• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 806 Views, 8 Comments

Captain Goodking and the Nightmare Knights - Leondude

The newly reformed Storm King teams up with the Nightmare Knights to take down a foe from ancient Equestrian times.

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Chapter 11 - For the king who has everything

Goodking woke up. He noticed he was in a shiny throne room with walls made of gold and golden shelves filled with all sorts of trinkets and priceless art collections. He also noticed one of his minions back when he was The Storm King massaging his feet. Unsurprisingly, the minion was wearing a golden version of the standard Storm King Minion ensemble. Naturally, this left him very confused.

"Where am I?" Goodking asked, trying to figure out how he wound up in a golden throne room with one of his henchmen giving him a foot massage.

"Why you're in your throne room, Your Majesty!"

Goodking then noticed a light blue alicorn wearing a cloak and a magician's hat making her way into the throne room in the most over-the-top manner possible.

"And who are you supposed to be?"

"Gasp! You do not recognize the Great and Powerful Trixie?! I perform for you in exchange for peanut butter crackers!"

Goodking wasn't even going to try and comprehend why one of uni-Pega-corni-gasuses, or whatever they're called, is performing for him in exchange for food. Especially since there was a more pressing question at hand. Where did he hear the name "Trixie" before? Then, after a long and hard though, it hit him.

"Oh, I remember now! You're that unicorn that got possessed by Sanies, right?"

Trixie acted surprised since she didn't expect an answer like that. The minion massaging Goodking's feet, however, was just confused. Goodking just looked at Trixie funny.

"Sooooo, since you apparently seem pretty familiar with the goings-on around here, could you tell me who's who and if I have any meetings or royal plans today?"

"How should I know? The Great and Powerful Trixie just got up this morning! I'd suggest taking it up with General Snake over there!"

Trixie then pointed to a blue bat-pony with green eyes. There was an odd sense of familiarity with the pony's appearance that Goodking couldn't quite put his finger on. The bat-pony just gave him a glare. Not one of malice or anything like that, just a simple glare. Naturally, Goodking decided to take Trixie's advice (and gave her some peanut butter crackers too as a token of appreciation).

"Ah, General Snake! Gotta say you're shorter than I remembered!" Goodking said, trying not to let slip that he has never seen the general in his life.

"I'm guessing all those battles and conquests must be taking their toll on you, your grace," the general said while playfully gesturing at Goodking's head "Especially the Battle of Equestria. Those princesses were not willing to give up their rule, I assure you.".

Goodking looked out of the big massive window behind his throne and noticed dozens of ponies working as slaves while his more bulky and furry subordinates look on. Amazingly, one slave stood out among the rest of them. A dark purple unicorn with blue beautiful eyes. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that she looks a Tartarus of a lot like Tempest! Goodking felt bad after seeing that, especially since Tempest and Grubber have been helping him during his superhero career when no-one else was available (or when Discord was being an annoying jerk).

"General!" Goodking loudly announced "Get the podium ready! I am freeing the slaves!"

"Your grace, I doubt it's that easy to end slavery. I mean, you can't just push a button to free everyone of their shackles."

"Sure I can, I am the king after all!"

"True, but we're talking about the possibility of trade unions arising. We will be forced to give up our riches just to meet their demands."

"Oh...And that's bad for business, right?"

Snake rolled his eyes at that one. Even if he is a good guy now, Goodking is still a businessman at heart. The reason he always had slaves when it came to conquering lands is that he didn't want to give away any of the loot he pillaged during his conquering days. Really, the only reason why his furry foot soldiers had any loyalty to him at all is that he showed his "appreciation" to them by throwing parties. Goodking chuckled as he reminisced about how some of the soldiers had too much cider to drink. If he had been a good person back then, maybe he would have at least tried bonding with his allies instead of betraying them when they have served their purpose. Maybe if he wasn't so paranoid about people betraying him as Strife did, he might have considered restoring Tempest's horn. Then he had an idea.

"I know what will make everyone happy! We will throw a royal pizza party where everyone is invited! Think of it as my way of apologizing for enslaving them all."

"That's fine and dandy, your grace, but A. What are you going to pay them with if you do not intend on giving up your riches? And B. You do know you have a meeting with Lord Capper, right?"


"Hopefully, he will share your newly discovered anti-slavery sentiment. And if he doesn't, you could always replace him with someone else."

"Wait, I can do that?"

"I don't know, I'm not a noble."

It eventually became evening and Goodking was busy having dinner with Lord Capper. They were sitting in a great big golden dining room with a long, massive golden table draped in a white cloth, with both of them sitting at opposite sides of the table. Capper was also wearing a big red puffy ensemble that royalty and nobility usually wear, along with one of those funny wrinkly collar thingies. To say it was an awkward affair would be an understatement. Really, the only sounds that were made during the entire thing were the clinks and clanks of cutlery meeting the golden platters and their mouths. Luckily for every party involved, a puff of smoke appeared out of thin air to break the ice. And when the smoke cleared, a familiar blue alicorn was standing on the table in the most bombastic pose possible.

"The Great And Powerful Trixie! requests an audience with our king."

Trixie then threw another smoke bomb and teleported out of the room while everyone present was coughing. Trixie and Goodking then teleported to a small and dank restroom within the castle. From there, they proceeded to talk.

"So...Is this because I didn't give you any peanut butter crackers because I already told you one of my men ate them."

"No, it's not that! Although I'm a bit annoyed by that. I noticed that you remembered me even though Venomous Snake told me I was your alicorn court jester!"

"Hold up, my general's first name is Venomous?! Yeesh, and I thought the fact that his name was Snake would tell me enough that he should be someone to keep an eye on."

After a quick chat about their situation, they eventually walked out of the restroom and quickly made their way back to the dining room. But before they could enter, they peaked through a barely open door and noticed Snake whispering into Capper's ear.

"Don't you think our good king looks tired?"

Author's Note:

You'd think from the name of the chapter that this would be a happy place where nothing bad happens to our heroes, right?