• Published 13th Feb 2020
  • 2,358 Views, 140 Comments

Vámonos, Equestrian Exploradora! - Autum Breeze

Instead of enjoying Pokemon Shield on my new Nintendo Switch... I wind up in Equestria as DORA THE FUCKING EXPLORER!

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3


“Well, that probably could’ve gone better,” Shining Armour says as we walk off the train, the three ponies looking uncertainly at me, while I’m keeping my head down, hugging myself.

We walk through the small village, myself trying to ignore ponies who halt in place and stare as we go by.

“And just what do you think you’re doing?”

The raspy voice makes us stop to look up as a very familiar cyan coat and rainbow mane whiz into view, before landing in front of us.

Rainbow Dash blinks in confusion when she notices me. “Wait. So my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me?” She walks over, looking at me from every angle, just furthering my anxiety right now.

“What’s it to ya?” Applejack demands, though I can tell she’s not got her heart in it, not knowing herself.

Dash turns around, smirking at the farm mare. “Cuz, whatever it is, I want in.”

Rarity looks to me. “Are you okay with that, Dora?”

I just nod. I mean, looking at it logically, it probably is the best idea… as long as we keep Dash’s ego in check.

“Ya know, whatever this is, if’n ya wanna wait til ya feel more up to it, nopony’d judge ya fer it,” Applejack says, clearly trying to make me feel better, though it’s clear Rainbow doesn’t like the idea of being allowed to join in something, only for it to be postponed.

I think about that, but only for a second. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, hold it in for several seconds, before letting it out.

The four look to me, unsure what I’m doing.

After a few moments, I open my eyes, my expression firm. “I can’t let my feelings stop me right now. Tengo que hacer esto!”

I start walking again, my steps firm, hearing AJ asking, “The hay was that last part?”. The others don’t answer, quickly follow after me, leaving Dash to stay in the dark and grumbling as she follows as well. Within minutes we’re at the docks and I walking down to the very edge.

“Ah… don’t see a boat,” Applejack remarks, glancing around the currently empty dock.

“I… gotta go with Applejack on this one,” Shining Armour nods, turning his head from one area of the dock to the next. “How’re we supposed to get to the Sea Ponies without a boat?”

“And we need a boat because…?” Dash waits for an answer.

I look to Rarity and hold out a hand.

“Is… Does it work that way?” she asks, cocking an eyebrow as she looks at my offer appendage. “Are you able to share it?”

I nod. “Dora could with Boots, so I’m certain I can too.”

“How in the hay can anything be shared with a pair of boots?” Dash asks, no clue what we’re talking about.

Rarity just nods, taking my hand, before offering her other hoof to Shining Armour, who hesitates, before accepting and offering his to Dash, who looks annoyed at not getting answers, but shrugs and takes his hoof, before offering hers to Applejack.

The farm mare gives us all a very perplexed look.

“What’s the matter?” Dash smirks. “If you’re too scared, you don’t have to.”

That hits a nerve, Applejack glaring, before roughly grabbing Dash’s offered hoof.

I hold up my arm in the air. “Transformar-se!”

“Transformar—WHAA?!” Dash starts, only to be cut off.

The bracelet glows, the glow quickly spreading around the five of us and lifting us into the air. I watch, not paying attention to my own transformation beyond the fact my dress shrinks into a shirt as the three mares change into Sea Ponies, but my focus is more on Shining Armour.

He doesn’t honestly look all that different. Just think a larger, less round version of Sweetie Belle when she became a Sea Pony and you’ve a pretty good idea what I’m looking at.

We all drop into the water. At once, Applejack and Shining start flipping out.

“What in the hay?!” Applejack spins around frantically.

“I — But — HUH?!” Shining looks like his brain is shutting down, unable to process the experiences his body’s senses are registering.

“These fins are divine!” Rarity swoons, looking at her new Sea Pony body

Awesome!” Dash laughs, spinning in place, before looking to me, an eyebrow raised. “How did you do that?”

The other two look to me with faces that ask the same question, but with far less jovial a tone.

I hold up my wrist, indicating to the bracelet. “This bracelet was given to Dora by Mariana la sirena. Mariana the mermaid,” I add at the Pegasus’ raised eyebrow. “It allows me to change myself and others into mermaid, or at least aquatic versions of their own species and back again at will.”

“She speaks in the third person like Trixie?” Dash asks, looking to Rarity, who shakes her head.

I look down at the Wishing Crystal, holding it in my hands. Are you going to help us find the way? I don’t know what direction to go and we don’t have Map to let us know.

The crystal glimmers, before a beam shoots out, heading off towards a single direction.

“We’ll explain on the way,” I say, turning and starting to swim off. “Vámonos. Nosotras solo tenemos unas pocas semanas.”

Dash just looks blankly at Rarity. “What did she mean?”

“Like she said, we’ll explain on the way,” the unicorn replies, swimming off, adding, “Though I could use a little more clarity, myself.”

Dash looks to Applejack and grins. “Race ya!”

The orange mare’s worried look vanishes, replaced with a determined one. “Yer on!”

The two hurry after us, with Shining Armour reluctantly bringing up the rear, trying to get used to his new body.


“That’s… different,” Dash admits.

We’ve been swimming for I’d estimate two hours. We’ve covered a lot of ground, erm, ocean in that time. The light that shot from the crystal is still visible, so I know we’re going the right way, but otherwise, I’m completely unsure where we are.

“Indeed,” Rarity nods and I can see from my peripheral version that she’s looking to me. “I’m not sure why you’re so anxious to get to the Sea Ponies, Dora, but I’m guessing you have your reasons. Did the crystal tell you something?”

“Podrías decirlo,” I murmur, glancing down at the gem against my neck.

Rainbow gives me an odd look, as if she understood me, but says nothing as we continue through the water.

“Hey,” Applejack says in confusion and we glance back. “Did ya’ll hear that?”

We slow down, before stopping, floating in the water, listening.

Suddenly, I hear it. A scratching sound, as if leafs were shuffling. But that doesn’t make sense. Unless…

“Por favor no me digas que él también está aquí,” I groan, rubbing between my eyes.

“Huh?” the others ask.

I ignore them, quickly looking around, before I spot a rock not too far off. There’s seaweed on it that… doesn’t look right.

“Everypony,” I say, looking around, “turn your backs until I say so.”

The ponies look at me with confusion, but do so, myself included.

I wait three seconds before hearing the sound again.

“Ahora!” I yell, whirling around, the others following suit.

The rock with the seaweed is closer.

“Uh, did that thing move?” Dash asks, glancing around to make sure she isn’t crazy.

I nod, not amused. “Él está aquí!” Great. He is here. “I know you’re there, Swiper!”

The others’ “Huh?” is answered when the seaweed breaks away, revealing a fox wearing a blue mask and gloves, with a bubble of air around his head.

Dash and Applejack deadpan. “Why is that fox wearing a mask?”

I don’t answer, watching as he starts swimming towards us, trying to figure out what he’s going to try swiping from us. It’s Swiper, what else would he do?

I blink, before I clicks and I glance down at the Wishing Crystal.

“He’s going to try and swipe the Wishing Crystal!” I say, grabbing it in both hands. “If he takes it, we’ll never find the Sea Ponies!”

“Then let’s stop him,” Dash punches one hoof into the other.

I nod, before deadpanning. “And I know the only way… dumb as it is.”

“What do you mean?” Shining asks.

I growl-sigh. “Just do as I do.” I hold out my hand. “Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!”

The four look at me as if I’ve gone mad… and I’m honestly starting to wonder if they’re not wrong.

“Come on!” I say, looking to them. “Say it with me.” And I’m so going to make Swiper sorry later for making me actually talk like Dora in the show.

The others look hesitant, before shrugging and hold out a hoof, joining my chant. “Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!

Swiper freezes in place, his fingers inches from the crystal, before his expression sags and he snaps his fingers. “Aw, man!”

And with that, he swims off… leaving the others very confused.

“That… worked?” Dash asks, clearly not believing it.

“It… Ah guess?” AJ sounds just as bewildered.

“Better not to think too hard about it,” I growl, turning and continuing to swim. “Te dará dolor de cabeza. Trust me.”

I better not have to do that too often, or I swear…


“I gotta admit, the ocean is quiet nice,” Shining says as we continue swimming in the direction of the light from the crystal.

“Indeed. So much inspiration!” Rarity says eagerly, before pouting. “And me without my sketchbook… again.”

“So, exactly how much longer do you think til we get to these Sea Ponies?” Dash asks, swimming up next to me.

I look down at the crystal, but get no reaction and shake my head. “No puedo decir.”

Dash frowns at me. “No puedes o no quieres?”

I literally halt in place, causing an unsuspecting Applejack to collide with me.

Shaking myself, I look to Dash, wide eyed. “Tu hablas español?!”

She gives me an odd look. “No, but I speak a bit of our world’s version. Not too much, but enough.”

Suddenly I am very thankfully I never mentioned the Storm King’s invasion since Dash joined us.

“You can understand her when she speaks that gibberish?” Applejack asks the Pegasus, stunned and annoyed.

Dash shrugs. “Like I said, a little. Enough to know what she’s saying when she says small stuff. The longer sentences? Nup. Totally lost.”

“Well, at least Dora won’t have to repeat herself all the time now,” Rarity says encouragingly.

“Yeah, but…” I stop, holding up a hand. “Ustedes escuchan eso?”

“Yeah, I hear it too,” Dash nods.

“What’re —?” Applejack starts, but Dash and I hush her.

We all float, listening.

Quickly, the others notice it too.

Singing. Familiar singing.

Princess Skystar! Yes! Finally!

I indicate for the others to follow and we swim for about half a minute, before I push behind a rock, looking out from behind it.

Skystar is swimming back and forth, none the wiser to her sudden audience.

“So, what do we do?” Shining asks. “Do we go talk to her or follow her to the other Sea Ponies?”

I frown, thinking. “Well, if we get found out following her, it wouldn’t exactly look good. So, I guess we should try talking to her. It’s Skystar, the princess of the Sea Ponies, so she’d understand. Vámonos.”

I move to swim away… but I’m not moving forward.

What the…?

I look back to the other to ask why I’m not moving, only to see they’re just staring at me, expectant looks on their faces.


I blink. Wait. They’re not looking at me. Glancing in the same sirection I see… you.

I stare at you, before I deadpan. “Oh, por el amor de Dios! De Verdad?!”

I choose to ignore you and try swimming... yet, somehow, I remain in place, as if I can't move beyond this point of reality. I try harder and harder. I scream out to Skystar to get her attention.

But it’s in vein. I’m stuck.

Growling, I rub my temples and glare at you.

“Yeah, I don’t like this either. La mierda! And, no,” I point at you “I am not explaining that! And you better not have been looking at me while Rarity was dressing me up or else!” God, the thought of that opens so many uncomfrotable ideas.

I just have to hope this means I’m actually IN the MLP show, since that means you normally can’t see me unless it was shown during an episode.

I do find a little amusement, wondering how bewildered the MLP and Nickelodeon staff must be, seeing Dora suddenly popping up in MLP. Just hope it doesn't cause too many problems for the MLP staff. They dealt with enough shit as the final seasons rolled out.

Still, aside from now, I just hope the only time you can see me is during the episdoes and now. If not... I honest do not want to think about what you can and cannot see.

I growl, flailing around, before folding my arms and indicating to Skystar.

“Well, you heard the stupid question. Should we follow Skystar, or go talk to her? Your call. Sigue o Llamada?”

Author's Note:

Spanish translations:

Tengo que hacer esto = I have to do this

Nosotras solo tenemos unas pocas semanas = We only have a few weeks

Podrías decirlo = You could say that

Por favor no me digas que él también está aquí = please don't tell me he's here too

Él está aquí = he is here.

Te dará dolor de cabeza = You'll get a headache

No puedo decir = I can't tell

No puedes o no quieres = You can't or don't want

Tu hablas español = you speak Spanish

Ustedes escuchan eso = You hear that

Oh, por el amor de Dios! De Verdad = Of, for the love of God! Really?

La mierda = Shit

Sigue = Follow

Llamada = Call

Well, Dora needs your help here.

Whatever you choose determines how things play out with the Sea Ponies.

She can't do it without you.

So, what'll it be, Sigue o Llamada?