• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 6,763 Views, 182 Comments

Fatherly instincts - ShowShine

Spike finds an abandoned egg and his instincts kick in

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Author's Note:

Sorry that this is so short

Spike flew around the library, picking up books on magic, alicorn magic, alicorn history, and changeling history. Scramble sat in her playpen, staring at her father.

“Read?” Scramble asked as Spike landed next to the playpen, holding a large stack of books. He shook his head and sat down next to her.

“No raspberry, I’m researching something important.” Spike explained. He had gave the nickname Raspberry to her because she always blew raspberries at him. Ironically enough, she hated the taste of raspberries. The taste made her feel sick. He took her out of her playpen and placed her on his lap. Scramble smiled and curled up into his lap.

Spike opened the book on magic and flipped to the page on babies.

“Why are you so powerful?” Spike asked himself. Scramble let out a little babble as an answer. Spike started to read the page on baby magic.

”Baby unicorns have very uncontrollable magic. This can lead to them levitating random objects and themselves.” Spike read to himself. He picked up a piece of paper and wrote that down.

“That still doesn’t explain blasting through walls and teleporting.” Spike thought out loud. Pinkie Pie had told him that the first time she watched the Cake Twins, Pumpkin had used magic to walk through her playpen and levitate herself. Spike tossed that book to the side and picked up the book on changeling history. It was a very large book and would take hours to read.

“This is gonna be a long day.” Spike muttered to himself.

Spike paced around the library, books scattered all over the floor. He had heavy bags under his eyes and was shaking a bit. He had drank at three cups of coffee to keep himself awake. He had been researching for eight hours. The only breaks he took were to feed and change Scramble. In front of him there was a chalkboard covered with writing and pictures. All of the pictures were of advanced spells, changelings, and alicorns.

“None of this makes sense, not even adult changelings are this powerful.” Spike said to himself. He looked back at Scramble who was laying on the floor, looking quite bored. Spike stopped pacing and drew out a long, slow breath. He walked over to his daughter and picked her up. They both needed a break at that moment.

“Do you want to play a game?” Spike asked. Scramble smiled and nodded her head. Spike walked out of the library and down the hallway, heading to Scrambles play room. He had set up one of the many empty rooms so Scramble could run around and climb on things. She surprisingly loved to climb on random objects and jump off of them. Spike entered the play room, which had soft colorful pads laid out on the floor. He put her down on the floor and Scramble immediately started to run.

“Wow you really wanted to move.” Spike said with a chuckle. He sat down on the soft padded floor and watch his child run around. Soon, he got lost in his own thoughts.

”Why is Scramble so powerful? Why couldn’t I find anything? Why-“ Spikes thoughts got cut off when he heard someone call him.

“Daddy!” Scramble exclaimed excitedly. Spike looked up to see that Scramble was on the wall. She was on there firmly and giggling to herself. She walked across the wall with no issue and seemed to be enjoying herself. Spike quickly stood up and rushed over to her.

“How are you doing that?” Spike asked in disbelief. A sudden realization hit Spike.

“You’re the changeling queen.” Spike muttered to himself. He had read about it but glossed over it because only Queen Chrysalis could lay another queen egg. She had been gone for months so it couldn’t have been her that laid Scramble. The queen could walk on walls, have very powerful magic, and learned faster than other changelings. Scramble could almost speak in full sentences and she was only six months. She seemed to understand everything Spike said to her too, unlike most babies.

“I need to write a letter to Thorax.” Spike thought out loud. She took Scramble off of the wall. She let out a loud whine, wanting to play some more.

“You can keep playing when I’m done writing this letter, I promise.” Spike reassured. He flew out of the room, now eager to write this letter. He landed in the library and quickly picked up a scroll and quill, placing Scramble on the floor.

”Dear Thorax, I just found out some big news. After doing some research, I found out that Scramble is the changeling queen. She can walk on walls and has very powerful magic like a queen does. Please write back soon.

-Spike” Spike placed the numerous amount of notes he had taken inside of the scroll and rolled it up. He blew a gust of fire at it and it disappeared. Spike looked around the messy library.

“I promised we could play, but let me clean up first.” Spike stated. Scramble pouted and closed her eyes, straining a bit. Her horn started to glow and in an instant, all of the book were put back in there rightful places. Spike gave her a look of surprise.

“Fine, I guess it’s playtime then.”

Scramble ran around in her playroom, knocking over block towers. Spike chuckled as he watched his daughter have fun. There was a knock from the window, making Spike turn around. He looked to see Thorax and two other changelings flying in front of the window. Spike flew up to the window and opened it, letting everyone in.

“Hey Thorax, why didn’t you use the front door?” Spike asked. Thorax quickly closed the window and put curtains over it. That seemed unnecessary because it was dark outside.

“I can’t let anyone know that I’m here. If what you told me is correct, we have a tiny problem.” Thorax said in a worrisome voice. One of the changelings, who Spike recognized as the doctor that gave Scramble her first check up. She picked up a flashlight with her teeth and shined it into Scrambles eyes. The other changeling flipped through a book and compared Scramble to a regular changeling baby.

“What’s going on?” Spike asked. Thorax looked around the room to see if anyone was somehow hiding somewhere.

“Well if Scrambles a Queen, then she’ll be very dangerous. Every time a new queen takes over, a changeling tries to kill her to take the throne.” Thorax said in a distressed voice. Spike raised an eyebrow.

“He was right, she’s a queen.” The doctor stated. Thorax let out a gasp of shock.

“If the word gets out, Scramble will be in great danger!” Thorax exclaimed. Spike glanced at the two other changelings.

“I doubt that another changeling is going to try to kill her. Remember Thorax, all of the changelings have changed, I don’t think they’ll try to kill someone who isn’t a threat.” Spike stated. Thorax thought for a moment.

“I guess you’re right about that. When Scramble gets older I can teach her how to be royalty so she can take the throne.” He stated. Spike smiled and looked at his daughter, who was now sitting on a pile of foam blocks.

“I think she’ll like that.”