• Published 18th Aug 2019
  • 5,396 Views, 715 Comments

Live By The Sword... - redandready45

Sunset learns what it is like to feel helpless and under someone's thumb. Will she stay in Canterlot High?

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Boutiques and Butterflies (Edited 03/19/20)

Sunset Shimmer was walking in the student parking lot, her expression somewhat more hopeful then it had been.

"Maybe things will finally look up," Sunset said to herself.

Her peace was broken when she felt something was thrown at her cheek. Using her fingers, she determined that her face was covered in egg yolk.

"Hey Sunset," a loud male voice said. She looked up and saw the entire male track team looking at her with cold eyes and holding egg cartons. Sunset shrunk back. "Cool outfit," Sprint was directly talking to her, shaking the carton in his hand back and forth. "Hate for something...to happen to it."

"Sprint...guys... look," Sunset said sadly. "I'm sorry about the whole...fundraiser."

"Your little stunt made us lose our funding for a whole semester," Twinkle Toes said with enormous contempt. "You think one little apology makes up for that?"

"No," Sunset said sadly. "But I know something that can. Let me help you-," Sunset's pleas ended as she was hit with a barrage of thrown eggs. Each egg felt like a bullet in her soul as they ruined the outfit Rarity gave her. The whole team began laughing at her, while she struggled to hold back tears.

"Let's get out of here," Twinkle Toes said once they had enough "fun". The group began walking away from her, except for some short redhead who looked at her with sad eyes. The kid approached her.

"Please don't throw anything at me," Sunset said with a whimper.

"A-a-are you OK?" the freshman asked with a stammer. Sunset calmed down once he saw how the freshman wasn't looking at her with vindictive intent. The redhead was several inches shorter then her, and was craning his neck to look up at her. He was so short, he looked like he belonged in middle-school or even elementary school.

"No," Sunset said tearfully. The kid pulled something out of his shorts. It was a smalll napkin.

"I-I-I k-k-now this won't clean up all those eggs," he said sadly. Sunset gratefully took the napkin anyways.

"Don't worry about it," Sunset said with a sad smile, using the small thing to wipe the yolk off her cheek. "It's the thought that counts."

"N-n-name's Quick Pace," the redhead said with a warm smile.

"Why are you helping me?" Sunset asked. "They probably told you what I did at the fundraiser."

"W-W-Well," Quick Pace with a sad smile. "K-k-kids used to things like that to me. I-I-I don't like seeing those things." He looked down in shame. "I-I-I want to tell my team to stop, but-

"No," Sunset said ruefully. "Don't bother. I don't want you to risk your friendship for someone like me." Quick Pace was about to respond, but he was cut off by a loud voice.

"Short Stack," Twinkle Toes shouted. "Stay away from the demon bitch," Quick Pace looked nervously at track team, then at Sunset. She gave him a reassuring nod, telling him it was OK to leave. He left to join his teammates, but not before giving her a look that showed he had the decency to feel bad about giving into peer pressure. As Sunset saw them leave, her mood crashed a bit when she saw Rainbow Dash enthusiastically coming up to greet them.

With a heavy sigh, Sunset walked over to her bike and rode off.

Carousel Boutique was quiet on a typical weekday, when most of Canterlot's teens went home or did their extracurriculars. That suited Rarity fine, since it allowed her get a lot of her work done. She sat dutifully in front of the sewing machine, carefully stitching some dress she was working on. She her a tap on the wall and looked up from her work.

"Yes," Rarity said. She looked up and saw Sweetie Belle giving her an annoyed look.

"Yes Sweetie Belle."

"The demon is here," Sweetie said with annoyance, "should I chase her out with a broom?" Rarity rolled her eyes.

"Sweetie," Rarity said with some disappointment. "Sunset is here to make amends."

"Well, let her make amends elsewhere," Sweetie complained. She then sighed at Rarity's disapproving look and walked away. "Fine. But don't let that demon's claws anywhere near my stuff," Sweetie said, before walking away. Rarity sighed and pinched her nose before getting up to welcome Sunset.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique," Rarity said, "where everything is chic, unique, and-," Rarity paused as she saw Sunset, her new outfit soaked with egg yolk.

"Sunset," Rarity said with horror, "what happened to you?" Sunset looked down in shame.

"Track team," Sunset uttered miserably. Rarity got up to Sunset and put a warm arm on her shoulder, which helped Sunset relax a bit.

"Don't worry, Darling," Rarity said sympathetically. "I've got plenty of outfits." She then took Sunset by her hand and led her somewhere. "Let's get you changed and then you can get to work." As Rarity led Sunset to another changing room, Sunset looked around, struggling to find a topic for small talk.

"So," Sunset said idly,"do you own the place?" Rarity let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, I wish darling," Rarity said cheerfully. "No, Carousel Boutique is operated by a family friend. You don't expect a 16 year old to be running her own business while in high school, do you?"

"Well, actually, in my world, 16 year olds are actually self-sufficient," Sunset said. Rarity looked surprised by that.

"Really?" Rarity asked with curiosity. "How does education work in your world?"

"Well, school education in my world traditionally lasts for about 12-14 years," Sunset said. "By that time, ponies discover their special talents. After which they usually pursue apprenticeships related to their mark."

"So there aren't universities or trade schools?" Rarity asked.

"There are, but it is mostly for advanced subjects like magic and engineering," Sunset said idly. "Most ponies just go from school to an apprenticeship to a job in about three years." Rarity led Sunset into some kind of closet and helped her pick a new outfit.

After Rarity got Sunset a more plain outfit of jeans and a white blouse, Rarity led Sunset into a darkened backroom.

"So," Sunset drawled. "Will I be stitching, or sewing, or designing?"

"No, Darling," Rarity said simply. She flipped the light switch, revealing a room full of dozens of boxes filled with fabrics. "Your first chore is to bring all these boxes to my workroom for me." Sunset swallowed at the amount of work she had to do.

"Chop, chop, Darling," Rarity said, leaving an abashed Sunset staring dumbly at her workload. She began lifting one of the heavy boxes up.

"These clothes are even heavier then they look," Sunset said, gritting her teeth, as she carried the box out of the room.

An hour later, Sunset finally got the last of the boxes into Rarity's workroom.

"OK," Sunset said tiredly as she brought the last box to Rarity's work station. "Done." Rarity gave her an unimpressed look.

"On second thought darling," Rarity said in an unimpressed tone, "these boxes don't match well with the décor. I'm gonna have to ask you bring them up to the roof." Sunset looked at Rarity with horror, before she noticed Rarity trying to stifle a laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA," Rarity said with obvious jest. "I am just kidding darling." Sunset looked at Rarity her mouth agape. "You actually believed I would make you carry those boxes up to the roof? Darling, I am not that cruel." Sunset allowed a sheepish smile to form on her face.

"Yeah, you got me," Sunset said with reluctance.

"OK, darling, your next task is to clean up the bathrooms," Rarity said, handing Sunset a mop. Sunset let out a sigh and she walked into the bathroom.

"I don't want to see another toilet again," Sunset said with exhaustion and disgust as she pulled off orange rubber gloves, walked out of the bathroom, and met up with Rarity.

"OK Rarity," Sunset said to the white-skinned girl. "The toilet is clean."

"Very good Darling," Rarity said with honest gratitude, rising from her work station. "Come with me, Darling. It is time for your next task." Rarity turned to walk away.

"What is it?" Sunset asked.

"You'll see," Rarity said in a sly tone as she led Sunset to some room. Rarity opened the door, and saw inside that it was some kind of break room, with purple-painted walls and floors, a white fridge, and some wooden table in the middle.

"So what do I need to do here?" Sunset asked Rarity.

"Your next task is....," Rarity said, walking over to the fridge and pulling out two tinfoil containers, "to celebrate a job well done with a nice dinner." Sunset let out a small smile.

"Really?" Sunset asked with happy disbelief as Rarity put the tinfoil containers down, revealing them to be two salads.

"Yes, darling, that's what friends do," Rarity said, placing some silverware on the table. "Anyways, sit down and let's eat".

"Why are you giving me this chance?" Sunset asked in a serious tone as she took her seat. "I made you look like idiot in front of everybody. Is it because the Princess told you to?"

"No, Darling," Rarity in a serious tone. "In all honesty, despite what the Princess told us to do, a part of me hoped you would never return to Canterlot High." Sunset let out a sad sigh. "But then," Rarity said in a reassuring tone,"Applejack told me about how you spent every weekend during your suspension breaking your back doing farm labor." Rarity paused, taking a small, polite bite of lettuce. Sunset, herself feeling hungry, followed along. "The Sunset who tormented me would never do that." She then paused to take another bite of her salad. "The old Sunset would also never accept such bestial treatment from other students," Rarity continued. "You've endured prank after prank, and you still want to make amends with others when a weaker person would've transferred or thrown a fit. All that makes me conclude you want to change and be better." Sunset's eyes began to water.

"But, I was such a spoiled little brat," Sunset said sadly. But before Sunset could ruminate further, Rarity put a warm hand on Sunset's own.

"Darling, you think you're the only person who acted like a brat," Rarity said with some exhaustion. "I can tell you that I wasn't so refined or well behaved."

A young Sweetie Belle walked up to Rarity, holding up a tea set. Rarity was reading a fashion magazine without a care in the world.

"Rarity," Sweetie chirped. "Want to have a tea party?"

"SWEETIE BELLE!" Rarity yelled, giving her little sister a nasty look. "I have far more important things to do then to stoop to such immature games!" Sweetie Belle gave her sister puppy-dog eyes.

"But Rarity-," Sweetie Belle said.

"ENOUGH," Rarity said. "Here is a game you should play: GROW UP!" Rarity exclaimed, before returning to her magazine. She ignored her sister's whimpers as the little girl walked out of the room.

"I can't believe you could ever be so mean," Sunset said with disbelief. Rarity seemed to play the Queen Bee stereotypes to a hilt: fussy, fashion-obsessed, snobbish. But Rarity had always been generous and helpful. It was one of the reasons why Sunset hated Rarity: she had Sunset's flaws, but always tried to be kind. "And to your own younger sister no less."

"The point is, Darling," Rarity said. "We've all let our selfishness cloud our judgement once. You came here without parents and all the money you needed, so it is no wonder you behaved as you did." Sunset again looked down in shame. "Darling, look at me," Rarity said. Sunset raised her head to look up at Rarity's sympathetic look. "But you've begun to change that. You've convinced Pinkie Pie and Applejack that you want to be better. You've convinced me. And I'm sure with enough time, others will see your newfound beauty." Sunset gave Rarity a grateful smile. "Now let us enjoy our dinners and not dwell in the past." Sunset and Rarity both ate the salads the latter bought. Sunset, due to her equine origins, enjoyed salad more then most other humans. But to Sunset, the feeling of forgiveness and earning it made the food taste better.

"Whoops, sorry," Gilda said in a cruel tone, smacking Sunset's books out of her hand for the second day in a row. Sunset looked around and saw the unsympathetic and somewhat vindictive looks of everyone else. Sunset let out a small sigh as she saw no one coming to help her. Only thinking about the nice night she shared with Rarity helped her hold back tears.

"Need some help?" a timid voice asked. Sunset turned around and saw Fluttershy looking at her. Usually Fluttershy looked at Sunset with fear, even after being allowed to sit at her table. This time, Fluttershy looked at her with real compassion.

Sunset looked at Fluttershy's kind eyes with confusion. Fluttershy, more then any other student, had been her favorite punching bag; Knocking books out of her hands, shoving her into a locker, and making fun of her love for animals.

She remembered with shame how much she loved making the butter-yellow girl whimper, squeak, and even cry. Sunset remembered how powerful she felt making the pink-haired girl squirm. And that was after she destroyed her friendships with the others.

Sunset had done everything to make Fluttershy feel small and weak. Fluttershy didn't forget that, obviously, since she was still visibly uncomfortable sitting near the amber-skinned girl. Which is why Sunset was stunned seeing Fluttershy suddenly offer her help after Gilda began bullying her.

"Uh, what?" Sunset uttered. Fluttershy bent down and picked up Sunset's books. After a moment's hesistation, Sunset took them from Fluttershy.

"Uh, thanks," Sunset said in a confused tone. Fluttershy looked as bashful as ever. "So, what's going on?" Sunset said, trying to make small talk.

"Well," Fluttershy said, still looking profoundly uncomfortable. Sunset wasn't sure if it was Fluttershy just being her shy self, or if Fluttershy was trying to work past her fear of Sunset. "I was wondering if...you want to come by the animal shelter today at 4 PM?" Sunset stood there stunned. She felt a mixture of emotions: confusion, sadness, and a little bit of guilt. But being in public, only one emotion came out that felt appropriate: honest joy.

"Sure, I'd like that," Sunset said gratefully. Fluttershy's shy face turned into a earnest smile.

"Great," Fluttershy said happily. The bell rung, scaring Fluttershy into letting out a startled squeak. "Got to get to class," Fluttershy said, running away. Sunset turned around and walked away with new resolve. Everyone else still gave her dirty looks, but the image of Fluttershy giving her an honest smile helped Sunset endure it.

Sunset poured some corn into the feed lot. Suddenly, the chickens in the enclosure began swarming the area, much to Sunset's amusement. The chickens were followed by the little baby chicks who were following their mothers around.

"Awww," Sunset said, watching the little yellow darlings peeping and wondering around.

"Aren't they cute?" Fluttershy cooed, walking up to Sunset and holding a bottle of water.

"I never imagined an animal shelter would have a petting zoo," Sunset said, looking at the adorable animals and the little kids petting them.

"It was Mrs. Tree Hugger's idea," Fluttershy said. "We would get more business by letting other people pet all the cute animals."

"What do you do in the winter time?" Sunset asked. She looked around and saw how the trees were almost all barren of their leaves. This meant winter time was just around the corner.

"Don't worry," Fluttershy said with the wave of her hand. "We have room indoors so these critters don't freeze."

"Fluttershy," a reedy but laid-back voice uttered. Fluttershy turned around and saw Tree Hugger approaching them. The normally calm woman looked a bit nervous.

"What's wrong?" Fluttershy said.

"Roofie's acting up," Tree Hugger said. Fluttershy gasped.

"Who's Roofie," Sunset asked, but the question was ignored.

"Where is he?" Fluttershy said, sounding unusually serious.

"The lobby," Tree Hugger said. Fluttershy, looking unusually stern immediately ran insde, with Sunset following after her.

As soon as the got into the building, Sunset heard extremely loud barking. The source was immediate: the very large, very angry dog.

The dog was one of the biggest Sunset ever saw. It looked almost as large as a lion. And it was barking like crazy and looked ready to attack anyone. The employees and visitors here were all terrified of the vicious beast.

"Fluttershy," Sunset asked nervously. "Do we need to get a tranquilizer? Or a muzzle? Or-," Sunset paused as she saw Fluttershy directly approaching the enraged beast.

"Fluttershy," Sunset asked. "What are you-,"

"Aww, you poor little baby," Fluttershy said in a soothing tone, feeling no fear from the angry dog. The dog got even more defensive and furious as Fluttershy approached. "Don't worry, I'll make you feel better." The dog leaped to attack Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy!" Sunset said with a panic. But just as the dog leaped for Fluttershy, Fluttershy stepped out of the way and tickled the dog on the ears. The dog's rage abated for a bit, and it fell down in a docile form.

"There, there its OK." Fluttershy said. The dog let out a sad whimper. "Let's see what's wrong," Fluttershy felt behind the dog's neck. "Don't worry, this will only hurt a little." Fluttershy plucked a small spike collar out of the dog's neck and held it up for everybody to see. "See, one of the spike collars caught stuck in his neck. He'll be fine." The dog got up and gave Fluttershy a grateful lick for getting rid the source of its pain. Everyone in the room began applauding, while Sunset looked amazed.

"Fluttershy," Sunset said, walking over to help up her yellow-friend. "That was incredible. How did you know?" Fluttershy looked unusually wise, even as she smiled at Sunset.

"Sometimes, anger is just another way of saying your upset," Fluttershy said, her voice soft but not weak, petting the now calm dog. "Being kind is the best way to help people who are upset." Fluttershy got a leash and began calmly leading the dog back to its cage. Sunset looked at the yellow girl with a proud smile.

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