• Published 3rd Apr 2019
  • 6,763 Views, 182 Comments

Fatherly instincts - ShowShine

Spike finds an abandoned egg and his instincts kick in

  • ...

The End

Spike sat next to Twilight on a small throne next to her new one. Scramble sat on her fathers lap, playing with some measuring tape.

“So, you freakin' out yet?” Spike asked with a smile. Twilight tilted her head and raised her eyebrow in confusion.

“About what?” Twilight asked. Spike chuckled.

“Oh, I don't know. It's not every day the princesses that have ruled Equestria for hundreds of moons retire and pass all their responsibilities on to your and your friends.” Spike stated, throwing his hands into the air. Scramble mimicked him, throwing her hooves into the air.

“Oh, that. Actually, I'm feeling pretty good. We've all faced so much and come out okay. I know we're up to the challenge of keeping Equestria safe and happy. There's nothing we can't handle together. Which reminds me...” Twilight said, levitating a box. Spike tilted his head in confusion. She handed it to him and he opened to see a medal with Twilights cutie mark on it.

“Royal Advisor? What’s that?” Spike asked as he looked at the medal and put it around his neck.

“A new position I created for you. You've been at my side for every step of this journey. Knowing I had you to count on gave me the strength I needed to grow and succeed. I wouldn't be here without you.” Twilight said with a wide smile. Spike started to tear up and hugged her tightly. Scramble let out a whine of concern as she watched her father cry. She hugged him tightly, making sure everything was alright. Spike chuckled.

“It’s okay Scramble, I’m fine.” Spike reassured, kissing her on the cheek.

“Thanks, Twilight. You know I'll always be your right-hoof dragon.” Spike said with a wink. Twilight and Spike turned there heads when they heard the throne room door open. Gabby walked into the room and waved.

“Mama!” Scramble shouted excitedly, reaching her hooves out towards her.

“Hey Spike, can we go get donuts before the coronation?” Gabby asked with a smile. Spike looked at Twilight, who chuckled.

“You’ve worked hard enough, you can take a break.” Twilight said. Spike smiled and flew off of the throne.

“Thanks Twilight, I’ll see you later!” Spike exclaimed as he flew out the door with Gabby. This was going to be a nice relaxing day.

Spike and Gabby sat in Donut Joe’s shop, eating donuts and drinking hot coco. Scramble sat on her mother’s lap, trying to get a bite of her donut.

“You can’t eat any.” Gabby said as she moved the donut away from the baby. Scrambles brows furrowed and she teleported away.

“Oh no, not again.” Spike stated in a panicked tone. This wasn’t the first time Scramble had teleported away. It had taken him hours to find her. Scramble appeared next to Gabby’s hand and took large a bite of her donut. Gabby and Spike let out sighs of relief, happy that she didn’t disappear. Spike picked up Scramble and held her in his arms. They enjoyed there donuts in silence when suddenly they heard a loud bang from the kitchen. Donut Joe walked out with a snarl on his face.

“You three, get out!” He shouted. Spike gave a look of surprise. That was odd. Donut Joe never closed his shop early unless it was an emergency.

“Is everything okay Joe?” Spike asked in concern. Donut Joe scowled.

“Don’t call me Joe like we’re friends you dragon!” Donut Joe shouted, levitating a broom. He swung it around, trying to hit Gabby and Spike. They both flew outside in a panic, making sure not to get hit. Once they made it far enough from the shop, the landed onto the ground and gave each other confused looks.

“What was that about?” Gabby asked. Spike shrugged his shoulders.

“Donut Joe is usually super nice. Sometimes he would give me free donuts when I was sad.” Spike stated. A chill ran up his spine. Something was off. Everything was way too quiet. Spike looked around to see that the city was completely empty. That was completely odd because Canterlot was really big.

“Where is everyone?” Spike asked in confusion. Gabby shrugged.

“Maybe the all went inside.” Gabby suggested. Spike shook his head.

“Canterlot is never this empty unless something bad is happening. Spike pointed out. Scramble ears perked up when she heard a nearby noise.

“Dissy!” Scramble shouted, pointing to a very sweaty Discord.

“My aching metatarsals! You know, you forget how convenient snap-travel is.” Discord whined out as he rubbed his goat leg. Spike tilted his head.

“Wait. Did you just walk here?” He asked in confusion. It was unlike Discord to not use magic at all. Discord grimaced as if he had done something bad.

“Yes, actually. And I have a confession to make. You see, I might have made the teeeeeniest boo-boo. All very well-intentioned and noble on my part, of course, but-“ Discord rambled on. Spike rolled his eyes.

“What is it?” Spike asked, wanting him to get to the point.

“So I might’ve tried to reform Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek and they’re coming here to kill Twilight.” Discord admitted.

“WHAT!” Spike shouted. Discord smiled nervously.

“That’s not the worst part. I let it slip the Scramble is going to be the new queen so Chrysalis is going to try to kill her.” Discord finished. Spikes heart sank.

“Discord you IDIOT!” Spike shouted, stomping his foot onto the ground. Discord gave a look of surprise, Spike was never the type to get angry.

“You put my friends lives and my daughters life in danger because you wanted to reform someone!” Spike shouted angrily. He let out a sigh and kissed Scramble on the cheek.

“Take her somewhere safe.” Spike ordered as he handed her to Gabby.

“I will, I’ll see you later.” Gabby said as she flew up into the air. Gabby flew across Canterlot, making her way to the train station. Everything was so quiet. No ponies walked around the streets. All of the stores were boarded shut. Gabby landed in front of the ticket booth at the train station.

“One ticket to Griffonstone please.” Gabby said with a smile. The pink pegasus peaked over the booth and gave her a frightened look.

“All of the trains are shut down, the conductors left.” He said. Gabby tilted her head.

“Why? What happened?” Gabby asked. The unicorn looked around to make sure no one was listening and leaning in closely.

“The kirin are stealing and hoarding food and the unicorns are planning an attack.” He explained. The pegasus eyes widened in fear.

“I said too much, I need to go!” He exclaimed, quickly locking up the booth and hiding on the floor. Gabby looked down at Scramble and let out a sigh. She looked up at her mother curiously, not knowing what was going on.

“Mama?” Scramble asked in confusion. Gabby reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a scarf, wrapping Scramble in it.

“I need to fly to Griffonstone now. You need to be quiet so Queen Chrysalis doesn’t know you’re here.” Gabby whispered, holding Scramble close to her chest. She swallowed nervously. She hoped everything would end up alright.

Spike flew towards the Canterlot Castle in a hurry. Discord ran after him on all fours, panting heavily.

“Slow down!” Discord shouted, struggling to keep up. Spike shook his head and sped up. He didn’t even want to talk to Discord at this moment. Not only did he put his friends lives in danger, but he put his daughter in danger too. Spike looked up to see part of the Canterlot Castle explode.

“They’re here.” Spike said in a panic. He was too late. He wanted to warn his friends before they had gotten there. He sped up, pumping his wings. He could still try to stop Chrysalis from getting near Scramble. Without any warning, he was slammed into the side of a building. He opened his eyes to see Chrysalis inches from his face. She looked different. Her eyes were glowing green and her horn was longer.

“Well well well, look what we have here. The father of the queen.” She taunted. Spike struggled in her magic grasp, trying to get out.

“I won’t let you hurt her!” Spike shouted, kicking his legs. Discord tried to run away but Chrysalis hit him with a beam of magic, knocking him unconscious. Chrysalis turned back to Spike, squeezing his throat tightly.

“I’ll give you one chance to tell me where she is before I kill you.” Chrysalis threatened. Spike let out a strained wheeze, his face turning red.

“N-no.” Spike wheezed out, tears welling up in his eyes. He didn’t care if he died, he just wanted Scramble to be okay. Chrysalis’s ears perked up when she heard hoofsteps behind her. She whipped around to see A pink pegasus trying to fly away. She threw a food cart in front of him, making him cower back.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Chrysalis asked with a smirk. The pegasus quivered in fear, his eyes darting around. He wanted to make it out alive.

“I know where the Changeling Queen is!” He shouted. Chrysalis’s eyes widened and she got closer to the pegasus.

Where?!” She asked, getting inches from the stallions face.

“She went to Griffonstone with a grey griffon.” The pegasus said. Spike scowled, feeling himself get light headed. Chrysalis turned her head to look at Spike with a wide smile. The pegasus quickly flew off, just wanting to hide.

“Don’t hurt her.” Spike wheezes out. Chrysalis smiled, showing her sharp fangs.

“Night night little dragon.” Chrysalis said, slamming Spikes head into the side of the building. Everything went dark and Spike went limp.

Gabby entered Griffonstone to see that everything was in utter chaos. Griffons we’re flying around, hiding in there houses. A few of them were arguing with each other, fighting over food. Gabby held Scramble closer to her body and quickly rushed inside, slamming the door shut.

“Gabriella, where have you been?” Grandpa Gruff asked.

“I was in Canterlot with Spike, what’s going on?” Gabby asked. Scramble wiggled out of her mother’s grasp and flew over to her grandfather, hugging him.

“The ponies betrayed us! The earth ponies have been hoarding food!” Grandpa Gruff shouted angrily. Gabby gave a confused look.

“We don’t even need take food from the earth ponies, we grow our own food!” Gabby stated. Grandpa Gruff opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

“Well it’s still not right.” He said, holding Scramble tightly. Gabby let out a sigh.

“Scramble is in danger, Queen Chrysalis is out to kill her.” Gabby stated. Grandpa Gruff scowled and pulled out a sword from under his old worn down couch.

“She has to get through me first!” Grandpa Gruff shouted, pointing the sword up to the sky. Gabby blinked in surprise.

“Where did you get that?” She asked.

“I’ve fought plenty of wars in my time, I’ve hidden weapons all over this house.” Grandpa Gruff explained, pulling out another sword from under the couch. Gabby’s ears perked up when she heard a voice from outside the house.

“Come out come out wherever you are little queen.” A familiar voice said. Gabby peaked out of the window and let out a gasp. Queen Chrysalis walked around town, checking high and low for Scramble.

“How did she find us?” Gabby asked. Grandpa Gruff picked up his sword, getting ready to attack.

“Wait, I have an idea.” Gabby said. She walked over to Scramble and gave her a kiss on the head.

“If anything happens to me or Spike, please take care of her.” Gabby said. Grandpa Gruff looked down as his sleeping granddaughter and nodded his head. He knew how much Gabby loved Scramble. Gabby let out an uneasy breath and picked up the scarf that Scramble was in. She picked up a small yellow pillow off of the couch and wrapped the scarf around it. She walked outside and closed the door behind her, looking around for Queen Chrysalis. She could see Chrysalis lifting up a cart, looking under it.

“Hey Chrysalis!” Gabby shouted. Queen Chrysalis whipped around to look at her with a sneer on her face.

“That’s Queen Chrysalis to you.” She sneered. Gabby held up the pillow up to her. It looked like a baby wrapped in a blanket.

“I have the future queen.” Gabby said in a mocking tone. Chrysalis’s eyes widened and she charged at Gabby.

“Give it here!” She shouted, blasting magic at Gabby. Gabby quickly flew up into the air, zipping away. Chrysalis let out a yell and followed Gabby. All she had to do is lead her far away from Scramble. This plan was working like a charm.

Spike groggily awoke, his head pounding. He opened his eyes to see that he was in a slimy jail cell.

“My head hurts.” Spike muttered to himself. His friends looked at him in concern.

“Spike darling, you’re finally awake!” Rarity exclaimed, hugging him. Spike rubbed his head and looked around.

“Where are we?” Spike asked.

“We’re under the castle. Discord pretended to be Grogar so he could reform Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek. They got Grogars bell and took Discord, Princess Celestias, and Princess Luna’s magic. Tirek ate the pillars magic. Cozy Glow is an alicorn. Starlight just got out from her cell.“ Pinkie Pie explained. Spike nodded his head in understanding, slowly processing what she said.

“I think I have a concussion.” Spike stated. He looked outside of the cell to see Tirek and Cozy Glow chasing Starlight around, who teleported place to place. Starlight teased Cozy Glow, making her scowl.

“Get back here!” Cozy Glow shouted as a beam of magic shot out of her horn. Starlight teleported away and appeared in front of there cell.

“Get Twilight!” Applejack shouted at Starlight. She shook her head.

“No way! She's always needed you guys!” Starlight said. She closed her eyes and let her horn glow. There was a loud boom and the crystals on top of there cells shattered. The slime on the cells fell off, releasing everyone. Starlight got hit on the back with a beam of magic, making her fall to the ground. Princess Celestia stood in front of Starlight, protecting her.

“Find Twilight! We may not have our magic, but we aren't completely helpless! We'll hold them off as long as we can!” Celestia ordered, kicking Cozy Glow to her side. Fluttershy picked Spike up and placed him on her back. It was time to find Twilight.

Grandpa Gruff looked out of the window to see windigos circling the sky. He looked down at Scramble who was shivering in his arms, still sound asleep.

“Those darn windigos are making this place too cold.” He said grumpily, cuddling Scramble to warm her up. He stared at the chaos. Everything was ending up terribly. Everyone had divided themselves by race. Grandpa Gruff looked at Scramble and let out a sigh. He knew that he wouldn’t live long enough to raise Scramble on his own. Even if he did live long enough, she needed her parents in her life. He had to do something. Scramble yawned and opened her eyes, rubbing them a bit.

“Hi!” She greeted happily, waving to her grandfather. He smiled.

“Let’s go Scramble, we’re going to get your parents back.” Grandpa Gruff stated as he stood up. He opened the front door and walked outside, holding his sword firmly in his hand.

Gabby fell to the ground, gripping the pillow tightly in her arms. She had let Chrysalis to the outskirts of Canterlot before she had gotten taken down. Gabby’s leg burned because it had gotten shot with a beam of magic. She felt so cold and was shivering. Was she dying? Gabby looked up to see windigos flying in circles, making snow clouds appear all over Equestria.

“Finally, I got the one who I will rule over!” Chrysalis exclaimed, taking the scarf from Gabby’s arms. She unraveled it and her face dropped.

“This is just a tacky throw pillow! Where’s the queen!” Chrysalis shouted, stomping her hoof onto the ground. Gabby shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know anything about any queen.” Gabby stated, sticking her tongue out. Chrysalis wrapped her magic around Gabby and pulled her close to her, crushing her body.

“Where’s the Queen!” She shouted, squeezing Gabby tighter. She let out a scream of pain.

“Stay away from her!” A voice shouted. They both turned around to see Grandpa Gruff holding a sword in his hands. On his back, Scramble laid there in a baby carrier with a small red helmet.

“Hi mama!” Scramble said happily with a wave. Chrysalis scowled.

“The Queen!” She shouted. She dropped Gabby to the ground and charged at Gruff, knowing that this fight would be easy. Grandpa Gruff swing the sword towards her, cutting the side of her face.

“You put up quite a fight old man.” Chrysalis state’s, rubbing her bloody wound.

“I’m just getting started old lady.” Grandpa Gruff retorted. He punched Chrysalis in the face, making her stumble back. Chrysalis let out a growl and lunged at him horn first. Grandpa Gruff grabbed her horn and pulled her down, flipping over her head. He sat on her back and gripped onto her horn as she tried to shake him off. He pulled Scramble out of the baby carrier and placed her on the ground. Scramble flew to her mother, hugging her.

“Take her somewhere safe, I’ll handed Chrysalis.” Grandpa Gruff ordered. Gabby nodded her head a flew off, staying close to the ground. She had to make sure Tirek and Cozy Glow didn’t see her. Scramble closed her eyes tightly, gripping onto her mother.

“Spike?” Gabby asked as she saw a familiar dragon in the distance. He was floating in the air along with the pillars and the student six. Twilight flew above the groups, she seemed to be the one controlling all of the magic. Tirek and Cozy Glow quivered only fear, not being able to move from there spots. Different creatures stood on a hill behind them, supporting there actions.

“Daddy!” Scramble exclaimed excitedly when she saw Spike in the distance. Gabby stared in awe as a rainbow shot into the air and landed on top of both villains. They shrank back to their regular sizes and cowered in fear. Twilight put a magical bubble around Cozy Glow and Tirek, trapping them. Gabby flew towards them, now just wanting to hug Spike.

“Spike!” Gabby exclaimed happily, flying into his arms. Spike hugged her back, relieved to see that she was okay.

“Daddy.” Scramble said, climbing into Spike arms. He hugged Scramble tightly, giving her a kiss on the head.

“I’m glad that you’re both okay.” Spike said with a sigh of relief. Twilight looked around.

“Where’s Chrysalis? We need her magic so we can give it back to Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Discord.” Twilight stated. Grandpa Gruff walked over, holding a rope in his mouth. Chrysalis was tied to the end of it, completely unconscious. He shoved the unconscious queen towards Twilight.

“I took her down myself.” Grandpa Gruff said grumpily. Everyone gave him a look of surprise. “What, just because I’m old doesn’t mean I can’t beat someone up!” He defended. Discord picked up Grogar’s bell and rang it. It quickly sucked up Chrysalis’s magic, making her shrink back to normal size. Discord rang the bell again, giving himself his magic back. He snapped his fingers, making dancing pineapples appear out of thin air. Princess Celestia and Luna rang the bell, absorbing there magic.

“What should we do with these three?” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing to the three defeated villains. Cozy Glow cowered in fear and Tirek punched the magical bubble, trying to get out. Discord whispered into Luna and Celestia’s ears, making them smile and look at each other.

“Oh. That does seem fitting.” Princess Luna said with a smirk, using her magic to untie Chrysalis.

“May I help? Please?” Discord said excitedly. Celestia nodded her head and raised her hoof, making Twilight drop the magic bubble. Queen Chrysalis stirred awake, rubbing her head. Celestia, Luna, and Discord shut their eyes, channeling there magic. Chrysalis looked at Scramble who sat in Spikes arms. She jumped forward letting out a hiss. Spike took a few steps back, closing his eyes and holding Scramble tightly. When he didn’t feel any impact, he peaked open his eyes to see Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek had been turned to stone. Spike let out a breath of relief and looked at Scramble. She gave him a wide smile, just happy to be with her father.

“Everything is okay.”

Spike sat on the balcony of his new bedroom, looking up the stars. This was the last night Princess Luna The events of today had really had him thinking. Was he really the best for Scramble? Was moving to Canterlot the best for Scramble? He turned around to see Gabby and Scramble cuddling on his bed, both sound asleep. He smiled and stood up, his body aching. He had to talk to Twilight about something. He tiptoed out of the room, making sure not to wake up his daughter or girlfriend. He managed to walk outside of his room without any trouble.

“Twilight?” Spike asked, looking around. He heard a rustling sound from down the hallway. He followed the noise, walking down the hallway. Soon, he entered the library to see Twilight reading happily to herself. She looked up and smiled when she saw him.

“Hi Spike, is there something wrong?” Twilight asked. Spike let in a deep breath.

“I can’t move with you to Canterlot.” Spike stated. Twilights eyes widened.

“What why?” Twilight asked. Spike rubbed the back of his neck.

“I have to have a life of my own. I don’t think Scramble would like it here. Everyone here is too harsh and Scramble wouldn’t like growing up here. I don’t think Iwould like it here. I’ll be Royal Advisor from Ponyville I promise but I just can’t stay here.” Spike explained. Twilight stood up and hugged Spike tightly.

“I’m glad you were honest with me, I don’t want you to feel upset. You can do whatever makes you happy.” Twilight said with a smile. Spike smiled, feeling very happy.

He didn’t know where he was going next with his life but all he knew was the he was going to be happy with his family.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for giving me so much support on this story! I’m afraid that this is the end but don’t worry, here’s the sequel

Comments ( 12 )

I've got an idea!

What’s the idea?

Did I already told you of the idea of Spike in a multi-relationship with Gabby, Smolder, and Ocellus?

You haven’t but I wouldn’t put spike in the same relationship with Smolder and Ocellus. I feel like they’re too old for him. Personally I like spike, gabby, and the cmc.

So, this is the end? Well, it's been a ride, and thanks for taking us on this journey. Also, Gabby is best mama griffon.


I don’t know man, I was homeschooled and they didn’t want me to go outside.

You never said she was homeschooled? Really?

Ok I honestly forgot I wrote that part because I haven’t worked on this story in months. Either way I never said all people who are homeschool are in abusive situations, she just was.

10258078 Think of it as practice for the future. People will misinterpret almost everything you say. Take it with a grain of salt.

This was the last night Princess Luna The events of today had really had him thinking.

Mega typo.

Okay, finished. Overall not the worst thing I have ever read, but this is much more like a rough draft than any sort of finished project.

I had a hard time reading it at first and didn't like it. I pushed through and the writing got drastically better by the end. I'm glad I stuck around.

Although I hate all you putrid copies. This story is nice.

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