• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 6,763 Views, 182 Comments

Fatherly instincts - ShowShine

Spike finds an abandoned egg and his instincts kick in

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Jobs and Daycare

Spike sat at the kitchen table, flipping through a newspaper. He held a small plastic spoon in his hand, feeding Scramble baby food at the same time. She happily ate it, kicking her hooves a bit. Twilight walked into the kitchen, holding a cookbook.

“I’ve never seen you read a newspaper before, what are you looking for?” Twilight asked. Spike looked up from the newspaper.

“I’m looking for jobs.” Spike stated before going back to the newspaper. Twilight gave him a look of surprise.

“Why do you need a job?” She asked. Spike shrugged his shoulders.

“I want to take care of Scramble by myself so I should start making my own money. I shouldn’t have to depend on anyone.” Spike stated. Twilight raised her eyebrows.

“What about Scramble, who’s gonna watch her while you’re at work? I would do it but I’m busy with the school.” Twilight reminded him. Spike dismissively waved his hand.

“I got that covered. I’m going to register her in for daycare today and she can start tomorrow. She’ll be going with Pumpkin, Pound, and Lightning Bolt, so she’ll have some friends.” Spike explained. “I just found the perfect job, gem hunting. It’s one of Filthy Rich’s businesses and I’ll make twenty bits an hour.” He stated. Scramble took the last bite of her food and licked her lips. Spike picked up a napkin and wiped the food from off of her lips. He looked at the clock in the kitchen and took Scramble out of her high chair.

“I need to go now, I made an appointment to sign Scramble up for school.” Spike explain while reaching under the table. He pulled out her bag filled with diapers and bottles from under the table and slung it over his shoulders.

“See you later Twilight.” Spike said as he walked out of the room. Twilight smiled.

“He’s being very responsible.”

Spike sat in a chair in the principles office. In front of him, a pegasus stallion sat behind a desk. He had a plaque on his desk that said “Principle Charm”. Scramble sat on Spikes lap, chewing on her teething ring.

“Before you sign any papers I need to ask you a few questions.” Principle Charm stated. Spike nodded his head as the principle pulled out some papers and started to read from.

“Does Scramble have any food allergies?” He asked. Spike shook his head.

“Not that I know of.” Spike stated. Mr. Charm read the next question.

“Can she talk, read, fly, or walk?” He asked. Spike nodded his head.

“She can walk, fly, and knows about three words, but she can’t read. She loves it when people read to her.” Spike explained. Mr. Charm wrote that down, nodding his head.

“How is her magic?” Mr. Charm asked. Spike thought for a moment.

“Her magic used to be very powerful but she hasn’t been doing anything more than levitation for the past few months.” Spike stated. Mr. Charm slid a piece of paper over to Spike.

“I just need you to fill out this form and she can start school tomorrow.” Mr. Charm explained. Spike picked up a pen and started to write onto the application. He wrote down his name under parents and Scrambles full name under student. He wrote down himself and Twilight under ‘Emergency Contacts’. He wrote down his address and Scrambles age. Once he was finished, he slid the paper back over to Mr. Charm. He stood up from his desk.

“Come with me, I want to show you where her classroom his going to be.” Mr. Charm stated. Spike got up from his seat and followed him, holding Scramble in his arms. They entered an empty classroom which was filled with toys, cribs, and high chairs.

“Today there’s a field trip so the classroom is empty for a few hours.” Mr. Charm explained.

“Look Scramble, this is your new classroom.” Spike pointed out. Scramble looked at the classroom and blew out a raspberry. Spike let out a chuckle.

“I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.” Mr. Charm stated. Spike smiled.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Spike said as he walked down the hallway. There were different classrooms for all different ages. Scramble could stay in this school until she was in Kindergarten. Spike walked outside and looked at the sun. It was only noon.

“Time to get a job.”

Spike entered Filthy Rich’s office, wearing a black suit and holding a newspaper in his hand. Twilight was watching Scramble until he got back from his interview.

“Hello Spike, what brings you here?” Filthy Rich asked happily. Spike placed the newspaper on his table.

“I heard that you’re looking for someone to mine gems.” Spike stated. Filthy Rich looked at him for a moment.

“You’re hired.” He stated. Spike gave him a look of surprise.

“Aren’t you going to interview me?” Spike asked. Filthy Rich chuckled.

“There’s no need too. I know that you help Rarity mine gems every week so you have experience. You’re a loyal kid too. You’ve helped everyone in the town multiple times so I know that you’re trustworthy.” Filthy Rich explained. He pulled out a job application. “Just sign this and you can start working tomorrow.” He stated. Spike picked up a pen from the desk and quickly filled out the application. He passed it over to Filthy Rich, who stamped it with a green stamp of approval.

“You can start tomorrow at eight in the morning. Meet me here and I’ll take you to your work spot.” Filthy Rich instructed. Spike nodded his head.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Mr. Rich.” Spike said with a wave before leaving the office. Once Filthy Rich couldn’t see him, he grinned widely. It was time to start being a responsible, working dad.

Spike stood in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. His tail wagged a bit as he got ready for work. He rinsed his mouth out and spit into the sink. He flew out of the bathroom and down the hallway, excited for his first day of work. Spike landed in the kitchen to see Scramble sitting in her high chair. Twilight had put her in there for him.

“Good morning Scramble!” Spike said happily. Scramble smiled and put her arms up for a hug. Spike kissed her on the head and opened a jar of pumpkin baby food. He scooped some up with a spoon and fed Scramble.

“Are you ready for your first day of school?” Spike asked while giving her another spoonful of food. Twilight walked up next to him, putting a bowl of cereal on the table.

“I’ll feed Scramble, you eat breakfast.” Twilight stated. Spike handed her the spoon and sat down at the table.

“Thanks Twilight.” Spike said as he took a bite of his cereal.

“Are you excited for your first day of a work?” Twilight asked.

“I’m excited. I get to take care of Scramble all by myself.” Spike stated. Twilight smiled as she fed Scramble her last bit of food. Spike finished his last bit of cereal and drank the milk from the bowl. He stood of from the table, holding his bowl in his hands. He took Scrambles spoon from Twilights grasp and put it in the sink, starting to wash it. Scramble flew out of her high chair and stood on the counter next to Spike.

“Do you wanna help?” Spike asked as he flicked a bit of water into her face. Scramble closed her eyes and shook the water off of herself. Spike turned off the water and picked Scramble up.

“Are you ready for your first day of school?” Spike asked her. Scramble smiled and bounced a bit. He pulled out a small purple backpack which had stuff like diapers, a jar of pumpkin baby food (which was Scrambles favorite) a bottle, her stuffed raccoon and a bib. He slung the bag over his shoulder and started to leave the kitchen.

“I’ll see you later Twilight.” Spike said with a wave as he walked down the hallway. Stormy Cloud had left before him to drop Lightning Bolt off at school. She had to go to work early for morning rush hour. Spike walked outside happily, looking around. A lot of ponies walked around, getting ready to go to work.

“Daddy.” Scramble said, tugging on Spikes arm a bit. He looked down at her.

“What is it?” Spike asked. Scramble started to babble to him as if she were talking. Spike smiled and let out little answers as if he were agreeing with her. After about ten minutes, they approached the school. Spike opened the glass door and walked inside. The walls had large cartoonish paintings on them. He entered one of the first rooms, which was for children Scrambles age. Pumpkin and Pound rolled a small red ball back and forth to each other. Lightning Bolt stacked some blocks happily. There were two mares in the room, caring for the other children. One of them looked at Spike and walked over to him.

“Welcome to Sunnyside daycare, are you dropping your child off?” The mare asked with a smile. Spike nodded his head and kiss Scrambles cheek.

“I’ll see you later Scramble.” Spike said as he handed her to the mare. Scramble gave him a confused look as he handed the mare the purple backpack. Spike turned around and started to walk away, making Scramble gasp.

“Daddy!” Scramble exclaimed in fear. Spike walked out of the front door and Scramble started to tear up.

“Let’s go make some new friends.” The mare said nicely to Scramble. She looked up at her teacher, her lip quivering. She let out a loud cry, hiccuping a bit.

“Aw, do you miss your daddy? He’ll be back, I promise.” The mare comforted. Scramble continued to cry as the mare dug through her backpack. She pulled out Meeko and handed him to Scramble.

”Stay here her for a bit.” The mare said as she placed Scramble in a crib. She hugged Meeko tightly and sniffled. She just wanted her daddy.

Spike stood in a large dirt field with a cart, a pickaxe and shovel. Filthy Rich stood near him, holding a small list.

“I need you to get these types of gems and put them in the cart. By the time the cart is full, come back to my office and give it to me.” Filthy Rich explained. He handed him the list and walked off. Spike looked down at the list. It contained of rubies, sapphires, and emeralds.

“Sapphires should be easy to get.” Spike stated. He picked up the pickaxe and looked around. There were plenty of large boulders scattered around the field. Spike approached one of the boulders and swung the pickaxe at it. The boulder started to crack a bit. After a few more swings, the rock broke into pieces. Dozens of shiny sapphires sparkled.

“Perfect.” Spike said as he grabbed a handful of gems. He placed them into the cart and picked some more up. This was going to be easy.

Spike walked into Filthy Rich’s office, pulling in a cart filled with all of the gems he had requested. Filthy Rich gave him a look of surprise.

“Done already? It’s only been seven hours, it usually takes a few days to get that many!” Filthy Rich said in disbelief. Spike smiled.

“It wasn’t that hard at all, I know where different gems are formed and what they smell like.” Spike explained. Filthy Rich smiled.

“If you keep this work up, I’ll have to give a raise.” He joked. He wrote something down.

“You can clock out for today and come back to my office tomorrow at 8.” Filthy Rich stated. Spike nodded his head and walked out of the room. He walked over to a slot with little paper slips in them. There were only two slips, since there weren’t a lot of ponies working for Filthy Rich. Only his secretary and Spike worked directly for him. All of the other gem hunters got either got fired or quit because they weren’t that good at the job. He had a lot of small businesses around town that ponies worked at. Spike clocked himself out and left the building.

“I can pick up Scramble now, she should be out of school.” Spike said. Luckily the daycare was only ten minutes away. He walked through down, humming to himself. A lot of ponies were at the town market, selling and buying things. Spike opened his wings and started to fly towards the daycare.

Spike entered the daycare, letting the cool air wash over him. I was very hot outside, even though it was almost autumn. He walked into Scrambles classroom, which had less children in it then before. There parents must have picked them up already. One of the teachers walked up to him, holding Scrambles small purple backpack under her wing.

“Mr. Spike, I’m glad you’re here on time. Scramble has been crying all day for you.” The mare stated.

“Daddy!” Scramble exclaimed before flying into Spikes arms. She nuzzled into his chest, sniffling a bit.

“Scramble I promise I won’t leave you here forever.” Spike comforted. Scramble whined a bit. She was just happy to be with her dad.