• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 9,319 Views, 944 Comments

Severed Ties - Carol Heart

Stranded in Equestria after Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is done with friendship. Unfortunately, the human Twilight's new device pulls not just energy from the portal, but a unicorn as well. Now the two must work together to get Sunset home.

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Chapter 8

“Wait! Come back!” Twilight shouted after the pair as they bolted down the hallway of Crystal Prep. She wasn’t sure when scientific research had become a good cardio workout but that was something to worry about at a later time, preferably after she caught the escaping unicorn. Mentally she noted how she was not fazed by what should have been a ridiculous statement, choosing to simply add that to the growing checklist she had of things to worry about another time.

As she chased the duo down the halls, she began to lag behind, her unconditioned pair of legs clearly not on par with those of the quadrupeds. Rounding a corner, the scientist barreled into a group of other Crystal Prep students just leaving one of the private study rooms.

“Hey, Sparkle,” an irritated voice called out, echoing through the hall and causing said girl to flinch.

“Oh hi, Sour Sweet,” Twilight squeaked out as she stood and adjusted her glasses. The scientist turned to face the new girl, though she kept her eyes focused on her own shoes which only caused the glasses to slide once more down the bridge of her nose.

The new girl was a tall girl with pale yellow skin and pale pink hair. She reminded Twilight a bit of the girl she had stolen energy from at the shelter, though the magical girl lacked the teal shock that ran through Sour’s bangs as well as the freckles that dotted her cheeks.

“What is this we hear about you being added to the team for the Friendship Games?” asked another girl. She was a thin teal skinned girl with a trendy short cut to her raspberry highlighted mulberry hair named Sunny Flare. She punctuated the question with a sharp jab of her finger to Twilight's sternum, causing the nerdy girl to back herself up to the lockers.

“Um...well, you see-” Twilight stammered, rubbing at the bruise she knew was now forming on her chest.

“Considering you have the highest GPA in school, you should be able to manage a coherent sentence consisting of words more than a single syllable,” interrupted Sugarcoat in a deadpan tone. She was a powder blue-skinned girl who wore her silver-blue hair in three ponytails and sported orange horn-rimmed glasses over her orchid eyes.

Honestly Twilight didn’t mind Sugarcoat that much. Out of all Sour Sweet’s friends she and Lemon Zest were the least likely to torment the girl. Sugarcoat was never malicious, just brutally honest, while Lemon Zest, the pink-skinned rocker was perpetually oblivious to the world around her as she headbanged to whatever blared in the headphones she wore over her multi-toned green hair.

“Listen, Dorkle,” a blue-haired girl with goggles snarled muscular peach arms shooting out to grab hold of the smaller girl's shirt and practically picked her up by it, forcing the glasses-wearing girl to meet her eyes. “I thought we told you to stay away from the Games.”

“Indigo, I-I didn’t…” the helpless girl started to stammer out. The situation was all too familiar for Twilight. Indigo Zap had been her personal tormentor since middle school, taking any opportunity she could to bully the genius girl. Things had only gotten worse when they’d both entered Crystal Prep thanks to Principal Cinch’s policies. When the abuse had started again her freshman year, Twilight had gone to the dean. Dean Cadance had been her babysitter and longtime confidant. When the athlete was given detention, it was quickly overturned by the Principal who cited the need to have Indigo attend soccer practice as she had made the varsity team and they had to maintain their excellence on the field. In the end, Indigo had gotten off scot-free while Twilight had received a further abuse for snitching. After that, Twilight had concluded it was safer to try and avoid Indigo when at all possible and to do whatever the athlete asked when she did run into her.

“Shut it, Sparkle,” the angry jock said punctuating the statement by slamming the scientist against the lockers. “The last thing we need is for you to spaz out and ruin our perfect winning streak. I know you're supposed to be some kind of super brain or something, but if you're too stupid to follow such simple directions, maybe I'll just have to teach this lesson the hard way.”

With another shove, the goggle-wearing girl pushed Twilight even harder into the lockers, causing the injured girl to slump forward, doubled over after the impact. The movement allowed her energy collecting device to slip out from where it had been hidden in her zipped hoodie.

“What do we have here?” Indigo cooed. Reaching for the pendant, she jerked it hard breaking the cord and causing the already injured Twilight to cry out as it dug into the back of her neck before breaking free. Holding up the stolen pendant for the other Shadowbolts, Indigo then tossed the device to Sunny Flare. “Here ya go, Sunny, you’re into clothes and jewelry and junk. What do you think of the nerd’s new bling?”

The fashionista caught the device but promptly sported a disgusted look. Holding the offending item delicately in two fingers by the broken cord, she kept it as far from herself as she could manage. “Honestly, dearie, it looks like you made it yourself out of scrap. Here, Lemon, dispose of this so she doesn’t look like more of a loser than she already does.” Tossing it towards the headphone-wearing girl, the comment went unheard as Lemon continued to rock out to the music blaring in her ears, and the pendant went sailing passed her.

“No!” Twilight shouted, but as she was still pinned by the sporty girl, the helpless scientist could only watch in horror as her device, the core of her research project and bringer of mythical beasts, fell through the air and impacted the linoleum with a thud. When there was no explosion of light or summoning of an ancient horror, Twilight's body seemed to remember that breathing was a necessity and so began again in earnest. Unfortunately, she was still not out of danger. Indigo might not have been a creature of legend, but at the moment she was no less dangerous.

“Listen up, Dorkle,” Indigo spat, eyes leveled at the pinned scientist. “Crystal Prep always wins the Friendship Games. Always. I didn’t want you on my team, I don’t need you on my team, and I will not have our perfect streak ruined by some loser who doesn’t belong. So to make sure the message is clear this time since apparently you didn’t get the picture the first time we had this little chat, I think a little demonstration of exactly what I’ll do to you if we lose will ensure you get my meaning.”

Twilight saw Indigo release one side of her collar and cock back her fist. Still pinned by the muscular girl’s other arm, Twilight could only close her eyes and wait for the blow.


Sunset rounded another corner, putting more distance between herself and the out of shape scientist. She wasn't positive where she was running to, but anywhere had to be safer than here. If the human Twilight was anything like the pony princess she knew, she would not stop until she had the answers she was looking for. She already knew enough to pull her through the portal, which meant that she knew its location in this world. What else could she learn if she got a hold of Sunset? She might be a crackpot scientist working out of a closet now, but that would all change if she had Sunset as proof. Then she could get backing, proper funding, and do who knows what to the portal and to the ponies back home. Sunset couldn't risk it. She knew what humans could do and she wouldn't let innocent ponies be hurt if she could help it. She had to get away without being spotted.

Unfortunately, Spike continued to pursue her clearly under the belief that this was a game. As they pulled away from the scientist, Sunset heard the clamor of angry voices echo through the halls from where they had come. She was immediately reminded of the last time she had been in a high school, and the memory caused the pony to pull up suddenly resulting in the purple puppy barreling into her, only to shake it off and bark happily believing he'd won their game.

“Shush, Spike,” The unicorn chided, bringing her ears erect and searching for the sound of the teen’s clunky school shoes. “Where’s Twilight?” Seeming to understand, the pup cocked is head back the way they’d come before rushing back leaving the unicorn blinking in surprise.

Finally alone and without any pursuers, Sunset was free to head out the door and back to the portal. She was still familiar enough with the city, that she was sure she could make her way there without being seen. With any luck, she could be back through the portal and safe in Ponyville in no time. But something about the angry sounds of teenagers continuing down the hall made her pause with a growing sense of worry. Sunset couldn't stop the memories of her final day at CHS; knocked to the ground, and surrounded by angry students, all of them glaring at her, accusing her of something she didn’t do. As her tears flowed freely, she had hoped desperately that one of her friends would help, to stand up for her, to believe her, but they were nowhere to be found. They’d assumed the worst and abandoned her to the mob.

A look of determination fell across the unicorn’s face. True, this may not be the Twilight Sparkle that she knew, but Sunset Shimmer refused to let anyone else be treated the way she had been. Unsure of what she would do when she got there, but no less set on her course, the amber pony headed back down the hallway toward the commotion.

Reaching the hall the voices seemed to be coming from, Sunset carefully peeked around the corner. There she saw a crowd of uniformed Crystal Prep students had the human Twilight Sparkle backed up against a locker. After her years as the Queen Bee at Canterlot High, Sunset easily recognized the fear in the bespectacled girl’s eyes. With experience on both the giving and receiving sides of the bullying coin, a fire lit in the unicorn’s heart as she knew she had to do something to help this Twilight.

The problem was, what exactly could a three-foot-tall pony do versus nearly half a dozen teenagers? Sunset raised a forehoof to her forehead to try and spark an idea, only to have it brush against the bruise at the base of her horn. Her horn! How could she forget? Being sucked back to the human world and coming out a tiny pony was a mystery for later, but at least it did come with one advantage.

Thinking quickly, Sunset’s horn began to glow in warm red light as she began weaving the various spell patterns. With the persistent pain in the head, she knew she was doing herself no favors trying to cast something so complex in a world with so little magic, but someone was in trouble, and like Tartarus was she going to just sit back and watch as someone was harassed, unlike the students at CHS.


As Twilight stood frozen, held fast in Indigo’s grasp waiting for the impact, her ears picked up on a familiar sound. Frantic barking as four paws ran swiftly down the hallway, nails clicking audibly on the tile. Twilight chanced a peek and spotted a familiar purple and green fluff ball racing towards her, his usually happy puppy face sporting as fierce a growl as he could manage.

Sour Sweet stepped forward with a happy smile on her face. “Aww, look at the little puppy,” she cooed, then her smile dropped into a scowl, “too bad it's the only one around here who'll to come to your rescue.” With a wicked smirk, she made to kick the poor pup. Luckily she didn’t have the same soccer skills as Indigo or the little dog could have really been hurt. As it was though she clipped him hard in his ribs, causing his legs on that side to give out and the little dog then slid across the well-polished hallway floor. Spike skidded across the hall impacting the wall against which Twilight had collapsed. Picking up her injured puppy, Twilight tried to comfort her protector as well as shield him from whatever the group of bullies had in store for them next.

“What is going on here?” a voice none of the Shadowbolts recognized called out. Striding down the hall was a surprisingly tall woman with aurora colored hair. Her purple dress pants and tan blazer indicated her to most likely be a teacher, probably a sub as none of the group towering over the downed scientist recognized the woman. Choosing not to risk a new teacher trying to assert her authority, the group backed away from the girl and her dog and headed the opposite direction as the approaching authority figure.

As she left, Indigo spotted the pendant Twilight had been wearing. With another glare at the bespectacled girl, the athlete lifted her sneaker-clad foot up and proceeded to drive it swiftly back down on the pendant. The device proved sturdier than the jock had anticipated and was not broken into pieces, but the sudden force was enough to pop open the latch and cause the device to open. Immediately, it began to hum and whorl as it sparked to life with an ominous pink glow.

Some of the retreating Shadowbolts had seen the action of their friend, but all noticed as the sparks jumping off the device intensified.

“I think it's gonna blow,” Sunny Flare yelled.

“Awesome, light show,” the headphone-wearing girl yelled, throwing up the horns and continuing to headbang to the music.

“Run you idiot,” the pigtailed girl said, somehow maintaining the same neutral tone even as she shoved the rocker out the door followed by the rest of her group.

As the remaining bullies fled from the scene, Twilight was frozen in dumbstruck awe as the sounds and sparks emanating from the device intensified. Then a large jolt of energy shot out of the device and exploded in a burst of brilliant pink light that was sent hurtling down the hall straight for the mystery woman who had come to her rescue.

Author's Note:

I believe magical shenanigans were requested. :trollestia: