• Published 11th Aug 2017
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Vanishing Act - redandready45

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A Party to Remember

Author's Note:

So begins the hardest chapter I've ever written for this site. Buckle up. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Wednesday Morning

Suri sat in front of the mirror in the school bathroom, trying make sure her face was perfection. It was her fault for waking up too late to get ready at home, but she was resourceful enough to prepare for the eventuality. She was disturbed from her powdering by the opening of the door.

She glanced over and saw another girl burst in, with flowing blue-green hair and a beautiful, buttered up face. The glasses looked a bit familiar.

"How's it going," the girl said, airing a bit of confidence. She began to pull some makeup out of what looked like a luxury purse. She soon began to recognize the voice from somewhere.

"Wait," Suri said, narrowing her eyes. "You're that...Tulip girl?"

"Juniper," the girl replied, barely pausing from powdering her face.

"Well, you look awfully..."

"Stunning? Brilliant? Radiant," Juniper said with a wide smile, demonstrating an unusual amount of confidence.

"Different," Suri uttered, stunned by not only the change in appearance, but change in demeanor of this mousy girl.

"Sorry," she said with a weird grin, some of that awkwardness returning, "I copied that from some dumb teen drama". She sighed. "I am just trying to make a good first impression."

"First impression," Suri asked.

"At Sunny's party," Juniper said.

"Oh so she invited you," Suri said, putting on a sly smile.

"Yes she did," Juniper with a voice that was calm, but with barely restrained excitement.

"Did she give you the right address," Suri said, her grin getting wider.

"Why wouldn't she," Juniper said, mistaking Suri's smile as friendly. "She's been very helpful."

"Really," Suri asked.

"She's been giving me makeovers, clothes, and advice," Suri raised her eyebrow in confusion

"She has," Suri asked, her voice a mixture of confusion and suspicion.

"Yeah. I don't know why, but all of a sudden, Sunny and her friends started hanging out with me." Juniper's confident mask dropped as an undeniably happy grin formed on her face. "I'm so lucky to meet someone as nice as Sunny." Juniper looked at her phone, ignoring the calculating visage forming on Suri's face. "Oh, I've got to get to class, nice meeting you-," Juniper paused. "I haven't caught your name."


"Suri. Are you going to be at Sunny's party," Juniper asked.

"Its actually my party," Suri said. "Sunny's hosting it in her home."

"I wonder why she didn't mention you to me," Juniper wondered aloud. "I really go to go. See you tonight." Juniper ran out happily. Sunny's face was that of a wolf tasting fresh meat.

"Oh Sunny, I am so proud of you," Suri said to herself. "You and your friends understand that the best people to knock down are the people on the highest perch." She went to the sink and turned on the faucets, letting out a sigh of relief as the warm water poured on her knuckles.

"You've given this girl everything, only to take it away from her," Suri said happily, the warmth on her hands making her speak in an almost euphoric tone. "But that doesn't mean I also won't also try and put "Ms. Radiant " in her place." She let out a small snicker that quickly descended into a fit of cackling.

"Excuse me," an old voice said, "what is so funny?" Suri turned around and saw a decrepit looking old man in a yellow suit, and a yellow hat.

"AHHH," Sunny yelled, startled by the sudden appearance of an old man, who she noticed was carrying a broom and tugging a cart full of cleaning supplies. "What are you doing here?!" The man gave her a sly grin.

"Well, I'm in the real estate business," the man said in a sarcastically lofty tone. "I came here to appraise the real estate values-what do you think I'm doing in here?!" The man pointed to his janitor stuff to make the point clear. Suri stormed out of the room, red in the face.

"These girls are weird," the janitor muttered in an exasperated tone as he began his work.

After her small embarrassment, Suri regained her composure as she walked toward Coco, who was going through her locker.

"Coco sweetie," Suri said in a sugary tone. Coco turned toward Suri, the words sounding in her ears like a royal command. "We are going to teach some dumb little bigshot her place."

"Uh, you just used an oxymoron," Coco said with awkward tone,"you know, 'big' and 'little' are, um, two opposite words. Calling her little-," she ceased her ramblings at Suri's glare. "What do you want to do?"

"Teach a little girl that her 'dressing up' doesn't mean a thing," Suri said, as another vicious grin formed on her face.


CPA Cafeteria, 12:45 PM

At their usual table, the Shadowbolts gathered around Sunny, as hosting the party had made her the center of attention.

"So, everybody's gonna be at the party," Lemon Zest asked with excitement.

"Fleur, Upper Crust, I think even Sapphire might come over," Sunny said, almost dreamily. The other Shadowbolts looked the same.

"Sapphire really," Sugarcoat said, her normally stoic façade replaced with some small excitement. Sapphire Shores was not merely popular, but a celebrity in the making. She knocked out of the park at the benefit concert last year, and her music got great reception on both MyStable and WatchMe. It was clear that the girl was on the verge of becoming a hit singer. Befriending her would not only add to someone's social status, but having a famous friend is a good connection to have.

"That girl rocks," Lemon Zest said. "I'm not much of a pop girl, but if she's at your party, you'll be set for life."

"Oh, you are so lucky," Sour said happily. "I wish I could go!" Sour slammed her face onto the table.

"What happened," Indigo Zap asked, concerned.

"I got a C on my math test, so my mom said I couldn't go," Sour said, her voice muffled by planting it onto the table.

"Sorry, Sour," Lemon said, putting a comforting arm on her friend's shoulder.

"Don't worry," Sour said, pulling her face from the table. "I can use the time to finish our Twilight presentation." The rest of the Shadowbolts looked stoic at that.

"How is it coming along," Sugarcoat asked Sour, looking very serious.

"Great. Thanks to all the pictures Cadance gave us, I've made a retrospective of her life," Sour said.

"What's a retrospective," Lemon asked.

"A presentation about her life from childhood to her final days," Sugarcoat uttered.

"I've just got to do the finishing touches tonight," Sour said.

"Uh, Sunny, I wanted to ask you something," Indigo said, changing the conversation.

"Sure," Sunny said.

"Are you sure that bringing Juniper is a good idea," Indigo asked Sunny, giving her a hard glare. The rest of her friends were also giving her concerned looks. While Sunny was trying to be Juniper's friend, the other Shadowbolts still struggled to connect with her.

"Yes," Sunny said, her tone a mixture of frustration and conviction. "Why do you guys hate Twilight so much?" There was a chill around the table.

"Did you just say Twilight," Indigo asked, concerned.

"No," Sunny said, flustered, "I think I said-,"

"Sunny, you said Twilight," Sour said, cutting off Sunny's denial with an unusually melancholic tone appearing in her voice. "Is that why you're hanging out with Juniper? Because you feel guilty about Twilight?"

Sunny sat in silence for a moment, and let out a sigh as everyone gave her concerned looks. While Lemon could seem airheaded, she could be very empathetic.

"Why shouldn't I feel guilty," Sunny barked with a defensive tone. "Don't any of you feel bad?"

"Yes," Sugarcoat replied. "But you can't let keep you from living your life. This party is important to you-"

"Well," Sunny said. "I told my priest about what happened." When she saw the panicked looks in her friend's eyes, she added ,"I didn't tell him EVERYTHING. But he told me I could make it up to Twilight by trying to be friends with a girl like her."

"And that is a nice goal," Sugarcoat said. "And I'm happy that you are trying to be a better person. But you can't let your guilt affect your life. Bringing Juniper into the party is a big risk."

"What is the worst that could happen?"

"Juniper could annoy everyone by going off onto obnoxious tangents about science, lose some of the games, or wear tacky clothes," Sugarcoat uttered. Sunny pinched her nose at Sugarcoat's description about what could go wrong, before giving her a confident smile.

"I'll have you know I've been giving her makeup training, fashion advice, and training her to control her words," Sunny said.

"Oh yes, I'm sure she'll change after a few days," Sour said happily. She then gave an angry frown. "Not!"

"Come on, I've seen her make a lot of progress," Sunny protested. She turned toward Indigo. "You said she's been doing better in the gym, haven't you?"

"She can do a pushup now without me straightening her back," Indigo said with some reluctance. "But she's still a bit of a nuisance." Indigo sighed and gave her a serious look. "Sunny, I know being a friend with Juniper is important to you, but this party will be the thing that makes or breaks you." Indigo Zap's look became more sympathetic. "Are you sure you want to risk that on some girl you just met? There are other parties you can bring her to."

"If there were other big parties I could bring her to this week, I would," Sunny said. "But," she paused, clenching her fists and preventing her eyes from watering over.

"What," Sour said, her tone full of concern."

"I'm afraid she'll just end up having no life," she admitted, whimpering. "I'm afraid of her not being able to make any friends besides me, and that she'll spend her time here alone. Afraid...she'll end up like another Twilight."

"I see your point Sunny," Sugarcoat said with some concern. "But this is A-lister party, and Juniper barely qualifies for a D. By inviting her, you assume responsibility for everything she does, good or bad. Which means-,"

"If she goes down, I go down with her," Sunny finished with a sigh. She then regained some hope on her face. "But you should've seen her last night when I was done. She looked like someone who was on top of the world." Sunny glared at her friends. "And if she goes, you WILL be nice to her." The Shadowbolts let out reluctant grunts of acknowledgement.

"Anyways," Sunny began, but she paused when she saw Juniper walking toward her.

"Hey June," Sunny said, calling toward her. She paused when she saw Juniper wasn't wearing the makeup she wore this morning.

"Hey Sunny," Juniper said, giving her a smile that wasn't reaching her eyes. "How's it going," she said too quickly. Sunny looked concerned, seeing her friend's mood change from the go-getter attitude she saw this morning.

"June why did you get rid of your-,"

"Can we talk in private," Juniper said, gesturing with her thumb in the direction of the cafeteria doors. Sunny got up from her table, and walked with June, who let out a small wave at the Shadowbolts. The two walked out the door, and near some lockers. The hall was empty, which gave them some privacy.

"I've decided this party isn't for me," Juniper said suddenly, almost panicking. "Why don't we all hang out on the weekend instead?" Sunny looked concerned.

"June, is everything OK?"

"Yes, peachy," Juniper said in a tone that wasn't peachy.

"June why don't you want to go," Sunny said in a more assertive tone.

"Because," June said stammering ."I don't think the popular girls are gonna like me. Maybe this is too fast."

Sunny paused. Somewhat selfish thoughts bubbled in her mind.

"If she doesn't want to go, fine", Sunny thought to herself. "My reputation will be secure, and June could find another way to meet people."

Sunny was about to reply, before other horrible thoughts appeared in her brain.

Juniper meekly walked down the hallway. Everyone barely noticed her, and students bumped into her, seeing her as no better then a speedbump. Juniper let out meek apologies as people carelessly collided with her body.


Juniper sat alone in the cafeteria, picking away at her food. With a sigh, she brought her cafeteria to a table with a bunch of girls.

"Hey," she said meekly to the group of girls engaged in idle chatter. They paused, and looked her like she was a train wreck. "Room for one more?"

"Sure," said one girl. Just as Juniper sat down, the girl let out cruel grin. "In the mental hospital." The other girls laughed obnoxiously, while Juniper sadly crept away toward an empty table in the back.


An aged Juniper sat in a broken-down house, dressed in rags, eating a TV dinner, and surrounded by a bunch of stray dogs.

"At least you guys won't leave me," Juniper said in a weak voice, before one of the dogs grabbed the TV dinner. "That's mine," she bellowed, and began fighting with the dog with her teeth.


"No," Sunny practically yelled. Juniper looked stunned.

"What," Juniper said, a bit confused.

"You have to go," Sunny said, before sighing and giving her a serious look. "That's why you got rid of all your makeup? That's why you went from being on top of the world to looking like a dog died?" She continued with some exasperation. "June, if someone who didn't like you went to a restaurant you liked, would you stop going?"

"No," Juniper replied.

"Then why are you letting that fear prevent you from going to this party?" Sunny almost yelled. "There are always going to be people in life who don't like you. You shouldn't let them control you, or keep you from having fun."

"But," Juniper inputted. "It's just besides you and your friends, a lot of people here don't seem to like me."

"And if you keep acting like a sad sack, then people definitely won't like you," Sunny said with a mixture of annoyance and jest. Juniper snickered a bit.

"What's so funny?"

"You sound like my uncle," Juniper said with some amusement. "He tells me the same thing."

"Well he's right, and so am I," Sunny replied with a smug grin. "Look, I get you're nervous, but if you keep being nervous, you could miss out on a chance to meet some new people and have a good time. If you keep being nervous, Twilight, you'll definitely end up alone." Sunny continued. She put a warm hand on Juniper's shoulder. "Look, whatever happens, I'll still be your friend, OK?" Juniper said.

"OK," Juniper said. She then stared at Sunny with confusion. "Did you just call me 'Twilight'?"

"Did I," Sunny replied with a sheepish smile.

"Yes, you did-," Juniper said, her face becoming unusually stern.

"Sorry, I always mix up people's names," Sunny said nervously, trying to change the subject. "Let's go redo your makeup."


"Listen missie," Sunny said in an authoritative tone. "You are going to put on your makeup, you are going to look beautiful, or I will dunk your head into a bucket of mascara.

"OK," Juniper said defensively. "Lead the way, Uncle Sunny." Sunny snorted as she walked into the bathroom with Juniper following her.

Wednesday, 4 PM. Sunset's apartment.

Twilight looked with some joy at the ingredients that Sunset obtained and placed on the table in her apartment. Flash was coming over for another dinner date, and Twilight was going to use it in order to learn how to cook with human hands.

"I can't believe it," Twilight said giddily, as if she was a kid in a candy store."First I'm trying out the new technology. Now, I'm going to prepare local cuisine. I love cross cultural exchange!"

"I've never seen anyone so excited over tomato lasagna," Sunset said with some jest. "Here it's a pretty normal dish. People can buy it frozen."

"I guess," Twilight said. "So you cooked for Flash?"

"Yeah," Sunset said.

"I thought you only dated him for popularity?"

"Well," Sunset said with some hesitation. "Cooking was just part of the act I played. When I was pretending to be the 'good girl'." She let out a sigh.

"Sunset," Twilight said, noticing her concern. "If this is bringing up bad memories, you don't-,"

"Look, I'm not secretly pining for Flash," Sunset said with some annoyance, before looking down with sad eyes. "I just feel guilty for how I strung him along."

"Well don't," Twilight said with a reassuring smile. "I mean, you're helping him out my cooking us dinner, and you're letting us have a dinner date in your house. Helping him find someone else proves you're making it up to him."

"I guess," Sunset said in a happier mood. "Anyways, let's get to cooking."

After two hours of spilled bowls of sauce and batter and much flung flour, the lasagna was now cooking in the oven, and would be ready in a half-hour.

"Well we finally got it done," Sunset said with a mixture of joy and exhaustion to Twilight. The two of them were covered in baking ingredients and sauce. "It is a good thing I bought extra ingredients."

"Yeah," Twilight said sheepishly. "You go shower, and I'll go clean up."

"OK, thanks," Sunset said, walking toward her bathroom. Twilight walked toward the oven, trying to take a bowl of salsa and put it in the sink. As she walked, she tripped over a bowl on the ground. She fell toward the still-hot stove, and put her hands forward to break her fall.

Sunset was about to turn on the water, when she heard the loudest scream ever.

"AHHHHHH," she heard Twilight yell.

Sunset let out a sigh of exasperation and went underneath her bathroom sink to pull out a first-aid kit.


7 PM

Twilight and Flash sat at the table, enjoying their romantic dinner. Well Flash was. Twilight struggled to use silverware. Her motor skills in her human body were still poor, and it was worse since she accidentally burned her hands. Sunset wrapped them up in gauze, which meant she couldn't even use her fingers. Flash looked at her with pity.

"Look, Twilight," Flash said with a reassuring smile. "If you want to eat with your mouth, go ahead."

"Flash," Twilight said defensively. "I remember how weird everybody thought I was when I tried to pick up food with my mouth. I want to look normal around here."

"Twilight," Flash said. "We aren't in public. It's OK." Twilight let out a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry, I just feel like an idiot." Twilight said with some sadness. "I'm a magical princess and was a top level student in my world, and yet I'm not smart enough to not burn my hands on the stove."

"Twilight,," Flash said with a warm smile. "You tripped and fell. by accident. People make mistakes like that all the time." Flash then gave her a seductive smile. "Besides, I can use this opportunity to spoon fed you, and treat you like real royalty."

"Are you trying to butter me up, Mr. Sentry," Twilight said in a contrary tone.

"Is it working," Flash asked.

"Yes," Twilight said. Her face shifted into the image that was purely regal. "Very well, Sir Sentry. As your princess, I command you to feed me."

"Sir," Flash replied. "Am I being knighted?"

"If you treat your princess well," Twilight said in a regal tone, sounding almost like Rarity.

Flash took Twilight's plate, picked up a fork and began feeding her. They both looked at each other with passion in their eyes. Flash pulled out his phone and, unbeknownst to Twilight, started taking pictures of their romantic dinner.


6:30 PM. Sunny's House.

Alongside Sunny's house, luxury cars were parked along the side of the road. At least 20 girls clambered out of them, and into Sunny's house. When they entered her house, they saw Sunny standing in the atrium, checking their names on a list like a restaurant concierge, and taking their coats.

"Thanks for coming," Sunny said to all the people who showed up in a practiced tone. She let out a genuine cheer of excitement for the arrival of her fellow Shadowbolts.

"Hey guys," Sunny said.

"Hey Sunny," Sour said. "This looks great."

"This is pure awesome," Indigo said happily.

"The logistics were very well organized," Sugarcoat said without much joy. She happily took their coats, and handed them off to Sunny, who tiredly carried them to a nearby closet.

Deep in Sunny's mind, there was one person she was anxious she would show up. Her thoughts were broken up as Suri approached her with a warm smile.

"Well this is it Sunny," Suri said with genuine joy. "As long as we do everything right, the night is ours!"

"Yep," Sunny said. "Anyways-," She saw Suri's face turn from joy to utter disgust.

"Suri," Sunny asked with concern, "Are you OK?" She turned, and saw that Juniper had showed up in the outfit they set up last night.

"Hey Sunny," Juniper happily stated. "How do I look?"

"Uh, great," Sunny said, forcing a smile on her face, and she felt Suri's anger boiling on her face.

"Hey Suri how is it going," Juniper said half-heartedly, before walking past Suri and going onto the floor, where the other girls were chatting.

"What is she doing here," Suri asked Sunny, gritting her teeth. "I thought you were going to give her the wrong directions?"

"I did," Sunny said with fake shock. "She must've gotten here anyways. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Suri said, her face becoming less severe. "I'll make sure she stays gone." She was about to walk over to Juniper, but found her arm being tugged by Sunny.

"What," Suri said with annoyance. "I'm trying to get that loser off your back". Sunny paused, trying to control the anger she felt boiling in her stomach, and come up with an excuse.

"Look," Sunny said, mulling her thoughts. "I'm worried you'll make a scene, or she'll start crying her eyes out in front you. We don't need that." She paused as she watched Suri digest the excuse. "I'm not happy about it either," Sunny said, lying, "but we have to deal with her here."

"Your right," Suri said with a smile, bringing Sunny's hopes up a bit. "We don't want to make scene. There are more than one ways to skin a cat." Suri walked away, not noticing Sunny's stunned expression. She looked at Suri, but thankfully, she wasn't bothering to approach Juniper. However, she saw how Juniper wasn't connecting with anyone. Sunny pinched the bridge of her nose.


Despite being in a room with 20 or so people, Juniper felt more alone than ever. While she wasn't moping, she was frustrated that she couldn't find a way to get involved in the gossip and chatter everyone else was involved with. Everyone was in their own environment, and she was being treated like an invasive species. Even Sunny's friends seemed to ignore her. She looked at the nearby kitchen, and decided to peck at some of the food in the kitchen. She looked and saw someone trying to arrange all the refreshments.

"Hi," Juniper said, trying to project an air of confidence. She had tan skin, two-toned blue hair cut down to her chin, and was wearing a fancy blue dress.

"Hi," the blue-haired girl said, before glancing at her. She looked back at Juniper and gave her a confused look.

"Uh, do I have something on my face," Juniper asked in confusion.

"What are you doing here," the girl asked with some apprehension.

"Uh, Sunny invited me," Juniper said. The girl looked at her with an expression of...pity.

"Oh, she did," the girl said, almost sadly. "Well...have fun." She turned away from Juniper, and began pulling out and arranging the snacks. Juniper stared at her, and then looked back at the living room full of people and music. She stared at the blue-haired girl.

"I didn't catch your name," Juniper said.

"Coco," the girl continued, not turning away from her work. Juniper glanced at all the arrangements and was stunned.

"So, are you doing all this work yourself," Juniper asked. Coco looked up. "This has got to be enough food to feed 100 people."

"Suri wants the best, so I give it to her," Coco said with exhaustion.

"Shouldn't she be helping you out?" Juniper asked. ""Isn't this her party?"

"She is too busy," Coco said. Juniper looked into the living room and saw Suri gossiping with a bunch of girls. Her eyes narrowed.

"Sunny is welcoming all the guests. Coco is doing the snacks. Suri isn't doing anything to help", Juniper thought with some frustration. She glanced over to Coco.

"Uh, need some help," Juniper said. Coco looked at her with surprise.

"Sure," Coco said after a few minutes of hesitation.


Sunny had checked all the guest spots on her list, pausing to make sure everyone was here. She was just about to set it down when another person walked in. Her heart soared.

Sapphire Shores walked into her home. She was wearing her hair like a blue ponytail. She was clad in a white dress that went down to knees, purple shoes, and wearing purple gloves. Her face radiated a confident calm.

"Sapphire, I can't believe your here," Sunny said, feeling incredible joy.

"Oh please Sunny, even if I get famous, I won't ever forget you," Sapphire said. "Besides, I'd never pass up a chance at free food." Sunny let out a mirthful chuckle.

"Alright," Sunny said, "come on in".

"Everybody," Sunny said. All the girls turned in her direction, and looked awed as they saw Sapphire approach. "Here comes the guest of honor, Sapphire Shores!"

Everybody started cheering and clamoring around their celebrity classmate.

Juniper paused in her work at everybody's cheering.

"What are those girls applauding," Juniper said to herself, before returning to work with Coco, who hadn't paused in her duties.

Suri, the leader of the party, pushed through the crowd of girls to personally welcome Sunny.

"Sapphire, darling, how have you been," Suri said.

"Good, Suri," Sapphire said.

"Tell me, how are the meetings with your agent going," Suri said.


"Because my father knows some people who could help you in your negotiations," Suri went on, not noticing Sapphire's smile becoming strained.

In the kitchen, Coco and Juniper looked proudly at the job well done.

"Man this looks great Coco," Juniper said. "You really should go into catering."

"Yeah," Coco said. "Thanks for helping me out."

"Don't mention it," Coco said happily. She then frowned. "Um, June."


"There is something I should tell you," Coco paused as she saw Sunny approached, and let out a whimper.

"What are you girls doing in here," Sunny said cheerfully. "The party is in there," she said, gesturing toward the living room. Juniper walked into there, feeling slightly better, while Coco was giving her an anxious stare.

"What did you want to tell me Coco," Juniper said, glancing toward her.

"Nothing," Coco said, keeping in her eyes on Sunny. Juniper shrugged her shoulders and walked toward the party.

"What are you planning," Coco said quietly.

"What are you talking about," Sunny replied. "I'm not planning on anything except having fun."

"Sure you aren't," Coco said quietly, walking past her without looking in the eye. Sunny frowned, feeling a touch of cold anger in Coco's voice.

In the corner of the room, Sapphire was sipping a cup of fruit punch, trying to massage the headache she got from all the girls clamoring around her.

"Suri still never learns to shut up," Sapphire muttered to herself with annoyance. Since she gave a performance, everyone started treating her like a commodity and asking about her career, but Suri was especially dedicated to kissing up to her. Sapphire saw opportunism in Suri's eyes, and it was annoying. She wished she didn't have to talk about work during working hours.

"Hey," Sapphire heard, and saw some bespectacled girl with long, blue-green hair approaching her. "Sorry," Juniper said, "Am I bothering you?"

"No," Sapphire said.

"OK. My name is Juniper, what is yours," Juniper asked timidly.

"You don't know my name," Sapphire asked with some confusion.

"I just moved here," Juniper said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh, well," Sapphire said, her jaded tone becoming slightly more magnanimous. "I am....kind of popular here."

"Oh, so do people need to book five months in advance to shake your hand," Juniper jokingly asked. Sapphire snorted at that.

"No," Sapphire said. "But sometimes I feel a red carpet magically appears whenever I walk around."

"Sounds great," Juniper.

"Nah, it can tiresome," Sapphire said. "So," she said. "What do you...like to do."

"Telecommunications," Juniper said, trying to remember Sunny's advice of not running her mouth.

"You mean, like, broadcasting," Sapphire asked.

"Sure," Sunny said.

"Have you ever worked for a band," Sapphire said.

"Well I did do AV at my last school," Juniper said, again pausing. To Juniper's surprise, Sapphire gave her a look of interest.

"Tell me all about it," Sapphire said happily. Juniper smiled, happy someone was interested in what she had to say.

"Everybody," Sunny said over the noise of the partygoers. Suri stood next to her.

"Now it is time to start 'Truth or Dare'," Suri said. "Everybody stand in a circle, for you will all be given a truth or dare." Suri looked in the corner as the girls got into a circle, and to her fury, she saw Juniper and Sapphire having a good conversation.

"Suri what's wrong," Sunny asked.

"It isn't enough for that geek to crash my-I mean, our party," Suri said, "now she has to start bothering Sapphire with her nerd talk." Sunny looked intensely at the two talking in the corner, fearing that Juniper was doing that. Sunny eyes narrowed, not finding any trace of annoyance on Sapphire's face. "Don't worry, Sunny. I'll get rid of her soon." Suri stormed over to the two chatting, while Sunny watched with apprehension.

"So, the teacher blamed you for the feedback," Sapphire said with amusement.

"Yeah," Juniper said. "He couldn't accept that it was his own raspy voice that was causing the feedback." They both chuckled. "So anyways-," Juniper was interrupted by someone putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Juniper, time for truth or dare," Suri said forcefully, disrupting the conversation. "Hurry, hurry you don't want to miss it!"

"OK, sure" Juniper said, confused and annoyed with the interruption. She walked over to the circle of girls.

"Sorry Sapphire," Suri said in a sympathetic tone. "I'm wish you didn't have to go through that."

"Go through what," Sapphire said with some consternation, "Juniper and I were having a-,"

"Oh Sapphire you are a saint," Suri interrupted. "You had to endure annoying losers like that, who talk their heads off, thinking annoying words are the most important thing on Earth."

"Look who's talking," Sapphire muttered under her breath.


"Nothing. She wasn't being annoying," Sapphire said, barely masking her frustration. "She seems nice-,"

"Anyways time to start 'Truth or Dare'," Suri said walking away from Sapphire, who was glared at her for a minute before following her with a sigh.

"OK," Sunny said, pulling out a card. "The first person to go for truth or dare will be-"

"Juniper," Suri interrupted. Sunny was about to object, but Suri's glare cut her off.

Juniper stepped into the middle of the circle. Sunny and the Shadowbolts looked at her with concern, while the rest of the girls looked at Juniper with ambivalence or annoyance. They had little connection to Juniper, her having just moved there, and thus would look at her with judgmental eyes.

"OK,so here are the rules," Suri said. "You have to do either a truth or dare. If you don't," she paused, leaning to Juniper with a nasty look. "You have to leave the party." Juniper looked concerned. "OK, Juniper, which will it be? Truth or dare?"

"Please pick truth, please pick truth," Sunny said under her breath.

"Dare," Juniper said with a smile. Suri gave her a nasty look.

"OK June," Suri said. "I dare you to....guzzle down a really hot drink. Coco?" Coco ran into the kitchen, and brought a bottle of hot sauce, a glass, and a bunch of other spices.

"You have to drink this," Suri said, as Coco poured enormous amounts of spice and sauce into the glass. "Without collapsing or screaming. If you don't, you lose the game, and have to leave." The crowd leaned in, except for the other Shadowbolts who looked alarmed.

"Uh, isn't this a little too much," Indigo said with some concern. "Maybe she can do another dare-"

"Too late," Suri uttered. She then walked back toward Sunny.

"See Sunny," Suri said to Sunny, her voice dripping with pleasure. "I told you I would have everything figured out. That beanpole will drank that, scream or faint, and she'll run home crying". She looked at Juniper staring at the glass. "See she can't-," Suri paused as Juniper picked up the glass of spicy stuff, and put the glass against her mouth.

To everyone's shock, Juniper wasn't hacking or joking. She was guzzling the super-spicy stuff like it was a glass of lemonade.

"Ahh," Juniper in a wheezing tone, as she put down the glass, and wiped her mouth with her wrist. Her face was red and sweaty, but she was still standing and not yelling in pain. Sunny and the Shadowbolts were happily surprised, Sapphire was intrigued, while everyone else was speechless.

"June," Lemon Zest asked, honest "how did you do that?"

"I spent two months in Mexico with my uncle," Juniper said, still wheezing from the spicy concoction. "The choice was either eat spicy food or die."

"You went to Mexico? Really?" Fleur asked, genuinely interested. "Did you go to Cancun?"

"For a few days," Juniper said. "No, we spent most of our time in the jungle, living in one of those native villages."

"What was that like," Fleur asked, with other girls staring at Juniper with interest.

"Well," Juniper said, "we lived in huts and we ate these really spicy peppers all the time." Other girls looked really interested in the story.

Sunny looked proudly at Juniper. She was happily interacting with other people, and not going off into tangents. Her joy was broken by Suri running toward the circle.

"OK Juniper that is really nice," Suri interrupted in an incredibly condescending tone, while grabbing June's shoulder and gritting her teeth. "But we should give other people a turn."

"OK," Juniper said, pulling her arm back from Suri, and walking back into the circle. The other girls looked a bit dismayed, before returning to their spot. Sunny looked at Suri with growing disdain.

Everyone else took their turn doing truth or dare. Sunny did truth, and confessed she sucked her thumb until she was 7. Indigo was dared into doing a backflip. Sugarcoat did truth, obviously, and said Fleur's dress was tacky. Fleur laughed at the burn, liking Sugarcoat's bluntness. Lemon Zest was dared into singing the "Modern General Song."

Then came pillow fights, which was initiated when Lemon Zest pulled a sneak attack on Sapphire. Soon dozens of girls started swinging pillows at one another, with looses alliances of various girls that broke apart within minutes of the fight starting. Sunny noted that Suri was a little bit too aggressive with Juniper, but having to deflect others prevented Suri from being too harsh.

"OK guys," Sunny said. "Time for karaoke." Coco wheeled in a karaoke machine into the middle of the room. She turned toward Sapphire, who took the hint and began singing out some karaoke.

After several songs about romance, failed romance, and rebellion, everyone was speechless as Sapphire sang with her soul. After Sapphire sang for 20 minutes, she put the mike down and returned to the crowd of girls. Sunny walked up to the microphone.

"OK," Sunny said, "who wants to go next?" Nobody in the crowd looked eager to go, feeling like they wouldn't hold a candle to Sapphire.

"OK," Sunny said, "lets move on to-,"

"Actually," Suri said, again pulling on Juniper's arm. who looked nervous. "June really wants to go."

"No I-,"

"Come on Junie," Suri said in a deceptively gleeful tone, "you told me about how much you wanted to sing. She has a great voice." Sunny was about to object, before being cut off by Sapphire.

"Come on June, give it your all," Sapphire said. She started chanting "sing", and soon everyone else did, except for the Shadowbolts and Coco who looked concerned.

"OK," Juniper said with some resignation. Sunny looked worried, and once again began trying to suppress her anger as Suri approached her.

"What are you planning know," Sunny asked, gritting her teeth.

"Don't worry," Suri said, misreading her anger. "Once the loser wets her pants from stage fright, and sings off key, she'll run out of the party herself." Suri turned her head toward Juniper, looking like someone who was watching a man get mauled by lions with glee. Sunny felt herself clenching her fist.

June timidly picked a song and looked toward the crowd. Everyone, including Sapphire, seemed to stare at her with interest. She looked toward Sunny, Lemon , Sugarcoat, and Indigo. Instead of judgement, they looked at her with a kind smile. Sunny even gave her a discreet thumbs up. Soon, a small, jazzy tune started up.

"I know you think I'm done," Juniper began, in a small , soulful voice. "I know you think you've won." The crowd got silent, Juniper nearly put down the mike, but Sunny continued to give her a thumbs up. "I know you think I will fall....

"She's good", Sapphire whispered to Sunny. She also heard other girls muttering the same thing, and Sunny began to feel chills from June's deep tone. Juniper began to relax, her smile being wider.

"...but this is but the battle, not the war at all!"

The jazz music began to gain tempo, and soon Juniper's voice sped up as she sang the jazzy tune. Following Sapphire's lead, everyone started clapping alongside her. After 3 minutes of singing, the song reached its end.

"I have lost the battle, but you will lose in the end," Juniper said, closing her eyes as she read the chorus ,"because you are but pathetic, my old...friend." Everyone started applauding Juniper. Sapphire, Sunny, and the Shadowbolts started running toward her.

"Hey Sunny," Juniper said, "how did I do?"

"June you did great," Sunny said.

"It was truly epic," Lemon Zest said honestly.

"How come you didn't tell us you could sing," Indigo asked.

"A lack of confidence combined with the inability to face the crowd," Sugarcoat surmised.

"Yeah, that is pretty much it," Juniper said.

"Well Junie," Sapphire said. "I think keeping that sweet voice locked up is a shame." She put her arm around June. "I really should bring you down to Canterlot Records."

"I appreciate the offer Sapphire," Juniper said uneasily. "But I really see myself more as a tech person, not a singer."

"Oh come on," Lemon Zest said. "You sing better then a lot of pop singers today."

"No really, I'm good," June said shyly.

"Well fine," Sapphire said. She pulled out a card, and gave it to Juniper. "But if my career takes off, give me a call. You could make a really good backup singer." Juniper silently took the card with a smile.

Unbeknownst to Sunny, Suri was watching the scene with a jealous rage. Coco approached her.

"Suri, what's wrong," Coco asked with concern.

"That...that bitch upstaged me," Suri said, fuming. "This is supposed to be my night! My time with Sapphire! And I am not going to let that scrawny nerd take it away from me."

"What are you going to do," Coco asked. She flinched as Suri's face twisted into one of sick amusement.

"We are going to put that bitch in her place once and for all," Suri said. She grabbed Coco's arm and dragged her away.

After a few more events-dinner, fortune teller, and some cheesy teen dramas- the night had nearly come to an end.

"OK, everybody," Sunny said, holding a microphone. "Time for the final event. Our annual CPA Girl of the Year Award." Suri handed her the envelope, with an odd smile. "It is time for us to honor the girl who has done the most to represent CHS." She looked at Sapphire. Sapphire was already decided, but doing the ceremony was fun. She opened the envelope. "The winner is..."she paused. To her shock, Sapphire's name was crossed out, and Juniper's name was penciled in.

"Juniper," Sunny read with confusion, which was heard as she talked into the microphone. Everyone in the room looked in confusion at Juniper, who herself was speechless and perturbed by the attention.

"Give it up for Juniper," Sapphire said loudly, and everyone started cheering. Suri started pulling on Juniper. Sunny felt a pit in her stomach, as a past memory washed over her.

"Come on Junie," Suri said to Juniper, directing her to stand in a certain spot. "Stand here. If you do, you'll get a really good prize."

"OK," Juniper said with some confusion, finally letting Suri pull her into a corner.

Time seemed to slow down as Sunny stared at June. She looked up, and saw above June was some bucket suspended by rope.

Sunny felt a pit in her stomach grow, especially as Suri approached her.

"This girl is going to get something she won't forget", Sunny purred into Sunny's ear. Sunny started shaking, sweating, and feeling sick, as she followed the rope to a corner of the room that was hidden.

"OK, Coco," Suri yelled into the corner of the room. "Give June her prize." The bucket started to turn over. Sunny felt time slow further. She couldn't hear anything except the sound of the bucket tipping over. Without thinking, Sunny ran toward Juniper, who looked at her in shock, and pushed her out of the way. Sunny fell to the ground, the fall making her feel pain in her torso, and felt some weird smelling paste-stuff drip all over her clothes and skin. Sunny laid there, in shock and in some agony.

Juniper got up off the ground, and glared at Sunny in a rage at being knocked down.

"Sunny, what's the big idea-," she paused as she saw Sunny on the ground, covered in rotten milk and groaning. She looked up in confusion, and saw the bucket above her head. Everyone else in the room was staring in shock at what just happened.

"Sunny," Lemon Zest said, breaking the silence. She and the other Shadowbolts, as did Juniper, rushed over to help Sunny up.

"Are you OK," Indigo asked with concerned.

"She is coated with rotten milk, and her ribs are bruised from the fall," Sugarcoat said. "Science says no."

"Sunny," Juniper said, approaching her friend with worried eyes. "What happened." Sunny finally rose to her feet, but was cut off but an angry Suri stomping toward her, with Coco in tow.

"You bitch!" Juniper and the other Shadowbolts turned toward Sun. "We were gonna have the best night ever, and you ruined with this stunt! We had the chance to get rid of this loser!"

"Wait," Juniper said, in confusion. "You guys were planning to dump that on me?" The hurt in June's voice was palpable, and it made Sunny and the other Shadowbolts feel a knot in her throat.

"I, I didn't," Sunny said weekly but Suri butted in.

"I had the idea, Coco pulled the string," Suri said viciously. Coco looked away from Juniper, ashamed. "Sunny told me about how much of a whinny little wimp you were," Suri practically bellowed at Juniper. "How you whined to the principal for an invite to this party."

"You said I whined to the principal," Juniper asked Sunny, sounding hurt and dismayed. Sunny began feeling even worse.

"Yeah, she told me everything," Suri said, practically growling. "And since she was too much of a wimp to say it, and let you get soaked, I will." Suri looked at Juniper with utter disgust. "You are a worthless pile of crap, a stupid little whore, who doesn't belong."

Suri went on with the insults for several moments. Everyone looked on with shock. Sapphire and the Shadowbolts' faces curled with disgust. Coco looked down in shame. Despite being in pain, Sunny's eyes became more stone, seeing Suri belittle Juniper, and Juniper look even more distressed.

"No one likes you," Suri said, finishing her tirade. Juniper looked to be on the verge of tears, her lips quivering. "Now take your worthless little-,"

"GET OUT!" Suri paused and looked at Sunny, who was giving her a look that could kill.

"What", Suri said with disbelief.

"Get out! Are you deaf," Sunny said, her voice dripping with rage.

"This is my party," Suri said smugly.

"This is my house, get out!"

"How dare you," Suri said. "I was only trying to help you, after she tattled on you."

"I lied," Sunny admitted. She glanced over at Juniper, who was giving her a very cold look that chilled her bones. She looked away, and back at the sneering face of Suri. "I lied because I was too much of a coward to admit that I wanted to be friends with Juniper-,"

"You wanted to be friends with this pathetic-," Suri paused, and let out a cruel laugh. "Why would you-,"

"Because she's nice," Sunny practically yelled. "What is your problem? Why do you have to be-,"

"Because she's a loser who won't shut up," Suri bellowed back. The other Shadowbolts all looked down in shame. "Because she doesn't take hints. I gave her a warning, and she just didn't get-"

"Wait," Juniper said, sadness and shame returning to her voice. "You're the girl who put that picture in-,"

"What picture," Indigo asked her. Juniper looked down in shame. "What picture," Indigo asked Juniper more forcefully. June tearfully pulled a paper out of her purse. Sunny and Indigo looked at it. They gasped.

On the top of the picture was a cruel caption, written in red ink, said "Nobody likes pigfuckers." Below was a horrible caricature of Juniper doing...carnal things with a pig.

Sunny read it over, feeling her rage return. She furiously rolled the picture up into a ball, and turned toward Suri in a rage.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" Sunny bellowed. "This is your last warning," she practically growled.

"Fine," Suri said, not feeling disturbed by Sunny's anger. "Stay here with your loser friend. From now on, you'll be as much of a target as her." Suri turned toward the peanut gallery. "Come on everybody, let's go."

"Fine. leave," Sunny said without a care in the world, moving to stand in front of a silent, shaking Juniper, and facing the crowd of shocked girls. Despite being covered in spoiled milk, Sunny stood firmly with a face made of stone as she glared at everyone. "If being popular and hanging out with you guys means being a sadistic little coward, I'd rather be alone!" Sunny took a deep breath and gave everyone the harshest glare she could muster. "High school should be about having fun and sharing, not about making fun of someone for being different," she yelled to the crowd. "Who cares if Juniper is a nerd? Who cares if she talks about tech? I think she's awesome, and smart, and funny!" Sunny took another furious breath. "I'm her friend, and if any of you don't like it, fine!" She took another deep breath, her voice hoarse from her yelling. "Beat me up, stick things in my lockers, kick me out of your parties!" She furrowed. "Because let me tell you something. I'd rather be a pathetic loser and sit here covered in rotten milk, than be friends with any of you if it means hurting people who are different and walking around with horrible bile in my throat."

"OK, fine," Suri said cheerfully. She turned to the crowd who stared at her in shock. "Let's leave these two losers to themselves." Too her shock, she saw the other Shadowbolts move to stand in front of Juniper, standing alongside Sunny, with crossed arms and looks that could kill. Sunny looked surprised, and gave her friends a grateful smile.

"Fine," Suri said, "who needs the Shadowbolts anyways, let's-," she paused as other girls began walking away from her. To her growing fury, more and more of the girls began standing in front of Juniper, as if forming a protective barrier around the blue-green-haired girl. She felt a vein burst in her brain as she saw Sapphire walking toward Juniper.

"Come on Sapphire," Suri said pleadingly. "You can't possibly be siding with those loser-,"

"Shut up," Sapphire barked, giving Suri a look that oozed contempt. "The truth is, I only tolerated you because you were charming and popular. But know," she paused, taking a deep breath. "I want nothing to do with you." Sapphire and the other girls were all giving her looks of utter contempt. "I'm gonna make sure you are banned from any concert I'm in."

Suri turned red in a rage, seeing almost everyone, including Sapphire, turn on her.

"FINE," she yelled, all pretenses of civility gone. "I DON'T NEED YOU LOSERS ANYWAY!" She turned toward Coco. "COME ON COCO, WE ARE LIVING!" Coco looked down, not looking her in the eye or obeying her. "I SAID, 'WE'RE LEAVING!'"

"I want to stay here," Coco said, turning toward Suri.


"I want to stay here," Coco said more firmly. To her horror, Suri began storming toward her in a rage.

"YOU BACKSTABBING, LITTLE-," Suri screamed. Coco let out a whimper of terror. Suri heard something running, and turned to see Indigo slamming a fist into her face too fast for her to block.


Suri was knocked to the ground, feeling her nose bleed. She felt herself being lifted up by her dress, and was made to face an angry Indigo. Juniper looked over Sunny's shoulder and witnessed this, clenching her fist in a rage.

"LISTEN HERE," Indigo bellowed. Suri let out a whimper of fear, and shook, trying and failing to escape Indigo's vice grip. "When I let you go, you are going to leave this house. If you ever touch any of my friends again, I'LL BREAK YOUR NECK!" She pulled Suri closer, until their noses were almost touching. "Do you understand!"

"Yes," Suri said, her voice like that of a small animal. As soon as Indigo let Suri go, the pink girl ran out of the house, furious tears flowing down her eyes. In one last swipe at her, everyone jeered as she ran out of the house.

When Suri left, everyone looked toward Sunny, looking at her with incredible reverence.

"Sunny that was awesome," Lemon Zest said.

"Way to go," Indigo said, her rage replaced with joy.

"Your honesty was an inspiration to us all," Sugarcoat said.

"You are one of the bravest girls I know," Sapphire said with a proud smile. "If you need anything from me, just give me a call. I know that you'll have my back no matter what back."

"Thanks," Sunny said. A cough from behind distracted Sunny from her euphoria. She saw Juniper giving her a glare with arms crossed, and her good mood died.

"So, what do we do," asked another girl.

"Uh, we still have another hour left. Let's just talk and eat all the refreshments," Sunny said. "I'm going to go upstairs and get cleaned up." She turned toward Juniper. "Why don't you come and help me."

"OK," said Juniper in a cold voice, having taken the hint that they were going to talk alone. Sunny walked up the stairs, and Juniper followed her.

"June," Juniper paused, and saw Coco walking toward her. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so-,"

"We'll talk about it tomorrow," Juniper said forcefully. Coco sighed looked upset, but accepted that Juniper was not in a mood to forgive her and didn't say another word.

Juniper followed Sunny upstairs. She stopped at the foot of the stairs, and looked at Sunny with a piercing.

"Was this why you invited me," Juniper said in a furious tone that made Sunny shake. "So that the pink bitch would dump that junk on me."

"June,," Sunny said in a pained voice. "I promise you that wasn't what I was-",

"How do I know you're not lying," Juniper said, grinding her teeth. Sunny whimpered. "I mean, you lied and said I tattled on you to the principal!"

"June look," Sunny said, her voice a whimper. "Suri...Suri didn't like you. That's why I lied. I was hoping that if you went to the party and acted well, she would like you."

"That's why you gave me your clothes and makeup? To impress her," Juniper said in frustration. "What if she told you straight up to prank me and treat me like an outcast? Huh! Would you have done that if I didn't meet her exacting standards from the get go?!"

Sunny let out of mournful cry and began weeping.

"I'm sorry June," Sunny said, crying, her tears mixing with the rotten milk still coating her. "I'm sorry." She closed her eyes in shame, repeating her apology. She felt two arms wrap around her, and rub her back. She opened them up and saw June hugging her.

"It's OK," Juniper said, her face full of compassion, her voice soft. "I'm not mad at you."

"How can you forgive me," Sunny said still weeping sadly. "I lied and strung you along."

"Yes you did," Juniper said, her voice soothing, almost like a mom consoling an upset child. "But you took a rotten-milk bullet for me. And you stood up for me, even when you thought everyone would hate you for it." She released Sunny, who wasn't weeping, but still look upset, and gave her a warm smile. "I couldn't ask for a better friend."

"Thanks June," Sunny said, wiping her nose as her crying came to an end. "Neither could I." She then smelled and remembered she was still covered I rotten milk. "I should get this cleaned up."

"Yeah you should," Juniper said, and looked as she saw herself covered in spoiled milk. "You can borrow my clothes if you need them," Sunny told Juniper as the purple haired girl ran to the bathroom, closing it. She looked at where Sunny was, and let out a happy smile. She felt her eyes water.

"Are you OK, June," Sugarcoat asked. June turned around and saw the other Shadowbolts followed her up the stairs. She let out happy tears and ran toward them.

"Thank you guys so much," Juniper said, giving Sugarcoat a hug. The aloof girl stared dumbly, but then returned the hug. Indigo and Lemon joined them in a group hug. They stood there, June letting out happy sob, celebrating their newfound friendship.


Sour's house, 10 PM

Sour looked at her computer, giving another serious review of Twilight's memorial presentation. Cadence had set aside time on Friday morning for the whole school to watch the Shadowbolt's tribute to Twilight. It had to be perfect, and there was no room for mistakes or errors.

Despite her tired eyes, Sour stared furiously at it, making sure every mistake was corrected. Twilight deserved that and so much more.

"Don't worry Twilight," Sour said to herself in a solemn tone. "I'll make sure everyone knows the real you. I'll make sure you look beautiful." Sour stopped to keep herself from crying.

After one last look-over, Sour saved and closed the file. She let out a yawn, feeling ready to go to bed. She gave her MyStable account a glance, and saw a notification. She glanced up and read the notification.

"Pictures tagged 'Twilight Sparkle' have been posted," Sour said, reading the notification aloud. She opened it, and her jaw dropped. Twilight, with her hair down, was having dinner with some blue-haired-

Sour gritted her teeth, as she remembered who that was.

"That guitar playing guy," she said again aloud. "That was the guy I saw driving near the ice cream store, with that Rainbow girl and-," She stared at the screen again, and opened up the photo. The date said it was posted today.

"I knew it," Sour furiously yelled as she pulled out her phone to text her friends.

"Tomorrow, lunch time, library, Twilight-thing," Sour texted. Sour Sweet glared at the screen, imaging Twilight was right in front her.

"I knew you were alive! I don't know what you and those Wondercolts are planning Twilight, but I'll find out! Do you hear me!"

"Sour, honey," her mom said cheerfully, knocking on the door and interrupting her rant. "Was that you making that noise."


"WELL PIPE DOWN! YOUR FATHER AND I ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Sour jumped from the sound of her mom's yell and went right bed, her fury replaced by the fear of her mom's fury. Still, Sour barely slept, as she had a knew mystery to resolve.

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