• Published 13th Feb 2020
  • 2,355 Views, 140 Comments

Vámonos, Equestrian Exploradora! - Autum Breeze

Instead of enjoying Pokemon Shield on my new Nintendo Switch... I wind up in Equestria as DORA THE FUCKING EXPLORER!

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1


We both remain still, eyes locked on each other, one in uncertainty, the other in confused bewilderment.

“I… you… how did you get in here?” the equine gives a quick look around, as if expecting to see some way a human just randomly appeared in her library… which as guess the human part is more she’d be focusing on, since her concepts of a human coming to Equestria would be through the portal, changing form upon entering…

I blink, quickly glancing around for the mirror and spot it… but it’s technically closer to Twilight, so I’ve no chance of escaping this confusion through there.

“I… um…” I say, grinning nervously, before standing straight and giving a small wave. “Hola. Soy dora. I don’t know how I’m here, so… Eso ayuda?” I blink, before shaking my head. “Does that help? Does that help, is what I meant to say!”

The Princess of Friendship just cocks an eyebrow at me, looking me over for several moments, before her eyes lock onto the crystal around my neck. “Where did you get that crystal?”

I glance down at it. “Honest answer?” I shrug, shaking my head. “No sé.”

She keeps her eyebrow raised. “Obviously you’re not from this world,” she glances at the mirror, “though clearly not from Sunset’s, either, or you would not look like that.”

“Yeah,” I hold up my hands, looking at them, “that bit has me confused too.”

She walks over, studying me. “Fascinating. I’ve never been able to study a human in Equestria before. The portal won’t let it happen. But that crystal…”

I take the crystal in my hands. “It’s supposed to be the Wishing Crystal.”

She looks confused. “Supposed to be?”

I sigh, letting it drop back onto my chest. “It’s a long story… or not, I guess, depending on how you look at it, but…” I sigh, slumping. “Solo quiero ir a casa.”

She rubs her chin. “Then, you come from Stirrupain, but don’t know how you got from there to here.”

I open my mouth to answer, before my brain catches what she said. Stirrupain? Is that seriously what Spain is called here in the MLP world? Ugh. The horse puns sometimes.

“No,” I shake my head. “I’m not even from your world. I…” I rub my head, frowning, “honestly don’t know how I got here. I tripped in my world and then I’m just suddenly like this and in your world. It doesn’t make any sense. No tiene sentido en absoluto.”

She continues to rub her chin. “Well, that crystal is clearly a powerful magical artefact. If we can figure out how you got it, we might get some answers…” She grins sheepishly. “Oh, I wish I could just stop and drop everything and research this, but I can’t.”

I blink, looking at her in surprise. Twilight, not dropping something to do research? Am I talking to a Changeling?

“Who are you and what have you done with Twilight Sparkle?” I ask, giving her a disbelieving look.

She sighs. “If not for the Friendship Festival next week, I would try to help you, Dora.”

I shake my head. “Oh, no. Mi nombre no es realmente Dora. That’s just who I’ve been turned into. My real name is lch-bh-ba.” I blink. “Uh… let me try that again. My name is lch-bh-ba.”

My eyes go wide with panic, something that does not go unnoticed by Twilight.

“Dora, what’s wrong?” she asks, reaching out a hoof to put on my shoulder.

I whirl around, hands on my head. “I can’t say my real name! No puedo decir mi nombre! No puedo decir mi nombre!”

How? Why? Why can’t I say my own name?!

Wait a minute.

I blink, before screaming, “Cuál es mi nombre?!”


I wince, my ear none too happy to be in such close range to the Canterlot Voice. Turning back around, I see Twilight giving me a firm, but gentle expression.

She walks over, putting a hoof on my shoulder. “I understand that you’re worried. I can’t say entirely what about, as I’m not as fluent in Stirrupain as I probably should be, considering I’m a princess and you keep slipping into that. However, I promise, once the festival is over, I will do everything I can to help you figure this all out. But, I can’t do that if you don’t talk to me. Deal?”

I stare her, feeling like I might go into another panic attack as I start remembering I can’t remember my own name, but I take a deep breath and let it out, before looking to her and nodding. “Ok Crepúsculo.”

She gives me an odd look. “Are you doing that intentionally, now you know I can’t fully understand it, or…?”

I blink, before shaking my head, waving my hands. “Oh, no. I swear, I don’t control that. Simplemente sucede al azar.” I blink again, then roll my eyes. “How ironic that happens as I’m saying “It just happens randomly”.”

“Okay, Twilight,” another voice calls and I realize we both forgot Twilight isn’t the only one who lives in this castle. “I found those books you wanted. They were in storage and…”

The purple dragon pauses in the doorway of the library, three brown books held in his arms as he looks at the two of us, specifically me.

He looks from me to Twilight and back, before cocking an eyebrow. “Somepony wanna explain how a human from Sunset’s world is here and still human?”

“Lo intentaré…” I sigh. “But I dunno how much it’ll help.”


“Quite interesting,” Rarity says as she walks around me, making me feel very self-conscious.

Twilight, after we’d done our best to explain things to Spike, had snuck me over here to Rarity’s. She’d teleported us close to the boutique to avoid the preying eyes of ponies, but had asked before coming inside.

Twilight nods. “If not for the fact the princesses really need my help with the festival, I could probably figure things out and get Dora home. But, since it will have to wait, she’ll need some other clothes for her time here in Equestria. Can you help her, Rarity?”

“Hmm,” the fashionista says, standing in place and eyeing me up and down, causing me to look away. “I don’t normally do too many designs for anthropomorphic creatures aside from Spike, but…” She nods, smiling. “Yes. Yes, I think I can make her something wonderful.”

Twilight nods. “Good. Then, can you please watch her for the rest of the day. I need to finish up in my library before heading for Canterlot.”

Rarity nods. “Of course, darling. I’m certain Coco and Sassy Saddles can handle things until I get there. We do have several weeks, after all.”

I blink, that finally catching up to me. Starlight hasn’t been reformed yet, but the Friendship Festival from the movie is happening in two weeks?

Unless somehow the events of the finale and the next two seasons are gonna happen within that time, that’s not matching the timeline I know at all… though, thinking about it like that, it will explain why the Storm King’s forces could so easily take Canterlot. With the no reformed Starlight, no alliance with the Changeling Kingdom and no Pillars free from limbo to make it confusing how easily Canterlot was conquered, it makes more sense.

Still, I look to Twilight and Spike as they turn to leave. “Espere!”

The two pause, glancing back at me. They likely didn’t understand me, but at least it still has the intended effect.

“Um, Twilight, about this Friendship Festival,” I say, fiddling with my fingers.

She blinks, before smiling. “Don’t worry, Dora. You’re more than welcome to come too.”

“Oh, no, it’s not that,” I look up, holding up my hands. “I can’t…” I have to focus so I don’t’ start speaking Spanish here, “will you have lots of security around? Like, the Royal Guards will be there?”

Spike cocks an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t they?”

I look away. “Um… no reason. Just… checking.”

Twilight watches me for a moment, before smiling warmly. “Don’t worry, Dora. As long as you’re in our world, you are a guest. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

With that, the two exit, leaving me alone with Rarity.

“Now,” Rarity levitates a measuring tape over and starts getting my numbers. “How old exactly are you?”

“Um… I think I’m eight?” I say. “Well, this isn’t my real body, so I don’t know my physical age anymore,” I reply to the raised eyebrow.

“Hmm,” Rarity does a few more measurements. “Yes. Yes, I think I have an idea.”

“Rarity!” a voice calls and we both turn as Sweetie Belle comes down the stairs. “I’m off to meet the Crusaders for…”

She pauses at the bottom of the stairs, looking at the two of us.

I’m looking back, specifically at the Cutie Mark adorning her flank.

So, I’m not far enough into season five that the finale’s events have happened, but I am far enough in that the CMC already have their Cutie Marks?

Then again, I just found out the movie’s events are happening in two weeks, even though we’re not passed season five. I can’t trust anything about the timeline right now without looking into things.

“Who… what’re you?” Sweetie Belle asks, very perplexed.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity chides, causing as both to wilt. Why the heck I’m I acting like I’m being told off? The fuck? “That’s very rude. This is Dora. She’s here for some new clothes.”

“Oh. Okay.” She looks apologetically at me. “Sorry.”

I blink, shaking my head, smiling. “No hay problema, Sweetie Belle. It’s okay,” I add to her confused look.

“Well, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you, Miss Dora,” she calls, hurrying out the door.

I frown, folding my arms. “Miss? I’m probably only a little younger than she is thanks to this body.”

Rarity giggles. “Shall we move on?”

I nod, moving to follow her.

“By the way, Dora,” she says as several rolls of fabric levitate over in her magic, “that is quite the lovely bracelet.”

I glance down at my left wrist at the bracelet there. Makes sense I’d have Dora’s bracelet when I’m wearing her other… Wait a minute. “Esta no es la pulsera correcta!”

“Pardon?” Rarity looks puzzled, if a little concerned.

“This isn’t the right bracelet!” I say, holding up my wrist for her to see. “The beads are supposed to be yellow and the charm is meant to be a flower, not silver beads with a… mermaid charm?”

I blink. Wait. No… no way.

“Is something wrong, Dora?” Rarity seems uncertain.

I nod, frowning down at the bracelet. “Let me try something.” I hold my arm up in the arm. “Transform!” Nothing happens. I blink, shaking my head. “Transformar-se!”

At once, the bracelet glows and I’m lifted into the air, to which Rarity gasps.

I hairband made of yellow beads with a star at the end appear in my hair. Sparkles of magic flow down my body and over my legs, them and my shorts vanishing as they change into a green mermaid’s tail, with yellow frilly fins where my waist meets the tail and large red fins at the end of my tail.

I’m gently lowered down onto the floor.

Rarity just stares, mouth agape. “I… but you… WAAAAH?!” She says in a very un-Rarity like manner.

I can’t help giggling at her reaction, before looking down at my new tail, flicking it a few times. This feels very odd… but not in a bad way.

Shaking my head, I hold the bracelet up again. “Transformar-se!”

The same happens, only this time in reverse and I land back on the floor on my feet.

“Well, that clears that up,” I say, holding my wrist out to examine the bracelet. “Dunno why, but the Mermaid Necklace got turned into a bracelet. Guess I’ll figure out why later.”

This does mean I might be able to set a few things in motion that will prevent the Storm King from invading Canterlot. Maybe some good can come out of this mess after all.

“Well, you can explain yourself while we work,” Rarity says, ushering me back over to her work station. “Time we got you some new attire.”

Author's Note:

Hmm. not nearly as much as i'd wanted to put in the now chapter, but i guess it's better to start of small than to try big right from the get go, right?

And, yes, i changed the title of the story to flow a bit better and match the story.

Anyway, I chose to do another chapter to this because i'm honestly trying to get back into the mindset of writing for someone turned far younger than they used to be again so i can get back to updating A Child of Kindness and Laughter, so this works best, since Taylor and Dora are only separated by a year or two.

Dunno if i'll update it again first or ACKL. we'll have to see where the wind blows.

By the way, if you want an idea how Dora moves, if you're having trouble imagining beyond Old School Dora animation, look to either Dora's Fantastic Gymnastics Adventure or even just watch the music video of Dora singing Canta Canta Canta with Thalía. that's pretty close, as apposed to the more stiff movements she has in her older episodes.

Spanish translations:

No sé = I don't know

No tiene sentido en absoluto = It makes no sense at all

Mi nombre no es realmente Dora = My name's not really Dora.

Cuál es mi nombre = What is my name

Ok Crepúsculo = Okay, Twilight

Lo intentaré = I'll try

No hay problema, Sweetie Belle = no problem, Sweetie Belle

Anyway, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and that the story starting to at least look somewhat worth reading (I have noticed far more people are disliking than liking it, which means i must not be doing too good yet and need to do better) and, til next time, later everybody