• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 801 Views, 8 Comments

Captain Goodking and the Nightmare Knights - Leondude

The newly reformed Storm King teams up with the Nightmare Knights to take down a foe from ancient Equestrian times.

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Chapter 4 - Let's play a little game

The Nightmare Knights (and Captain Goodking) made their way to where Sacanas said his little game would take place, courtesy of Sacanas leaving a note saying "I'm not tricking you when I say this game will be a-maze-ing! (Somepony stop me!)". They then arrived at the labyrinth where the Mane 6 played a game with Discord, you know, before he turned over a new leaf. Standing in front of them as well as in front of the entrance of the labyrinth, holding his staff like it was a cane, was Sacanas wearing a big menacing smile on his face. And behind Sacanas were his thestral minstrels playing the same theme they always do like it was Sacanas' leitmotif or something.

"Mares and gentlestallions!" Sacanas announced, pretending his staff was a microphone "Let's meet our contestants!". He then pointed his staff towards every single member of the Nightmare Knights (and Captain Goodking) while telling his imaginary audience about them. Meanwhile, the minstrels stopped playing their instruments and, after some subtle gestures from Sacanas, quickly replaced whatever bass and brass instruments they had with steel drums and a kazoo (and all sorts of other instruments while keeping at least one brass instrument) and finally played something different, a jaunty little tune that wouldn't be out of place for a game show or a casino in outer space.

"This lovely lunatic is the princess of the night, then she got jealous of her sister and became a real nightmare! Sweety, I know how it feels not to have all the attention but at least I've got a good reason to prove myself to ponies, or I did before noticing the only thing distinguishable about me is my appearance and then deciding to become the maniacal bad guy you now see before you. And speaking of attention-seeking mares, this tricky pony right here used to be great and powerful, or at least that's what she had her audience believe. And when her beloved audience found out she was full of horseapples, they abandoned her and forced her poor and unfortunate flank into working on a rock farm. And over here, we have Catman and Fizzlepop, who both got bucked up and over by our good captain over here! And before that happened, Fizzlepop, AKA the unicorn with the electrifying personality, used to use magic normally. And then she came across the dreaded Usra Minor!!!! And after that, she became an outcast, like me. Tell you what, if you survive this game, I will give you one of my horns as a token of gratitude. And over here we have.....uh...who are you again?"

Sacanas was pointing his staff at Stygian. While Sacanas knew who Stygian was, he was simply using whatever insecurities Stygian might have had in an attempt to get under his skin. He then used the staff to tap on his chin before having a light bulb moment, for lack of better words.

"Ah, now I remember, the little pipsqueak who so desperately wanted to be a hero that he got tempted by forces beyond his comprehension and pulled a Nightmare Moon before Nightmare Moon did that! Maybe they should call turning into a corrupted version of yourself 'Pulling a Stygian' eh?"

And what teleported behind Sacanas was a very bored looking draconequus sitting back and yawning. Naturally, that made Sacanas jump a bit before he noticed who has just randomly teleported behind him, with the thestral minstrels immediately ceasing to play their instruments, also being startled by the draconequus' sudden arrival.

"Oh, am I interrupting?" Discord said in a dry tone "Bravo on the introduction, Sacanas"

Discord then proceeded to clap sarcastically, much to Sacanas' annoyance.

"Discord I presume."

"You should know, you're the one ripping off my shtick."


"A. I already did what you're doing with the element bearers and won. And B. I wouldn't be surprised that a red and black OC is trying so hard to be the biggest bad guy there is that he has to resort to reusing plans used by the villains before him."

"What the Tartarus is an OC?!"

"I'd tell you but you don't want an existential crisis now, do you? Anyways, time to wrap this up so I can help the others."

Discord snapped his fingers but noticed that his magic isn't working. And that's when he noticed that Sacanas was holding a rock. While Discord was talking, Sacanas had quickly picked up one of the many rocks he has placed all over the labyrinth to give himself an advantage of our brave heroes.

"This stone has magical properties that can disable all types of magic except for changeling magic. Pretty nifty, huh? I have covered the entire maze with this stuff!"

"Well, so much for turning you into a citrus fruit. Orange you glad that didn't happen?"."

After guffawing at his own incredibly bad joke, Discord then walked off before teleporting out of Sacanas' sight to help aid the Mane 6 (but Fluttershy especially). Sacanas then bowed and showed the Nightmare Knights the entrance into the labyrinth, but not before giving back the magic he stole from Trixie and Stygian for no other reason than to rub their noses in the fact that their magic will be useless in the labyrinth.

"Good luck, everypony!" Sacanas said in a jovial tone before laughing like a loon and realizing something that could have worked to his advantage.

"Son of a...I could have had him take part in my little game! Oh well, maybe if the Nightmare Knights lose this game, I suppose I could convince him to save their souls by playing the game. Even if it involves kidnapping this 'Fluttershy' he seems so fond of to get him to co-operate. Ohohohohoho!"

Author's Note:

I know nobody asked this but why yes, the chapter title is a reference to a game I made which can be downloaded on Itch.io:


And for those who don't want to click the link to the jaunty tune, here it is (more specifically, at 0:35):

PS: I know this was the second time I uploaded a chapter late but that was because I was busy on Friday and therefore forgot to send the chapter to AnnEldest on that day.