• Published 11th Aug 2017
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Vanishing Act - redandready45

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Mistaken Identity Part 3

Thursday Night, Sparkle Residence

Cadence was in her bedroom, trying to decide between her usual uniform or something more formal. Tomorrow, there was going to be a PowerPoint presentation about Twilight and her life story before CPA. Without a body to bury, this was going to be effectively be her funeral.

She held the two in her hand, wavering back and forth between the two, glancing at Shining who was sitting on the bed. Normally Shining would bark at her to pick something in frustration. Instead, Shining just sat motionless in the bed, wearing nothing but underwear, his face smothered by an atrocious blue beard. He stared blankly at the low volume television while covered in a blanket.

Over the past week, Shining had done almost nothing by lie around the bed, lie around in the couch, lie around the house, and play with Spike. His boss, who had been friends with Night Light, told Shining Armor he could take as much time off as he needed to mourn his dead sister.

But seeing Shining Armor being nothing more then a vegetable tore at Cadence's heart. And she knew she had to step in, otherwise Shining might never leave his home again.

"Shining," Cadence said forcefully. Shining kept staring at the screen, ignoring her completely. Normally Cadence would back off, but this time, her frustration overcame her pity. She angrily tore at the blanket.

"Shining, tomorrow there is going to be a presentation on Twilight at CPA," Cadence said forcefully. "Those girls were asking for pictures made it-," without warning, Shining turned to the left, curling into a ball so he could face the wall.

"Shining," Cadence said forcefully. "It wasn't their fault."

"Oh really, is that what they told you," Shining Armor grumbled with quiet fury. "Twilight told me how none of the girls at school like her. Maybe they wanted to get rid of her for good, and this was their chance."

"Shining," Cadence said. "They made Twilight open the amulet because Cinch said it would win."

"They used my sister to cheat," Shining said with a growl. Cadence said.

"And they're trying to make for it," Cadence said with a sigh. "Just come down to CPA tomorrow, and watch the presentation," Cadence continued. "It will help you feel a lot better." Shining didn't respond, continuing to sit curled into a ball, with his back to Cadence. After a few moments of watching, Cadence let lose a roar of frustration.

"Oh my God," Cadence yelled, "you are so self-centered!" Shining came out of ball, and turned to face Cadence with sad eyes.

"Self-centered?" Shining asked in an insulted, but the still sad, tone.

"You think you're the only one who is upset about what happened!" Cadence yelled. "You think you're the only one who misses her." She got right up to the bed and slammed her fists onto the mattress. "Well I miss her too, Shiny! But I still get up and face life anyways. Because I know my parents wouldn't want me to see me like this!"

"Your parents are alive," Shining retorted in a sad voice. Shining awaited a scolding from Cadence. Instead the pink woman climbed into the bed, and gave him a warm hug.

"I hate seeing you like this Shiny," Cadence said as she rubbed the forlorn man's back. "Night Light, Velvet, and Twilight would hate to see you like this too." Shining's frown deepened a bit. Cadence tightened the hug. "Please do it. Do it for me. Do it for them." After a few minutes, Cadence released Shining from his hug. Shining let out a heavy sigh and rose from his bed.

"Help me put my suit together," Shining said, as he walked over to the dresser. He began looking for matching clothes.

"Thank you, Shiny," Cadence said with a grateful smile. She knew Shining was far from OK, but this was his first step toward moving past his grief.

Friday Morning

The Shadowbolts and Juniper Montage were walking through the halls of CHS. The blue-green-haired girl was carrying her camera drone. The drone was blue with four propellers, with a camera attached to its underside.

"So, what do we do?" Juniper asked.

"At 10 AM we have our free period," Sunny said. "We can use that time to leave the building and head to CHS."

"After that, we fly the drone on the entrance," Sugarcoat said.

"And then, we wait," Lemon Zest finished.

"So let me get this straight." Juniper asked. "In order to find out about Canterlot High's prank, you want us to use the camera to spy on the entrance?"

"Uh, sure let's go with that," Indigo said uneasily. Juniper shrugged her shoulders.

"Alright," Sour said. "Let's-," paused as she saw a couple of people approach them. It was Principal Cadence and Shining Armor. While the former remained solemn and dignified, the latter looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Hello Principal Cadence," Sugarcoat said. "Mr.... Armor," she said with more unease. He still looked like an emotional wreck.

"Hello girls," Cadence said with some feigned cheer. "We can't wait to see your presentation, right Shining?" Cadence said. Shining continued to stare at the Shadowbolts with a sad, broken face. "Right, Shining?" Cadence repeated again more forcefully.

"Thanks...for putting together this presentation," Shining Armor said with some hesitation.

"We'd do anything for Twilight," Sunny said.

"It was real nice of you." Shining Armor said. "You know what would've been nicer? If you had done this while she was still alive," Shining Armor said, some real anger heard in his voice. He then turned away from them in disgust. Shining's remark sent everyone's mood crashing down. The Shadowtbolts looked at the ground in shame, while Juniper looked at the white-skinned man with a mixture of confusion and sympathy.

"Don't worry girls," Cadence said in a reassuring tone. "He's just...still in dumps. Once he watches what you've put together, he'll feel better." She turned to walk in the direction of Shining. "I'll see you guys at noon." She walked away, leaving behind the depressed girls.

"Are you guys OK?" Juniper asked the girls. The Shadowbolts pulled their eyes from the floor, looking at Juniper in their still poor moods. "What was that all about?"

"Uh," Sour said. "Mr. Armor was Twilight's brother." Juniper's jaw dropped her horror.

"He's...he's not doing...well," Sugarcoat said, not wanting to admit to being the cause of Armor's poor mood.

"That poor guy," Juniper said with sympathy in his voice. "I can't imagine what it was like to lose a younger sibling. And it was really hard on you guys as well. I mean, you guys are making a presentation about your friend, so she must've meant a lot to you as well." She continued, not noticing that the Shadowbolts' mood worsened. "Anyways, we should get going to first period." She said, walking down the hall with her drone in her hand, leaving behind her still morose friends.

"I really hope...that Twilight's OK," Lemon Zest said, her normally chill voice filled with sorrow.

"But if she isn't, we have to accept it and move on," Sunny said with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "Anyways, we really need to head to class." The girls all broke away from each other, walking to their separate classes.

Friday, 10:06 PM

The Shadowbolts and Juniper snuck their way to Canterlot High. They hid behind cars and bushes as they approached the main entrance, not wanting to be seen by any CHS students. The memories of the Friendship Games were still raw, and CHS students weren't eager to see Crystal Preppers skulking around the premises.

"I told you we should've brought sunglasses and ski masks," Indigo said excitedly.

"Our skin colors and uniforms are a dead-give away to our identities," Sugarcoat said in an unimpressed tone. "Plus, CHS students are aware of our pranks, thus they would reasonably assume we were sneaking around for that purpose. It wouldn't have made any difference.

"Aww, you're no fun," Indigo admonished playfully.

"Guys," Sunny said forcefully. "Enough." She turned to Juniper. "OK, Juniper, do your thing." Juniper, with a wicked smile, piloted the drone. The small blue object flew up into the air, its propellers making noise at it blue. With focus, Juniper landed the drone on the golden canopy above CHS' entrance.

"OK Sunny," Juniper told Sunny. "Activate the app." Sunny pulled out her phone, pushed a button, and saw the screen was filming them from up above.

"It worked," Sunny said with a satisfied tone. She passed the phone to her friends, who also looked happy with the result.

"Thanks June," Sour said with a warm smile.. She then let out a frown. "Thanks for somehow not screwing up!"

"I love you too Sour," Juniper said, having got used to Sour's mood swings.

"OK let's just get back to class before someone realizes we were gone," Lemon said. The group and Juniper sneaked away again.

Canterlot High, 11:55 PM.

Sunset and her friends entered the science lab, which had been commandeered by Sunset as a magical laboratory. Inside the room was several amps and instruments. Everyone noticed how exhausted Sunset looked. Her hair was matted and she had several bags under her eyes.

"Darling, are you OK?" Rarity asked with concern. "You look like you haven't slept in ages."

"Up all night," Sunset said idly. "Working away."

"Sunny, please take a little nappy-wappy," Pinkie Pie said in a pleading tone.

"Later," Sunset argued.


"Later," Sunset said again in a more forceful tone.

"So, what do you have to show us?" Applejack asked, choosing not to comment on Sunset's exhausted appearance.

"I think I might've perfected the magical capture device," Sunset said with some small hope. She held up an amulet that was similar to Human Twilight's, except that it was painted orange, red, and yellow and had Sunset's flame insignia on it. The other Rainbooms looked at the amulet warily.

"Sugar cube," Applejack said calmly but nervously, "are you sure that thing isn't going to go haywire and summon evil vines?"

"Yeah," Rainbow said pumping her fist into the air. She looked abashed at everyone giving her a disappointed look. "I mean, we really don't want to see that again!" Rainbow said unconvincingly. Fluttershy rolled her eyes.

"The problem with the old amulet is that it didn't have safety features," Sunset said, holding up the old purple amulet. "In Equestria devices like this are commonplace and are used to absorb magic for purposes of experimentation. But they usually have capacitors and controls to limit how much magic can be absorbed and the rate of absorption." She held up the new amulet she built. "This amulet is designed to have those." She pointed to a tiny control lever on it. "With this lever, I can control how much magic I can absorb. The amulet itself it designed to only hold a certain amount." She looked hopefully at her friends. "I just need a volunteer." The Rainbooms all looked reluctantly at Sunset.

"Guys," Sunset said reassuringly. "I've already tested it out in myself. It only took a little bit of my magic, and afterward, I only felt like I skipped breakfast." After a few moments, Rainbow Dash begrudgingly stood up, deciding to be the next test subject.

"Rainbow," Fluttershy said fearfully. "Don't do-,"

"Hey," Rainbow said confidently, "no pain, no gain." Rainbow picked up her guitar and began playing a small solo. Soon her hair grew, pony ears grew out of her head, and wings grew out of her back. Sunset pointed the amulet in her direction, and opened it. Everyone looked fearful, while Rainbow Dash braced herself for the worst.

Instead of absorbing all of Rainbow's magic, a small, calm stream of magic flowed from Rainbow to Sunset's amulet. Rainbow let out a small sigh of exhaustion as the trickle of magic left her.

"Rainbow?"Fluttershy asked ,"are you OK?"

"This isn't any worse then waking up on a Monday," Rainbow said in a tired voice, once the magic flow stopped. Sunset then pulled the tiny lever, and the energy flow returned to Rainbow, who felt a small bit of euphoria.

"Feels like I just had an energy drink," Rainbow said excitingly. Everyone else was relieved that Sunset's new amulet was not nearly as chaotic as the old one.

"Well that's a relief," Applejack said, wiping her brow. "So did you figure out what went wrong yet?" the farmer asked Sunset. Sunset let out a long sigh.

"No," Sunset said tiredly. "The amulets are just the first step. Before, I didn't have a way to measure and contain magic. Now that I can, I can now observe how magic behaves in this world." She let out another sigh. "Still, it might take me several months to figure it out." Before she could do anything, Pinkie Pie snatched the amulet from her hand.

"Ohh, let me try," Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. She opened the amulet, letting a little of her magic get sucked out. She bent down in exhaustion.

"Man, am I tired," Pinkie Pie complained. She pushed the small lever, releasing the magic to her again. She began jumping up with joy. "Now I feel happy again." She began opening and closing the amulet, letting the magic flow back and forth, which each flow raising and lowering her mood.

"Tired. Happy. Tired. Happy. Tire-,"

"Pinkie!" Sunset bellowed. "That is not a toy! Now give it back!"

"Yeah Pinkie," Applejack complained. The other Rainbooms were exasperated with Pinkie's carelessness.

"Don't worry Sunny," Pinkie Pie said, swinging the amulet on her finger by the string. "I am always super-duper care-," she paused as the amulet flew from her hand and slammed into a fluorescent light overhead. The amulet cracked as it shattered one of the fluorescent lights. Everyone glared at Pinkie Pie, who sank back sheepishly.

"Oops," she muttered nervously.

"Pinkie!" Sunset bellowed angrily. "Now look what you-," she paused as she saw the electricity from the broken bulb interact with the latent magic on the amulet. The amulet began glowing a red hot and letting out a crimson psychic energy that flowed into the fluorescent lights. The lights all began glowing the same eerie color. The Rainbooms looked at this with shock and fear.

"Uh, what does 'lights turning into a scary red' mean in magic terms?" Fluttershy asked Sunset timidly.

"Uh, I think it means, 'run'!" Sunset and her friends tried to pile out of the room, but the fluorescent lights exploded, releasing a red hot energy that began swirling around the Rainbooms in a cyclone like formation. Without warning, the Rainbows felt themselves being lifted up as the red energy spun them around in a tornado like formation.

"AAAAAHHHHH," the Rainbooms yelled as they were spun around. Soon, more and more objects began being flung around as the mini tornado ravaeged the room. Windows broke, shutters snapped, and the furniture was being flung against the wall.

"Somebody help!" Sunset yelled as she and her friends were spun around in the magical cyclone.

Near the science lab, wind speeds began picking up, blowing students and their papers away.

"I finally got my paper done," Micro Chips said happily, carrying a large stack of papers. "I better make a digital copy before-," he stopped as his papers were blown away by the massive tornado forming inside of the science lab, much to his horror. But before he could mourn his lost assignment, he and other students who were witnessing the calamity unfold were also blown away. Seeing furniture fly through the air, many began fleeing in terror.

Principal Celestia was working away in her office when she witnessed students running past her window, screaming in terror. Celestia, with a tired sigh, pulled out a phone.

"Raven," Celestia said calmly into the phone. "Please set up another meeting with the insurance company." She then got up and went to the neighboring office and tapped on the window.

"Luna," the white skinned woman said as she tapped on the window. Luna broke out of her work, and came to the door.

"What's wrong Celestia?" Luna asked.

"MAGICAL EMERGENCY!" cried one student fearfully.

"That about explains it," Celestia said. "You know what to do."

"On it," Luna said, pulling out her phone and running out of the office.

Twilight sat on a sofa, watching science documentaries on an old laptop that Sunset left for her. She was amazed by the physical laws of the human world.

"The planets revolve AROUND the Sun," Twilight said with shock as she watched the documentary. "That's not possible. I can clearly see the Sun move-," she paused as she a heard a ring.

She looked at the table and saw Sunset's cell phone ringing on the table. She looked at the screen, saying that Luna was calling, and wondered how to answer it. Anxiously, she pushed the green button, hoping something would happen.

"Twilight," Luna voice's said.

"Princess-Principal Luna," Twilight said. "How's it going? The physical laws of-,"

"Get down here. NOW!" Luna said.

"What," Twilight said.

"One of Sunset's experiments went haywire," Luna said, her voice on the edge of panic. "I am in my car. I am coming to get you. I'll be there in five minutes."

"But you said-,"

"I KNOW WHAT I SAID!" Luna bellowed. "This is emergency. You need to be here to resolve it."

"OK," Twilight said, dreading what was happening. "I'll come outside to meet you," Twilight said. She rose from the sofa and ran out the door.

Sunny sat in her history class, idly paying attention to the lesson about the age of Exploration. Her mind, however, was on the presentation she would have to do in the next hour, and solving once and for all whether Twilight was really alive or not. She heard a weird lightning sound erupt from her pocket. She pulled it out and what she was blew her mind.

While the camera pointed toward the ground, she saw weird lightning strikes striking the ground beneath it. She also heard an unusually loud wind gust.

"Did those Wondercolts create a tornado?" Sunny thought to herself fearfully.

"Sunny!" The teacher, Mr. Note, bellowed. "Texting after class or I take the phone!" Sunny put away the phone, but felt like this was something she needed to watch. With no one paying attention, Sunny took a pencil and stuck it down her throat. Sunny smiled internally as she felt herself vomit onto the floor, much to the disgust of everyone else.

"Professor," Sunny said in a sickly voice. "I've been feeling sick all morning. Can I go to the nurse?"

"Yes, fine, go," Mr. Note said with exasperation, "I don't want you getting anyone sick!" Sunny ran out of the room with a smile that didn't match how her stomach felt. She ran into the bathroom, sat in a stall, and watched the events the drone filmed unfold on her app with morbid curiosity.

Luna's car drove well above the speed limit, much to Twilight's fear.

"I am scared too Luna," Princess Twilight said fearfully. "But...um...can't we still try and obey traffic laws?"

"No," Luna said. She stepped on the gas and accelerated even more, much to Twilight's horror.

Sunny stared intensely at the screen, watching at the weird red lightning grew louder and more intense in its fury, creating small craters in the soil. But to her shock, she saw two people running toward the entrance. It was the blue Principal of CHS and-

"What?!" Sunny said aloud. She put her fingers on the screen to zoom in, setting her jaw and gritting her teeth. She saw a familiar yet unfamiliar person: same lavender skin, same purple hair with pink streaks (albeit not in the familiar bun), same purple eyes, blue blouse, purple skirt.

Sunny's eyes widened in shock. She immediately sent a text that reached her friends.


The CPA student body, along with the teachers and faculty, morosely walked to the school auditorium. Some were dressed in black, while others continued to wear the CPA uniform. Most of them were preparing to watch a presentation about their tragically deceased classmate and student. Many did not want to watch the presentation out of grief, but even those not desiring to be here chose to do so out of respect and a desire to move on.

The Shadowbolts and Juniper walked to the auditorium together. They broke out of their solemn grief by the vibration of their phones. They read the message and began sneaking away from the mass of students walking toward the auditorium. Juniper watched them walk away with confusion.

"Didn't they say they were putting on a presentation for their friend?," Juniper thought to herself. Ignoring orders to continue to the assembly, she proceeded to follow them down the hall.

Cadence sat behind the auditorium, looking at her watch with some annoyance. It was 12:17, two minutes after when the presentation was supposed to start. While not a severely punctual person, the presentation of her sister-in-law was something she took seriously. And yet, the girls who were supposed to be doing it weren't here yet.

The Shadowbolts being here wasn't damaging, and she was prepared to do the presentation without them. But their absence was what was concerning to her.

"These girls really wanted to do this", Cadence thought to herself. "So why aren't they here?" Looking out the curtain, she saw how impatient everyone was. She eventually walked up to Rose Thorn, her secretary.

"Rose," Cadence said. "Could you start the presentation?" The normally prickly woman gave her a solemn nod.

"Anything for her," Rose said in a quiet voice. Twilight, despite her lack of popularity, had been the pride and joy of the staff. Rose walked out the curtains, and after warning everyone to quiet down, pushed the button and began the presentation.

Various slides of Twilight's life, from her birth as a baby, to her toddler years showed up as soothing music played in the background. The crowd watched in silence, as each slide played. Through these slides, the students at CPA learned their classmate who they scorned had a life and was a person. All of them watched with mixture of quiet respect and mourning for the girl they never bothered to know.

In the front of the audience was Shining Armor, watching all the videos of Twilight and the rest of his family with utter despair. He looked at the empty seat next to her, briefly wondering where Cadence was, before watching the touching tribute the girls had made to her sister.

Cadence wandered the empty halls of CPA, wondering where the Shadowbolts up and went, he spotted them while they seemed to be in the middle of an argument.

"June, you really need to stay here," Sunny said to the blue-haired girl with in a serious.

"Why?" Juniper asked with some frustration. The other girl's seemed hesitant to answer.

"You, you wouldn't understand, June," Indigo said.

"Then help me understand," June replied, her patience fraying.

"June, buddy," Lemon Zest said in a reassuring tone, trying to put a comforting hand on Juniper's shoulder,"just let this-"

"Why are you guys treating me like a fucking child!" Juniper bellowed. Everyone, including Sour, was startled by June's outburst.

"We're not treating you like anything," Sugarcoat said in a serious tone. "This is something we need to keep secret."

"What is so important that you guys are skipping school and missing out on the tribute of your own dead friend that you put together?!" Juniper said.

"That's what I'd like to know," Cadence said, walking into the hallway, a serious frown on her face. The Shadowbolts looked concerned, while Juniper was also giving them annoyed looks. "Why are you guys missing the presentation you put together?"

"Uh," Indigo said, looking for an excuse, "June here has a stomach ache, and we need to get her to the hospital, aren't ya?" Indigo asked Juniper with a forced smile and a wink. Juniper looked at Indigo Zap with cold eyes, contemplating whether or not to play along with Indigo's excuse before turning to Cadence.

"No, I am not sick," Juniper said, much to the frustration of the Shadowbolts, "they are skipping school and not telling me why."

"Look Dean Cadence," Sunny said nervously, "there is a good reason we are skipping school, but for your own sake, we can't tell you."

"That is the worst explanation I've ever heard," Cadence said. "And I've heard the "dog-eating homework" excuse." She crossed her arms and gave the Shadowbolts a serious look. "You have ten seconds to tell me what you guys are doing, or you'll be suspended for the rest of the school year." Sunny tried to find an excuse, but sighed and silently activated the drone app and handed Cadence the phone. Cadence looked at the phone, and what she saw made her jaw-drop with shock.

Princess Twilight ran into the center of the magical cyclone forming in the school. High speed wind and debris blew all around her, and the closer she got to the science lab, the more she had to hold onto something to keep herself rooted to the ground. As she entered the science lab, she saw the red cyclone directly and the human version of her friends trapped within in. She took a nearby fire hose and tied it around her waist to keep herself from flying away.

"TWILIGHT" her human friends yelled through the sounds of the gust. "GET US DOWN!" Princess Twilight looked at the cyclone with terror. She pondered what she could do. Eventually, her face lightened up as an idea came to her mind.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Twilight said. "Think about loyalty. Do it so your wings will grow!" Rainbow Dash did so, and her pony features grew.

"OK!" Rainbow Dash said. "Now what?!"

"Fly in a counter-clockwise direction inside the vortex," Twilight yelled.

"WHAT GOOD WILL THAT DO?!" Rainbow asked. Sunset understood what Twilight was trying to do.

"Pegasi in our world control weather," Sunset yelled. "Maybe by flying in the opposite direction, we can get rid of it."

"Worth a shot ," Rainbow said. She began flying, struggling to oppose the force of the red cyclone. But gradually she began to overcome the powerful, and moved in a counter clockwise formation. Within a few moments, the cyclone gradually died down thanks to Rainbow's weather powers. The wind stopped, and everyone fell into a heap on the ground.

"Oh yeah," Rainbow said in a proud, cheeky voice. "Not even weather can stop the Rainbow!" Everyone was too tired to admonish Rainbow for her ego, and Rainbow and Twilight moved to help everyone up.

"Are you guys OK?" Twilight asked.

"Sure," everyone else said, still groggy about being spun around. Sunset walked up to Pinkie Pie with a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Pinkie, buddy" Sunset said in a soothing voice. "Are you OK?"

"Peachy, Sunny-Wunny," Pinkie Pie said in a cheerful but dizzy voice.

"Good," Sunset said. Her smile became unusually wide. "Because I'm gonna," she said in a more strained tone, tightening her grip. "STRANGLE YOU!" Sunset screamed, grabbing Pinkie Pie by her throat and slamming her up against a wall, who yelped as her back hit the wall.

Luna let out a sigh of relief as the cyclone stopped. She looked in the direction of the science lab with joy, and could rest easy now that today's excitement was over, only to find her heckles raised when she saw Cadence, Shining Armor, and some of her students walking in that direction. They walked with a serious look in their eyes, except for someone blue-haired girl who looked nervous.

"Cadence," Luna said nervously as she followed Cadence. "You didn't say you were coming and bringing your students along with you."

"I had a feeling you were going to lie to me," Cadence said, not breaking her stride.

"About what," Luna said. "Why are you going to the science lab?"

"When I got here, I saw some magic tornado-thing," Cadence in a more serious tone. "I have a feeling what we're looking for is in their."

"Don't go," Luna tried to argue, stifling her panic, "It is...dangerous."

"We'll manage," Shining Armor said through gritted teeth.

Luna tried blocking them, only for the two adults to shove her out of the way.

"What is going on?" Juniper said, stunned by seeing her principal act so violent.

"You'll find out," Sour said cheerfully. Her smile twisted into something angry. "One way or another."

"Please don't go in there," Luna said pleadiningly. "Please trust me. It is for your own good." The group marched into the science lab.

Inside the lab, Twilight was giving Pinkie Pie a serious scolding, while the other Rainbooms were holding back a furious Sunset.

"IF YOU EVER, EVER, EVER DO THAT AGAIN," Twilight yelled said to a fearful and remorseful Pinkie Pie ,"I WILL HAVE YOU DRAGGED BACK TO EQUESTRIA AND DUMPED INTO A DUNGEON FOR FIFTY YEARS!" She got into Pinkie Pie's face. "Do you understand!"

"Yes, I understand," Pinkie Pie said while shaking.

"Let me give her a black eye," Sunset yelled. "That'll teach her!"

"What is going on here," a female voice yelled. Twilight's anger and Sunset's fury evaporated as everyone turned to who entered.

Human Cadence, Human Shining Armor, the Shadowbolts, and some Crystal Prep girl they did not recognize entered. The group all looked at Twilight and their stern faces turned to shock. The Rainbooms and Twilight looked back with fear and shock of their own. After a few moments, the faces of Cadence and Shining Armor descended into looks of concern and sorrow.

"Twily," Shining Armor said dumbly.

"Is that you?" Cadence said in a hurt voice.

Luna looked at the scene from behind, running her palm along her face.

"Oh, Lord," Luna muttered.

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