• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 183: Onto the Next Phase

"My turn and now I'll tune my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon with my Speedroid Gum Prize so that I can pave the way for an even mightier dragon! Watch as the essence of that Monster takes shape! Watch as it is forged by raw power! I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon!" said Rainbow as she put both of her monsters in the discard pile and grabbed a new monster from her Extra Deck as she placed it on the table.

"I now end my turn." said the chromatic girl.

"Fine by me." said Applejack as she drew her card. "You may think you have the advantage, since you destroyed mah Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon, but by simply banishin' a monster I used to summon it... ah can bring it back... and it's back for revenge!"

"No way, you can't do that!" shouted Rainbow.

"Ah can, read the rule book!" said Applejack.

"No way, you're cheating!" said the chromatic girl.

"Takes one to know one, partner!" replied Aj as she and Dash put their foreheads together as they looked like a couple of bulls ready to fight.

"Isaac, which one of us is right!!" called the girls as they looked to their left to have the boy answer but he wasn't there. "Oh... right." said both girls as they backed off and slumped into their chairs.

It had been about 2 days since Isaac took off and disappeared without a trace. Since then, everybody was worried. Isaac's parents were concerned with where their son would run off to, yet they had hope that he would return once he figured out with what he was dealing with. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna was concerned as well as, they wanted to search for the boy, but their school duties didn't allow them to. Plus with the contract that was signed between Isaac and Starlight to have their unsanctioned duel, it meant that the Board of Education or CHS was responsible for what happened after the match. But the date for the students to pass their final exams for the Board was still on, as it was something that couldn't be changed to allow them time to find Isaac. And as for the students, while they feared for the safety of their head professor, they knew they had to keep on with their lessons and preparing for that date as they felt it would be something Isaac would want. So them and the girls kept on with Isaac's lessons as they kept on preparing for that date.

However with the disappearance of Isaac, there was one person who took it hard. Twilight was devasted when they found his backpack near the statue, his duel disk, and his deck. To think he would he leave his backpack was understanding, but to leave his deck and duel disk, now that was unordinary. As far as she knew, Isaac would never abandon his cards, even if he couldn't physically see them. So the group all began to think that maybe there was the possibility that he might have been captured, but by who. Maybe Starlight, but then again why would she given that she had won their unsanctioned duel, so that only must have been enough to satisfy her. So what else could have happened to her boyfriend? The girls all tried to reassure their friend that Isaac would return. But without the boy, the group was taking a toll, seems having a male companion be a part of their little group did leave a mark.

It was another day at CHS as the students were doing their business, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna heard about Isaac's disappearance as they assured everybody else that he took a quick leave of absence to so that he could rethink and rebuild himself. The majority of the student body believed the two women, as they both put on their biggest fake smiles. For the principals, they were worried about their student as they prayed wherever he was, he was safe and that he return quickly as the date of the final exams for the 7 students was fast approaching.

The morning saw some students gathering in the front of the school. Rainbow was with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as they were seeing if any of them had any news about their male friend.

"Nothing." said Fluttershy.

"Three days and still no word about big bro." said Pinkie as she had a sad smile. "Not even Shadow trying to cheer me up is working."

"Why did the geek have to run off?! So what, he lost a duel? Big deal! That's no reason to cry like a bitch!" stated Rainbow.

"But he lost and now he can't see or talk with his cards." said Pinkie.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I guess I should cut him some slack." stated the chromatic girl as her face soften a bit.

Soon they heard some chatter nearby as a couple of students began to form a crowd as they were surrounding the front entrance of the school.

"Wonder what's going on?" asked Fluttershy.

"Let's find out." said Rainbow as they all started to see what was drawing a crowd.

All three managed to squeeze by the sizeable crowd as they made it to the front to see what was drawing attention. Safe to say, what they saw wasn't something they expected nor enjoyed.

"Gather round, everybody. Now I'm offering you all a chance to be on the right side of history and join a cause that is righteous." said the voice as it belonged to Starlight as she had fully recovered from being unconscious as she was now moving onto the next part of her plan. "As you know, we've all been plagued by this disease called Duel Monsters, and to think that it had purposely overlooked people who possess talent for individuals who look and fit the mold of what a duelist is suppose to look like. But fear not, for I plan to change this place and everywhere else. But of course, I can't do it by myself; and even with Sunburst's help, it will not be enough. So fellow students, I offer you a chance to stand by me and together we can change. We become one, we think as one, we act as one, and with me leading you I will guarantee that change. Isaac couldn't do it, so let me enter your minds, embrace the vision!!" said Starlight.

Some of the students were creating small chatter as they were agreeing with some of the points made by Starlight. The girl was smiling as it seemed her plan was working, soon she heard an outburst.

"Where's Isaac?!" shouted Dash as Starlight looked at the chromatic girl.

"Well, well, well." smiled Starlight evilly. "If it isn't Rainbow Dash, Canterlot High's #1 athlete. So, where's your bae?"

"Isaac isn't my bae!" said Rainbow with a bit of red on her face.

"You're right, like he would ever want to be with you, it's a surprise that he's even your friend to begin with. Seeing as how he's turned you into putty in his hands. Tell me, did you feel helpless whenever he held you, when he touched you, whenever you kissed him?" asked Starlight with a sly smile.

"This has nothing to do with that! Where is he? What have you done with him?" asked Rainbow as she stood her ground.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." said Starlight.

"Yeah, right. You expect me to believe he vanished into thin air? He's gone and I know you had something to do with it!"

"I'm many things, but one thing that I've never been in my life is a liar." said Starlight. "And if he's gone, then maybe he wanted to get away from you and the rest of your little posse." So, Sunburst was right, Isaac really is gone. This provides me with some pleasure.

"No way, Isaac would get tired of us. We are our his friends, we would never do anything to hurt him." said Rainbow.

"Really now? How about the Fall Formal? Remember when you spied on him when he enrolled into CHS. How you used him to take down Sunset and for your own personal desires? Does any of that ring a bell?" said the girl with a smile.

"I... that's not the same." said Rainbow.

"Is it? Why lie, Rainbow?" asked Starlight. "Say you called me a fortune teller, I could lie and tell you that's what I am, when I'm actually a brilliant artist, or even a scholar. I could tell you that I dream of world peace, when I'm actually planning for its destruction. Hmm. The truth is what you see with your eyes, not with what you hear." Starlight's words got to the girls as they seemed to believe that she was telling the truth as she did have nothing to do with their friend disappearing.

"Either way, enough of this philosophical talk!" shouted Rainbow.

"I'm surprised you even know what philosophical means, or that you know how to say the word and use it in a proper sentence." said Starlight.

"Why you!" yelled Rainbow as Fluttershy and Pinkie grabbed their friend from taking a swing at Starlight.

"Ease down, Crash. Or else you'll miss the point of what I'm saying." said Starlight as she cleared her throat as Sunburst then pulled out the megaphone for her to use as she turned it on.

"Every night, we lay our heads down to dream. And that's when our minds really start to kick. We start remembering all these things, these horrible things, these travesties that have happened to us in our lives. But in our dreams, we're superheroes. And in our dreams, we can fix everything. We dream of revenge, we dream of payback. And just like that, man, just like that, we wake up. And that's when reality starts to set in. That's when we go to the mirror, we look and then we remember that we are not superheroes. And that we cannot fix everything. And so we bottle all this rage up inside of us. And we go on living our dismal little lives as if nothing is wrong. But everything, everything, everything is wrong!" shouted the girl.

"And I plan on fixing that. You see, I used to have this mean, old teacher. And this teacher, she used to look down upon me and she went to great measures to make sure that I remember that I was a piece of trash and that I would never amount to anything in my life. She believes that everything she read in a book was true and that everything I believed in was a lie. So I went up to her and I said, 'Ms. Teacher lady, what is it about you that makes you think that you're so much better than me, that makes you think you're so much smarter than me? Is it because your mom and dad paid for you to go to some fancy school so that you can wave this diploma around all of us? So that you can look down upon children and force feed them propaganda? Well, I say, uh-uh'." spoke Starlight.

"She looked at me and she said, 'Starlight, you are rotten. You stand for nothing'. She said, 'Starlight, the first time that I ever looked inside of your eyes, I knew there was something inside of you. I knew that you were evil'. Oh, but I'm proud to say that right now, somewhere that teacher lady is rotting inside of some retirement home filled up with all of her life's regrets. But I, Starlight Glimmer, stand here in front of you today as a conqueror, as a revolutionary, as the man of a thousand troops. And I say, 'Ms. Teacher lady, look at me right now'. I got the whole damn world in my hands!!! That is my payback. My ends justify my means. But Ms. Teacher lady, she was right about one thing. You see, I am evil. I am the necessary evil that must exist in this world to balance everything out. I am evil. But my tongue-- my tongue is the scorpion's tail. And when it starts striking, people start getting behind me. And they start getting behind me because I offer them hope!" said Starlight as she finished her little speech as her words got some of the students to chant her name.

"She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world in her hands. She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in... her... hands." sang Starlight in a low, hypnotizing tone as some of the students sang the words with her.

"She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world in her hands. She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in... her... hands." sang the students in the crowd as they were under Starlight's command with her words.

The girls were watching this as they were shocked to see their fellow students listening to Starlight's message.

"I know they say the pen is mightier than the sword, but this is unbelievable." said Fluttershy as she felt a bit scared at what she saw.

"That's it!! Time to put an end to this!" said Rainbow. "Hey, Starlight. I'm not buying your little whatever this is. It may work on them, but not me! I'm loyal to my friends and always will be. So how about I end your little crusade before it gets started. I challenge you to a duel later!"

"A duel, with you?" said Starlight with a confused look before turning into a sly smile. "Fine, this is will be no problem. I ran Isaac out of town, and now I can take care of his little merry band, starting with you. You're on, Rainbow. I'll see you later." stated the girl as the school bell rang as it caused the students to get out of singing the song as they all went to start their classes. "Oh, bring your student along, I'm sure he'd be pleased to see his tutor, fall and pray." stated the girl as she left the school premise with Sunburst.

"Rainbow, are you sure about this?" asked Pinkie.

"Totally, besides she may not have anything to do with Isaac disappearing. But at least, I can stop her from whatever she plans on doing." said the chromatic girl. "Besides, the only reason why Principal Celestia couldn't sanction a match between Isaac and her is because the geek is ranked as the champion. And as you know anytime someone challenges him while we're in school to a duel, it's a championship match. This right here is a regular old duel between two individuals, so we don't need Principal Celestia to sanction anything."

"Still, Starlight's no push over." stated Fluttershy. "We saw first hand what she can do, and don't forget she beat Isaac."

"Okay, I get it! She beat Isaac, so what! It's not like by beating him, it gave her some kind of super power that makes her unbeatable like Isaac was. I can handle her, plus it'll be something to brag about to the geek when he does show up. Won't he be kicking himself when he finds out I took down an opponent that beat him. Maybe then I'll get the attention of Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna so that I can get another shot at taking on Isaac for the rank of champion." said Rainbow as she boosted a bit about herself.

"Just be careful." said both girls as they feared for their friend on taking on Starlight.

It was now the afternoon as everybody who had gathered in the morning was now present on the field in the back of the school as they were preparing themselves to see the duel about to take place. Fluttershy and Pinkie were the only ones present as the other girls were busying doing their own things, with one of them trying to get Twilight to cheer up. Rainbow was busy doing some warmup stretches as Jack was near her as he tossed a bottle of water to his teacher as she took a big gulp of it as she splashed some on her head as it got her hair soaked as she did a hair flip as it got a cool shot of her hair in the sun's rays.

"Alright, all ready." said Rainbow as she did one final check over her deck.

"Go get 'em, Dash." said Jack as he hoped that his tutor could take down Starlight to avenge the loss of Isaac. "Hey, Cap. Do you think that Isaac will be back if you take down Starlight?" asked the boy.

"I don't know, private. But I do know that I need to stop Starlight from whatever she has planned. I just hope you won't join her little society she's designing." said Rainbow.

"Please, like I would ever join her little 'embrace the vision' gimmick. I stand by my captain." said Jack as he extended his fist out for Rainbow as she did the same.

"Thanks, Jack. I'm glad to have you as my student, even if we had one hell of a rocky start."

"Hey, same here. Just be careful." stated the boy as he went to his seat with the girls.

Rainbow then turned to the field as Starlight was making her way out to the field as Sunburst stood behind her as she got on the field. With that the chromatic girl then stepped onto the field as they prepared to throwdown.

"Time to take you down!" said Rainbow as she slid in her deck as her duel disk activated and projected a sky blue card tray.

"You're the first of your merry little band to fall by my hand. I already took out your leader, now only his soldiers remain." said Starlight as she slid in her deck and projected a pale, light grayish heliotrope light.

"Correction, Isaac isn't our leader. And I'm going to fight for him now more than ever!" said Rainbow.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 8000-

Starlight Glimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Rainbow

"I'll start things off, and I'll play the continuous spell card, U.A. Draft. Now once per turn, I can special summon a 'U.A.' monster from my graveyard or deck simply by paying 500 life points. Then since I control no monsters, I can special summon Speedroid Terrortop(1200/600). And by summoning this monster, it's special ability allows me to add a 'Speedroid' from my deck to my hand. So I'll add my Speedroid Tri-Eyed Diced(300/1500) and then summon it to the field." Rainbow now had two monsters on her field as she was all set up for her next move. "I now tune my Level 3 Speedroid Terrortop with my Level 3 Tri-Eyed Diced." Speedroid Tri-Eyed Diced then turned into three giant green rings as they circled Rainbow's other monster as it jumped in between them. "I'm now tuning them together to call forth a mystical cross-sword with the power to cut every enemy down to size! I Synchro Summon! Hi-Speedroid Kendama(2200/1600)!"

"Speedroid and Ultra Athletes?" said Starlight as she examined Rainbow's deck. "To think two archetypes that are so different, yet they seem to both be a fit for you. No doubt, Isaac had an influence saying that mixing and matching different cards helps you to be versatile."

"I now activate my Hi-Speedroid Kendama's special ability, so by banishing my Speedroid Terrortop from my graveyard, I can deal you 500 points of damage." said Rainbow as her duel disk ejected her card as she grabbed it and slid it into the banish slot of her device as her monster then fired a beam as it hit Starlight who simply blocked it with her duel disk.
Starlight's Life Points: 7500-

"I now end my turn."

Turn 2: Starlight

"My turn, and now since you control monsters and I don't, I can special summon my Constellar Siat(100/1600). Then I summon my Constellar Kaus(1800/700)." A small knight hopped onto Starlight’s field, eyes gleaming inside its helmet. A second warrior in silver armor jumped in front of Starlight, this one wielding a large silver and gold bow. "Now I activate my Constellar Siat's special ability so now it can match the level of another Constellar monster on my field so it becomes the same as Kaus. Then I'll activate Kaus' ability, twice a turn, I can increase or decrease the level of my monsters by one. So I'll increase both of my monsters so that they're both Level 5." Kaus then shot an arrow up into the air as it created a shower of particles on its comrade and itself as their levels changed. "With that, I now overlay both my Level 5 Kaus and Siat to build the Overlay Network!" Starlight's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Constellar Pleiades(2500/1500, OLU: 2)!" Starlight's new monster appeared as a shower of particles gave the monster a glow.

"Now time to attack, Constellar Pleiades attack her monster!" shouted Starlight.

"I activate the effect of my Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice from my graveyard, by banishing it from my graveyard, I can negate next your attack!" said Rainbow as she removed her other monster as it caused Starlight's monster to stop its attack.

"Clever, but not good enough, cause now I activate Constellar Pleiades' special ability, so by using one overlay unit, I can return one card you control back to your hand. And since, your Hi-Speedroid Kendama is a synchro monster, it goes to the Extra Deck." said Starlight as her monster absorbed an Xyz material as it shot a beam of energy to Rainbow's monster as it disappeared in a white light as it was sent back to her Extra Deck.

"Not good." said Rainbow as she saw her monster was gone.

"With that I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Rainbow

"My turn, I draw. And I'll use the effect of my U.A. Draft, so by paying 500 life points, I can special summon a 'U.A.' monster from my deck, so I choose my U.A. Dreadnought Dunker(2500/1800). Then I summon U.A. Midfielder, then I'll switch out Midfielder so that I can special summon U.A. Player Manager(2000/2600) in defense mode. Then I activate the effect of my U.A. Player Manager, since it was special summoned, I can be able to destroy one card on the field and destroy it. So time to say goodbye to your only monster." said Rainbow.

"Not quite, see my monster isn't the only one leaving, I'll use Pleiades last overlay unit to send your Dreadnought Dunker back to your hand." said Starlight as she managed to get rid of Rainbow's only monster in attack mode as it got taken out.

"Nice one." said Rainbow as she gritted her teeth. "I place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Starlight

"Pathetic, my move. I now play the continuous spell card, Constellar Star Chart. Then I'll play the spell card, Constellar Star Cradle, so now I can target 2 'Constellar' monsters in my graveyard and I can add them to my hand, however, I can't conduct my Battle Phase this turn. Now the monsters I'll take back is my Constellar Kaus and Siat. Then I'll special summon Siat in defense mode. Next, I'll summon my Constellar Sombre(1550/1600). As you know before Siat's special ability lets it match the level of a monster on my field or graveyard, so now Siat is Level 4. And I think you know what that means." said Starlight.

"Uh-oh." spoke Rainbow.

"I now overlay both of my monsters to build the Overlay Network!" Starlight's monsters then transformed into orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened in front of the girl. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Constellar Praesepe(2400/800, OLU: 2)!!" Starlight’s newest monster burst out of the light, a burly knight in bright silver and gold armor with a massive pair of energy disks mounted on the back of its hands.

"I'll activate the effect of my Constellar Star Chart, so since I summoned a 'Constellar' Xyz monster, I can draw an extra card." said the girl as she picked up the card. "I now lay one card and call it."

Turn 4: Rainbow

"My turn, and I'll activate the effect of my U.A. Draft so by paying 500 life points, I can special summon my U.A. Perfect Ace(1500/2500) in defense mode." said Rainbow as she now had one of her monsters on the field emerged out of a portal.
Rainbow's Life Points: 7000-

"Then I'll move in to attack, U.A. Dreadnought Dunker attack her Constellar Praesepe!" shouted Rainbow. Her monster then raced forward as it had a ball of blue energy appear in its hand as it looked to slam dunk it as it hit the ground and exploded.

"Nice!" said Rainbow as soon the smoke cleared and standing there was Starlight's monster as it was safe. "Huh?"

"Too bad, I activated my Negate Attack."

"I'm starting to get really ticked off. I end my turn."

"Come on, Rainbow." said Jack as he watched his tutor struggle a bit to deal damage to Starlight.

Starlight glanced in the direction of the Fluttershy and Pinkie as she saw Jack sitting next to them. Hope you enjoy the show, Jack. Cause your tutor is about to lose it all.

Turn 6: Starlight

"My turn, and I'll play the spell card, Xyz Import so now I can target one Xyz monster I control and one monster you control that has less attack points than mine and attach it as an Xyz material for my monster to use. So I choose your U.A. Perfect Ace." said Starlight as Rainbow's monster was gone and disappeared into another Xyz material. "Then I'll use that overlay unit immediately to activate my Constellar Praesepe's special ability, so now when a 'Constellar' monster attacks or is attacked it gain 1000 attack points during the battle. I then summon my Constellar Acubens(800/2000). And as long as Acubens is out on the field, all my 'Constellar' monsters gain 500 more attack points." Within the circle of light rose a second monster, a massive silver robot with a pair of glowing orange scissor claws.

"So now my monster take our her U.A. Dreadnought Dunker!" Starlight's monster then pointed it weapon at its target as it gain the power boost from its own effect and comrade as it took out the chromatic girl's monster.
Rainbow's Life Points: 5600-

"And now Acubens, your turn!" shouted Starlight. Acubens raised its scissor claws and fired one like a missile on a long cable. Rainbow looked away as the two holographic attacks exploded in front of her.
Rainbow's Life Points: 4300-

"I then lay one card facedown and end my turn."

"Not good, Starlight has already taken Dash to nearly half her life total and she only lost life points in Rainbow's first turn." said Fluttershy.

"Might have to make a 'Participation Party' for her trying to beat Starlight." said Pinkie.

"Come on, you don't believe that, right? Rainbow still has a chance." stated Jack as he looked at the two older teens.

"We believe Rainbow has a chance, Jack. It's just... it feels like Starlight is a whole other duelist. Like she smeared the blood of Isaac that was on her hands and put it on her chest. And now she's gained his power." stated the shy girl.

"Okay, that's a bit much. This isn't gladiator times, but still, Rainbow's got a shot." said the boy. At least, I hope.

Turn 7: Rainbow

"My turn!" said the chromatic girl.

"Are you going to use the effect of your U.A. Draft? I mean, you're only down to 4300 life points, so I think you activating it will hurt you more than it benefits you." stated Starlight.

"Shut up! I play like how I play. I don't take suggestions from others." responded the athletic.

"Very well, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Now then, I'll use the effect of my spell U.A. Draft so that I can special summon my U.A. Strategist(1000/700) from my deck." A monster in a silver uniform with blue and orange stripes, a clipboard under one arm and a whistle dangling from its neck. The monster raised its head, eyes staring sharply under a white baseball cap, and let out a grunt.
Rainbow's Life Points: 3800-

"Then I'll play the spell card, Monster Reborn to bring back my Dreadnought Dunker from the grave. And now I'll tune my Level 3 Strategist with my Level 7 Dreadnought Dunker!" Strategist raised its whistle and blew into it as the sound echoed as the monster turned into three green rings that floated into the air. Dunker rose up into them as they began to spin. A pillar of blue light shot down through the rings. “I align brains and brawn, coach and player, and call in the unparalleled master of the field! Meet a superstar like no other! I Synchro Summon! Rushing in, U.A. Star Player(2700/2500)!” The pillar of light receded, revealing a darkened form floating in the air. Clad head to toe in a silver bodysuit with glowing blue and orange stripes up the sides, it hung ominously in the air. The monster raised its head, scruffy blond hair blowing in the wind, and dropped to the ground, landing on its feet. It held a hand to the side and a pair of orange sunglasses appeared in its fingers; it slipped them on, grinned, and reared up to its full height, arms crossed.

"Hmm, impressive." responded Starlight.

"If you think that's good, watch this, I now play the spell card, U.A. Powered Jersey to give my monster an extra 1000 attack and defense points. Furthermore, while my Star Player is wearing this sweet gear, it can attack a second time if it destroys a monster and any damage you take is doubled. So even if you use your monster's special ability, it still won't be enough. Now Star Player take out her Constellar Praesepe!" commanded Rainbow as her monster raced forward and had blue energy flowing through its fingers as it shot it towards Starlight's monster as it resulted in a smoke of explosion.

"Score!" said Rainbow when her eyes widen at what she saw.

"Not even, I reveal my facedown, Adversity! Since my monster has fewer attack points than yours, it not only survives the battle, but I take no damage and it gains 1000 extra attack points." stated Starlight as her Constellar Praesepe got even stronger. "And since you didn't destroy my monster, that means the additional effect of your Powered Jersey doesn't activate meaning you can't attack a second time."

"Grr... I end my turn."

Turn 8: Starlight

"My turn, and now I'll summon once again my Constellar Kaus. Then I'll overlay my Kaus and my Acubens!" Starlight's monsters then transformed into two orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Constellar Omega(2400/500, OLU: 2)!!" shouted the girl. "But why stop there, cause I'll give him an upgrade, I overlay my Constellar Omega to construct the Overlay Network once more!"

"You're doing what?!" said Rainbow as it got her and everybody else in the stands to have their mouth drop.

"Go Rank-Up Xyz Evolution!" shouted Starlight. "Using a Constellar Xyz monster I control as the sole Xyz Material; I Xyz Summon, arise and unleash your celestial fury, Constellar Ptolemy M7(2700/2000, OLU: 3)!” The shape shattered to reveal a large silver and gold dragon, wings of the night sky spread into the air and its tail coiling down and around Starlight. "And the effect of my Constellar Star Chart allows me to draw an extra card. And I'll play it now, Constellar Asterism. Now with this spell, my monsters can't be destroyed in battle and their attack points match that of a monster on the field. So now Constellar Praesepe take out her U.A. Star Player!" shouted the girl as her monster took out Dash's with ease.

"And with nothing to save you, Ptolemy M7, attack her directly!" shouted Starlight.

"I reveal my facedown, Synchro Spirits! So by banishing a synchro monster from my graveyard, I can bring back the monsters used to summon it in defense mode. Sorry, to do this bud, but I'm gonna need you to sit on the bench for this one." said Rainbow as her duel disk ejected her Star Player card as she looked at it. "I promise, it'll help us to win." While Rainbow may not have been able to hear or see her monster, her Star Player was smiling as it trusted its captain to lead the entire team to victory. She then slide it into the banished compartment of her deck as her two monsters, Strategist and Dreadnought Dunker appeared as Dunker was taken out by Starlight's monster.

"So you held on, not like it'll matter. Now that the battle is over, my Constellar Asterism allows me to add a 'Constellar' spell or trap card to my hand." said Starlight as her duel disk ejected the card she wanted as she looked at if for a second before laying it facedown.

Turn 9: Rainbow

"My draw, and now I'll summon my Speedroid Pachingo-Kart(1800/1000). And when Pachingo-Kart is summoned, I can destroy one monster on the field, but it can't attack this turn. That's a small price to pay when I have bigger things planned, but first I'll get rid of your Constellar Praesepe!" said Rainbow as this time Starlight's monster was gone, but the girl didn't care.

"Now, I'll tune my Level 3 U.A. Strategist with my Level 4 Speedroid Pachingo-kart!" Rainbow's Strategist then blew its whistle one more time as it turned into three giant green rings as it circled Pachingo-Kart as it flew in between them. "Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(2500/2000)!!" shouted the girl.

"Yes, now Rainbow's back in the game." stated Jack as he knew that dragon was one of Dash's strong monsters.

"Yes, the mighty Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. Overrated, overhyped, just like the people who love this dragon and its counterparts." said Starlight while looking at the fourth wall.

"Since I summoned my dragon, I can also special summon this monster to the field, Speedroid Rubberband Plane(1800/0). And when he's out, a monster on the field loses 600 attack points. And I'll choose my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon." stated Rainbow. "Now I know what you're thinking, why choose my monster?"

"Actually, I wasn't thinking that at all. I know about Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's special ability, it can negate the effect of your Rubberband Plane and then destroy it, gaining its attack points in the process." said Starlight as all of that happened while she was talking as Clear Wing now had 4800 attack points.

"Well, whatever. My dragon now has more attack then yours. So now Clear Wing take out her monster, Spin Storm Sky Strike!!" shouted the girl. Her dragon then soared up high as it went to the clouds before coming down spinning really fast as it looked to take out Starlight's monster.

"This is too easy, I reveal my facedown Constellar Black Hole!" Soon a portal of darkness opened up as it created a vacuum wave as it started to suck. Both dragons let out a roar as the force of the pull was so strong that they were sucked in as the black hole closed up and went away all silently.

"Where's my monster?!" asked Rainbow.

"Simple, I activated my Constellar Black Hole. Now when you declare an attack on one of my monsters, I can use this card to send both monsters to the graveyard. And since you have no monsters left to attack me with, your battle phase is over." chuckled Starlight.

"I... end my turn."

Turn 10: Starlight

"Such a pity, now then. I'll play Constellar Comet, so by sending one card in my deck to the graveyard, this spell then gains its effects. So I'll send my Xyz Reborn to the graveyard, so that my spell copies its and now I can use its effect to bring back my Constellar Ptolemy M7 and my spell transforms into an overlay unit for my monster to use!" shouted Starlight as her monster was now back in play as it let out a roar. "Now Constellar Ptolemy M7, attack her directly!!" said the girl as her monster shot a beam of energy as it hit Dash square in the chest as she was sent flying onto the grass behind her.
Rainbow's Life Points: 1100-

"Rainbow!!" said Jack, Fluttershy and Pinkie as they saw their friend get hit with a strong attack.

"I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards." said Starlight as she drew her cards and looked them for just a second when her eyes shifted to seeing Rainbow slowly starting to get back up. "Rainbow Dash, just accept the fact that you made the grave error of taking me on when I put down your 'boyfriend' and ran his ass out of town. Oh, wait, is this the part of the story where he shows up. Where's Superman? Come on out Isaac!" shouted Starlight.

"Here she is, the loyal Rainbow Dash is a helpless damsel in distress. Oh, Superman, where are you? Come save this girl, so she can safe in your big strong arms, carry her away to a land filled and overflowing with milk and honey. Save her Isaac, she knows she wants to be saved so that she can feel safe in your arms. So that she may hold you, kiss you, love you. Save her, Isaac." said Starlight as she put her hand to her ear and looked out to see if the boy was coming to which he didn't as Starlight smiled evilly.

While Rainbow wasn't letting Starlight's words get to her per say, she did do a quick look around as if looking for the boy to be present, but no matter where she looked, he wasn't there. Rainbow put her head down as she let a legit tear fall down her cheek as she gave a sniffle.

"It looks like Superman ain't coming to save the day. So, take your last turn before I end it." said Starlight place one card facedown.

Turn 11: Rainbow

"I may be down to my last few life points, but one thing that Isaac taught me is a duel isn't over as long as I have a single life point. I put my trust in my deck and it will trust me!" shouted Rainbow as she placed her hand on top of her deck. Wherever you are Isaac, I hope you're safe. I miss you, but right now I need your help in taking down Starlight. So please geek, let me draw the card I need.

"I draw!" said Rainbow as she drew her card and looked at it. "Nice, I now play the spell card, Hi-Speed Chase! Here's how it works, I get to bring back a Synchro monster from my graveyard, but its effect are negated. So I'm busting out, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. Then I draw 3 cards, and if one of those cards is a tuner monster, I can summon it to the field right away. And as for the other two cards, I keep one in my hand and then shuffled the other back into my deck." Rainbow then drew her card as she took a deep breath as she drew the cards. She looked at them slowly one by one as the last card was indeed a tuner monster.

"Alright, l summon Speedroid Gum Prize(0/800)." said Rainbow as her monster appeared. "Now, I'll keep the first I drew and shuffle back the second card." stated the girl as she placed her card on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. "Now I'll tune my Level 1 Speedroid Gum Prize with my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon to pave the way for an even mightier dragon! Watch as the essence of that Monster takes shape! Watch as it is forged by raw power! I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon(3000/2500)!" shouted Rainbow as she upgraded her beast for a more powerful version as it had wings made up of crystal as it let out a roar heard throughout the field for everybody watching the duel.

"Awesome, now Dash has a chance!" shouted Jack as his teacher now had her strongest monster in her deck out.

"Now time to attack, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon let's show her our power, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon attack her monster!" shouted Rainbow.

"No matter, I'll only lose 300 life points since my monster has a rank not a level." chuckled Starlight.

"Might want to check your math."

"Huh?" said Starlight as she saw Rainbow's monster get stronger.

"See I activated the effect of my Stealth Speed, so now I target one monster on the field and then my monster gains attack to the monster I choose permantly. So now my Crystal Wing has 5700 attack points." stated Rainbow with a smile.

"No!" said Starlight.

"Now go! Do your thing, Crystal Wing! Attack with Crystal Cataclysmic Strike!!!" shouted Rainbow as her dragon did some sharp maneuvers in the air as it soon collided with Starlight's monster. A huge explosion occurred as it obscured the vision of the people in the stands. Rainbow had a smile on her face as soon the smoke cleared as standing there was Starlight as her monster was destroyed, but her life points remained the same.

"There's no way!!" yelled out Rainbow.

"Hmm." was all Starlight said as her head then lifted up as she had a smile on her face.

"But... how..."

"My facedown, Defense Draw! So all the battle damage I would have taken becomes zero and I draw a card." smiled Starlight nonchalantly.

"That's was Rainbow's best attack and Starlight just countered it like it was nothing." said Jack as for the first time, he saw his very own tutor was outmatched, outsmarted, and straight up outdueled.

Turn 12: Starlight

"Now, time to end this, and I'll activate this, Rank-Up Magic Constellation Eclipse Force!!" shouted Starlight as her card shined in a bright yellow light as colors of a supernova started to swirl the field.

"What is this?!" asked Rainbow as she put her arms up to protect her eyes.

"Watch, I can now take one 'Constellar' monster in my Extra Deck and use it to summon a different monster that's one rank higher! So I'll choose a second Constellar Omega and then I'll use it to bring out the monster that will end you!" shouted Starlight as her monster appeared and then it turned into an orb of light as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon that light entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "This is the end for you, once this monster strikes the field, all shall be destroyed by its celestial light! Go Rank-Up Xyz Evolution, Annihilate everything in your path, Constellar Ursa Proeliator(4000/3000, OLU: 1)!!" Out emerged a warrior made whose body was made up of the night sky and star as the outline of its body was white lines connecting the stars as it wielded a spear and shield as it rode on a huge bear as it stood at 7 feet tall on its hind legs as it had fangs along with its mouth as it let out a roar as it too had the same shape and appearance as its rider as both wore white and gold armor.

"That monster!" said Fluttershy and Pinkie as they remembered how it took down Isaac.

"What is that?!" said Rainbow as she and everybody else, minus the two girls, all gasped by Starlight's new monster.

"The monster that killed Isaac! Now to activate one of its many abilities, by using one overlay unit, I can return all of my Constellar 'Xyz' monsters back into my Extra Deck and for each one that I do, my monster gains 500 attack points. So since I have 4, that means not only are they shuffled back to my Extra Deck, but my Ursa Proeliator gains 2000 attack points for a total of 6000!" said Starlight as her monster absorbed its Xyz material through its spear as it raised it up high as the power of the cosmos and stars gave it life.

"So what, I'll still have life points left." said Rainbow.

"Wrong, see my Ursa Proeliator can attack twice in a single battle. So..."

"NO!!" Rainbow's eyes widen at what they meant.

"DESTROY HER!!!!" shouted Starlight as she thrusted her arm out. Her monster then raised its spear as it had her dragon in its sights, soon it launched its spear with so much force and power that it struck Rainbow's dragon right through the heart of it as a white light came from it as it let out a roar.

"AHH!!!" shouted Rainbow as she could feel the pain from her dragon as she clutched her heart. Soon her dragon exploded as it was destroyed as she was throw back by the explosion and landed on her back.
Rainbow's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Starlight

"No, Rainbow!!" said Fluttershy and Pinkie as they got out of their seats and started to make their way to check on their friend.

"It can't be, Rainbow." said Jack as for the first time, he saw his teacher get owned in the most brutal way possible. And the scary part was there was only one other individual who could do what they did to Rainbow just now.

Starlight was still smiling as she looked at her fingers; to her eyes she could see Isaac's essence that were on her fingertips from the night she had with him. She then sucked on them very sexually as she enjoyed it, almost like she had the power of the boy himself inside of her.

"Isaac, it feels so good to have you inside of me." chuckled the girl with a smug smile.

Starlight then started to walk towards the fall chromatic girl as she had some scuffs along her body and near her mouth as she lifted her head up to see her opponent standing above her. Fluttershy and Pinkie stopped a few feet away as they were a bit scared of what Starlight would do.

"You know I was going to offer you a place, in the world that I on plan on building. But your loyalty to your friends, is too strong to ignore. So I won't bother with you, especially cause I just beat you. I am... the Best in the World!!!" shouted Starlight. "And don't forget it." With that she turned her back and began to walk.

"She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world, in her hands. She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in... her... hands." sang Starlight as she walked away.

"She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world, in her hands. She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in... her... hands." sang everybody in the stands as they accompanied Starlight's singing in a symphonic harmony.

"Rainbow, you okay?" asked her friends as they helped their friend to sit up.

"Yeah, I'm okay. A little sore, but... we may be in trouble." said Rainbow as she looked at Starlight walking towards Sunburst as the whole crowd around them was still singing.

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