• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 9,318 Views, 944 Comments

Severed Ties - Carol Heart

Stranded in Equestria after Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is done with friendship. Unfortunately, the human Twilight's new device pulls not just energy from the portal, but a unicorn as well. Now the two must work together to get Sunset home.

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Chapter 24

Author's Note:

Trigger Warning: Drugs/Addiction. No depictions of using only side-effects and withdrawal as well as frank discussion so some strong language

This chapter has been a worry of mine for a while. It was one I wanted to include, but one I wanted to do right. While I worry my skills as an author still did not do the scene justice, I hope you will bear with me (It's why it's taken so long and gone through a number of edits and rewrites.) And should you feel the need to skip this section, there is a bit of Sunset/Twi at the end so just look for the break.

The bell went off overhead and echoed down the opulent halls of Crystal Prep signaling that the lunch hour was over and sending students scurrying for their next class. For one girl, however, the bell went ignored as she headed lower into the school where the school-directed research facilities were located. She may not be Twilight Sparkle, but as a member of the Friendship Games team, she could get away with missing class under the guise of preparing for the competition.

Sugarcoat narrowed her eyes behind her orange frames. She was on the hunt and would not be deterred. Her quarry had avoided her all weekend. That was about to end.

Having found out from Sunny Flare exactly where she could find her target, Sugarcoat approached the lab door and began to pound mercilessly on it.

“I’m kind of busy and don’t want to be disturbed,” a sweet voice called out from behind the door followed by a harsher, “as if that wasn’t obvious from the locked door.”

“Open the door, Sour Sweet, we need to talk,” Sugarcoat replied in her usual blunt tone.

“And why would I do that?”

“Because I can’t open it from this side seeing as it’s locked.” Sugarcoat stated plainly.

“No! And why should I do that when I don’t even wanna talk to you! You...you... irritating…!” Sour Sweet threw open the door to give Sugarcoat the full force of her anger, “piece of...ugh!” Sour Sweet took the opportunity and shoved Sour Sweet back into the room. “What the hell,” the irate girl shouted, “Get out!”

Not dissuaded at all by the comments, Sugarcoat rounded on Sour Sweet and leveled a glare at the freckled girl.

“You missed lunch,” the blunt girl stated.

I wasn’t hungry, but thank you so much for checking-”

“You also missed class today. All of them. I checked.”

I already told you I’m busy, so if we’re all done with questions-”

“I’m not. What’s wrong with you?”

Right now, you bothering me with all these inane questions when I have work to do. I’ve asked nicely, but if you don’t get out, I’m going to make you.”

“Really...how? Are you going to hit me, Sour? Kick me maybe, like you did on Friday to Sparkle’s dog? You kicked a puppy and you’re honestly going to stand there and try to tell me that there’s nothing wrong with you?”

The surly teen brushed past Sugarcoat and headed for her equipment-laden workbench, set up in the middle of the room, her gaze anywhere but meeting the stern eyes behind orange frames. She shuffled the papers around haphazardly almost toppling the tools and components strewn across the workspace.

“Indigo was the one who decided to go after Twilight,” Sour Sweet spat, “Maybe you should go have this little talk with her. Invite her to open up about her issues and talk it out, and then I can get back to my work,” she finished with a growl.

“I would, if I thought it would do any good, but Cinch has Indigo so wrapped around her finger, it wouldn’t do any good. You, however…”

“What about me?” Sour mocked as she tried to ignore the feel of the other girl’s contemptuous glare washing over her and returned to wiring the large machine she was constructing.

“You’ve been skipping lunch for the past few weeks,” Sugarcoat stated.

I told you I wasn’t hungry.

“And not just lunch, you’ve been avoiding me and the others and not responding to any of our calls or texts.”

Maybe because you’re all completely annoying, and I have things to do,” the irritated girl huffed as she continued to try and fail at ignoring the invasive guest.

“Couple that with the aggression and that outburst you had with Sparkle’s dog-”

“It’s the week of the Friendship Games, sweetie,” Sour Sweet cut in, “The pressure is high and maybe the pressure is getting to me a bit.”

“Pressure, possible.” Sugarcoat nodded before stopping in front of Sour Sweet’s bag and searching for something she knew would be inside, “Or perhaps this has something to do with it,” she stated, extracting a prescription bottle from within.

“How did you-?!” Sour shouted and jumped from her seat scrambling towards Sugarcoat only to have the pig-tailed girl move back around the table and out of reach. “Give those back!”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Sugarcoat stated. “Do you think I’m stupid? Did you think I wouldn’t recognize the signs?"

“Give them back, Sugarcoat,” Sour Sweet growled as she grabbed across the table for the bottle in the other girl’s hand.

Sugarcoat just ignored her as she glared at the Sour and continued on, “The decreased appetite, the secretive behavior, the aggressive behavior…” Sugarcoat’s normally unflinching exterior cracked, letting both hurt and worry creep into her normally detached voice, “Damn it, Sour, you promised me you were done with this shit after what happened last time. You swore to me, so why?”

Sugarcoat’s loss of composure provided Sour Sweet the opportunity she needed as she launched over the table at the other girl clearing everything from the desk between them as she lunged for the bottle. Sugarcoat was quick enough to move her hand out of reach, but there was no escaping Sour as she hurtled over the workbench, causing the pigtailed girl to lose her grip as the freckled teen tackled her. The bottle flew from Sugarcoat's grasp and bounced on the ground, hard enough to pop the cap off and send a dozen blue pills rolling amongst the wreckage of the desk. The broken glass and metal shavings that litter the floor did nothing to deter the desperate teen as she quickly scrambled off Sugarcoat and began picking through the debris to save her scattered prizes. So focused on her goal, she didn’t notice the cuts she was amassing on her fingertips, or the blood staining the pills. It wasn’t until Sugarcoat grabbed her by the shoulders and hoisted her against the desk that she even noticed the other girl had moved.

“Stop! Just stop,” Sugarcoat shouted, and being this close, with the pigtailed girl yelling in her face, Sugarcoat finally saw the other girl. Not the aloof exterior that she used as her shield in the arena that is CPA, and not the judgmental glares Sour was sure the other girl had worn a moment ago. No, this time Sour Sweet really looked at Sugarcoat and saw the pain, worry, and sadness of someone who was concerned for another and had no clue what to do to help.

“I-I need them, okay,” the cornered teen said slumping against the desk, unable to meet the other girl’s hurt gaze. “The Friendship Games were coming up, and I wasn't going to make the cut. You know what being on the team means now and in the future for scholarship and college applications. I needed to be at my best to ensure my spot in preserving Crystal Prep’s reputation.”

Sugarcoat frowned at her friend’s phrasing, “Sour, you are the smartest student at Crystal Prep outside of Twilight Sparkle and she’s a certified genius. What would make you think you wouldn’t be on the team…” The realization broke over the normally reserved girl in a wave of rage, “or should I say who?” Sour winced and retreated into herself, doing a passable impersonation of Twilight Sparkle, and Sugarcoat had her answer, her eyes narrowing behind her orange frames and a surge of rage spreading across her normally placid countenance.

“That bitch! She gave them to you, didn’t she, all for her precious reputation?!” The ire ebbed out of her voice, though anyone who knew her could see it still lay right below that false calm exterior. “We need to go to Dean Cadence.”

Heading for the lab room door, pills in hand, Sugarcoat turned for the lab door but was quickly blocked by an agitated Sour Sweet.

“You can’t!” the freckled girl began, her voice almost panicky before composing herself and continuing in a placating tone. “Look. You’re right, Sugarcoat. I’ve been doing a poor job in managing the side effects and I will stop, but I need them right now. Just until after the Games. Okay?”

The pig-tailed teen's eyes narrowed behind orange frames, “Why?” she asked back to her usual direct manner. “You’re already brilliant and driven, and if P.E. counted towards our G.P.A., you would be the top student in the school. You don’t need those,” Sugarcoat said waving towards the scattered pills. “The Friendship Games might be a competition, but it’s Canterlot High. They’re not really much of a challenge anyway, so why would you want to put yourself through this? Do you really think you need these to beat a bunch of public schoolers?”

Sour Sweet stared into waiting orchid eyes, emotions warring, before finally crumbling. “No, you’re right, but it’s not just the Friendship Games I have to worry about. Principal Cinch gave me another project she wants completed ASAP on top of everything we have to do to prepare for the Games.”

“What does she want you to do?” asked the bespectacled teen.

Sour Sweet spread her arms wide indicating the massive device she was working on. “I’m not exactly sure. Building something of Sparkle's I think. Cinch wanted it to be improved and done quickly. She’s threatened to pull my recommendation for that summer internship I was telling you about. I got it, but only thanks to Cinch, without her I’m out. Plus, you know what my parents will say!”

“You need to stop taking these,” Sugarcoat stated plainly.

“And I will,” agreed Sour Sweet in a saccharine tone, “I promise. When this is all over-”

“No, you need to stop now.”

I’ll never be able to do it all without them, the project, the Games-”

“Then don’t do it all,” Sugarcoat cut in bluntly.

“But, if I don’t get it all done-” Sour began with a growl.

“No, you dummy, don’t do it all yourself. Ask for help.”

The statement was simple and straightforward like most of the things the teen said, but this one made Sour Sweet stumble and knock her out of her spiraling anger. She blinked in the realization of such a simple solution.

“You want to help me?” Sour Sweet asked.

“No,” replied Sugarcoat in her standard matter-of-fact tone causing the scowl to return to the other girl’s face.

Well, then what the hell-

“I don’t want to help, but I will anyway,” Sugarcoat smirked, earning an eye roll and snort from the other girl. “Why don’t we start by getting this mess cleaned up.”

Sour Sweet’s eyes surveyed the remaining pills on the floor, her hands twitched as they wanted to reach out and reclaim what was hers but doing so caused an ache in her fingers that reminded her what she had already done to herself to get them back. Finally glancing up at Sugarcoat who was waiting for her to make the decision. “Together?” she asked, earning a nod from Sugarcoat. Taking a deep breath Sour Sweet nodded, “Okay, together,” she agreed, earning a rare smile from the other girl. Not Cinch did say I could utilize whatever resources I needed. I suppose commandeering you as my helper monkey falls within those terms.”

Leveling a warning glare at the freckled girl before turning her attention to the schematics Sour had spread back out on the desk, Sugarcoat said, “Let’s just get to work.”


“Are you sure this is everything we’re going to need for the upgrades?” Twilight asked as she struggled to put on her coat while double-checking her very detailed list with the other hand one.

“Twilight, we spent all day running magical calculations and adding the runes I suggested. Pretty much all of the upgrades left to make are technological meaning your area of expertise so really if something’s missing, you’d be the one to know not us.”

“I know, I know,” Twilight sighed, finally giving in and putting down the list so she could actually put her arm through the sleeve. “I’m just-”

“Going a little Twilynanas,” Sunset finished.

“How did you kno-” the girl in question started but was interrupted by snickers from her number one assistant.

“See, it really is an adjective.” Upon catching Twilight’s gaze however his tone became more serious as he addressed his fellow quadruped. “Don’t be too hard on her, she’s probably still a bit on edge from skipping a day of school.”

“It wasn’t skipping,” corrected Twilight, affronted by the idea that she’d do such a thing. “Crystal Prep allows you to miss class to work on your independent research projects as long as you make up the work.”

“Yeah, but you’ve never done it before, let alone for the entire day,” said Spike.

Sunset looked worriedly at the teen. “You didn’t have to skip class. I mean not that I didn’t appreciate the help with the calculations, but I could have done them myself if you’d wanted to go to class.”

“Are you kidding?” asked Twilight. “I know the material for the classes. I mean that’s what the books are for. I go to class hoping that I’ll get to glean some new insight or maybe the teacher will expound on some topic and add new information that I’m unfamiliar with. It doesn’t happen as often as it used to since I’ve done so much independent reading, but I just didn’t like the thought of missing out on learning.”

“Okay,” said the unicorn, lifting an inquisitive brow, “so why didn’t you go to class today?”

“Because I definitely was going to learn something new with you! Sunset, I got to learn magical math today. Magical...Math. I didn’t even know that was a thing and now I’ve helped in its calculations. Best Day Ever!”

Sunset looked at Spike, who just shrugged, then turned back toward the giddy girl and smiled. “Alright, Twilight, it was pretty fun, but if you want to do any more work on this problem, you’d better get going before you miss the bus.”

“Oh right,” the teen said, glancing at the clock. “You sure you don’t want to come with?”

“Nah,” said the unicorn, “I’m going to take a quick nap. A day of spell casting even just these minor runes has tired me out. Why don’t you take Spike with you?”

Spike perked up at that, looking hopefully, “Yeah, you and me, just like old times.”

Twilight shook her head quickly. “That’s what I’m afraid of. The last time I tried taking you to the mall, you jumped out of my bag and accosted an employee.”

“I wasn’t accosting him,” Spike huffed indignantly. “I was trying to tell him what I wanted and he ignored me. Guess, I’ll have better luck now that I can talk.” Twilight shot the puppy a warning look causing him to chuckle uncomfortably, “I mean that will absolutely not happen this time because I will be on my best behavior and remain hidden the entire time.”

The teen relented and gave Spike a scratch behind the ears, “That’s what I thought, and if we have time we can swing by the food court for a treat.”

“Yes,” the little puppy cheered with an enthusiastic paw-pump as he hopped into Twilight’s waiting backpack.

Looking over at the unicorn who was snuggling into the cot’s pillow, the teen asked, “Are you going to be okay by yourself? You can still come with us if you want to.”

“Nah, I’m good,” said Sunset closing her eyes, “Just taking a power nap, what’s the worst that could happen?” Sunset’s eyes snapped open, and she looked warily at the magic siphon she’d spent the day working on. “Um, actually, could you do me one favor?”

The teen and dog looked at her confusedly, before Twilight, asked, “Sure, what’s wrong?”

“I know logically that the runes we added should prevent any more portals from activating, but the last time I asked that question, I was unexpectedly pulled through a magical portal. Would you mind taking it with you? I don’t think my brain is going to let me sleep if I know it’s sitting there.”

Twilight managed to suppress the giggle that threatened to escape, but couldn’t hide the smile that found the way to her lips. “Sure. Actually, that might be a good idea to ensure any new components we purchase are compatible with the existing ones and the...upgrades you did.”

“Sounds good. You two have fun and try not to get into too much trouble,” said Sunset, letting herself relax back into the pillow and drift off to sleep.