• Published 18th Aug 2019
  • 5,395 Views, 715 Comments

Live By The Sword... - redandready45

Sunset learns what it is like to feel helpless and under someone's thumb. Will she stay in Canterlot High?

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Interlude: The Greatest Enemy (Edited 03/23/20)

Sunset was wandering through a hot desert. The oppressive heat didn't bother her, since her fire magic made it easier for her to tolerate scorching temperatures. What bothered her was the emptiness and bleakness of the environment.

"Hello," Sunset said in a panic. "Hello? Can anybody tell me where I am?"

"I can be your guide," a female voice said. Sunset turned around and gasped when she saw who it was.

It was her. It was a perfect copy of her. Same hair, same skin, same clothes, same eyes. Only....

The doppelganger had a nasty smile, cold eyes, and a sledgehammer in her arm. Sunset narrowed her eyes in realization.

"You're the Demon," Sunset growled. The Demon clapped her hands in mock applause.

"Congratulations, Sunny," the Demon said sarcastically, letting the sledgehammer fall from her hands. "It is good to know that you-we-are still as sharp as ever."

"Your not a part of me anymore," Sunset growled.

"Sunny, Sunny, Sunny," The Demon said in a mocking tone. "Of course I'm a part of you. The better part. The Elements can't destroy me or they would have to destroy you."

"Really?" Sunset said, her distrust giving way to cautious curiosity.

"They just sent me on vacation for a few months. I'm back, and better than ever."

"Yeah, if you were so strong, why aren't you in the demon form?" Sunset asked with a mocking grin. The Demon's smile didn't waver.

"As awesome as that would be, I realize that you still have some...bad memories from that night," the Demon said. "I think looking more relatable would make it easier for me to give you some....advice."

"Oh, what are you going to tell me?" Sunset said with a mocking grin. "Friendship has made me weak and helpless? That I should become you again to be strong again? I'm not falling for that old trick." Instead of getting annoyed, the Demon looked a little bit sad.

"You actually thought that's what I wanted," the Demon said, sounding sympathetic and little hurt. "Sunny, I'm here because I feel bad for you."

"Uh-huh," Sunset said in a disbelieving tone.

"I mean, you've tried to make it up to everyone," the Demon said, walking toward her. "You've humiliated yourself in public to pay back those jocks, did Gilda's applications, spent six weeks doing community service, and worked your fingers to the bone on Applejack's farm. And what happens? Some psycho tosses you down the stairs and drowns you. I think that's just...unfair."

Sunset, instead of sarcastically dismissing the Demon's words, felt a pang of sadness flow through her. Sunset looked down for a moment in frustration. When she looked up again, she saw the Demon was now in front of her, staring at her with a contrite expression.

"You've worked so hard to prove to everyone you've changed," the Demon said. "You deserve better. Don't you?"

"Yeah," Sunset said, tears and frustration boiling to the surface. "I've tried and I've tried. But everyone still looks at me like I'm a monster."

"I know right," the Demon said kindly, putting a warm on Sunset's shoulder. Sunset's began crying more and more, until she felt herself being pulled into a hug.

"There, there," the Demon said, sounding like a loving big sister. "Let it out, its OK. I'm here for you." Sunset felt pats on her back.

"See, I'm not so bad, aren't I?" the Demon said. "I care about you. I think you deserve better."

"Yeah," Sunset said.

"I think you deserve to be loved."


"Don't worry about it. Just listen to me, and I'll make sure-," before the Demon could finish her sentence, she felt herself roughly shoved to the ground. The Demon furiously pulled herself back up and turned to face Sunset, who was crossing her arms and smirking at her defiantly.

"I'll admit, that was pretty slick," Sunset said coldly to the Demon. "Manipulating me by pretending to be my friend. For a moment, I was gonna fall for it." The Demon abandoned all pretense of sympathy and glared at Sunset with unhinged fury.

"I am your only friend, you bitch!" the Demon roared, sounding honestly betrayed. "It was thanks to me that you were the greatest person in that pathetic little school! Had that stupid little princess not gotten in our way, you wouldn't be such a weakling that people could pick on!"

"She didn't ruin my life, I did." Sunset snapped back with a growl. "I wasn't some clever mastermind. I was a privileged little snot who was lucky to be born with magical potential. That was the only reason anyone back home put up with me." Sunset balled her fists in self-loathing. "Gilda was right," Sunset said, upset to admit it, "I was a pathetic little coward who lied to the teachers and blackmailed everyone. When everyone saw what I was really like, I had nothing." Sunset whimpered a bit out of shame, but quickly regained her composure, not wanting to give the Demon an edge. "Whoever's attacking me is someone I probably hurt. I'm getting what I deserved."

"And you'll keep getting it," the Demon said with a demented smile, "as long as you listen to Celestia's little puppet and her wimpy little fangirls. They made you soft, and that's why someone had the nerve to shove you down! Show everyone what your capable of and no one will ever-"

"Applejack and Twilight were tougher than I ever was," Sunset almost yelled back. "They could've dumped me in Tartarus or left me to wallow in my misery. They gave me a chance. And no matter what happens, even if I have to leave CHS, I'll never betray their trust and become you."

"Oh please," The Demon said with a scoff. "Twilight doesn't believe in you. All she wanted was her own puppet she could control. And Applejack. She just wanted your money and free labor. I bet that stupid little sister of her knows who drowned you, but she isn't telling."

"Apple Bloom saved my-," before Sunset could continue, the Demon walked away.

"Tell yourself that," the Demon said in a tone of quiet disappointment, "tell yourself that anyone will ever care about you. But we knew truth from the very beginning: there are no friends. Only power. But you'll wake up someday." The Demon briefly glanced back toward Sunset with a wry grin. "I believe in you."

Sunset burst awake with a gasp. She was in Applejack's room, sleeping in Applejack's bed. The alarm clock went off, signaling it was time for school. While she was never a morning person, she felt especially lethargic, especially as she mulled over the Demon's words.

"Could Apple Bloom really know and she's not telling," Sunset thought sadly. "Is she really in on it? Can I really-" the door slammed open, cutting off Sunset's thoughts.

"Sunset," Apple Bloom said happily, running into the bedroom. "Granny's making flapjacks. Come down before Applejack eats them all." Sunset's thoughts and morose expression were replaced by a small smile.

"Thanks Apple Bloom," Sunset said happily. As she followed the yellow-skinned girl downstairs, she felt a bit of comfort. While her fear wasn't gone, she knew she could always count on the Apple family. Especially since she was finally growing on the littlest Apple.

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