• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 9,319 Views, 944 Comments

Severed Ties - Carol Heart

Stranded in Equestria after Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is done with friendship. Unfortunately, the human Twilight's new device pulls not just energy from the portal, but a unicorn as well. Now the two must work together to get Sunset home.

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Epilogue: New Beginnings (Part 2)

It had been a few weeks since the events of the Friendship Games, and Twilight saying good-bye to her first friend, though Spike would argue that characterization, and did now that he was once again able to talk. The teen assured him that it wasn’t an insult he ,and Cadance for that matter, were family so they weren’t eligible for the title.

Cadance and Principal Celestia had worked overtime to fast track her transfer to CHS and Sunset’s friends had kept their promise to “look after her''. She had quickly been indoctrinated into the world of friendship with mall visits, hangouts, and sleepovers. They had even convinced her to try singing with their band as her counterpart once had. That was how Twilight Sparkle now found herself seated at the piano in the Canterlot High music room as the newest member of The Rainbooms.

“Nothing stays the same for long
But when it changes doesn't mean it's gone
Time will always get away
As it leaves behind another day”

As Twilight’s part ended, she thought back over all that had changed for her in such a short time. Overall, things had improved for the glasses-wearing teen. Given her past bullying experiences by both students and faculty, there was no doubt of her departure from Crystal Prep, but it shocked many when she declined admission to the Everton Independent Study Program, opting instead to transfer to CHS.

Part of it was due to Sunset’s urgings not to give up on friendship. The girls that had been the unicorn’s friends, had been so sincere in fighting to get her back from Cinch and wanting to make it up to the pony, it seemed cruel to deny them the opportunity when Sunset had asked them to look after Twilight herself. They had welcomed Twilight warmly to their group though it was strange at first to be friends with people, just because someone else had asked them to be. That comment elicited a chuckle from some in the group.

“Sugarcube,” Applejack explained, “that’s exactly what Sunset said when we asked her to be our friend, too.” The comment brought a sad, wistful smile to the farmer’s face.

“We promise, we learned our lesson though,” piped in Pinkie Pie, “We really want to get to know you and be your for-real friends, who know you and won’t ditch you at the first opportunity-” A cyan hand shot out and covered the pink girls mouth before it could make the conversation more awkward.

“What Pinkie’s trying to say,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, “is that we’re here for you, Twi. We’d love to get to know you and be friends, but if you don’t want to hang out with us, we’ll still be here for whatever you need at CHS or whenever.”

“Yes, darling, though we do hope you’ll at least allow us a chance to put our best foot forward as it were, seeing how our introductions were…ahem…less than ideal.”

Twilight agreed knowing first impressions on both sides could have gone better, eliciting a quiet, “Yay!” from Fluttershy.

“Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But Friendship carries on through the ages”

Twilight listened as the shy girl took over the song, giving the teen scientist a beaming smile in congratulations on her part. It had taken a while after the girls talked the nerdy girl into coming to their band practices, and the offer was made that she should join them. After a lot of wheedling and the biggest set of puppy dog eyes adorning the normally energetic party planner’s face, Twilight had finally relented so long as it was a small part.

The girls really did welcome her into their group. They had each spent time getting to know her, and while it was often learning to appreciate new experiences, Twilight had found she shared some interest with these girls such as a love of animals with the shy girl. The surprise, however, was the connection she found with Rainbow Dash. Honestly, the nerdy girl had feared spending time with the jock, with memories of past interactions with Indigo Zap coming to mind. While the rainbow-haired girl was a bit on the egotistical side, as Indigo, Twilight was surprised to find that the athlete was in fact a bigger Daring Do fangirl than Twilight. The two’s planned hangout turned into a trivia battle on the series followed by speculating on the recently announced Daring Do movie.

Twilight was feeling more welcomed at CHS than she had ever felt at Crystal Prep or anywhere else. The girls and the school as a whole had taken Sunset’s request, which the girls had shared, to heart, seeing it as a chance to do for someone what they hadn’t done for Sunset. The thought that it was a friendship born of magic that had seen them through an apocalyptic fight, made Twilight smile. It was like something from one of her novels and the fact that she was here, now, surrounded by friends that welcomed her for who she was more than she could have ever imagined a few months ago while trying to plan her escape from Crystal Prep. It was as through that made her body warm and tingly, a sense of joy that seemed to radiate out from her heart and fill her whole body.

And despite all the friendship and comradery, her transfer to CHS has garnered, there was one more factor in her decision to turn down Everton. Her counterpart’s words to her implied there might be hope in getting the portal back open. Sunset had said, the princess had been the one to find a way to open the portal between the worlds outside of the normal window. While it was possible that the portal would open naturally in a couple of years, Twilight knew she could do better. After all if one Twilight could do it on her side of the divide, surely she was up to the challenge on this side. Especially if it meant she got to see her friend again.

“Things may come and things may go
Some go fast and some go slow
Few things last, that's all I know
But Friendship carries on through the ages”

As Rarity echoed Fluttershy, continuing the song, Twilight was struck by memories. Memories of the friend that had risked everything to help her. Who had been hurt and nearly died for her. Her friend was injured a world away, gravely injured and here she was playing music and having fun. As the soul chilling realization washed over her, the feeling killed the warm feelings that had been growing within her. Grabbing her bag, she rushed out of the room leaving her bewildered bandmates behind.

“Oh dear,” the animal lover gasped as the music of her friends skidded to a halt at the sudden exit of their new friend. “What happened?”

“I’m not sure, darling. Everything seemed to be going well. I thought Twilight had really taken to being part of the band.”

“Yeah,” cut in Rainbow Dash, “her piano solo is totally awesome and her voice is just as good as Princess Twilight’s was.”

“Really,” Rarity sniffed, “I seemed to recall a certain someone against the idea of a grand piano in the band.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t against it, just questioned how you planned on lugging it around with you everywhere.”

“Do you think we should go after her?” Fluttershy asked, getting everybody back on the issue at hand. The band’s attention was grabbed by Pinkie as she jerked and twitched behind the drum kit.

“Wowza, that was a doozie,” the energetic teen gasped and then smiled. “Don’t worry, Twilight won’t be alone, and I think she just needs some time right now.”


Twilight hurried out the front door and collapsed on the steps. She knew she shouldn’t have run out without saying something, but she was feeling overwhelmed. As much as she liked her new friends, it was a strange experience to go from a reclusive shut in to the most popular girl in school. Not to mention how close the Rainbooms were. It was sometimes a bit much for her.

She wasn’t alone for long though as Spike appeared from one of the nearby bushes.

“Hey, Twi,” he greeted cheerfully before seeing the girl’s face, “You going to be okay?”

“Yeah, I just needed some time to myself.”

“Alright, if you’re sure then I guess I’ll leave you to it. There’s a squirrel over there who’s forgotten whose territory this is and Fluttershy’s not around so I get to explain it to him my way.” With that he bounded off, barking as ferociously as the ten pound bag of fluff could manage.

Twilight smiled at his antics, and then was started a moment later by a buzzing in her bag. Reaching in, she pulled out her phone and saw the new message.

Rarity: Pinkie thinks you could use some space, but just let any of us know if you’d like some company and we’ll be right there, darling.

It wasn’t the first time she’d been in tears after everything she’d been through, and her new friends were doing their best to help her through it. Since transferring to CHS, her phone had seen a great deal more use than it ever had before. Twilight smiled as she sent a quick thank you. Tossing her phone back into her bag, she withdrew the large leather-bound book that had been her other focus since arriving at her new school.

When she’d initially requested the chance to study the journal in hopes of reestablishing the portal link, Twilight was sure that the principals would laugh her out of the office. What she was not expecting had been a full-fledged offer of support as well as the use of a spare storage room to use as a lab.

Twilight was stunned at the generous offer and more so by the look in Principal Celestia’s eyes when she handed over the journal stating simply, “Take good care of it, Miss Sparkle.” There was worry and sadness in her voice, but Twilight felt it was mixed with a sense of cautious hope.

Word had spread through the school as to where Sunset’s journal had disappeared to, and that same sense of nervous optimism seemed to cling to the students and staff at Canterlot High. Twilight didn’t want to disappoint them, but after two weeks of research and locking herself in her newly acquired lab there had been no progress in recreating the effects of the portal. It was only in the past few days, the girls had managed to coax her out to spend time together outside of school, joining the band being the most recent development. With so many people, and probably ponies, counting on her Twilight didn’t want to let them down, but with no progress, she didn’t know where to go from here.

Twilight sighed, running a hand over the familiar red and gold sun emblazoned on the book. Then she reached in her pocket and pulled out a pen. Opening to the back where there was still room she began to write.

Dear Sunset,

I hope you are doing well. I know Princess Twilight (wow that’s so weird to write) said you would be fine with time, but I can’t help but worry. You know me, I don’t like not knowing and it’s so hard not knowing how you are. I guess that’s what happens when you have friends.

Well if that’s the case and the reverse also applies, I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m doing well at Canterlot High and the girls are working really hard to show me all the things I’ve missed out on. Actually the whole school has made me feel welcomed. I was really worried at first, about transferring to CHS. I mean transforming into a winged dark angel and trying to tear holes in reality and murder your principal and classmates was probably not the best first impression. Luckily the full story on Principal Cinch came out. The files you sent prompted an investigation by the school board and the CCPD. They put out a warrant and when she finally turned up, a week after the Games, she was disheveled and kept muttering nonsense like “chocolate milk from cotton candy clouds". My brother told me she seemed all too happy to turn herself in.

You probably will never read these words, but I wanted to tell you that I owe you so much. You taught me so much and were there for me when I needed you the most. I can never thank you enough for everything you did for me and how much you have changed my life. I know that the portal isn’t due to open again for two more years, longer for you, but I want you to know that when the time comes, you will have a friend here eagerly waiting to show you everything I’ll have learned thanks to you.

Your friend,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight smiled as she closed the book with a small smile. It didn’t matter that the journal had long since lost its connection to its counterpart in the other world. Even if Sunset never read those words, it was cathartic just to get them down on paper.

Checking the time, she knew she should start heading back to the music room or the others would likely worry and come looking for her. They tended to do that when they thought she might be trying to seclude herself. Twilight loved having friends, and the girls were kind and very welcoming, but they just weren’t Sunset Shimmer. I mean really how do you compete when your first friend is an adorable magical talking unicorn? Twilight giggled to herself as she headed back to the building, not wanting to worry the girls. As she did, she missed the faint glow that started to emanate from the now unadorned plinth.

Author's Note:

To be concluded.