• Published 11th Aug 2017
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Vanishing Act - redandready45

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Memorials And Confusion (Edited)

Friday, 12:15 PM

Canterlot High School

Around the noon-afternoon transition, school cafeterias were usually the most energetic place in town. Students would pick at their lunches while chatting with close friends about various personal subjects, from dating to sports. Canterlot High School's cafeteria was usually no exception. At this time, the room would echo the chatter of dozens of hungry students.

But today, a sad melancholy hung over the students. Yesterday's Friendship Games were supposed to be about them finally triumphing against their hated foe, Crystal Prep Academy. They hoped that they would get to boast about finally getting one over the spoiled elites of CPA while enjoying a party hosted by Pinkie Pie on Friday.

Instead, they were spending the day mourning the death of a young girl. While following Sunset's lead and walking out of the Games out of sheer contempt for CPA's selfish blunder gave the students measure of pride, it didn't take little to change the fact that an innocent girl they liked had died. The room was quiet as if Principal Celestia had forced the entire student body into detention. Almost no mirthful conversation occurred, and whatever dialogue occurred was small talk said in a daze.

Few ate, with mos people staring at their food with inconsolable expressions, and those that did eat consumed their sustenance like robots, done out of obligation to bodily needs and not out of any enjoyment of the food.

The Rainbooms, typically an excitable and extroverted group, were as broken and depressed as the other students. They barely picked at their lunches and sat in silence, still reeling over the events of the previous night. After a few minutes, they finally attempted to make small talk. "So," said Rainbow Dash in a voice that couldn't be different from her bright and energetic disposition, "have you guys seen Sunset?" Everyone shook their heads."Has she answered your calls?" Rainbow Dash asked. Everybody again shook their heads, to which Rainbow responded with a sorrowful sigh. "I've tried reaching her three times, and she hasn't picked up."

"She's really upset," muttered Fluttershy, her usually sweet voice no less solemn than Rainbow Dash's voice

"What do you expect," Applejack drawled in a bitter tone," that school of lowlifes made Twilight use magic again, and look what happened." Applejack exhaled through her nose like an angry bull and narrowed her eyes, a desire to beat up those Shadowbolts flowing through her mind.

"After school, we'll all pay dear Sunset a visit," Rarity offered, "to try and lift her spirits."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Pinkie Pie muttered in an unusually taciturn tone. Usually, Pinkie would gush at the chance to liven up someone's day, but she was not feeling very festive. She didn't even devour her lunch in the happily gluttonous way she usually did. She just poked her food with a fork. The sad quiet of the cafeteria broke down by Principal Luna announcing through the intercom.

"The following students are to report to the Main Office immediately," said Vice Principal Luna in the intercom, "Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie." Every student turned toward the Rainbooms in anxiety and fear. Every student knew that being called directly to the Main Office by intercom rather than through a teacher meant something serious had happened. Still, when all of the Rainbooms marched to the Main Office, it meant trouble, usually of a magical variety, was on the horizon. And whatever Principal Luna wanted was probably tied to last night's events.

The Rainbooms knew this too, and they quickly pulled themselves out of their sorrowful stupor. They jumped from the metal benches they sat on and hurried over to the Main Office, with everybody in the room nervously gawking at them.

The Main Office

Vice Principal Luna sat at her desk tiredly as she awaited the arrival of the Rainbooms, the bluff she and Cadence pulled still reeling on her mind and making her think back to recent events with frustration.

When she chose to follow Celestia into education, she never imagined that part of the job description would involve babysitting a bunch of magical teenagers and fighting demons and evil sirens.

She also never thought she'd be a party to perjury and conspiracy. She lowered her head in annoyance, and her mouth twisted into a disgusted frown. Yes, she knew lying was necessary. Cinch had no concern for the safety of her students and had to go. The horrible scream of Twilight as the magical sphere of death consumed her still echoed through her mind, and she would be damned sure she would never hear it again, as would Cadence.

But there was no way to get rid of Cinch legally without revealing the existence of a magical dimension to a world mainly unprepared to deal with it. It required getting two student bodies to testify to a more believable untruth and burying evidence.

Despite knowing she was justified, it didn't make lying to authorities a fun thing to do. Celestia herself also didn't feel good either, having to lie to the District Attorney, which is why she took a day off.

Luna was broken from her introspection by the arrival of the Rainbooms, her mind returning to pressing matters. They all looked at her with worrying expressions.

"Principal Luna," said Rainbow Dash, her usually brash voice worried, "what's going on."

Luna sighed and pulled out a photograph, and shoved it in front of them. Fluttershy took the picture in her hands and held it up high enough for her friends to see. What they saw stunned them.

"Sugarcoat," Indigo Zap said forcefully, running to her companion as she was pulling some books out of her locker.

"What is it?" Sugarcoat asked, her mood somewhat lifted by the news of Cinch's dismissal.

"You're not going to believe this," Indigo Zap said with confusion.

"Cinch won a humanitarian prize," Sugarcoat replied in a deadpan expression. Indigo chuckled a merciless laugh. With Cinch sitting in her authoritarian detention room, shots at their soon-to-be-gone-witch-of-a-Principal were now twice as funny.

"No," Indigo Zap said, her voice became somewhat hesitant. "Some of my friends drove to that cafe near Canterlot High. They texted me this picture." She pulled out her smartphone. The image made Sugarcoat's jaw drop.

Someone erected a memorial statue to Twilight at Canterlot on the Southern wall. Even though it was made from cheap clay and was unpainted, it captured the dimensions of their teammate perfectly. For some reason, the statue didn't dress her up Crystal Prep uniform, her trademark glasses were gone, and her hair fell naturally behind her back instead of being tied into a bun.

Sugarcoat stared at the photo, and soon her eyes began to narrow as her mind filled with sadness and confusion.

"Why is Canterlot mourning Twilight harder than us?" Sugarcoat asked, her voice a little guilty and aggravated. "She didn't even go there."

"I have no clue," Indigo said, her voice anxious.

"Those CHS punks are always known for being goody toe-shows," Sugarcoat quipped. Indigo Zap looked annoyed but quickly shoved it down. "But seriously, why are they doing more than we're doing. She was our-," she paused, trying to avoid breaking down in anguish.

"Maybe we should get the art department to make something too," Indigo said, her voice filled with guilt and a newfound sense of duty.

"Yeah, sure," said Sugarcoat, her deadpan tone replaced the same sense of duty. She walked away to her next class, her heightened mood weakened by the fact that a rival school was honoring Crystal Prep's now-deceased classmate more than Crystal Prep itself.

"They were nicer to her than we were," Indigo Zap thought bitterly, "but building a statue for someone they barely knew? That's insane!"

"I thought you girls said that the Twilight we saw yesterday was not the Princess, but her human counterpart," said Luna civilly, but with a hint of annoyance.

"She wasn't," protested Rainbow Dash, "Princess Twilight is still in Equestria."

"Well, most students didn't get that message apparently," replied Luna, the chagrin in her voice becoming stronger. "In the music room, I heard the Flash playing the guitar and singing a song about a now-dead Princess."

"Oh boy," muttered Applejack, face-palming.

"If Sunset were here, she would be able to deal with this rumor," muttered Rarity. Nowadays, when it came to magic in school, Sunset's word was final, and she could put a stop to any rumor.

"That's the second thing I wanted to talk to you guys about," said Luna, her voice becoming more grave. "I need you guys to go visit Sunset."

"We were already planning on doing that after school," said Pinkie Pie.

"I need you guys to go now!" Luna said in a firm tone, much to the confusion of the Rainbooms.

"Why?" asked Fluttershy.

"Sunset didn't call in sick like she was supposed to if she couldn't come in. I tried calling and texting her, and she didn't respond." Luna paused. "I'm worried about her. But I also need to talk to her."

"To deal with the rumors about Princess Twilight," asked Rarity.

"Partly that," Luna replied. "But also, Cadence wants answers about what happened to...Human Twilight. Sunset is the only one who can give her answers. Cadence wants to meet her personally."

"But Luna," Fluttershy said in a sympathetic tone, "Sunset was upset about what happened. I don't know if you remember, but she was crying. She's not in any shape to"

"Well, maybe she should stop whining, and remember how Celestia and I have bent over backward to help her," Luna spat unkindly. The Rainbooms were shocked by their Principal losing her patience. Luna noticed this and sighed dejectedly. "Look, girls," Luna said in a sadder and more sympathetic tone, "I'm upset too about what happened and feel horrible for Sunset. If it were my choice, I'd let Sunset mope. But understand what Cadence is going through. Human Twilight wasn't just her favorite student. She was her sister-in-law." The Rainbooms looked horrified by that. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked ready to cry. "The woman just saw her surrogate sister vanish before her eyes. She deserves to understand why, if not how." Luna paused for a minute, trying to fight tears. "She was able to get Cinch out the door without telling anyone about magic, but in return, she wants the truth." She paused again to rub her temples, the stress of it all weighing down on her. The Rainbooms understood the sorrow of that poor woman and nodded respectfully.

"I want two of you girls to go to her house," Luna saw them begin to object and raised her hand. "Don't worry about classes. I'll clear everything up with your teachers."

"I'll go to help Sunset cheer up," Pinkie Pie declared, her voice becoming grave. Pinkie Pie's face was like that of a brave soldier about to embark on a military objective. Pinkie reached into her hair, and pulled out a yellow balloon, blew air into it, and made a balloon giraffe, and yet somehow remaining dignified and stern.

"I'll go too," Fluttershy said, her soft voice becoming somewhat quiet. "I'll help Sunset get back on her feet."

"Thank you," Luna said, a bit of relief. She turned to Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. "And can you guys try and deal with these rumors as well."

"Of course," the three said in unison.

Luna looked at these girls with a proud smile as they walked out. Despite all the trouble they brought with them because of their magic, she wouldn't trade them for the world. While they had their quirks, they were the best people you could have as friends. Maybe Princess Twilight was right. Friendship is magic.

Canterlot Statue

The portal to Equestria glowed as someone flew out in a purple blur. Most people who came through the portal collapsed in a heap. But the individual had already made previous trips and landed on the green near the horse statue with practiced grace. Her eyes, however, showed both concern and anger.

"Oh, Celestia," Princess Twilight said to herself as her vision cleared from the transdimensional voyage. "I hope you guys are OK!"

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