• Published 4th Jun 2012
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Rainbooms and Royalty - Trinary

Alternate Universe: Filly Rainbow Dash has just performed her Sonic Rainboom when she gets a visitor

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Explanations and Confessions

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The group’s arrival in Ponyville kick started an immediate celebration when the populace saw the return of both the day and their sovereign. They even accepted the presence of the new Princess Luna without question, laughing and celebrating. Rarity and Applejack were soon swamped by their respective families, hugging and nuzzling, grateful to see them home safe. Fluttershy was surrounded by a small crowd of chipmunks, birds, squirrels and bunnies—including one white bunny who stomped his foot impatiently before Fluttershy swooped him up in a tight hug.

But there was no more heartwarming sight than that of little Dinky Doo wiggling away from Carrot Top and charging for Ditzy. “Momma!!” She squealed as she tackle hugged her mom.

“Muffin!” Ditzy replied, throwing her arms wide and wrapping them around her daughter as the two of them were knocked to the ground, the two of them nuzzling each other lovingly.

Rainbow Dash, unable to fully get into the spirit of the celebrations for the two princesses, kept her distance and spent her time regaling the story of her and her friends’ adventure to the fillies and colts of Ponyville. Dinky sat in Ditzy’s lap as a small herd of foals hung on Rainbow’s every word of her (overly) dramatic retelling of the struggle against Nightmare Moon.

All of a sudden a pale filly in the front with a frizzy red mane and blocky glasses gasped. “The Printhethh!” She gasped through a lisp, the other fillies and colts exclaiming and pointing. Rainbow turned her head to see Princess Celestia standing over her, bowing her head to the children. “Hello my little ponies.” She smiled gently. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I need to borrow Rainbow Dash for a while but I’m sure she’ll be back to finish telling you about her amazing story later.”

Oohs and wows greeted her as the foals realized that the Princess was talking to them! They all nodded and waved, eager to have the Princess talk to them. It was only by promising to speak with them later that Celestia managed to extract herself and Rainbow Dash away.

Rainbow was content to simply follow Celestia into the Golden Oaks Library, which was as empty as it had been the night Nightmare Moon took over. After closing the door behind them, Celestia gave her student a solemn glance. “I believe you and I have much to discuss.”

Snorting disrespectfully and blowing her mane out of her face, Rainbow half-turned away from her teacher and mentor. “No, really, ya think? What could we *possibly* have to talk about? I mean except for, you now, EVERYTHING?!”

Celestia didn’t react, accepting Rainbow Dash’s anger with a nod. “You're right. I’m sorry.”

That made Rainbow whirl around like something that bit her on the tail. “No! Oh no! You don’t get to start off by saying you’re sorry! I’m still mad at you and I need to yell at you! You need to defend what you did so I can yell at you and get it off my chest—that’s how this is supposed to go!” Rainbow’s wings spread up and out, a sign of aggressive behavior to make a pegasus seem larger and more intimidating.

Closing her eyes sadly, Celestia sighed. “I see.” She sat down. “I understand. I know I put an incredible burden upon you. That you acquitted yourself beyond all expectations and performed better than I could ever have doesn’t change that. I am so, so sorry.”

Rainbow Dash tried to keep her angry face plastered on but the corners of her mouth twitched and her eyes started tearing up. She closed her eyes trying to remember all the anger and rage she felt but it was no use. Without even realizing it she had ran to Celestia, her alicorn’s massive wings gently stroking her back as she cried on her shoulder. “W-why?” Dash hiccupped, her throat convulsing as she fought down sobs while trying to speak.

“Oh Rainbow Dash…” Celestia nuzzled her. Neither said anything for a long time. They just held each other, drawing strength and comfort from each other’s presence. The only sound was Rainbow’s occasional sniffling and some hushed soothing words from Celestia. Once she had calmed down, Rainbow lifted her head up to look Celestia in the eye. “Feeling better?” The princess asked gently. At Rainbow’s nod, she stepped back, letting Rainbow compose herself.

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash started again. “Why didn’t you ever tell me about all this?”

“Because I felt that the more you knew, the more Nightmare Moon would consider you a threat. I didn’t want to take the chance of her harming you, should she do as she did and scan your mind. But more than that…I was afraid. Yes, afraid.” She added seeing the surprise on her student’s face. “I feared that if I burdened you with the knowledge of what was ahead that the pressure would grind you down…that you would feel resentful and afraid of what I was preparing you for and shy away from the upcoming challenge.”

Rainbow licked her lips gently, trying to hide how hurt she was that Celestia had ever thought she would leave her hanging. It was like a giant vote of no-confidence. So...that's how the Princess--her mentor--thought about her? Something of what she was thinking must've been reflected on her face or how she held herself because Celestia gently laid a wing atop Rainbow's back.

"I see now that I sorely underestimated you and I am so sorry for ever thinking it." She whispered softly.

Rainbow Dash trembled, shivering slightly. “When Nightmare Moon…when she tried to convince me to abandon you…I almost believed her.” She whispered, ashamed. “The worst part is that some part of me still thinks that Nightmare Moon was telling the truth, that I was just somepony you were using to stop her.” Her voice was full of guilt, but she pressed on. “I mean, it made so much sense. Why else would you try to teach me all those things—to be a ‘proper mare’ and socialize with the Canterlot elite if you weren’t trying to make me some sort of leader…a weapon against Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia closed her eyes as if in pain, feeling her student’s hurt. “Never.” She breathed firmly. “You were never a weapon. I love you.”

“I-I know…and I know she was an evil lying tyrant, but I *still* feel that way!” Rainbow Dash sounded miserable and guilty.

“It’s okay…somepony once said that a lie that contains a tiny truth is the worst lie of all.” Celestia said. “I felt that you could be—WOULD be—the one who could stop Nightmare Moon when she returned and could save my sister. I suspected it ever since your first Sonic Rainboom and I felt the connection you formed with the others that would allow you to use the Elements of Harmony.” She made sure Rainbow was listening to her. “But you were NEVER a weapon to be used. Stopping Nightmare Moon is neither the beginning nor the end of our relationship. You are my beloved student and that will not change.” She smiled gently as she stroked Rainbow’s cheek with her wing. “And if I wanted you to develop yourself as much as possible, it was not because I wanted to better prepare you as a foe for Nightmare Moon. I did not wake up every morning and think, ‘what can I have Rainbow Dash do today to ready her for Nightmare Moon’s return?’ If I pushed you into social situations that you didn’t want to be in, then it was because I wanted you to make friends. I knew the ponies you bonded with through your Sonic Rainboom would be drawn to each other one way or another, but that didn’t mean that you could ever have too many friends. I’m sorry if I never took the time to explain myself well enough. I suppose that I sometimes forget that not everything I do is as readily apparent to those around me as I think they are.”

“And…about Ni—I mean, Princess Luna?” Rainbow Dash corrected herself. “Are you a hundred percent sure that she’s…” She gestured vaguely with her hoof.

Celestia nodded. “I understand, but you have nothing to fear from Princess Luna.”

“’m not afraid of her.” Rainbow grumbled, indignantly.

A small smile tugged at the corner of Celestia’s lips. “My apologies. I should’ve known better. In any event, the Elements of Harmony purged Luna of the darkness that turned her into Nightmare Moon.”

“How convenient.” Rainbow grumbled under her breath, ruffling her feathers.

“Your…skepticism is understandable.” Celestia allowed. "Let me explain: do you recall our argument that night in Canterlot? At Fancy Pants’ party?” A guilty flush spoke volumes. “Did you mean everything you said that night, about being sick of me?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head frantically. “Of course not!”

“I know.” The alicorn gave an easy smile, letting her know it was okay. “Do you remember that feeling of anger welling up, taking over? Of the irrepressible urge to say and do things your never would have otherwise?” Celestia asked as Rainbow nodded reluctantly. “If you magnify that feeling a hundred fold, then you’ll have an idea of what happened to Princess Luna. Her jealousy and bitterness festered in her heart and grew. I tried to dismiss it, thinking it was a bad mood or a phase she would simply get over…instead it sank deeper and deeper within her like a parasite. It kept building and building until at some point quantity changed into quality; like adding drop after drop into a cup until it finally runs over.” Celestia paused to make sure Rainbow Dash was following her. "Her anger grew until it was transformed into something else, something semi-separate from her."

“So…you’re saying Nightmare Moon wasn’t Luna? But the Nightmare came from Luna, didn’t she?”

“On one level, you’re right, Luna eventually gave into the darkness…but that isn’t the same as BEING the darkness.” Celestia tried to explain. “Even at her angriest, Luna would never have done what Nightmare Moon did. Nightmare Moon was born from her anger…but it grew into its own until it consumed Luna from the inside out. It was Nightmare Moon who sought to bring eternal night and tried to hurt you and your friends, not Luna. And with Nightmare Moon destroyed by the Elements of Harmony, only Luna is left now.”

“So that’s it? It’s all over and you throw a party for her?” Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably. “Even if she wasn’t Nightmare Moon exactly, doesn’t she deserve to be punished?”

“Rainbow Dash, Luna has been imprisoned for a thousand years. I think that’s punishment enough.” She gave her a look. “I think you’re letting your protectiveness turn into suspiciousness and allowing it to get the better of you.” Celestia chided gently.

Her patronizing got its way under Rainbow Dash’s skin. “And are you sure you aren’t allowing your desire to have your sister back to get the better of you?” Rainbow fired back.

Celestia’s nostrils flared slightly as she fought down her frustration. She sighed. “I know it’s hard…but please believe me, Luna isn’t a threat. I promise. After all, you made allies out of some of the foes you met along your way to Nightmare Moon, did you not?”

Rainbow Dash wanted to deny that what happened with the diamond dogs, seaponies and gargoyles was entirely different but couldn’t quite explain how. She trembled briefly with repressed anger, but swallowed it down. “All right.” She reluctantly yielded the point.

An awkward silence fell. Seeking a way to break it, Celestia’s horn lit up as she summoned a book over from the shelves. “Ah, here it is, ‘The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.’ Hmm, under the ‘E’ section? Odd.” Celestia mused.

The what now? Rainbow Dash felt her jaw drop. There was a BOOK about the Elements of Harmony the whole time? But Twilight told her…that they looked under the mythology and history sections. Rainbow facehooved. Who the hay would put a book under ‘E’ just because it starts with the letter E? Since when was there even such a THING as an ‘E’ section?!

Celestia apparently missed Rainbow Dash’s near-aneurism as she idly flipped through it. “I’m certainly glad you and your friends were able to make the most of this. I was worried that I might have been too subtle in planting the book here. Obviously, this isn’t something you would usually find in a small town library.” She added in an off-hoof manner.

“Uh huh.” Dash groaned, not wanting to think about how so much of their trouble could’ve been easily solved if the library had a better shelving system…instead she shifted the conversation to other grounds, namely the ponies’ impromptu allies. “So what’s gonna happen with the diamond dogs, the gargoyles and the seaponies?”

Celestia smiled. “Never fear, I won’t forgot the aid they rendered to you—even if it wasn’t always, hm, unqualified.” Her eyes rolled elegantly. “I was most impressed with you and your friends. Turning enemies into friends is one of the rarest and most difficult of tasks. And you were able to achieve it in the course of a single night.” She dipped her head respectfully. “The Diamond Dogs have always been a species apart, by nature and by habit. Hopefully your friend Rarity’s kind gesture will help bring down the doors between ponykind and theirs. The pack that helped you will be given the chance to settle in Equestrian land.”

“I think they’d appreciate gems more.” Rainbow commented, sitting down. “What about those seaponies? I mean, they threatened to drown Applejack! Are they even ponies? I mean, aren’t you their princess too?”

That prompted the sun princess to frown. “Yes and no. They occasionally pay homage and tribute to me—a practice I do not endorse, incidentally—and acknowledge me as the Princess of all ponies, seaponies included. But practically speaking they do what they want. The fact that they live deep in the oceans and in the rivers means that I have very little contact with them.” She sighed. “I am appalled by their threat, but at the same time much of their complaints cannot be dismissed out of hoof. Because the seaponies keep so much to themselves it is easy to forget they even exist. Waterways have been diverted or dammed and sometimes even polluted, without thought for what it means to ponies who live their entire lives in the water.”

Dash made a face. “They made a big deal out of AJ knocking over one old tree.”

Celestia nodded. “I will make arrangements with the royal gardeners to plant trees of their choosing along the river banks…under guard from the creatures of the Everfree Forest of course.” Seeing her confusion, the alicorn explained. “While seaponies have…unusual diets.” She said judiciously, “Even they like to have the occasional fruit or flower that falls into the water. And as I said, they are very sensitive to the ideas of being hemmed in by damns and cut off from their fellow seaponies. As for the gargoyles…” Celestia sighed.

Rainbow Dash thought back to what the gargoyles told her. “They said the used to guard the night ponies because of something Ni—I mean Princess Luna!—” THAT would take some getting used to. “—did for them.”

“Luna had so few admirers of her nights back then.” Celestia’s gaze unfocused as she stared back into her memories at a time long gone. “Ponies feared the night and the dark, for that’s when many predators stirred. The howl of timberwolves and the roars of Ursa Majors made ponies associate the night with a time of danger. When ponies came across a species that lived exclusively during the night, they were terrified of them.” Her wings spread out grandly. “And the gargoyles themselves are driven by their innate nature to protection. Indeed, it’s their primary purpose: be it territory, their Clan or even others, gargoyles have a need to act as guardians and protectors. When the first ponies encountered them, they were taken aback by their fierce nature and territorial nature. To further complicate matters, gargoyles loved to live in high places to make easier for them to glide and remain safe and hidden from potential foes, especially during the day when they are vulnerable. So when construction of Canterlot began in the mountains things were…”

“Awkward?” Dash supplied wryly.

“Quite.” Celestia nodded with a slight chuckle. “It was Luna who treated with them, impressed them with her mastery over the moon and stars. A pact was forged where clans of gargoyles would protect pony settlements against wild creatures or the odd aggressive griffon in return for being protected in turn when they enter their stone slumber. Luna was so proud when the gargoyles acclaimed her as their Princess and ‘Lady of the Night.’” Her smile was wistful. “Sadly, some of the more short sighted ponies distrusted Luna for befriending such a peculiar and even frightening race. Others shunned the gargoyles, not appreciating how much their protection safeguarded ponykind as they slept through the night.”

Rainbow nodded, seeing where this was going. “So when Luna became Nightmare Moon, they sided with her against you?”

“Yes. But they were neither evil nor cruel. It is only natural to come to the aid of the pony who had befriended them, defended them…when Nightmare Moon was defeated the gargoyles feared reprisals. They fled from pony towns and settlements. Most went into hiding beyond Equestria’s borders. Those that remained sought refuge in the ruins of the old castle.” She turned to face Rainbow Dash. “I feared that they would seek revenge against Equestria for Nightmare Moon’s banishment. Worse, I was afraid that ponies would seek revenge and destroy them when they were stone and helpless. Neither was acceptable. So I cast a spell for them to remain in their stone sleep, safely hidden in the depths of the Everfree Forest…until the moon was once again full and pure and the taint of Nightmare Moon no longer darkened it. Did I do the right thing? Even now I wonder.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged her wings awkwardly. “Hey, it’s over now right? And I’m sure you’ll allow the gargoyles back into Equestria since Luna isn’t loony any more…uh sorry.” She winced as Celestia gave her a look. Changing tracks Dash asked another question. “If my Sonic Rainboom was what connected me and my friends together, then why didn’t you help me do another one? I mean, I know you were helping me train and stuff, but…?” She trailed off, fishing for the right words.

Celestia shook her head. “Because there wasn’t anything more I could do to help you achieve another Sonic Rainboom.” She said simply. “It wasn’t a matter of me holding something back…it was a matter of you holding yourself back.”

“What? But I worked so hard! I wanted to do it so badly!” Rainbow protested. “How can you say that I was holding myself back?”

“You were holding yourself back because you were trying to achieve it for the wrong reasons. You didn’t want to do it for yourself—you wanted to do it to have other ponies be impressed of you, to prove that you were worthy of being my student.” Celestia explained. “When you really needed to do it—to save your friends—you were able to push through and you did so spectacularly. I doubt you’ll have any further trouble performing it again.” She chuckled. “I’m sure the Wonderbolts won’t be able to keep their hooves off you now.” She winked. “Performing a Sonic Rainboom and saving the world tends to look good on the resume.”

“You think so?” A smile suddenly crossed Rainbow Dash’s face. “Awesome!”

“Remind me to have a word with the Wonderbolts and we can see if they’ll be willing to give you an audition.” Celestia smiled. “I daresay you’ve certainly earned it.”

Rainbow’s joy suddenly turned into confusion. “Wait, you mean you could do that? Then why didn’t you a long time ago?”

“I didn’t think it would be fair for me to show undue favoritism to you, no matter how great a flier I know you to be.”

“So what changed?” Rainbow pressed tensely, suspicion creeping into her tone.

Celestia’s brows lowered in confusion and with just a hint of worry. “You performed a Sonic Rainboom again…a most impressive feat! And after all you’ve endured with Nightmare Moon, I thought—”

Rainbow cut her off. “You thought what?” She bit off angrily. “That you could just dangle my dreams out of reach like a sugarcube and now that I’ve done good I get a treat? Like I’m some kind of puppy that learned a trick?”

“Rainbow Dash, I never meant—”

“I help save the world and I get a pat on the head and a ‘good girl Rainbow Dash, here’s your dream on a platter? By the way, sorry for keeping you in the dark?’ No way!” She stomped her hoof. “If admission to the Wonderbolts is your idea of an apology or a prize, then no thanks. I’ll get there on my own! Without, you!” She barked, huffing and out of breath.

Celestia was shaking her head, wondering how things had gone so wrong so fast. “It isn’t like that, truly. I thought—I thought this was what you wanted…”

“What I wanted?!” Dash yelped. “Since when did what I want include getting sent on a mission that almost gets me and my friends killed because you can’t stop being so cryptic?” She snorted. “And now that you got your precious sister back, you don’t need me anymore so you might as well finally get around to get me into the Wonderbolts—which you could’ve done at ANYTIME? Got to get me out of the way, right?”

Pale pink eyes widened with realization as Celestia realized the source of Rainbow’s hurt. “Rainbow Dash, Luna is not replacing you…no more than you were a replacement for her.”

Rainbow bristled. “Oh yeah? Why should I believe you? It’s not like you haven’t kept things from me before!”

“…because I care about you. Please, whatever you think of me, please don’t doubt that.” Celestia said gently.

Dash took a deep breath. “Fine. Answer me this: if you could contact the Wonderbolts anytime, why didn’t you? Were you just saving it up for a special occasion? Was it supposed to be my incentive for stopping Nightmare Moon?” She demanded.

Celestia wrestled to find the right words as she spoke. “I was afraid that if I offered you your dreams too early, you would become so wrapped up in them that you would no longer have cause to take heed to what I had to teach you.” Celestia lowered her head. “I allowed my fears to dictate my actions. I was afraid that if you achieved everything you wanted, you would no longer have a place for me as your teacher. And friend.” She added in a hushed whisper.

If anything that only made Rainbow Dash madder. “You thought I would just ditch you the second I got into the Wonderbolts?” She looked appalled. “The ponies I met this week knew I was more loyal than that! Hay, that’s why I represent the Element of Loyalty, right? You’ve known me since I was a filly! How could you ever think that of me?” Hurt and fury raged for control. “You thought I would just…” She sputtered, trying to find the right words. “You JERK!”

Accepting her condemnation, Celestia closed her eyes. “I was not guided by what I knew to be true, but what I feared what might occur. Once more, I underestimated you. I am sorry.”

“You’re saying that a lot lately.” Dash noted with a snarl. “The thing is, the more you say it, the less I believe it. And what about your whole ‘death?’ Was that just an act—making sure I was properly motivated?”

“NEVER!” Celestia swore her eyes hardening as she swung her head to the smaller pony. “I swear to you, I merged myself with the sun fully prepared to give up my existence. I did not expect I would be able to return…I can only guess that your Sonic Rainboom or the power unleashed by the Elements of Harmony—or both—somehow created a bridge that allowed me to return to Equestria. It was never my intent to deceive you nor absent myself as a cynical trick.”

The pegasus snorted. “Kay, fine. I believe you….but why? I mean, Nightmare Moon almost convinced me that if I got rid of her and you were gone for good, then what would happen to the sun and moon? To Equestria?”

Celestia bit her lip. “…With Luna returned I feel Equestria would be fine.” She said finally.

Rainbow wasn’t having any of it. “Without you? With the pony responsible for your disappearance in charge? Sure, that would’ve gone over just FINE.” She rolled her eyes contemptuously. “Hay, how do you think Luna herself would’ve felt when she found out that you basically offed yourself?” Celestia flinched. “And while we’re on the subject WHY couldn't you stop Nightmare Moon yourself?” Dash demanded. “Something tells me it wasn’t just to avoid collateral damage, was it?”

“There were…complications.” Celestia sighed, hanging her head. “Luna and I once wielded the Elements of Harmony. But with her…change, that was no longer the case. Something happened when I sought to use them against her. I don’t know exactly what. Perhaps that’s why the Elements banished Luna instead of freeing her, as they did when you and your friends used them. With me no longer connected to them, I had no idea if they would work at all or simply banish her again or even…” She bit her lip. “I…I couldn’t take that chance. I couldn’t do it again. She’s my SISTER.” She looked up, practically begging Rainbow Dash to understand. “I couldn’t risk losing her. Not again.”

"Her?" A hot flash of something Rainbow Dash would bitterly deny was anything even resembling jealousy, ran through her. “But you could risk ME.” Rainbow retorted, “You could risk my friends, you could risk Shining Armor and your guards who swore to protect you, you could Dinky’s mother, you could risk ME…but you couldn’t risk your evil insane sister?!”

“You don’t understand! How could I charge into a battle between my student and my sister and have to choose a side?” Celestia implored Dash to understand. “I would either have to risk destroying my own flesh and blood or…or the filly I love like a daughter.” She whispered.

Rainbow took half a step back at her admission. "But--you--" She sputtered, trying and failing to come up with a response.

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, I’m NOT perfect.” Celestia confessed. “I just knew that I couldn’t face my little sister again…not if it meant sealing her away for another thousand years or worse. I’m not a goddess…I just wanted my sister back!” Her voice broke into a near sob.

Dash’s angry resolve was shaken by Celestia’s admission of just what she meant to her. “So you dumped it on me and my friends to fix something you were too afraid to.” She said, trying to cling to her anger. “So Nightmare Moon WAS telling the truth after all.” She narrowed her eyes. “Instead of fighting her yourself you used me and my friends to do it for you. With all your power, you hid away and used ponies and fashioned them into weapons instead. Nightmare Moon made the Shadowbolts. You made me: shaped me, influenced me until I could be what you wanted me to be—regardless of what I wanted. What’s worse…you didn’t even have the guts to ask me. Because I would’ve said yes.” Rainbow Dash felt her anger peak and start to fade. “Y-you know I would’ve said yes…you had to! I would’ve done anything for you…” She rubbed a hoof roughly across her face. “A-anything…”

“Rainbow Dash…” Celestia moved forward quickly and wrapped her up in a tight hug, her wings wrapped around the small pony as she rested her neck down across Rainbow’s own. “You were never a weapon to me. Never." She repeated fiercely. "I am so very sorry for making you think that was the case. I never wanted to deceive you.” The smaller pony shook and soon broke into teary sobs herself. Celestia held her tight and gently rocked her. Hot tears spilled down the alicorn’s own cheeks as she started to cry as well. They held each other again as they gave voice to their pain and their hurts and their love. One cannot have great hurt without great love. Only those who you truly love are capable of hurting you so deeply, so thoroughly.

Celestia knew this better than anypony living. As soon as the two broke apart, having vented the worst of their anger and sorrow, she looked to her pupil. “Rainbow…I made mistakes—oh so many mistakes!—a thousand years ago that I was terrified of making them again. Instead I made newer and perhaps more terrible ones. I can only beg your forgiveness for keeping this from you. Were I in your place I would find forgiveness difficult if not nigh-impossible. But I have underestimated you before and you have repeatedly shown that you are a better mare than I give you credit for. So I hold out the hope that some day, perhaps you will find it in your heart to forgive me.” Her regal voice cracked, having run out of things to say.

Rainbow Dash took a breath and looked up. “Celestia…ever since I was a filly you’ve been there for me. I love you so much…and that’s why all this hurts me so much.” She swallowed. “And I can forgive you for a lot of things because I love you. And I know you just wanted what was best for me, even if you hurt me. If it was just me…maybe I would’ve been okay with this.” She looked up at her teacher, her mentor, her friend. “But it wasn’t just me. You risked Ditzy Doo’s life, Shining Armor’s life, the guards, my friends in Ponyville and all of Equestria! That…no, I don’t think I can let that slide.” Her sigh was weary, one of resignation. “So I guess I can forgive you someday, because I love you. But not today.”

For all her size and grandeur, Celestia seemed to shrink and collapse in on herself. She nodded numbly, accepting her words. Rainbow Dash didn’t know what else to say or do. In the end she settled for giving the princess a soft nuzzle before turning for the door.

She opened the door and cast one last look back at Celestia, princess of the sun and ruler of Equestria as she stood alone in the middle of the library, looking hopelessly lost and defeated. Rainbow Dash turned and headed out, leaving Celestia alone with her regrets.

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