• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,570 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 61: The Crystal Gala

The entire landscape of Camp Everfree was now covered in tons of vines scattered around the floor. Even the cages that held some of the students started to open up. The woodland creatures that were formed started to wilter and soon transformed back into flowers; the girls all looked around as the sky was now back to normal and the sun was shining through. They all looked at their monsters as they rejoined in their victory before they disappeared. Isaac looked at his surrounding and let out a smile; he looked at his magician and they shared a smile and a high five as he disappeared along with Isaac's pendulum cards.

After that huge blast from Isaac, Gloriosa was now back to normal as she was now lying on the ground. Timber then went to check up on his sister as she started to wake. She opened up her eyes as she tried to regain conscious on what had happened.


"What... What happened?" asked Gloriosa as she looked at her brother.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay." said Timber as he hugged his sister. He then looked at Isaac who was watching the scene. He didn't say much but uttering the words "thank you". Isaac just gave him thumbs up.

Soon everybody started to cheer for Isaac. Even the girls started to give him a group hug as they congratulated him on saving the day, again. While it was getting a bit repetitive, Isaac still couldn't get over the feeling of being hailed as a hero. With that everybody got to work on cleaning up and repairing the camp. Isaac was currently supervising everybody as they felt he had already done enough, soon Gloriosa approached him, Celestia, and Luna who were all watching the others work.

"I am so sorry. I only wanted this to be the best week Camp Everfree has ever had, and instead I've made it the worst. And once again, thank you, Isaac. You were able to save me from the magic that corrupted me, but in the process I ended up making a mess of Camp Everfree instead of trying to save it. Maybe it's for the best that I'm losing the camp to Filthy Rich." Gloriosa put her head down as she had a sad look.

"No. It's not. This camp has meant so much to so many people, my sister and me included." said Celestia.

"Why do you think we wanted our students to come here?" mentioned Luna.

"Plus, I'll admit. Despite having to take down some force of evil, I did have a good time here at this place. Still, I can't help but feel sad that this place is going to be under Filthy Rich's control." said Isaac.

"We can't let Filthy Rich take this place away! If camp meant so much to you two, maybe it meant as much to the other campers who came here in years past." insisted Twilight.

"And maybe we can get them to help save it!" suggested Sunset.

"Oh! Like a fundraiser?" said Applejack.

"Or a ball?!" That immediately got Rarity excited.

"Our band could play!" said Rainbow as she too was into the idea.

"I could help write a new song just for the occasion!" said Fluttershy.

Soon all the students were on board with the idea as they started to agree. Soon they all turned to Isaac to await his input; Isaac just simply shrugged his shoulders which was more than enough of approval.

"Those are all good ideas, but where would we hold it?" Gloriosa was happy that the campers were willing to help her, but still felt a sense of uncertainty.

Just then an idea popped into Sunset's head, "We could hold it in the crystal cave!"

Rarity let out a gasp, "A Crystal Ball! I love it!"

"I prefer the term Crystal Gala, sounds a bit cooler." said Isaac.

"I admire everyone's enthusiasm. Really, I do. But I-I just don't know how we're going to plan a ball by tomorrow and invite everyone." said Gloriosa.

"We got this!" said the girls.

"And as for Filthy Rich, leave him to me. Gloriosa see if you can get in contact with him, I want to know if he can meet with me today." said Isaac.

With that everybody got to work, as they prepared for the huge party/event that was about to take place tomorrow night. Soon invitations were sent out as the girls worked endlessly to get everything ready for the party. While all this was happening, Gloriosa had actually manage to get a hold of Filthy Rich and he agreed to spare a few minutes of his time seeing as he was a busy man. Soon a limo pulled up and out came Filthy Rich, many students gave his displeased views. Eventually he reached the counselor's office as inside Isaac and Gloriosa, along with Celestia and Luna, were waiting for him. He closed the door and they began to discuss "business". Isaac had told everybody else to not interfere with their meeting. It took a while, but eventually Filthy Rich came out as he had an upset look on his face. Soon Isaac came out as he had a similar look, nobody knew what had happened, not even the girls.

Soon the word spread, that even though they would raise enough money to save Camp Everfree. Filthy Rich was still hell bent on taking the property, so it boiled down to Isaac making a proposition. Knowing that he was a businessman, Isaac offered him a deal. In short, Isaac had challenged Filthy Rich to a duel and if he was the winner, then not only would he have the rights to Camp Everfree, but that Isaac would put his title as champion on the line. So if Isaac were to lose then he would not only be stripped of his title, but that he would quit dueling all together. With so much to gain, Filthy Rich instantly accepted Isaac's challenge and it was set. The only thing that Filthy Rich wanted prior to the Crystal Gala, was that he wanted to have a debate of sorts, as he wanted it to serve as a victory speech of sorts. Also he added the stipulation that he there should be a no contact clause between the two of them as he didn't trust "criminals".

Everybody was shocked that Isaac was willing to bet his entire life on just keeping this place running. They knew that being champion didn't mean much, other than some fancy title. But to quit dueling altogether was something that would make anybody think twice, but Isaac was determined in his decision. The girls all tried to convince Isaac out of his choice, but he ignored them and told them that he knew what he was doing. So with that he prepared himself for the debate that Filthy Rich wanted.

It was about 10 in the morning when Isaac was waiting for Filthy Rich to show up. Gloriosa had a table set up with two pitchers of water as well as a couple of glasses. They were on a open stage as they had podiums set up; all they were waiting on was for Filthy Rich to show up. Soon they saw his limo arrive as Filthy Rich came out. He was wearing a fancy suit as well as a fine crafted stenson hat; overall he was giving the vibe of a rich texan. His presence was met with a bunch of boos and jeers; some of the students started to give him disgusted faces, while Isaac just stared him down. Soon both were ready as Gloriosa stood up to begin this debate of sorts.

"Welcome everybody, we are here to conduct this debate between Isaac and Filthy Rich. Tonight these two will compete in a duel at the Crystal Gala. Now I will remind you that during this debate there is to be a no contact. Do both of you understand?" said Gloriosa.

"That applies to that degenerate over there." Filthy Rich was pointing at Isaac. "See as a man of luxury, I know how to behave in social situations unlike some people."

Isaac just gave him a smug smile as he couldn't wait to rip into Filthy Rich. Everybody else were either sitting on the grass, or on chairs as they prepared themselves for the debate that was about to unfold. With that Gloriosa then opened the floor by asking the first question.

"So Filthy Rich, was make you so deserving of being the winner and could potential beat Isaac. Knowing full well that if you do, he's no longer the champion and he gives up dueling?" asked Gloriosa.

Filthy Rich just smiled as he cleared his throat. "First of all, Gloriosa Daisy. I would like to thank you; I would love to thank everybody here for holding this debate. And I would like to answer the question: what makes me a winner and more deserving than my opponent, Isaac?" Filthy Rich had a smug look on his face while saying this, which caused even more disgusted looks to form on the students. "You see this place needs a hero, and I have filled that role. I'm the ideal success story; I come from a great family, independently wealthy. From a great spool, I am the reason for all you people to look up to me. That Gloriosa is the reason why I'm much more deserving of being a winner than my opponent."

Isaac just look uninterested in what Filthy Rich was saying as he starting to use his hands to mock Filthy Rich talking too much. Soon Gloriosa then asked Isaac the same question.

"Isaac, same question." stated Gloriosa.

Isaac cleared his throat as he began to talk. "Before I can even answer that question, what makes me more qualified on being the champion/winner? I got to turn that back around to you." said Isaac as he pointed at Filthy Rich. "I mean you said so yourself; you're independently wealthy, a huge success story. So why would someone as successful as you, drive all the way to Camp Everfree in broke down ass limousine." Isaac's response was met with some reactions as they didn't expect that kind of answer. "Why?"

"There's nothing wrong with that limousine! It's brand..." stated Filthy Rich as he was disrespected by Isaac's answer.

"Hey, man. Hey. Don't sugarcoat it. Let's go take a look." said Isaac as he interrupted Filthy Rich. He then hopped off the stage, as he made his way to Filthy Rich's ride. Isaac took a good long look at the sleek ride as he examined it from all sides; soon he started to talk as he was now in the front of the car. "I mean, first things first, homey." Isaac then did something that caught everybody by surprise as he pulled out some sort of iron pike and stabbed Filthy Rich's front tire as it started to deflate. The students all had shocked looks on their faces as they didn't expect that out of Isaac.

"See, look what he did to my car!" shouted Filthy Rich who was irate at what he was seeing.

"You got a flat tire." stated Isaac. Isaac then started to chuckle a bit, "I mean you rich man, how can someone like you ride out here in a limo with a flat tire?"

"That's vandalism!!!" shouted Filthy Rich as he pointed at Isaac. "You should be thrown in jail!! Gloriosa Daisy, do something about this! You're the camp director!" demanded Filthy Rich.

"Hey. He's not touching you, he hasn't laid a hand on you." said Gloriosa as she reminded Filthy Rich of the no contact rule.

"I'm just stating the facts, player." Isaac now had a huge grin on his face as he saw he was getting under Filthy Rich's skin. "And the paint job, man. What's up with the paint job?" said Isaac as he pointed to the limo once again. "You come out here in this busted ass limo, with a flat tire, and a scuffed up paint. I can't believe you didn't catch that."

"There's nothing wrong with that paint job, Isaac." said Filthy Rich as he pointed to Isaac.

"Nah, man." Isaac then pulled out something else from his pocket. "You ain't looking at it right?" Isaac then started to shake the object as he started to spray paint the limo's white coat. "See when I look at it..." Isaac then started to spray paint the side of the limo with the words, "Filthy Rich Sucks'".

"What's is wrong with you!?!" Filthy Rich was starting to throw a fit on what he was seeing. "You're a punk criminal!"

"I see a limo that says, 'Filthy Rich Sucks'." Isaac's response was met with large amounts of cheers at what he was doing. "Filthy Rich Sucks. Dude, Filthy Rich is you" said Isaac as he pointed at the man. "You drove out here in a limo that says 'Filthy Rich Sucks', what is wrong with you?"

"That's a $200,000 car!!" interrupted Filthy Rich as his blood began to boil.

"You know..." Soon Isaac's fellow peers than began to chant "Filthy Rich Sucks" which was music to his ears as he was smiling. He then got back on the stage as he approached Filthy Rich's podium till he was standing in front of said podium. "You know between that limo fiasco and this hostile crowd in Camp Everfree. If I was you, well I just do something about that." taunted Isaac.

"You better show me some respect, you bi..." Filthy Rich then stepped around as he got in Isaac's face.

"You gonna hit me?" taunted Isaac.

"Hey, Filthy Rich." said Gloriosa as she reminded him of the no contact rule.

"You gonna hit me? You gonna do something? Go on. Go on, throw a punch." said Isaac as he willed Filthy Rich to do it.

"Hey..." said Gloriosa before Isaac interrupted her.

"Come on, throw a punch, big daddy. Come on!" taunted Isaac.

Filthy Rich then took a step back as he returned behind his podium to look at Gloriosa.

"You can do something if you want to?" said Gloriosa as she was enjoying Isaac getting under Filthy Rich's skin.

"I'm ready for the next question." stated Filthy Rich as he managed to keep his cool.

"Very well then, lets move on." stated Gloriosa as Isaac returned back to his podium, while Filthy Rich still had a stressed look on his face.

"Filthy Rich, how important is one's social and economic upbringing in being a champion?" said Gloriosa as she asked the next question.

"Apparently, it's really damn important." shouted Filthy Rich as he was now pissed off. "Look at what that criminal just did to my car." Filthy Rich pointed at Isaac and then at the damage he did to his limo. "You see there's a reason why punk criminals, like him. The only way he makes it in a car, is if you drive me!" yelled Filthy as he pointed at Isaac. "There's a reason that people like you are kept down by the rich, cause that's what better for everybody! You mock what you don't understand, and flat honestly, you're jealous! The only way you know you'll have money like me is if you win the lottery, or turn to crime! And I know you have plenty of experience with that based on where you come from!" Filthy Rich was now calling out Isaac's hometown and his upbringing. "So I tell you what, tonight at the Crystal Gala, I'm going to turn to crime too. Cause I'm gonna rob you of your dreams, I'm gonna rob you of your hope, and I'm gonna rob you of your dignity! When I make you, you Isaac! Bow down and worship at the feet of a god!" said Filthy Rich as he was all up in Isaac's face.

"Isaac, your response." said Gloriosa.

"Sounds like someone crapped in your cheerios this morning, homey." said Isaac with a casual and mocking tone. "But, but. You got a point, I mean this whole economic thing. Maybe I just lost my head, guess what you're trying to say is that I got no respect for the championship."

"You've got no class!!" shouted Filthy.

"I got no class. I mean, look at how I'm dressed." Isaac was in his normal attire which to Filthy Rich he saw as street clothes. His classmates all just cheered him on as they thought he looked nice and showed that he was one of them for wearing normal clothes and not some fancy suit like Filthy Rich. "I mean I think I'm doing aight, what you guys think?" asked Isaac to his fellow peers as they sided with him and cheered him on. Filthy Rich was about to say something before Isaac cut him off. "Hold on, hold on, don't get your panties in a bunch. There are certain people who think that we should act a certain way, that we should dress a certain way. So I'm a man of peace, I mean we could probably solve all this is, if I just wore a suit and tie, right?"

"You would look a lot better in a tie!" said Filthy. "Right now, you look like a piece of crap!"

"Well, let me see, I look better in a tie." Isaac then pulled out some scissors out of his pocket as he made his way to Filthy Rich. "Let's just see if that works."

"Hey, hey, hey. Gloriosa! You can't touch me. Tonight. Remember." Filthy Rich had back up a bit as he was unsure of what Isaac was doing.

Isaac just grabbed his tie with the scissors he had in his hand as he gave him a smug look. Then he cut if off as it fell on the floor while Filthy Rich was in disbelief at his suit being ruined. Isaac then picked up the piece as he now stood in the center of the stage. "So a tie would look better, huh." Isaac then stuffed the small piece into his shirt as he position himself in front to his fellow peers to get their opinion. This caused Filthy Rich to once more get all up in Isaac's face as they stared at each other. Isaac then gave a sly smile, "Oh nah, I feel like a banker in this. This still sucks." said Isaac as he threw the tie piece away. "Oh, but oh, dog. That was yours and after the car thing and the tie. You probably pretty mad right now. You probably wanna do something, don't cha." taunted Isaac. "Maybe throw a punch, maybe hit me. If I hit you, then I can't be a duelist anymore. But then again, I'm not the one looking like a total jerk. So maybe you want to do something about it? Maybe you want to throw a punch?"

Filthy Rich then took off his coat as he was now in his undershirt and it looked like he was about to throw a punch. Isaac then leaned forward as he let him open and turned his head, so that Filthy Rich could have an easy time hitting him. Filthy Rich then backed off.

"No. No. I'm not playing your games." said Filthy Rich as he knew what Isaac was doing. "You do not outthink the master. Tonight at the Crystal Gala, you will have all you want, but until then son. Play your stupid games." With that both returned to their respective podiums as they prepared for the next question.

Gloriosa then spoke up, "Isaac, the next question is for you. Now I wanna ask you this, what do you need to do..."

"What do I need to do to get this punk bitch over here to swing at me?" said Isaac as he cut off Gloriosa and caused everybody to have mixed reactions. Filthy Rich was not amused with Isaac just said. "Well now that's an important question; and one I think we need to address. What if, right here, right now, I prove this guy. A man of class, is nothing but liar."

"I don't lie." shouted Filthy Rich.

"Hey, hold on. Have faith in your boy, I can pull it off. Now, miss lovely Gloriosa Daisy, watch closely. Cause I'm not going to touch you." Isaac then got in Filthy Rich's face.

"You better not touch me!"

"But I am gonna touch your ten gallon hat." Isaac then ripped off Filthy Rich's hat that he was wearing. Isaac was now looking at it, while Filthy Rich was even more angry that he started to confront Isaac. "Oh, yo. This is nice, dude." Isaac then put on Filthy Rich's hat, he generally looked like some sort of cowboy which caused Applejack to blush a bit when Isaac winked at her. "Yo, this ain't exactly my style, or nothing. But I mean, you can tell the craftsmanship; everything is there isn't it. Is this Gucci?" asked Isaac while he had smug smile looking directly at Filthy Rich.

"That's a thousand dollar stenson!" shouted Filthy.

"Okay, then... We know that this is probably a ten gallon hat, right?"

"I hate you. I hate you, you son..." Filthy was really getting tired of Isaac's antics.

"I'll take that as a yes," said Isaac as he didn't let Filthy Rich finish his sentence. "Ten gallon hat? Well lets do something." Isaac then held Filthy Rich's hat in one hand and picked up one of the pitchers of water in the other as he held the objects close to each other. "Let's see how many gallons this hat is gonna hold?" Isaac made sure that his fellow peers got a good view at what he was about to do. Isaac then poured the entire pitcher of water in Filthy Rich's hat.

Filthy Rich demanded that Gloriosa do something, who was also having a bit of fun watching what Isaac was doing. All she said was, "He's not touching you." with a smug look on her face. Isaac then poured the second pitcher of water into Filthy Rich's as it filled to nearly the top while Isaac just looked at it.

"Dude, that ain't even close to like one gallon. That means your ass is a liar. Oh yeah, by the way, I'm done with your hat. You can have it back." Isaac then put Filthy Rich's hat back on him as it was filled with water. So as a result, when Isaac put it back on, Filthy Rich was now soaked from head to toe as he was completely drenched. Filthy Rich just stood there as his temper had peaked. Isaac just stood there with his fellow peers just laughing at Filthy Rich. "Oh, oh. Oh no! Look at you man, looks like you done had an accident all over yourself. They make diapers for that sort of stuff, I mean you got problems we'll help you... Ooh, look at you."

"I'm gonna kick your ass, tonight at the Crystal Gala. Cause..." said Filthy Rich s he raised his fists ready to strike Isaac.

"Cause you going to show me what you going to do tonight at the Crystal Gala!" said Isaac as he was all up in Filthy Rich's face.

"At the Crystal Gala..." began Filthy Rich.

"Then show me what you're gonna do at the Crystal Gala!!! Come on!!! Right here, you throw a punch and I swear I Will Knock The Hell Out OF You!!!! Do it!! I dare you!!!! You want to see how rough I can get then hit me and I promise you I will give you a good old fashion Chicoltgo beatdown!!!!" Said Isaac with fury and passion in his voice.

Everybody just was in awe at what Isaac was saying and doing as he was not backing down from Filthy Rich. Even Filthy Rich himself started to get a bit scared by looking at Isaac's eyes that eventually he lowered his fists and then back down as he stepped back a few steps. The girls couldn't believe that Isaac was acting this way, especially Twilight who had never seen Isaac's speaking skills before. Safe to say the way he talked kind of intrigued her.

"You ain't gonna do nothing, are you? Ha, ha." said Isaac with a smug smile as he had manage to punk out Filthy Rich. "Just like I thought. But I bet you're standing there thinking that you're 'clever'; for not playing my games." said Isaac as he put his hands up to do air quotes. "You look ridiculous, and as clever as you think you are. Well I think you're something else." Isaac now pulled out another spray paint can from his pocket. He then shook the can while saying to Filthy Rich's face, "I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you." in a mocking voice.

Filthy Rich turned to Gloriosa to tell her to do something. This allowed Isaac the perfect opportunity to start spray painting on the back of Filthy Rich's shirt. Once he felt the paint hit his shirt, he turned around furious as he looked at Isaac and then his clothes. Isaac then spoke with seriousness in his voice.

"You know what, see in the world that I come from. In the world, that we come from," said Isaac as he pointed to his fellow classmates. "There's people who talk about," Isaac pointed at Filthy Rich. "And then there's people who be about it." said Isaac as he pointed to himself. "Tonight at the Crystal Gala..." Isaac pulled out another spray paint can as he shook it while looking dead at Filthy Rich. "Let me give you a little preview of what's gonna happen to you." Isaac then started to spray paint the front of Filthy Rich's Shirt to which he simply spelled out "FU". "Pipebomb." said Isaac as he walked off the stage and towards his tent with a smile on his face, knowing that his plan to punk out Filthy Rich was a success.

Soon Filthy Rich started to throw a fit as he quickly got into his limo and told his driver to drive off. The students couldn't stop talking about what just happened; however, they were glad that Isaac was able to ultimately embarrass Filthy Rich. While Celestia and Luna were less than pleased with Isaac's actions, they couldn't help but to let out a laugh/smile based on how Filthy Rich was acting. The girls knew that Isaac had some street talking abilities based on where he was from, but they didn't expect him to go full gangster on Filthy Rich and treat him like he was nothing. With that it was but a couple hours till the Crystal Gala that would take place.

It was nearly nighttime as the Crystal Gala was underway; even the guests that were invited began to arrive. The girls worked very hard to make the cave look lovely, even Rarity put a lot of effort into creating the outfits for the event. Isaac, however, had not chosen to have an outfit made for him as he hadn't left his tent since his encounter with Filthy Rich. This worried the girls as they were concerned with how their friend might be handling. Isaac was currently going over his deck as he was making some last minute changes; he had finally finished it when he heard his tent open up.

"Here to convince me one last time to wear an outfit, Rarity?" said Isaac as he wasn't looking at who opened his tent.

"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to share a dance with me after your duel with Filthy Rich?" said Sunset with a bit of smug in her tone.

Isaac turned around and saw Sunset standing there. She was wearing a nice dress as it was her Crystal Gala outfit, not to mention that she and the rest of the girls would be performing for the event tonight. "Nice dress, really suits you to a tee."

"Thanks." smiled Sunset. "So... after what went down this morning, how you feeling?"

"Honestly, I'm good." said Isaac really quick.

"You sure?" Sunset raised her eyebrow as she didn't believe Isaac's answer.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" said Isaac as he had a smile.

Sunset just let out a sigh. "Nevermind, just wanted to see how you're doing? Anyways just wanted to know if you'll be seeing us perform."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." said Isaac as he gave her a thumbs up.

"Good luck then." Sunset then gave Isaac a kiss as she put her hands to cusp Isaac's face. Soon she started to move her hands down south as she was feeling Isaac's body. Isaac knew what Sunset was doing so he caught her hands.

Isaac broke from the kiss as he looked at her. "My eyes are up here, Sunset. Try to remember that." said Isaac with a sly smile on his face.

"You really know how to kill the mood. Can't you let a girl have some fun?" said Sunset smugly as he booped Isaac's nose.

"Do you really want people to be suspicious as to why your outfit is all messed up? Let alone the people, imagines Rarity's response." said Isaac.

"Maybe I would like that, really get my heart racing." said Sunset with some seductiveness in her voice. She then backed off and said one final goodbye, before she left through the tent to head to the party.

Isaac then went back to focusing his mind which didn't last long as there was another person who entered his tent. This time it was Twilight who was also wearing her outfit for the Crystal Gala.

"Isaac, I need you advice!" shouted Twilight as she was panicking. She wasn't alone as apparently Spike had walked in beside her.

"I'm right here, Twilight. Jesus, you don't have to yell." shouted Isaac as he was covering his ears. "You better pray that my ears won't be ringing tonight, what do you need?"

"I... well... you see..." said Twilight as she didn't know how to exactly say what she wanted to say.

"Spit it out, woman!" said Isaac.

"Timber just asked me to be date for the Crystal Gala." said Twilight as she sat on Isaac's bed with sweat coming down her face.

"Really? Really? That's what you're worried about; you barge into my tent, mind you that I'm getting ready for my duel, and you bring up that issue!?" said Isaac as he couldn't believe that Twilight wanted to talk to him about that. He then looked at Spike as he prayed that maybe he could offer some insight.

"Hey man, I've been trying all day to get her to calm down, but nothing. Not even the puppy dog eyes had an effect." stated Spike as he jumped on Isaac's bed. "I was hoping that you maybe you could do something."

"If you couldn't get her to calm down, then what the hell do you want me to do." said Isaac as he looked at Spike who just shrugged his shoulders. Isaac then turned back to address Twilight who was still freaking-out, "I'm not sure why you should be worried, since you guys have been getting close to each other during out time here at Camp Everfree."

"It's just that this all new to me, I've never been in a relationship with anybody. Is there a rulebook that I need to read?" Twilight was panicking even more.

"Figured she asked something like that." said Spike.

"Twilight, get ahold of yourself!" said Isaac as he grabbed her shoulders and looked at her eyes as he sat down next to her. "Take a deep breath." Twilight did what Isaac said and safe to say that it worked. "I had the same response as you did before my first date?"

"Really? With who?" asked Twilight.

"Doesn't matter," said Isaac as he quickly brushed aside that thought. "The point is just be yourself, that's all. Other than that, just enjoy yourself and the time you'll spend with Timber. Hopefully, all the stuff I told him actually pays off."

"Wait? What stuff? What did you exactly tell him?" asked Twilight as she was shocked that her best friend knew about Timber's advances towards her.

"Well when we first arrived at camp, Timber came up to me on some advice on how to catch your attention. He thought I would know, since being the champion means I would have a vast array of girls interested in me. I told him that's not the case and well I just told him about you. I didn't say much other than you're smart, very beautiful, total nerd when it comes to facts and books. Not to mention very caring when it comes to our friends, and one heck of duelist."

Unbeknownst to Isaac, as he was saying all these things, Twilight had a bit a red on her face. She didn't expect that kind of things to be said about her; so when she found out that all the things Timber said to her was actually from Isaac, she couldn't help but have a bit of blush on her face. She did her best to hide it when Isaac turned around after he finished talking. "You told him to say all that about me?"

"Yeah, you're my friend and I want to see you happy. Hope you didn't mind." said Isaac.

"Not at all, in fact, now that I know the truth; I think I feel better about tonight's event. Thanks for the talk, Isaac. I know what I have to do?" said Twilight with conviction in her voice.

"What do you mean?" asked Isaac as he was confused by what Twilight just said.

"Don't worry, good luck in your duel tonight." Twilight then gave Isaac a quick hug as she left for the event herself.

Isaac was left with Spike as they just looked at each other with confused looks on their faces. "Any idea what she meant, pal?"

"Dunno know. Anyways, I should be heading out. The party is about to start and I've been eyeing the buffet. You gonna come?" asked Spike as he jumped down from Isaac's bed.

"In a bit." said Isaac.

"And hey don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Twilight for you tonight while you prepare for your duel." said Spike.

"Thanks little guy."

"By the way, just out of curiosity, who did you go out with? I promise I won't say, guy code." said Spike as he used his paws to seal his lips.

Isaac just bent down to the dog's level and whisper in his ear; the answer that Spike got was a rather shocked on as his eyes widen. He didn't say anything but a simple nod of his head and followed after Twilight towards the Crystal Gala. With no left to interrupt his focus, Isaac then decided to clear his mind by catching a quick nap. What? Saving the day is exhausting work, he wanted to catch some shut eye.

Soon the party/gala was in full swing as everybody was enjoying themselves. The guests were happily being entertained as they mingled with the other generations of campers and people. The girls were having a blast as they were performing some songs for the guests, even Twilight was enjoying herself. Right now she was having a talk with Timber. Nobody knew what was said as it a private conversation, but it was one that both agreed on. With that it was soon time for the main event as the final song played and Gloriosa came out on stage.

"Thank you all so much for coming! And for helping us raise enough money to... save Camp Everfree!" Gloriosa's response was meet with a rowdy round of cheers. She then turned to address the girls, "Thank you. For everything. Oh, if I'd just asked for help in the first place..."

"Hey, don't sweat it, it's kinda what we do." said Dash. "Don't forget about Isaac? Speaking of which, where is he?"

Soon in walked in Filthy Rich as he had managed to clean himself up after being embarrassed by Isaac earlier in the day. With that, Gloriosa knew that it was time. "Well then, ladies and gentleman, before we go I'd like to go give you one last form of entertainment. So would the contenders please prepare yourselves."

The crowd then parted ways as Filthy Rich was now in the middle of the room and activated one of his fancy looking duel disks. Now all they had to do was wait. It took a while, but eventually Isaac showed up as he was beginning to walk through the entrance of the cave. He had just woken up from his nap and made his way to the event. The girls saw Isaac entering and thought to play a little music for him.

Isaac was welcomed to a warm reception. Soon he set his eyes on Filthy Rich, who was still angry from what had happened earlier. Isaac just simply gave him a smug smile as he activated his duel disk and they both were ready to begin.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

Filthy Rich's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Filthy Rich

"Time to make you pay, criminal." Filthy Rich drew his card. "I'll play my White Magical Hat(1000/700) in attack mode." Out a came a magician that was true to its name as it wore a top white hat as well as a monocle. "Next I'll play a card facedown and end my turn. Let see how you fare kid! It's your move."

Turn 2: Isaac

"That's all, please? Isaac will have no problem dealing with that." said Rainbow as she and the girls watched from the stage.

"My turn," Isaac then picked up his card and looked through his hand. "I'll pass my turn."

"What!?!" shouted the girls. Everybody else just had their jaws drop at what they heard.

Turn 3: Filthy Rich

Even Filthy Rich was in shock at what his opponent did. He felt a bit off by Isaac not doing anything, but it soon got him to smile. "Ha, ha. I knew you were but a phoney. If you think that's suppose to scare me, you'll have to do better than that." said Filthy Rich, while Isaac just had an unamused look on his face. "It's my move. But realize it's only a matter of time before I eliminate all of your life points! Poor Isaac. You haven't the business skills necessary to wheel-and-deal with a mogul like me!"

"Listen, Filthy Rich. Duel Monsters is about honor, trust, and respect. Not about business skills and making deals. So save your corporate speeches for the boardroom and stop wasting my time." exclaimed Isaac.

"Now then, let me help you to lose quicker." Filthy Rich looked at his cards and knew his plan. "I'll summon my Greedy Assistant(1700/1500) in attack mode. Now my monsters attack him directly!" With nothing on Isaac's field they had no problem getting to Isaac's life points. Isaac just stood there with his eyes closed as he didn't bother blocking the attacks.
Isaac's Life Points: 5300-

"Ha, ha. This will be easier than I expected. Look at you, you nearly are down to half of your life points, all I need to do is attack on more time with enough force and it will be the end of you. Now a couple of things happen, my White Magical Hat forces you to discard one card at random." Isaac's hand then began to glow as the card it selected flashed as Isaac sent it to the grave. "Now my Greedy Assistant will activate his effect, now I can bring out a monster from my hand or deck whose attack is equal to or less than the amount of damage you took this turn." Filthy Rich's duel disk then slotted out the card he wanted. "And I choose this kid, it's my Stockholder Accountant(2000/900)." Out came a female who had tons of spreadsheets in her hands. "Now what will you do kid, it's all over. You know, Isaac, I'm a businessman, and in the world of business, there are three secrets to success that are guaranteed to crush the competition, so listen closely. The first is build a powerful workforce. The second secret to success is quite a simple one: know your own resources. Now for the last and important secret of success in the business world. Always keep your competition guessing! And I assure you, you have no idea of horrors I have in store for you!"

Turn 4: Isaac

Isaac let out a sigh, "Are you done talking?" Isaac then drew his card and looked through his options. "I play the spell card, Graceful Charity. Now I draw three cards and discard two."

"Alright, Isaac always plays that card when he's got a plan." stated Sunset.

"I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn." said Isaac with a smile.

"Oh come on!!" shouted Dash. "What the hell is wrong with him!?!"

"Does Isaac know the consequences of this duel?" said Twilight. "If he loses, then he'll quit dueling forever." Twilight couldn't bear the thought of Isaac giving up his passion, it made her clutch her heart.

Turn 5: Filthy Rich

"Guess you finally realized that there's nothing you can do." Filthy Rich then drew his card, "Now I'll sacrifice my White Magical Hat and Greedy Assistant to summon out my Corporate CEO(3000/2100)." Out came a businessman as he wear the fanciest of suits and was carrying a briefcase in his hand. "Now I activate my Corporate CEO's effect, now you take damage equal to his attack." Filthy Rich's monster then opened his briefcase as tons of money flew out and then he threw the entire briefcase as it collided with Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 2300-

"Time to make you pay for all the damages you caused me, you criminal. Let this be a lesson, know that the rich will always have the last laugh because the authority always wins!! Now take that punk kid down!" Filthy Rich then commanded his monsters to attack as they started to make their way towards Isaac.

"Isaac!!" all the girls shouted as they watched from the stage.

Isaac just had his arms crossed as the monsters were getting closer to him. "You know, I've never been know to listen to authority. At least not when they abuse their powers, and there's no way I'd ever lose to someone like you." Isaac then looked at his duel disk. "I banish Electromagnetic Turtle to end the battle phase." A tiny turtle then came out as it released all the electricity it had stored up.

"How dare you defy my authority with that puny little monster!?! I'll make you pay!!" shouted Filthy Rich.

Turn 6: Isaac

"Too bad this duel is about to end," Isaac drew his card. "Now I'll play the spell Dark Magic Veil, so by giving up 1000 life points, I'll summon my Dark Magician." Isaac now had his most trusty monster as it appeared by his master's side.
Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

"Now I'll play the spell card, Bond Between Teacher and Student. Now with my Dark Magician on the field, I can call upon my Dark Magician Girl." Isaac then summoned out his favorite female spellcaster as she did a cute little twirl. "Now my spell allows me to set Dark Magic Twin Burst, but I'll activate it right away so now my Dark Magician Girl raises the attack of my ultimate spellcaster by her attack points. But it doesn't stop there," Isaac's magician now had a magical aura around him as he felt the boost of his master's cards. "Next, I'll play Dark Burning Magic. Now my magician destroy Filthy Rich's entire field!"

"This can't happen!" shouted Filthy Rich.

"You claim to be a successful man of business, yet you've allowed your competition to get the best of you!" exclaimed Isaac. Isaac snapped his fingers and just like that his magicians led waste to Filthy Rich's entire field as there was nothing left. Isaac had a smile on his face at how pathetic Filthy Rich was, "Now I'll reveal my facedown, Dark Spiral Force. So now my Dark Magician's attack points are doubled. Mahad, Mana, mind taking care of this for me?"

"Your wish is my command, master."

"Here we go."

"Double Dark Magic attack!!" shouted both of Isaac's magicians as they combined their powers to annihilate Filthy Rich's entire life points.
Filthy Rich's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Isaac just turned his back as he started to walk away from the duel as his magicians delivered the final blow to Filthy Rich. Isaac look at the entire crowd of people who watched as they were amazed at what Isaac just did. Isaac just shrugged his shoulders, "So, we done here?" asked Isaac.

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