• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 801 Views, 8 Comments

Captain Goodking and the Nightmare Knights - Leondude

The newly reformed Storm King teams up with the Nightmare Knights to take down a foe from ancient Equestrian times.

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Chapter 9 - Opening up her eyes

Sacanas observed Tempest walking through the labyrinth, waiting to hit her over the head with his staff. While he could easily sweet-talk her like he did the other contestants, he feels it would be easier to convince her with some illusion magic as Sanies did with Stygian. And when the time was right......I think you know where this is going.


When Tempest came to, she was in a dark cave. She walked forward and noticed a big, shiny mirror. And in the mirror, she saw something that surprised her. Something that she has always wanted for a long time and had long thought she would never get no matter how hard she wished:

She got her horn back!

As she stared at her horned reflection in the mirror, feeling all sorts of emotions such as shock and an odd sense of satisfaction, Sacanas walked behind her with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Do you like what you see?" Sacanas said in the same jovial tone he always has "If you like, I could make it bigger and even sharper for you".

Tempest was still processing the fact that she has her horn. But then she realized it was another one of Sacanas' tricks, something that was confirmed by Sacanas sticking his staff through Tempest's horn before making it disappear.

"Do you really think I'm going to restore your horn without something in return? Quid pro quo, as the saying goes."

Sacanas then whipped out his staff and proceeded to use it as a back scratcher. Not the most impractical use of a magical artifact I have heard off, I assure you. And with that little action, along with the satisfaction of scratching something that has been itching at him for a while, he then made this rather mediocre but fitting quip:

"You scratch my back, I scratch yours."

Naturally, like anyone with a good idea of what a villain looks like and knowing not to trust someone like that, Tempest was suspicious of Sacanas' intentions. The last time someone promised to restore her horn, it turned out the person in question was just using her. Then Sacanas trotted off while humming a familiar tune. It was a tune that commanded power, a tune that was perfect for a commander, a tune Tempest was all too familiar with.

Open up your eyes
See the world from where I stand
Me among the mighty
You caged at my command

"Catchy tune, isn't it?" Sacanas said while twirling his staff around energetically "My apprentice considered the ancient Equestrian tradition of bursting out into musical numbers when the situation called for it to be silly. But personally, I think he was just a bit uncultured!"

Sacanas then jumped towards Tempest and placed his foreleg right wrapped around her shoulder.

"I know you have no reason to trust me, in fact, I can't think of anyone that trusts me nowadays, but if your former master could turn over a new leaf, why can't I? After all, this staff literally has my name on it! Hello, it's not like I’m the kind of guy that names random stuff after myself. Although I do know a guy that has a habit of doing that! 'Harp of Kronos' this, 'Rod of Kronos' that! What next? 'Underwear drawer of Kronos'?!"

Sacanas then cleared his throat, aware by the look Tempest was giving him that he was rambling again. You'd think being resurrected would leave him all tanned, rested, and ready to give Equestria a wedgie again. But then again, he is a bit more energetic than he once was so maybe being brought back was better for his health than one would have guessed. Sacanas then handed Tempest a playing card with her as an ace.

"You're a pretty efficient unicorn in spite of your disability, but I know that with your horn, you'd be even greater! And, here's the best part, you don't have to worry about little bits of magic squirting every which way! Trust me, I've been through that phase and it's.......It's not fun."

While Tempest still has no reason to trust him, she decided to go with whatever Sacanas was selling. Mainly, it was just to lower Sacanas' guard and take him out by surprise. But little did she know that Sacanas will surprisingly enough keep his word on the bargain......Technically.

Author's Note:

You'd think Sacanas and Tempest would get along better since they were both outcasts that both got betrayed at certain points. Only difference being Tempest was betrayed by her former boss and redeemed herself, while Sacanas got betrayed by his apprentice but got better and is still as evil as ever.