• Published 13th Feb 2020
  • 2,358 Views, 140 Comments

Vámonos, Equestrian Exploradora! - Autum Breeze

Instead of enjoying Pokemon Shield on my new Nintendo Switch... I wind up in Equestria as DORA THE FUCKING EXPLORER!

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5


“Did… did I do the right thing?” I ask as we get off the train in Ponyville, myself trying to breath normally again after the crushing “goodbye” hug Skystar gave me when we mentioned we wouldn’t be joining her and Shining in Canterlot until later.

Applejack glances at me, confused. “What’re you talkin’ about, Sugarcube? If not fer you, we’d never have known the Hippogriff’s city had been attack by this Storm King or that he likely might come to Equestria one day.”

I glance down, rubbing my arm. Yeah… but I’ve drastically altered the timeline. I mean, it was already not the timeline I knew because the movie isn’t meant to happen until after season seven, but still…

“It’s nothing you need to worry about, Dora,” Rarity says reassuringly, nuzzling my face, it taking me by surprise causing me to giggle. You try not giggling when an equine suddenly nuzzles you without warning. I bloody dare ya.

“Besides, now I can test myself against a combined pony and griffon species,” Dash grins, rubbing her hooves together. “They gotta be fast. If I can get faster than them, there’s no way I won’t get into the Wonderbolts for real!”

I can’t help rolling my eyes in sync with Rarity and AJ at that.

“So, now what?” Dash moves ahead to face me, flying backwards.

I blink. “Qué?”

Dash folds her forelegs. “You’re an explorer now, right? What’re you planning on next?” Suddenly, her eyes light up. “You could go on an adventure with Daring Do! Oh, man. That would be so awesome!”

“Here we go,” AJ groan.

Dash whirls around, her foreleg out in a heroic pose. “Two great explorers, traveling Equestria, finding the greatest treasures and protecting them from the likes of the evil Ahuizotl!”

I stop, blinking, before my eyes widen. Oh my god! I totally forgot about Ahuizotl!

I inwardly sigh. So much for resting.

“Dora is not just going off on some wild adventure to mess with that beast!” Rarity says firmly. “Honestly, Rainbow Dash, she literally just got back from helping us reunite Equestria with a long lost ally. I highly doubt she wishes to go off and— Dora, where’re you going?!”

I’ve whirled around and I’m heading back into the train station. If I can find Daring before her next adventure, I can solve so many problems. Will mean less books, but better that than Daring unintentionally making Ahuizotl and the other Guardian Creatures’ jobs harder.

I’m just about to reach the ticket pony, when I feel myself lift into the air, held by a blue magical aura.

I blink, before yelping, moving my hands down to keep my dress from exposing my underwear.

A clearing of a throat makes me turn my head to see Rarity looking up at me, a very disapproving frown on her face.

“Care to explain where you are going, pequeño?”

That actually makes me pause. I did not expect Rarity to use the Spanish word for Little One and it actually makes me feel guilty because…

Wait. What the fuck do I have to feel guilty about?

She just looks up at me, an expected eyebrow raised.

“I… um…” How do I actually explain this one? If I outright say Ahuizotl is a good guy right now, I’ll sound like a loony to the three of them. They’ve met Ahuizotl in what they think was him doing something villainous. And it’s not like I can just grab the Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh to prove I’m telling the truth.

“You are coming back to the boutique, mujer joven,” Rarity says in a tone she’s used on Sweetie Belle many times in the show, though I’m guessing the Spanish was taught to her by Dash or one of the hippogriffs during the ride back when I wasn’t paying attention. “Your name may mean explorer, but you are not going off on another adventure so soon after this one. You are going to at least wait until after the festival. Am I understood?”

I can’t look away. Somehow that stern glare and tone have my attention locked on Rarity. Is this something about Dora’s respecting authority or something? Or is this because of my physical age and it’s messing with my willingness to disobey someone technically older than me? Damnit all!

“Am. I. Understood?” Rarity repeats.

I stare at her for several long moments, before eventually lowering my head. “Si.”

Rarity’s expression softens and she lowers me back to the ground, releasing her magical grip on me. “Good. Now, come. We best set up your room.”

I blink, frowning in confusion. “Qué?”

“Well, you are going to be here for at least another two weeks,” she says simply as we all walk back out of the station, several ponies staring at us after the little scene we’d created. “It wouldn’t be right to not give you a comfortable room and bed to sleep in during your stay.”

“Well, I’ll catch up later,” Dash says, saluting. “Gotta speak with the Weather Team in Canterlot so we can arrange for the best weather during the festival. Hasta luego!”

With that, she flies off.

The girls look puzzled, so I translate.

“Huh. She never said bye that way afore,” Applejack says, before smirking at me. “I wonder why she did this time.”

I roll my eyes.

“Come, Dora,” Rarity says in a sing-song tone. “We’ve work to do.”

I sigh, waving to Applejack. “Adios, AJ. Deséame suerte.”

“Uh… yeah?” the farm mare replies in confusion, waving. “Sure. Deséame su-whatever.”

I inwardly facepalm.

Several hours later we’re standing in a spare room Rarity was using for storage, now converted into a temporary bedroom. Though, Rarity being Rarity, she clearly wasn’t thinking about the “temporary” part.

The room is big enough for a closet, a pair of draws, a small bed and a bedside table.

The room’s walls are light-purple, like the rest of the boutique, if a little more faded than the other rooms. The bed is covered in a red silver cover, with two blue pillows. The curtains are cherry red mixed with a hint of lavender.

It doesn’t sound like much… but this is Rarity we’re talking about, so it looks like a five star hotel.

“You really don’t have to go this far, Rarity,” I say, looking to her after getting a full look at the room. “I’m likely literally going to be here two, three weeks. A month tops.”

“Nonsense, Dora,” Rarity chides, smiling. “I would be remiss if I didn’t give you a proper room to sleep in. Besides, now I’ll have this room ready in case I have any other unexpected house guests.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier if I just lived in Twilight’s castle until I go home?” I ask honestly. “You know, mas espacio?”

“It might,” Rarity admit, nodding. “But… Twilight’s not going to be back in Ponyville until after the festival and I will not have a young filly living on her own up in the big castle for two whole weeks.”

I sigh. Guess there’s no dissuading her. Her mind’s set and I’m clearly not going to be changing it.

“Now, there’s still a few hours before dinner,” Rarity says, glancing at the clock she’d set up on my bedside table. “Why don’t you go out and play with some of the other foals.”

I look at her, deadpan. “Rarity, solo me veo como una niña pequeña. I’m not actually one.”

“Either way, I doubt you’ll want to hang around here while I’m doing my sewing, darling,” she says, waving my explanation away, though I don’t know if that’s because she disagrees with me or didn’t actually understand the first part. “Go on. Oh, and, if you see Sweetie Belle, make sure to bring her back too.”

I frown, grumbling as I walk off. Seems that mindset of Sweetie Belle still being little from Forever Filly is already there.

I walk out of the boutique, continuing for several minutes before I pause and look around, realizing I hadn’t been paying attention.

I seem to be in the park. Okay. Guess I can use my memory of the geography of the town from the show to figure my way back later. Just would’ve been nice to mentally prep myself for it.

“Hey. It’s you again.”

I turn around to see Sweetie Belle walking towards me, flanked by her fellow crusaders.

“Hola, soy Dora,” I say without thinking as I wave, before facepalming. Damnit. That’s a tick I’ve got now, isn’t it?

“Hola, soy Scootaloo,” Scootaloo says cheerfully, catching me by surprise as much as her friends.

“What in the hay are ya’ll sayin’?” Apple Bloom looks from her friend to me.

“She was saying hello,” Scootaloo explains simply. “I was just replying in kind.” She blinks, seeing the confused looks of her friends. “What? Didn’t either of you learn Stirrupainish?”

I blink, before snapping my fingers. “Oh, right. Tus padres son exploradoras. Of course they’d have learned it and taught it too you.”

The orange pegsus nods, rubbing a hoof against her chest smugly. “Si. Y lo digo bastante bien, lo diría.”

“Bastante bien, de hecho,” I nod, folding my arms, impressed, before blinking and frowning in confusion. What right to I have to congratulate Scootaloo on speaking Spanish well. I don’t even get a say in how well I understand it now, so I don’t exactly have room to talk.

“Would the two o’ ya’ll stop speaking gobbledigook and start speaking Ponish?!” Apple Bloom yells suddenly and we both blink, looking to her.

There’s silence for a moments, before Scootaloo and I burst into laughter.

After a while, we calm down and apologize… then apologize again in English because we did it first in Spanish.

“So, you’re from Stirrupain?” Scootaloo asks excitedly.

I shake my head. “Not really. It’s… a long story.” I have to pause to make sure I don’t slip into Spanish again.

“We got time,” Apple Bloom says flatly.

I frown, folding my arms. “Wish I could believe that,” I pout.

That causes the trio to look at each other in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asks.

I sigh, sitting down on the grass. “Twilight’s put me with your sister until she can send me home and Rarity just forbid me from going off to see Daring Do.”

“Daring Do?” the trio ask, Scootaloo with more excitement than the other two.

I nod. “I’ve important information I need to tell her. It’s seriously important, bad I don’t know where she is and now Rarity’s not letting me going anywhere until the Friendship Festival is over.”

“Well, that ain’t fair,” Apple Bloom frowns. “Rarity, mah sister an’ her friends go t’ Darin’s a lot. They don’t need permission.”

“Sure wish we could all go. We could help you out and I bet it would be a lot of fun,” Scootaloo says.

I’m about the answer, when a warmth around my neck makes me pause. Glancing down, I see the Wishing Crystal is glowing, an image of Daring Do visible on its surface.

“Whoa. What’s that?” Sweetie asks, her eyes alight. “It’s so pretty.”

“It’s the Wishing Crystal and…” I trail off, my eyes wide with panic. Scootaloo just made a wish and…

The light from the crystal spreads out, surrounding the three of us.

“Wh-what’s going on?” Sweetie’s awe of the crystal has immedietly been replaced with fear.

I glare down at the crystal. “Seriously? Deseo ir a casa y no haces nada, pero este deseo estás dispuesto a conceder?!”

The crystal flashes, the world becoming nothing but white.

Author's Note:

Got the day off work, so decided to write another chapter of this.

So, Dora does not seem to catch a break. Now the CMC have roped her into an adventure... oh, she is so doomed :trollestia:

Anyway, apologies for how short this chapter is. kinda wanted to make it longer, but i've only a little more than half an hour left, so i don't think i could do much while going in depth to the adventure Dora's unintentionally set herself on with only the CMC for company.

I do hope it's enough to sate you all til i can get to the next chapter, whenever that will be.

Spanish translations:

Qué = what

Adios, AJ. Deséame suerte = Goodbye, AJ. Wish me luck

Hasta luego = bye

mujer joven = young lady

Rarity, solo me veo como una niña pequeña = Rarity, I only look like a little girl.

Tus padres son exploradoras = you're parents are explorers

Y lo digo bastante bien, lo diría = And I speak it pretty good, if I do say so

Bastante bien, de hecho = Pretty good indeed

Deseo ir a casa y no haces nada, pero este deseo estás dispuesto a conceder = I wish to go home and you do nothing, but this wish you're willing to grant

hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, Adios amigos y amigas