• Published 18th Aug 2019
  • 5,396 Views, 715 Comments

Live By The Sword... - redandready45

Sunset learns what it is like to feel helpless and under someone's thumb. Will she stay in Canterlot High?

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A Farmhouse Divided (A Rewrite of All Three Parts)

Author's Note:

A lot of people didn't like this story arc, so I redid the whole thing.

Applejack saw Sunset marching toward the front door with a self-loathing expression on her face and her bag in her hand.

"Sunset, don't leave." Applejack begged

Sunset turned to Applejack, her face wracked with guilt. "Why shouldn't I?" Sunset asked miserably. "Apple Bloom doesn't want me here, and I don't-"

"What happened to Apple Bloom wasn't your fault," Applejack said. Sunset narrowed her eyes. "OK, you did put us in the poor house for a while, but Diamond Tiara was already a bully. She was just looking for any excuse to be mean."

Sunset didn't feel any better. "I was gonna do it," Sunset said, collapsing onto Applejack's couch with a tired expression.

"Do what?" Applejack asked in a concerned voice.

"Trash your farm if you did get in my way. Applejack looked at her with horror. "Break your equipment. Ruin your apples-," Sunset looked down, tears nearly flowing from her eyes. "You and your family had nothing to do with my feud with the Princess. But I was so obsessed with proving her wrong, I treated you and everyone else like an obstacle."

"Sunset I-,:

Sunset's hands fell into her face. "I still don't get why you didn't just throw that pie in my face when I was doing community service?" Sunset said in an angry tone as she looked up at Applejack. "Why you didn't just attack me like everyone else did?! I nearly destroyed your sister's future! I'm the reason your grandma has to work in a cafeteria!"

"I'm not gonna lie," Applejack said. "Part of me wanted to do things."

Sunset narrowed her eyes at Applejack's candor. "Then why didn't you?" Sunset asked. "Was it because Princess Twilight told you to be my friend?"

"No. I know I promised the Princess to be your friend, but when I thought you were expelled, I was really happy. I thought you'd stay gone." Applejack took her hat off. "But then ah saw you after the Formal. You looked so...broken. At first, ah thought you were blubbering to get out of trouble."

"And how did you know I wasn't?" Sunset asked with a curious voice.

"Well, when we had our talk, I thought you were gonna act like a weasel. Beg me for forgiveness, make excuses, get defensive when I said mean things to you," Applejack said. She then took a seat on the couch next to Sunset. "But you didn't do any of those things. You accepted that I hated you, and you accepted I would never forgive you even when you did pay me back, and more importantly, you were honest with me." Applejack put a warm hand on Sunset's shoulder. "And when you worked on mah farm without complaint, that proved to me you weren't the stuck up wench anymore."


"You've taken a lot of hurt," Applejack said with firm eyes. "But instead of getting mad about no one giving you a chance, or getting revenge, you've accepted that people were gonna hate you, and you still tried to make amends. You even feel bad for the person who shoved you down the stairs," Applejack said with soft eyes. "If that don't proved you've change, nothin' will."

"So you really believe in me?"

"Eeyup," Applejack said, sounding like Big Mac. "Also, I've seen what happens when you hold a grudge," Applejack continued. "Granny's family and Momma's family had a horrible feud," Applejack said solemnly. "I can't even remember what it was about, which just proves how dumb it was. My grandpa was so obsessed with the feud, that he disowned Momma over it when she decided to marry Poppa."

"Really?" Sunset asked sadly. "Did they ever...make up?"

"Nope," Applejack said sadly. "My Momma died before that could happen. The first time I ever met my grandpa was at Momma's funeral. I really wanted to hate the man for how he treated us and Poppa, but he looked so...sad. He was upset that he never got to say sorry to my Momma." Applejack looked at Sunset with serious eyes. "My grandpa taught me that hate hurts you more than the person you hate. Forgiving people can be hard sure, but it works better than being angry, and it makes you a better person." Sunset looked down. "Ever since I gave you a chance, I felt better then when I was mad at you. I love hanging out with you Sunset. And Granny and Big Mac love having you here."

"But Apple Bloom doesn't," Sunset said miserably.

"Well, now that you're here, you can do what you did with my friends," Applejack said with an encouraging expression. "Prove to her that you've changed."

"But what can I do for Apple Bloom?" Sunset asked with some frustration. "I can't punch Diamond Tiara in the face or give her that year back."

"Well, it is a good thing you're talking to her sister," Applejack said with a smile. "I know what she likes."

"I don't know, this feels like bribery," Sunset said as began getting the plates out.

"Food is a good way to connect with people," Applejack said as she put the silverware on the table. "As my Momma said, you can get to someone through their stomach." Sunset looked at the spread they prepared of Apple Bloom's favorite foods: jerk chicken, collared greens, sweet potato pie, spaghetti and meatballs, and a bottle of orange soda.

Big Macintosh and Granny Smith burst into the kitchen with hungry smiles on their faces.

"Why this smells mighty fine," Granny Smith said with some pride. "I'm mighty pleased I don't have to do the cookin' tonight." As Sunset and the Apple family took their seats, Applejack blew a horn.

"Apple Bloom, dinner!" Applejack said heartily. After a few moments, Apple Bloom still didn't come downstairs. "Apple Bloom, dinner," Applejack repeated, but the yellow-skinned girl still didn't come downstairs. With a sigh, Applejack walked upstairs to her sister's room.

Applejack got close enough to the door so Apple Bloom would here her. "Apple Bloom, I know you don't like Sunset, but please come downstairs, we've got a really good dinner." The yellow-skinned freshman said nothing. "Please Apple Bloom, come out of there." The young girl said nothing. "Alright, Apple Bloom, either you come out of there, or I'm coming in there on the count of three." Apple Bloom's room was silent. "1...2...3!" Applejack burst into the room. To her shock, no one was there and some of the drawers were empty.

"Apple Bloom," she said with some fear. Applejack came up to the bed and saw a note written in red. Applejack read the note, and felt her face turn red.

Applejack stormed downstairs in a rage.

"What's wrong?" Granny Smith asked as the tanned farmer girl burst into the kitchen. Applejack quietly but furiously handed her the note. Granny put on her glasses and read the note, with each word making her frown deeper and deeper.

"What happened?" Sunset asked with some concern.

"Apple Bloom said she's gonna live with Scootaloo and her aunts as long as you live in this house," Applejack said with a snarl. Big Mac's face twisted into a frown. Granny looked like she was about to have a stroke. But instead of exploding, her face twisted into a calm chill.

"I'm not gonna be angry," Granny Smith said in a quiet, but shaky voice. "I'm not gonna be angry. I'm just gonna call Holiday and Lofty, they'll bring Apple Bloom back here, and then she'll be working her butt off from dawn to dusk for the rest of the year." She went over to the counter to grab the phone and furiously dialed the numbers.

"Make sure to get under the couch too," Lofty said. The blue-haired woman was supervising Scootaloo and Apple Bloom as they vacuumed the room.

"Yes ma'am," Apple Bloom said formally.

"Yes Aunt Lofty," Scootaloo said.

"After you two are done I want you two to help clean the attic," Holiday said in her rough Sydneigh accent. "It was nice of you to help with chores, Apple Bloom."

"My pleasure," Apple Bloom said.

The phone rang. "I'll take care of it," Holiday said, picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"This is Malus Smith," a quiet voice said. "Is this the home of Scootaloo?"

"Yes," Holiday said. "Hello Granny Smith, how are you? This is Holiday."

"Is Apple Bloom there?"

"Yes," Holiday said nervously.

"Bring. Her. Back."

Holiday looked confused. "Mrs. Smith, Apple Bloom told me your home was being fumigated. Why would you to bring her back?" A long, but sharp, paused was heard over the phone. "Mrs. Smith? Mrs. Smith?"

"Put Apple Bloom...back...on." Holiday was scared by the repressed rage, and a bit confused about the situation. With a sigh, Holiday called Apple Bloom over and handed her the phone. To her growing concern, Apple Bloom's face was also twisted into repressed rage.

"Hello Mrs. Smith," Apple Bloom said with a cold tone.

"Apple Bloom," Granny said after a few calming breaths. "I am not asking you, I am telling you to bring your butt back here."


"Apple Bloom, it would be shame of those video games of yours were to suddenly break."

Apple Bloom showed no fear at her Granny's words. "Go ahead. Break'em. I dare ya."

"Fine, I'm coming to get ya'. And if I have come to get ya-,"

A nasty smirk appeared on Apple Bloom's face. "I hear it is against the law to let senile old ladies drive."


"I mean, you seem to forget about all the bad things that Sunset did. There must be something wrong with your head."

"Apple Bloom, I know yer angry, but this is not the way to behave. Know get yer butt-,"

"Why should I care about what you say!" Apple Bloom bellowed into the phone. "You don't seem to care about what I want!"

"Because you're acting like a spoiled little brat!"

Apple Bloom looked outraged. "Sunset ruins my life, and I'm the brat!"

"Sunset's changed. She cooked you a good-,"

"I don't care what she does!" Apple Bloom yelled, her yellow face a bright red. "I want that little bitch-" Apple Bloom felt the phone being wrenched away from her by Holiday.

"I see there is a family dispute going on," Holiday said into the phone with a calming tone. "And tensions are high. Maybe you can let Apple Bloom-,"

"YOU'LL BRING HER BACK HERE NOW!" Granny bellowed into the phone so loudly that it hurt Holiday's ears. Apple Bloom angrily grabbed the phone away from Holiday.

"LISTEN TO ME YOU OLD PRUNE!" Apple Bloom screamed. "You don't care about what I say! You let that monster back into my life! So why don't you get lost and leave me alone, you old bat!" The youngest Apple sibling angrily slammed the phone down in order to get the last word.

Granny Smith hung up the phone, looking utterly heartbroken. The teenagers in the room looked at the green skinned woman with sympathy.

"Granny," Applejack said. "What's wrong?"

"Apple Bloom doesn't want to live with me." The green-skinned woman looked down, almost in tears. "You know what. You young'uns do what you want. I'm too old for anyone to listen too."

"Granny lets enjoy the nice dinner," Applejack said, trying to cheer the old woman up. Instead, Granny walked out of the kitchen and trudged upstairs in a bitter daze. After a few moments, Applejack and Big Mac, themselves bitter and upset, walked upstairs, too upset to enjoy food. Sunset sat silently in the kitchen, brooding up a storm.

"I ruin everything I touch."

As Canterlot High's students marched into the school, a beep noise signaled that the morning announcements were about to begin.

"Hello CHS," Principal Celestia's voice said. "Before we begin our announcements, there is something we need to discuss: as most of you are probably aware, yesterday afternoon, one of you chose to push Sunset Shimmer down the stairs and sprained her ankle. This person is also been connected of sending death threats to Sunset to her E-mail and planting them into her locker." Some students heard the announcement with a bit of shock.

"However did that I want to say this: you have every right to be mad at Sunset. Her actions at CHS were nothing short of delinquent. But let me be clear: sending murderous threats and knocking her down the stairs goes well beyond an acceptable response. Sending threats and physical assault can cause severe damage in both the physical and psychological sense." Celestia paused for a moment

"Again, I am aware that Sunset has done serious harm to many of you. But Sunset Shimmer has not only shown remorse, but she has worked hard to right her wrongs. During her suspension, she worked for six weeks helping repair the damage she did, and did not miss a night of work. She has also followed the restrictions put on her to the letter. The Apple family told me that she worked on their farm to pay off damages she did to them. She also willingly subjected herself to a dunk tank to pay off damages she owed to the track team." She let out another pause. The other students began feeling even sadder.

"Whoever pushed Sunset down the stairs and made serious death threats to her, I am pleading with you to confess to me by the end of the day. I am not promising no punishment. Making threats and nearly breaking her neck is, again, beyond acceptable. However, I am willing to give you a shorter punishment. And I promise you that whatever grievance you have, I will make sure that Sunset Shimmer makes it up to you. But if you choose to retaliate against her again, and I find out who, you will be severely punished. Anyone else who chooses to retaliate against Sunset going forward will be a suspect." The students and faculty all felt a bit of shame as Celestia ended her warning and returned to the usual morning announcements.

As Sunset walked into school, she noticed that the angry glares from the other students had gone away. Apparently, they felt bad she was attacked. Once upon a time, she would've been jumping for joy at this day. But with the sword of Damocles hanging over her head, and the conflict she had created within the Apple family, any comfort she would've felt wasn't there. Not even Applejack and Rarity acting as her bodyguards could raise her spirits.

"Sunset don't worry," Applejack assured her. "I'm gonna talk to Apple Bloom and straighten her out."

"Sure, that sounds great," Sunset said with false cheer.

"Darling," Rarity said. "I assure you that Apple Bloom will come around. Besides, everyone has stopped retaliating against you."

"Because Celestia told them not to," Sunset said bitterly.

"Well darling, the reason why she did that is because you've worked hard to make amends," Rarity said in a reassuring tone. "Celestia isn't defending you out of pity. She is doing it because you've earned it."

"I guess," Sunset said.

"Hey Sunset," Sunset turned around and saw the warm smiles of Sprint and Quick Pace.

"Hey guys," Sunset said with a small smile, their presence giving her some comfort. She noticed Sprint was holding up a white box.

"We heard about what happened," Sprint said sympathetically. "Which is why we got you this." Sunset took the box, and saw a chocolate cake inside.

"Thanks," Sunset said with a grateful smile.

"It was all Quick's idea," Sprint said, gesturing with his thumb to the diminutive freshman, who smiled bashfully.

"I-I-I-I f--f-figured y-y-you earned from what you d-d-did," Quick stammered. Sunset didn't say anything. Instead, she bent down and kissed Quick on the cheek, to everyone's surprise.

"That was really sweet of you," Sunset said to Quick in a warm, empathetic voice. Quick blushed, and was too stunned to say a word.

"Not as sweet as that cake," Sprint said. "That is like diabetes in a box." Everyone let out a small chuckle at that. "Anyways, I'll see you guys around," Sprint said, as he and Quick walked away with a warm smile of his own. Rarity and Applejack looked at Sunset with teasing smiles.

"Guys, we're not dating," Sunset said with a sheepish smile.

"I don't know," Applejack said with a wry grin. "You did have your lips on that boy's cheek for a bit long."

"I detect a forecast of romance," Rarity said passionately.

"Guys, Quick is a good guy," Sunset said with a warm smile. "He's been one of the few people here who has been nice to me from day one. But I don't have those feelings for him."

"Tis a shame," Rarity said. "I would've have made you the best wedding dress I could muster." Sunset snorted.

"The fact that those two are being nice to you proves you've made a lot of progress," Applejack said. "And if they are starting to like you, I know everyone else will."

"The person who pushed you down doesn't matter," Rarity said. "From here on in, it is up, up, up."

"Thanks," Sunset said. She opened the box, eager to try some of the chocolate cake. She was so entranced by the smell of the cake she didn't notice the world around her. She tripped on a book, accidentally tipping the box forward. Someone let out an annoyed yell. She looked up and saw she accidentally pushed the cake into someone's white shirt, staining it brown.

A mortified expression appeared on Sunset's face. "I'm so sorry. Let me-," Sunset looked up and felt her veins turn to ice. Gilda was glaring down at her, with a huge chocolate stain on her jacket and wife-beater.

"Gilda," Sunset said nervously. "I'm so sorry. I was so happy with getting a cake, I didn't notice you." Gilda just glared at her silently, looking like a bull ready to charge. She noticed the hallway had gotten dead silent, and realized the other kids were looking at her fearfully, like she was a dead woman walking.

A sheepish smile formed on Sunset's face. "Look, let me get a paper towel, and we can get this cleaned up in no time." The statuesque athlete continued to glare silently at Sunset. "Here," Sunset said, presenting the somewhat ruined but still edible cake. "We can split this, 50/50". The white-haired teenager didn't break her vicious gaze. "OK, how about you can-," Gilda walked away with a small frown and a snarl. Her pace and expression were calm, but everyone in the hall treated the bodybuilder like a rampaging rhino and gave her a wide berth.

Sunset looked at the white-haired girl with no small amount of fear, and then fearfully walked in the other direction toward class.

"Oh man," Pinkie said sadly to Rainbow Dash as Gilda walked by. "Gilda is so lucky! I wish I could be covered in delicious chocolate cake." Rainbow rolled her eyes with a grin.

Gilda turned to glare at someone who was staring her. "You gawking at me, Snails!?" Gilda yelled at the buck-toothed redhead, who stammered fearfully. Gilda still hadn't forgiven Snails for his role in her laptop going missing.

"No, Gilda, sir," the redheaded creep said. Gilda punched the part of the locker above the locker, just missing the boy's head. Other students nearby were startled, while Snails whimpered.

"That's what I thought," Gilda growled before storming away.

Near the entrance, Apple Bloom looked up at the intercom with no small amount of scorn.

"Forgiveness, compassion, blah blah blah," Apple Bloom parroted contemptuously. Taking her books out of her locker, she began walking to class when she saw someone in the way.

"We need to talk," Applejack said calmly but firmly, looking at Apple Bloom with crossed arms. Apple Bloom silently walked away from her. Apple Bloom felt Applejack put a hand on shoulder.

"I said we need to talk," Applejack said, barely growling.

"I don't see why," Apple Bloom said coldly. "It's not like you care about anything ah say, Ms. Smith." Applejack's eyes widened in astonishment. The only time Apple Bloom said that was when she was really mad.

"I do care about you say Apple Bloom," Applejack said with some warmth in her voice.

Apple Bloom angrily pushed her sister's hand away and turned to glare at her. "Then why did you let that her near me?"

"She worked on our farm and paid us back," Applejack argued, "if you just give her a chance-,"

"She took a whole year from me," Apple Bloom shot back, "she can never make that up to me."

"That didn't make what you did last night right."

"What did I do?"

"You ran out on us, Bloom," Applejack said. "And you lied to Scootaloo's aunts."

"I left you guys a note," Apple Bloom responded.

"Sunset was hurt by what you did," Applejack said in a scolding tone. Apple Bloom scoffed at that. "So was Big Mac. So was Granny." Applejack looked horrified. "The things you said to her."

"It's not mah fault that the old bag is losing her mind," Apple Bloom said coldly.

"What did you say?" Applejack said, her heckles raised by Apple Bloom's disrespect.

"She threatened to break mah stuff," Apple Bloom said. "She's clearly losing it."

"She was hurt by what you did," Applejack said.

"So that makes it OK for her to break mah things," Apple Bloom said.

"No," Applejack said reluctantly. She put her hand on her face. "Look, Bloom, I'm not gonna argue with you. You are coming home with me today."

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm your older sister and I said so!" Applejack yelled. "Because I put food on your table, changed your diapers-,"

"OH SCREW YOU!" Apple Bloom yelled back. "Your supposed to do those things! Your supposed to take care of me! I don't owe you shit!"

"How dare you talk that way to me!" Applejack yelled.

"You think you're so smart, so clever, so wise, so much better than me!" Apple Bloom yelled back. "Well you're not! If you were so smart, we wouldn't have been in the poor for a whole year!" Applejack's face turned red from Apple Bloom's remarks. "If you were so smart, it wouldn't have taken more than five months for you to figure out what Shimmer did! I wouldn't have had to spend a whole year wearing cheap crap!" Applejack's fist clenched. A nasty sneer appeared on Apple Bloom's face. "You think everyone here looks up to you. The only thing they reason to look up to you is to stare at your big. Fat. Apple. Tits!" Applejack grabbed her sister by her shirt and shoved her into a nearby locker.

"Say that one more time," Applejack hissed at her sister as she pinned her against the locker, looking at the young freshman with a pitiless gaze. "I dare you to say-,"

"What's going on here?!" Applejack turned away from her sister and saw Mr. Cranky approaching her with stern eyes. Applejack let her sister go, realizing she was caught by the teacher.

"I'll tell you what's going on!" Apple Bloom yelled with tear-soaked eyes that Applejack only started to notice. "Sunset Shimmer ruined my life, but Applejack's gotta beat me up! All because I told her the truth!" Cranky looked at Apple Bloom with concern on his normally stern features.

"Do you girls want to talk about it in my office?" Cranky asked, his strict voice becoming somewhat sympathetic.

"I just want Sunset Shimmer to go away!" Apple Bloom yelled, before running off in tears.

"Apple Bloom, I'm sorry," Applejack said in a remorseful voice, but Apple Bloom continued to run away. Mr. Cranky walked away, but not before looking at Applejack with no small amount of disappointment. Applejack glanced at the direction her sister ran in and let out a regretful sigh.

"Applejack, its not your fault," Rarity said in a soothing voice. The two were in study hall, sitting at a desk, nominally working on their science homework.

"It kind of is," Applejack said regretfully. "I was so obsessed with wanting to be a good friend, I didn't care how mah sister felt." Applejack sighed. "That year was tough on all of us, but we got through it. But I shouldn't have just expected Apple Bloom to get over it."

"I still remember when Sweetie Belle brought her home," Rarity said with a frown. "The poor thing looked so vulnerable."

Apple Bloom hid in a bush, hoping she could avoid the other kids. She felt like a prey animal fearfully hiding from a predator. After once last look she nervously climbed out.

"Oh Apple Bloom, so that's where you live," a familiar and unwanted voice said. Apple Bloom turned to look at the sneering faces of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Girls," Apple Bloom said fearfully. "Please just leave me-,"

"Oh, Ms. Trailer Trash thinks she can tell us what to do," Silver Spoon said mockingly. With a nasty smile, Silver Spoon took the aged bow out of her hair and stomped on it.

"Stop it," Apple Bloom said feebly, reaching down for it, only for Diamond Tiara to knock her to the ground. Apple Bloom curled into a ball on the ground and closed her eyes, trying to keep the tears from flowing out. The nasty laughter of the two was making it harder.

"Leave her alone!" Apple Bloom looked up and saw some orange-skinned girl with purple hair walking up, glaring at her two tormentors.

"I'm sorry what was your name again?" Diamond said mockingly. "Sarah, or something?"

"Scootaloo," the orange-skinned girl barked.

"Oh now I am remember," Silver Spoon sneered. "You're the girl raised by the two dykes."

"Take that back right now!"

"Make me," Silver Spoon sneered back. "What are you gonna do? Whine to the princ-," before Silver Spoon could finish her sentence, she felt herself knocked to the ground, with a throbbing pain on her nose. Silver Spoon felt her nose and saw she was bleeding to her horror. Silver Spoon looked up and saw the orange-skinned girl looking down at her with a nasty grin and a bared fist.

"Do you want some?" Scootaloo asked a shaking Diamond Tiara. Without a word, Diamond Tiara ran away fearfully. Silver Spoon got up and ran away in tears.

"Mommy," the grey-skinned girl yelled as she scurried away. Scootaloo smiled viciously as the two rich girls ran off.

"Cowards!" Scootaloo muttered. She looked down at the red-haired girl who was still crying. "Don't worry. Those two won't bother you anymore," Scootaloo said in a soothing voice.

"Thanks," Apple Bloom said in a quiet voice, staring at her ruined bow.

"I'm sorry about your bow," Scootaloo said empathetically. "I'm sure your mom can get you-,"

"She can't," Apple Bloom said sadly. "She's-we're poor."
Scootaloo looked at her with no small amount of pity. "Don't worry," Scootaloo said. "I have a friend who can help you out."

Rarity came home from school with tired eyes. Her relationship with her friends was hanging on by a thread. She wanted to focus on other, less depressing, things.

"Now that I'm home, I can return to the world of fashion," Rarity said. To her annoyance, she heard Sweetie Belle's cheerful humming coming from her design studio.

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity said in a scolding tone as she entered the studio. "I told you not to go into my studio without-," Rarity paused as she saw what her sister was doing: fixing some red bow. She noticed that Scootaloo was in the room, along with some yellow-skinned girl who looked mousey.

"Sorry Rarity," her sister said, stopping her threading. "A bunch of bullies ruined that girl's bow. I was fixing it for her." Rarity looked at the girl, and saw that the girl had been crying earlier. She nevertheless looked at Sweetie Belle with a grateful smile, despite the pain that was evident on the rest of her face.

"Never mind," Rarity said with a proud smile. "Carry on. Just let me know when you're finished." Rarity walked out of the room.

"And done," Sweetie Belle said, giving the bow back to Apple Bloom.

"Thanks," Apple Bloom said. "Well, I better go."

"Why do you want to leave?" Sweetie Belle asked sadly.

"Because...I'm a loser," Apple Bloom said sadly, her lips quivering.

"No you're not," Scootaloo said. "I saved you from those brats. Sweetie fixed your bow. That makes you a Crusader!"


"Our club. We team up stopping injustice," Scootaloo said dramatically. "Whether it is mean bullies like Diamond Tiara..."

"Or crimes against fashion," Sweetie Belle said.

"And with a third member," Scootaloo began.

"We will be complete," the two girls said in unison.

"So what do you say," Scootaloo said to Apple Bloom. "Are you in? Or are you in?"

"Sure," Apple Bloom said with a grateful smile. Unbeknownst to them, Rarity was watching the scene with no small amount of pride.

"Never before did I ever feel so proud of my younger sister," Rarity said with a smile.

"And I nearly hit her," Applejack said with a disgusted voice. "I, I brought back those horrible memories. No wonder my sister's avoiding me."

"Darling, I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to her."

"The only way I can make it up to her is if I kick Sunset out," Applejack said. "But I can't just kick Sunset out. Not when someone is after her blood."

"I could take her in," Rarity offered. "Sweetie Belle doesn't like Sunset, but she doesn't hold such a grudge against her."

"I'm an Apple. We don't kick out our guests," Applejack said ruefully. "And kicking Sunset out would only make her think that she's a burden, and she already has enough problems. I have to choose between my newest friend or my younger sister. I really wish I didn't have to make that choice."

"I have an idea," Rarity said after a solemn pause. "Maybe you shouldn't be asking me for a solution."

"Who should I ask?" Applejack said.

"You should ask someone who has no stake in this dispute," Rarity said. "An unbiased party. Preferably someone with no emotions, because their perspective isn't clouded by our feelings and biases."

"Someone with no emotions," Applejack parroted. "I wonder who that could be?"

"So what should I do?" Applejack asked Maud. The two were sitting in the corner of an empty commons room. Applejack explained to Pinkie's older sister her predicament. After a few minutes of blank staring Maud picked up her pet rock-Boulder was its name-and put it to her ear.

"Boulder says you should kick Sunset out."

"But, wouldn't that hurt her?" Applejack asked. Maud put Boulder up against her ear again.

"Boulder says you're coddling Sunset too much."

The word 'coddle' made Applejack bristle. "Coddled? Coddled?!" Applejack said in rage. "Sunset has had her head dunked in the toilet, a backpack glued on her head, eggs thrown at her. She's been pushed around, and now someone wants to kill her! And she's had to work for weeks on rebuilding the school. AND she's had to work on mah farm. She's been anything BUT coddled!" Applejack broke out of her rage, realizing she was yelling at the rock and not Maud.

"I actually thought that pebble was alive. I'm losing it too," Applejack thought ruefully.

"Do you think you're protecting Sunset a little too much?" Maud asked at last, looking directly at Applejack with her blue eyes. "Do you think everybody should like her? Do you think she should face no consequences."

Applejack gave the question serious thought. "Well, no, but-,"

"Marble wasn't always so...quiet," Maud said. Applejack knew Marble well. She still couldn't believe someone so shy could ever be related to Pinkie Pie, let alone be her twin sister.

"Marble....loved things," Maud said, using the same minimal language she always used. "But then...these two teenage girls pretended to like Marble," Maud said. While Maud remained stoic, Applejack noticed Maud was gripping the table hard. "They...used her as a piñata at a party."

"What?" Applejack said sadly. "That's why Marble is so quiet?" Maud looked down and looked up. The gesture lasted about a second, but Applejack took it as a sign of how much Maud was hurt. "What happened to those girls."

"Got detention. Lime...dealt with them." Maud blinked twice after saying that. Applejack didn't need any elaboration. Limestone was a vicious, vicious thing. "They said sorry. But Marble was never the same. Now would it be right to force Marble to live with those girls?"

Applejack looked down in shame, realizing what Apple Bloom might have been going through. "I see your point," Applejack said sadly. "It isn't fair to put Apple Bloom with the cause of all that hurt. But...sometimes I feel like Apple Bloom's mad at the wrong person." Maud cocked her head in confusion. "Sometimes I feel like, when we blasted Sunset with that rainbow thing, we made a brand new Sunset who was innocent of what the old Sunset did."

"Is that what happened?" Maud asked.

"Well, Sunset says she was banished to this other dimension, where she had to see all the terrible things she did. She says that she never wanted to kill anyone, at the Elements made her see how all her bad choices led up to that." Applejack paused uneasily. "But sometimes I think all we did was brainwash Sunset into being someone else. Or maybe we killed the old Sunset and made a new one. I mean, the girl I spoke to in the diner after the Formal seemed so different from the one who threatened my family's farm."

Maud gripped her pet rock tight. "Limestone can be nice. Pinkie can be sad. I can cry. Marble can smile...sometimes. Boulder can be quiet," Maud finshed.

Applejack cocked her head, before her eyes widened in realization. "So your saying...people are complicated?" Applejack said. Maud nodded.

"Sunset was bad," Maud said in her minimalist language. "But do you really think she was terrible all the time?"

"Well, there was this waitress who liked Sunset. And not just in the 'I want tips kind of way'." Applejack said. "Maybe deep down, Sunset always forced herself to be bad, and she was secretly good."

"The girl who ruined your farm and the girl who humiliated herself to pay back a sports team aren't two different people," Maud said. "They can be same person. The girls who hurt Marble might pet puppies or be nice to their parents." Maud looked down a bit. "Doesn't mean I want them near me or Marble."

"So your saying that Sunset's good deeds don't erase what she did to Apple Bloom," Applejack said sadly, "and that I should kick her out."

"I'm not Pinkie. I don't think everyone can be friends. I will never forgive those girls for what they did to Marble," Maud said, clenching her fists under the table. "I won't force my sister to forgive them either. Your sister's feelings should come first. If Sunset really has changed, then she'll understand that."

Applejack let out a sigh. "I just want my sister and friend to get along," Applejack said sadly.

"I come from a family of four sisters," Maud said. "We're so different our parents can't always give us what we want. That's life."

Applejack sighed again. "Well, thanks for listening Maud." While Applejack was still upset, the talk was refreshing. Maud nodded her head to Boulder. "And thank you...Boulder," Applejack said sheepishly. "I'll see you guys around," Applejack said, walking out of the commons room. Maud walked Applejack leave the room. She pulled out a thermos and poured some hot chicken soup into a paper bowl. She then dropped Boulder in it.

"Eat up," Maud said with a small smile to the little rock, "you've earned it."

Sunset looked stoic as Applejack explained how she needed to salvage her relationship with Apple Bloom, and that kicking Sunset out was the only way to do it. Rarity assured her that her parents had a spare bedroom she could stay in.

"Don't worry about it Applejack," Sunset Shimmer said in quiet, calm voice, "I get it." Applejack and Rarity expected the amber-skinned girl to cry, but Sunset's quiet acceptance of the situation just made Applejack feel worse.

"Darling you know Applejack is not trying to throw you out into the cold," Rarity said sadly.

"Guys, guys," Sunset said reassuringly with a small smile, "Like I said, I don't expect everyone to forgive me. You guys have already done a lot for me, so you don't have to feel bad."

"What if I threw you and Apple Bloom a nice 'Sorry and Can We Be Friends' Party?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"We tried cooking her dinner," Applejack muttered. "If that don't work, a doubt a party will."

Pinkie Pie whined. "Why can't Sunny and Bloomy be bestest friends?"

"Look Pinkie, sometimes we can't all be friends," Applejack said. "That's just how it is." The very thought seemed to bring Pinkie to tears.

"So Rarity, how is the winter set coming along?" Fluttershy asked Rarity in order to change the subject.

"Why just swimmingly, Darling," Rarity said. While Rarity was chatting about her designs, Sunset noticed her cup was empty.

"I'm gonna get some more soda," Sunset said, rising from her table. "Do you guys want anything?" Everyone nodded. Sunset went over to the soda machine. Just when she was to pour herself some, she felt a cold liquid being dumped on her jacket and shirt.

"Sunset, dude, I'm so sorry," a panicked voice said. Sunset turned around and saw a remorseful looking Sandalwood. Sunset looked down, visibly upset. "Sunset, I swear I wasn't trying to do pour this on you. I felt something shove me and-"

"Don't worry about it Sandalwood," Sunset said in a reluctant voice. "I believe you when you said it was an accident." Sandalwood looked thoroughly ashamed, rubbing the back of his head. "No really, I believe you," Sunset assured the nature lover in a less downbeat voice, accepting that the green-haired teen was too nice to retaliate against her.

"Uh I, like, got some spare shirts in my locker if you need to borrow one," Sandalwood said sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it," Sunset said with a small smile. "I got some in my locker," Sunset said. After a week of nonstop retribution, Sunset remembered to pack extra clothes. "I'll see you later," Sunset said, walking out of the cafeteria.

After getting some spare clothes out of her locker, Sunset ran into the girl's locker room, realizing she also needed a shower. She was so focused on getting changed, she didn't notice the slow footsteps behind her.

"OK students," Dr. Whooves said to his class. "Today, you will present your science projects," she looked to a group of three students in the back. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, you may begin." The three girls rose from the table and walked toward the front.

"I'm finally glad we got this assignment out of the way," Scootaloo said to her two friends.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle said,"I was sick and tired of squishing bugs."

"Yeah," Apple Bloom said. The girl reached into her pants pocket, looking for something. She began panicking when she realized she didn't have it.

"Uh guys," Apple Bloom said nervously. "Did you have the flash drive?"

"You said you had it," Sweetie Belle said somewhat harshly. Apple Bloom gave her crooked smile.

"You lost it?!" Scootaloo shrieked.

"Girls, you need to present," Doctor Whooves said firmly.

"Ah misplaced my hard drive," Apple Bloom said rubbing the back of her head, feeling dumb. Doctor Whooves frowned at her in disappointment, while everyone looked at her with no small amount of scorn.

"F", he said simply.

"Doctor Whooves please," Sweetie Belle pleaded.

"You know the rules," Doctor Whooves scolded. "All assignments are due at the beginning of class, and not a moment later."

"I know ah left it here," Apple Bloom protested. "Just give me some time to find it." The brown-haired science teacher sighed.

"OK fine Ms. Smith," the teacher said sternly. "You have ten minutes to find it. You don't come back in time, or you come back empty handed, you will not only get an F, but you will take remedial Science over the summer."

"Yes sir," Apple Bloom said with a sigh.

"You know where it is right?" Scootaloo asked her timidly.

"A few ideas," Apple Bloom said sheepishly, much to the frustration of her two friends.

Apple Bloom desperately searched her locker, emptying her backpack. With a frustrated sigh, she fell to the ground.

"I'm so stupid," Apple Bloom said to herself in frustration. "Diamond Tiara was right. I'm so dumb, I would fail gym even if ah showed up." Apple Bloom's eyes widened in realization. "That's it, now I remember. I had the drive in mah gym locker." Apple Bloom ran into the gym, opened the locker she used, and happily smiled when she saw the flash drive lying in her locker.

"Yes," Apple Bloom said. She was so caught up in her joy, she didn't notice splashing coming from the showers. Out of curiosity, she followed the splashing to the showers and tubs, and what she saw filled her with terror.

Some tall person dressed completely in black was standing at the edge of the tub, his boots soaked with water from the tub. He or she was kneeling down, shoving someone head's under the water, who was trying to pull herself up, letting out chokes.

Apple Bloom whimpered in fear. The figure released the hair of whoever was being drowned and turned toward her while standing up, revealing him or herself to be very, very tall, and was wearing some skull mask.

"Please don't hurt me," Apple Bloom said to the black-clad person, backing away with a whimper. The figure ran toward her. Apple Bloom screamed in terror, but the figure instead ran past her. Apple Bloom was confused when the figure didn't attack, but her confusion turned back to fear as she remembered the person who was being drowned.

Running toward the tub, she immediately tried to pull whoever it was out. She reached in and yanked, silently thanking her years of farm work for making her stronger than the average girl.

"Sunset," Apple Bloom said, as she pulled the person toward the floor. The amber-skinned girl wasn't conscious. Smothering her panic, Apple Bloom did was she had been trained to do. She laid the unconscious girl on her back, texted the nurse, and steeled herself for the difficult task ahead.

Applejack and her friends began throwing away their garbage in the cafeteria's Northern garbage can.

"I wonder where Sunset went," Fluttershy wondered.

"Applejack, Sandalwood spilled soda on her," Rarity said. "She is clearly freshening up."

"For ten minutes?" Applejack asked with a shrug.

"You can't rush perfection, Darling," Rarity said with a smug grin.

Just as the girls walked out of the cafeteria, Nurse Redheart ran into them.

"Girls, you need to come with me," the nurse said in a serious tone.

"What is it?" Fluttershy said.

"Its Sunset," Nurse Redheart said.

"What happened?" Pinkie Pie said. The nurse looked down and looked up.

"Sunset was nearly drowned," the nurse said sadly.

Applejack and her friends burst into the nurse's office. Sunset was lying on the bed, clad in a hospital gown and a green blanket. She looked like she was in a trance. Apple Bloom was timidly sitting in a chair next to her.

"Apple Bloom," Applejack uttered. To the farmer girl's sadness, Apple Bloom fearfully looked away from her. Looking back toward Sunset, Applejack and her three friends all surrounded Sunset in a big hug. Sunset didn't return the hug, remaining stoic.

"Sunset was really lucky Apple Bloom was there," Nurse Redheart said with a smile as she walked into the room.

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked in confusion.

"Apple Bloom found Sunset while she was being drowned," Nurse Redheart said in a proud voice. "She not only scared the perpetrator, she called me and gave Sunset CPR while waiting for me." The four girls all looked toward Apple Bloom with a mixture of pride and surprise.

"Apple Bloom, I am so proud of you," Applejack said. For some reason, Apple Bloom didn't look happy with praise. In fact, she looked like she was about to cry.

"Darling," Rarity said with a concern. "Why are you-,"

"Its all my fault!" Apple Bloom yelled, before breaking down in tears.

"What's your fault?" Fluttershy asked the sobbing girl.

"Sunset nearly dying-," Apple Bloom said in between her deep sobs.

"Darling how can Sunset drowning be your-,"

"I WISHED SHE WOULD GO AWAY!" Apple Bloom furiously yelled, to the shock of everyone else, before returning to her sob. "I was so mad that Applejack was making me live with her, I wanted to her to drop dead." Apple Bloom looked down at her lap in shame, tears falling on her jeans. "I said those mean things to Granny, I was mean to Sunset, I said those mean things to you, I-," she paused as she found herself enveloped in a hug by her big sister.

"Apple Bloom, I'm sorry," Applejack said sadly, tears dripping down her own eyes.

"Why are you sorry?" Apple Bloom asked with a whimper. "I acted like a mean brat." She looked down, only for Applejack to lift her chin to raise her to her sister could look her in the eyes.

"Yeah you did," Applejack said bluntly. Applejack looked down in shame. "But...I was acting like one too. I wanted to help Sunset so badly, I didn't care about how you felt. And you were right about us losing business being kind of my fault too. I had no right to shove you against a locker."

"Yes you did," Apple Bloom said, still crying. "I'm a monster."

"No you're not." Apple Bloom looked up and saw Sunset had broken out of her trance to look at her directly. "You're not a monster," Sunset said, rising from her bed, leaving her blanket and the comfort of her friends to walk toward the young redhead. "If you were a monster, you would've let me drowned. If you were a monster, you wouldn't have called the nurse. Would a monster have breathed the life back into me?" Apple Bloom looked down, still feeling ashamed. Sunset bent down to look Apple Bloom at eye level.

"You were angry with me, and you had every right to be angry with me. I ruined your life and your family's farm," Sunset said, her voice becoming shaky. "I was the real monster. You're a hero Apple Bloom."

"No I am not," Apple Bloom said, too ashamed to look at Sunset. "I-,"

"Someone...once told me that hero doesn't have to be perfect. They just have to do the right thing when it matters," Sunset said, her voice even more fragile. "I never did that before the Fall Formal," Sunset said, her own voice laced with shame. "All my life, I only cared about what I wanted. You did say mean things to me, but when the chips were down, you put aside your anger because you thought I was dead. That makes you...a better person than I ever was. Even if we don't ever become friends, you'll always be a hero in my book." Apple Bloom got up from her chair and hugged Sunset.

"I'm sorry," Apple Bloom said in tears.

"I'm sorry too," Sunset said, also letting some of her own tears fall down. The two girls held each other and cried. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie also joined in, forming one big hug.

"Um girls," Nurse Redheart said. The girls broke from their hug and looked toward the pale-skinned woman. "I was going through Sunset's locker and I found this...note," Nurse Redheart said. Sunset began shivering in terror.

"What does it say?" Rarity asked Nurse Redheart. Reluctantly the woman opened the note and began reading.

"My first warning wasn't enough for you. Maybe my second lesson we'll teach you you're not welcome here. If not, maybe third time's the charm." Nurse Redheart turned the note around, revealing a photoshopped picture of Sunset with stab wounds in her body.

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Apple Bloom looked scared. Rarity and Applejack narrowed their eyes in anger. Sunset began shivering again.

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