

Fluttershy guessed the rest. “How could a pony like me become friends with a pony like her?” AJ nodded. “Well, I could say it was because she used to defend me from bullies but that’s not it. I mean, it’s part of it but not ALL of it. Um, if you know what I mean.”

Applejack thought about it. “Eenope.”

“Oh, sorry.” Fluttershy marshaled her thoughts. “Rainbow Dash…um, well she makes you believe: in her and in yourself. She can stand up and announce that she’s going to do something dangerous, impossible and even a little, um, crazy and you believe that she can really do it. She’s not one of those ponies who brags about doing great things that they’ve never done—she goes out and does it.” Fluttershy closed her eyes. “Even when you think she’s being irresponsible and impossible, you want her to succeed, against the odds. And then she does it and it makes you believe that you can do the impossible too.”

She opened her eyes, shifting about slightly. “But it’s not what she represents that I became friends with. I became friends with her. I know she puts up a bold front, but she is one of the most steadfast and brave friends ever. Rainbow Dash would never let a pony down when they really needed her. She’s held me up for so long and never deserted me. I heard somepony say that when strong ponies fall—the kind who’ve held you up for so long—they fall harder under the weight they’ve been carrying for us. That’s why I’m here for her.”

Applejack whistled. “Whooee. And here ah was just lookin’ to know if she toned down the ego when she was around you or something.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy blushed. “Too much?”

“Naah.” Applejack patted her shoulder, almost knocking the poor demure pegasus over. “Thanks.”

Fluttershy save a soft smile. “You’re welcome.” She paused. “For what?”

“For being here.” AJ smiled. “Anypony who’s willing to brave the Everfree Forest and the likes of Nightmare Moon for a friend and t’save Equestria is a pony ah want to know.”

“But I’m so scared…” Fluttershy confessed.

“Shucks, me too! Ah was plum terrified when those seaponies were holding us all underwater.” The farmpony shuddered. “But being brave ain’t the same thing as not being scared. It means being scared, but still doing what you gotta do anyways.”

A sudden shriek punctuated their conversation, making both ponies leap up. Searching for the source of the noise they found Rarity dancing on the tips of her hooves in front of one of the alcoves. “It’s a mirror!” She squealed. “Finally, I can fix my mane!” Delightedly, she started primping in front of the mirror.

Then she stopped as a thought occurred to her. She trotted to the alcove next to hers. She started dusting with her cloth and discovered another mirror. “Marvelous! Oh whoever designed this place certainly knew what they were doing.” Her horn glowed. “Don’t worry everypony.” Rarity called off-hoofedly to Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. “Just a little spell that should clear everything up in a moment!” She closed her eyes. There was a bright flash and suddenly all the dust and grime and cobwebs were gone.

When Rarity opened her eyes she was delighted to find that every alcove around her contained a mirror. “How wonderful!” She danced in delight. “Waahaahaa!” Rarity tossed her mane and lifted her head proudly. “Oh my, isn’t this place simply lovel-eeek!” She shrieked in an entirely different tone of voice.

Following her gaze, AJ and Pinkie’s eyes widened and Fluttershy squeaked in horror. While the alcoves on the lower floor were full of mirrors, the ones on the upper levels all contained grotesque looking statues of ponies with bat-like wings and ears nestled inside, leering at them.

Pinkie Pie bounced up the stairs to get a better look at them. “Ooooh creepy!” She made a face, trying to imitate their faces. They had wicked looking sharp fangs and cold eyes. “Blaaah! Bluh blargle bluh!” Pinkie giggled.

“Horrid.” Rarity pronounced in disgust.

Applejack looked around. “Huh. Wonder what all them mirrors and statues are for.” She looked at the fountain in the middle of the floor. Even the bottom and curved sides of the fountain were shiny with some sort of reflective material. Fluttershy ducked her head behind her mane, trying not to look at the statues. “What’s wrong sugarcube? They’re just statues.”

“T-they look like they’re all staring at me.” She whispered hoarsely. AJ patted her withers.

“Aww, c’mon now. Ya know that’s not true, right Pinkie Pie?” Dead silence. “Pinkie?” She looked up to their pink companion. “Now what in the hay are you up to?” She called at Pinkie, who was staring at the statue in front of her with wide eyes.

“I’m watching them so they don’t move!” Pinkie said in a loud whisper, never taking her eyes off the statue. “Don’t blink!”

Rarity sniffed. “Oh come now dear, you’re being ridiculous. There’s no need for such immaturity—eee!” She squeaked as she turned around to see a statue half way out of its alcove.

“W-wasn’t that all the way inside?” Fluttershy shivered.

Applejack shook her head. “Hayfeathers! We’re all just a little jumpy and our imagination’s getting the best of us.”

Pinkie kept her eyes trained on the statue in front of her. “But Applejaaaack…”

“But nothing!” The cowpony insisted. “Now, we’re gonna wait for the others to git back and then were gonna turn around and—!” She found herself face to face with a snarling statue with outstretched hooves.

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