• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,570 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 69: Love Triangle

The time for the trip was drawing very near. Everybody was getting ready as they were all currently in the park running some last minute practice duels. Right now it was Isaac currently engaged in a battle with Twilight as their friends watched from the sidelines.

"Alright then, Twilight. It's my move, here goes." Isaac drew his card and assessed the situation. Right now, Twilight currently has 2100 life points, and the only monster she has on the field is her Magician Valkyria. Not to mention that she only has a single facedown. "Hope you're ready, now I'll play the spell card Magician's Academy. Now I'll replace my Queen's Knight with a spellcaster, so I play my Dark Magician Girl." Isaac now played his favorite female spellcaster as she took her position next to her master. "The addition effect of my Magician's Academy allows me to give Dark Magician Girl an extra 500 attack points. Now then, I'll reveal Sage's Stone. And with it I'll summon my ultimate spellcaster, appear Dark Magician!" Just like that, Isaac now had his trusting monsters on his field.

"Then I'll play the spell card, Dark Magic Attack. So now my Dark Magician will take out your facedown before you can use it." Isaac's Dark Magician then raised his staff high into the air as he got rid of Twilight's set card. "Now my magicians, take out Twilight's remaining monster and her life points. End this duel!" shouted Isaac as his magicians took flight and headed towards Twilight's field. Before they struck, a force field of some kind appeared stopping them in their tracks. "What gives?" Isaac asked.

Twilight had a smile on her face, "My trap card is what gives." said Twilight.

"But you don't have a trap card," Isaac told her, "and even if you did my spell card effect should have gotten rid of it when my Dark Magician casted his spell."

"It's true your Dark Magician got rid of my facedown," Twilight told Isaac, "but in retrospect, he actually helped me by sending it to my graveyard."

"Graveyard?" Isaac was confused by Twilight's answer.

"It's a trap that can only be activated in the graveyard, so getting rid of it for me was a smart move in my opinion." said Twilight as her card that was in the grave appeared. "It's my Soul Guard, it activates when you declare an attack and by removing it from play I negated the attack."

"Sneaky." Isaac said with a smirk. He was proud that his girl had caught him offguard.

"I try." Twilight replied smirking right back.

"Are they... Flirting?" Rainbow asked as she was a bit creeped out.

"Looks like it, partner." Applejack agreed.

"We get it, you're both lovesick over each other! Now stop making lovey-dovey faces and get back to dueling!" shouted Rainbow as that caught the attention of both Isaac and Twilight.

"Gees, Rainbow. I know you're upset that I chose to be with Twilight, but you don't have to get all jealous." said Isaac with a sly smile.

"I'm not jealous!" said Rainbow as she turned her head with a bit of red on her face.

Isaac just laughed as how Rainbow was acting. "Lighten up Rainbow, I'm just messing with you." He then turned back to Twilight who was also laughing at her friend's reaction from her boyfriend's comment. "I'll end my turn. Let's see what you can do, Twi."

"With pleasure, Isaac. Here goes," Twilight drew her card and started planning out her strategy. "I'll play the spell Monster Reborn and with it, I'll bring back my High Priestess of Prophecy. Next, I'll summon my Gagaga Magician(1500/1000). Then I'll use my Gagaga Magician's special ability. So I'll change it's level to match that of my High Priestess!" Twilight now had two monsters that were both level 7 which caused Isaac to be a bit worried.

"Uh oh." said Isaac as he had a feeling on what was about to happen. "Are you going to do what I think you're going to do?"

"I don't know, what do you think I'm going to do?" said Twilight with a flirting look on her face.

"Well if I tell you what I think you're going to do, will you still do what I think you're going to do?" Isaac shot back with his own smug look as he gave Twilight a wink.

"I don't know, do you think I still will do what you think I'm going to do if you tell me what you think I'm going to do?" said Twilight as she was enjoying this foreplay between her and Isaac.

"Enough already!" shouted Dash as she couldn't handle anymore of Isaac and Twilight flirting with each other.

Isaac just ignored Dash's comment as he answered his girlfriend. "I don't know what we're talking about anymore. Chicks are complicated, man." said Isaac with a smart remark.

"And boys are just dense." replied back Twilight with her own smart remark. "So let me make this easy for you, I overlay my Gagaga Magician with my High Priestess of Prophecy!" shouted Twilight.

"That's what I thought you were going to do." said Isaac as he still had a sly smile on his face.

"Yeah right." said Twilight in the same tone. "Now then with these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon, my Hierophant of Prophecy!" Twilight's two monsters then transformed into orbs of light as they entered the vortex and then combined together to make way for one of Twilight's most powerful monster. "Well, are you impressed yet?"

"Always." said Isaac.

"Well then let's see how you like this. I'll activate my monster's special ability. So by using one overlay unit, I can destroy your spell/trap cards equal to the number of 'Spellbook' cards in my graveyard. So now your facedowns are all gone." A giant wind blew over Isaac's field as his facedowns flipped up and were destroyed. "Now my Hierophant take out his Dark Magician!" Twilight thrusted her hand out as she gave her monster its command.

"Not gonna happen. Just like you stopped my attack last turn by banishing a card; I'll also do the same. I'll activate the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle, so I'll remove him from play to negate your attack and immediately end your battle phase!" A small turtle then appeared as it realized tons of electricity from its body as it caused Twilight's spellcaster to be paralyzed and stopped it in her tracks.

Twilight just had a smile on her face as she looked at Isaac. "I should have expected that, it's never that easy with you." chuckled Twilight.

"Of course. Though I'll admit, you actually caught me off guard with that trap card of yours. I'm impressed." said Isaac with a smile on her face.

"Well I had a good teacher and an even better boyfriend." smiled back Twilight. "Now then I'll just end my turn. Your move, Isaac."

"Prepare yourself, then." Isaac then drew his card as the duel continued.

After their practice duel, Isaac and Twilight were now sitting on a bench as they watched their friends engage in their own practice duels. Twilight had a device out as she was collecting data on each of the duel as well as writing down some personal notes based on observations she observed. It proved difficult, given that Isaac was constantly looking over her shoulder and planted a couple of kisses on her neck as Twilight let out a moan of sorts.

"Does that make you feel ticklish, Twi?" asked Isaac as he planted some more kisses on her neck.

"Isaac, stop it. I need to focus, these last bits of data could prove useful." said Twilight as she tried to resist Isaac's touch but she was having a tough time as she was under Isaac's spell.

"Well, it's been a while since we last kissed. I'm starting to get lonely from not feeling your lips." said Isaac as he whispered in Twilight's ear which caused her to blush.

"Calm down," whispered Twilight. "I'm starting to think that you can't go a day without giving me a kiss." said Twilight as she grabbed Isaac's face.

"Can you blame me?" chuckled Isaac as his breath near Twilight's ear caused her to heat up even more. "A girl like you, how can I not think about you every second of the day?"

Twilight couldn't resist anymore as she pulled Isaac in and they shared a passionate kiss. Once Isaac broke away, Twilight quickly captured his lips once again as her hormones kicked in as she wanted more. She put more into the kiss as Isaac now had both of his hands up to Twilight's face. They pulled away as Isaac booped Twilight on the nose to get a giggle out of her. They pulled away just as their friends were making their way back to the couple.

"So what are the results, Twilight?" asked Sunset.

Twilight quickly fixed her skirt as she looked at her notes. "According to what I wrote down, I say that we're all ready as we can be. Oh, I can't wait for this trip." Twilight let out a giggle.

"Ah'll say. Ah been meanin' to get back on the duelin' field and showin' everybody just how rough ah can get."

"Indeed, darling. Though, I'm looking forward to many places we'll see. Not to mention the shopping!" said Rarity with an excited tone.

"I can't wait to see the many creatures we'll see." said Fluttershy.

"Well then, I think we're all ready." said Isaac as he got the attention of everybody. "Now whatever happens on this trip and whoever scores the highest points, know that we're still friends. Also we're on vacation, I think this is a trip that we all deserve." Everybody nodded their heads in agreement with what Isaac said.

"Just hope it won't be a surprise when it's me who comes out on top." said Dash with a cocky attitude and smug look.

"I can't wait to rock out in front of our audiences!" exclaimed Pinkie as she started to headbang her head.

"Just hope that the two of you can live a couple of minutes without having to constantly kiss each other?" said Sunset as she had a sly smile on her face.

Isaac and Twilight just both turned their heads in embarrassment as all of their friends knew how much they kissed. "We'll try to restrain ourselves," said Isaac as he grabbed Twilight's hand. "I just look forward to making some memories with my best friends. So lets make this the best trip ever!" shouted Isaac. The girls all agreed with him as they cheered. With that they all left to go hang out.

Isaac was currently doing his regular tasks for his job. The trip was in 3 days and Isaac was making sure that he made a little more extra money prior to his trip. Due to the upcoming trip, Isaac told Mr. Johnson about what his principal had planned for him and his friends, so he informed him that he wouldn't be around for quite a while. Mr. Johnson understood and he said that he would be fine; he just wanted Isaac to enjoy himself with his friends as he felt that Isaac deserved it. Isaac made sure to tell the kids that he wouldn't be around for a while as he was going on a trip to entertain other kids. They were sad at first, but they understood and wished Isaac a safe return.

"Excuse me, Isaac." said Mr. Johnson. "I know that your trip is fast approaching but I was wondering if you could come tomorrow to help with the store?" asked Isaac's boss. "I know that it's sudden given that your trip is on Saturday and you still have to pack your bags, but I figured you may want to make some extra cash for your trip."

"I wish I could, Mr. Johnson. But I promised Twilight that we hangout one last time before we're off on our trip." said Isaac as he felt bad for turning down his boss' offer. "Sorry."

"Not at all," assured Mr. Johnson. "You want to make sure that you and Twilight spend enough time with each other, seeing as how once you're on your trip you'll be performing/dueling nonstop. Very well, then. Enjoy yourself, and I look forward to your return."

"Thanks, Mr. Johnson. I will." said Isaac.

It was soon time for Isaac to leave as he still needed to finish packing. Mr. Johnson allowed Isaac to leave a bit early to finish getting ready. Isaac was now walking on the sidewalk when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck. "I was wondering when you were going to show up?" Isaac turned around and saw that it was none other than his girlfriend.

"As much as I'm trying to restrain from kissing too much, I can't help but not be around you. I'm just addicted your lips, I guess." said Twilight as she had her hand up to Isaac's face.

Isaac then broke her embrace and grabbed her hand as they began to walk together. Twilight then spoke up as she had something to tell Isaac. "Say, Isaac. I've been meaning to tell you that yesterday I got informed by my parents about an old childhood friend of mine coming to visit. His name is Gizmo and before he moved away, he was one of my childhood friend. Now I got told that tomorrow he and his family are stopping by."

"That's nice, Twi." said Isaac as he was happy that his girlfriend was able to reconnect with an old friend.

"Yeah, but the problem is that he wants to hang out and catch up. That means we won't be able to have one final date before our trip on Saturday." Twilight felt sad that she wouldn't get to spend one last time with her man.

"It's fine. You catch up with an old friend, this will allow me to actual take up Mr. Johnson's offer to work tomorrow." said Isaac. Before Twilight was about to speak when Isaac put his finger to her lips, "I don't mind that we won't get to hang out with each other before we go, but it's a friend you haven't seen in a longtime. That deserves more attention than me."

Twilight let out a sigh, "Alright." Twilight still didn't like that she wouldn't spend time with Isaac before Saturday, but it would be nice to see an old friend and catch up. She still wanted Isaac to be there before he left for work as she wanted to introduce the two of them.

The next day came as Twilight was standing outside of her house; Isaac was currently leaning on her fence as they waited for Twilight's childhood friend. Both of their families were out as Twilight's parents wanted to show Gizmo's family life in Canterlot. Twilight was starting to freak-out as she was nervous in seeing someone from a longtime, thankfully Isaac was able to calm her down by giving her a kiss which immediately settled down Twilight's nerves. Soon they saw Twilight's friend approaching as he was wearing a pair of goggles on his head and he had some oil stains on his clothes.

"Twilight, is that you?" said the boy.

"Gizmo? My it's been a while." said Twilight as she embraced her longtime friend. "How've you been? I see that you're still working on your robots."

"You know me, ever since I was a kid, I was always fascinated by machines and even built some prototypes. Even if almost all of them blew up." chuckled Gizmo as he remembered all the times his inventions blew up in his face.

"Still the same as always," giggled Twilight. "Oh, Gizmo. Allow me to introduce you to one of my new friends I've made. This here is Isaac."

"Hey Gizmo." said Isaac as he extended his hand out.

"Pleasure to meet you man." Gizmo shook Isaac's hand as he stared at Isaac.

"Isaac here is an incredible duelist." mentioned Twilight.

"Is that so?" said Gizmo.

"Well, I'm not that incredible." said Isaac as he was being nice. "Anyways, I should leave as I've got to head to work. You have fun hanging out with your friend, Twilight. I'll see you later." With that Isaac waved goodbye to his girlfriend and Gizmo as he started on his way to Mr. Johnson's store.

Once Isaac was gone, Twilight and Gizmo then began to chat. Eventually, Twilight offered to show Gizmo around town. They stopped by the Sweet Shoppe as Twilight told him that it was a popular place for everybody to visit; they purchased a couple of treats as they began to tell each other of how things had been since they last met. Twilight found out that after Gizmo moved away, he went to a robotics school where he focused on creating and inventing new machines to help society. He even interned at a fancy company that focused on making robotics to help senior people. Gizmo even got a first hand experience on seeing how duel disk were made as he witnessed many inventors trying to create new duel disk to hit the market in a few years.

Twilight was impressed with how much her friend had done. She then told Gizmo about her life after he moved away. She told them how she attended Crystal Prep and become distant from everybody, not making much friends. Eventually, that all changed as she entered her school's event: The Friendship Games. It was there she met 7 incredible friends that showed her what the true meaning of friendship was; from there she was now in a happier place. Twilight also told Gizmo that it was still her dream to become a card designer after she graduated. Gizmo just laughed at how committed Twilight was too her dream, based on how invested she still was in dueling. With that they began to leave the place as Twilight showed him more of what her town had to offer. They visited many other places as they both had smiles on their faces; soon they found themselves taking a stroll in the park.

"You know this has really been an awesome hang out. Thanks for showing me around Twilight." said Gizmo with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad you liked it. Honestly, it's been so long since we've last seen each other." replied back Twilight. "I was worried that we had changed so much that it would be awkward. But nice to see that you're still the same."

"You too." said Gizmo as both of them stopped by a tree. They both heard some birds singing above on a branch as they witness the little things snuggled next to each other. Gizmo then spoke up," You know Twilight, there's another reason why I wanted to see you."

"What is it?" asked Twilight.

"You remember when we were young and told each other of our dreams." mentioned Gizmo.

"Yeah, I wanted to become a card designer. And you wanted to become an inventor that made wonderful robots and machines that would help everybody." said Twilight.

"Yeah, but there was another dream that you had." Gizmo then let out a deep breath. "I remember you saying that when we were young, you wanted to grow up and eventually start a family. You wanted to get married and have kids."

Twilight's face then started to heat up as she quickly remembered that, "Gizmo, I was young and naïve. Of course that's something I would like to have, it's every girl's dream. But right now, I'm busying with other things." said Twilight.

"But, what if it could happen." said Gizmo as he got close to Twilight. "I look back on that moment, and I realized that I had a crush on you Twilight and it took me ten years to realize that, but I've finally understood."

Twilight was getting a bit uncomfortable with what Gizmo was trying to do. "Look, Gizmo. I was just a young girl spitting our nonsense. Not to mention that we had a lot of ups and downs as friends."

"That's life. Okay, ten years later, I'm grown up. All the things you've talked about, that we've talked about." said Gizmo as he pointed to him and Twilight as he started to get closer to Twilight. "All the things that I can actually do for you. I can give you kids, I can give you a husband, I can give you happiness." Gizmo then did the one thing that freaked out Twilight as he grabbed her hand and was about to kiss her. "I think the two of us together..." Gizmo the leaned in but was met with a powerful smack.

Twilight was uncomfortable with how Gizmo was acting. Talking about how he was the right man to give Twilight a happy life. She was so freaked out that Gizmo had tried to kiss her that she slapped him across the face, nearly taking off the goggles on his head ."Gizmo! Were you just gonna kiss me!?" said Twilight as she backed away from the him.

Gizmo just stood there as he touched his face and then looked at Twilight. Twilight couldn't believe that her friend she had known since childhood was planning on giving her a kiss given that Twilight was in a relationship. She thought she knew her friend, "Honestly, I thought more of you!" said Twilight as she pointed at him and started to walk away.

"Just give me two seconds to explain," said Gizmo as he tried to grab Twilight's arm.

"No!!" shouted Twilight as she broke free from his grip and started to run away from the situation as tears started to fall down her eyes.

"Twilight, wait." shouted Gizmo. He thought about going after Twilight but figured that she needed to be by herself for a couple of minutes. "She's probably just was unexpected by all of this, I'm sure she'll see what I'm talking about." Gizmo still believed that he was the one who could provide Twilight with all the happiness she deserved in life. With that he then began walking in search of Twilight.

Twilight was currently running as fast as she can from Gizmo. She just couldn't process on what happened as she needed to be alone. A million things were running through her head as she couldn't believe that her best friend would do such a thing, especially since Twilight was in a very committed relationship with Isaac that they just started. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going until she bumped into someone, thankfully, it was someone who she was glad to see.

"Oh, Twilight." said Isaac as he wasn't expecting to bump into Twilight so soon. "I was looking for you, Mr. Johnson let me out of work today so that I could have a bit of time for us to hang out before we have our big trip tomorrow. So I figured I see how things are going with you and Gizmo." Isaac had no idea of what had just occurred a few moments ago.

Twilight still had tears dripping down her eyes when he saw Isaac. All she could think about was what she just witness a few moments ago. She then leaped at Isaac as she grabbed hold of him and gripped Isaac's shirt while letting her tears roll down his hoodie.

Isaac was surprised by how Twilight was acting. "Twilight?" asked Isaac. All he could hear was the sniffles coming from Twilight as he held his girlfriend in his arm. "Is everything ok..."

"Please?" said Twilight quickly. "Just hold me. Hold me and never let me go." she couldn't take much more of this drama as she just needed to be with the one person who could give her happiness.

"I never will." said Isaac as he hugged Twilight deeply while putting his hands behind her as he stroked her hair. Twilight just had her head burrowed into Isaac as she was trying drown out the unpleasant memory. They both stayed like that as nothing else mattered. All of Isaac's attention was focused on Twilight as he wanted to ease her pain right now.

Twilight knew she needed to tell Isaac about what Gizmo did. But given that they were about to go on a big trip meant that she didn't want her boyfriend to have all this anger and as a result effect his performance on the road. She knew it was the right thing to do, but she was worried about what her boyfriend would do. Twilight knew Isaac didn't have a problem with throwing a punch but she was scared that he would do something that would cause him to go to jail. She then made up her mind, "Isaac? Mind we if we go on a date, right now? Please?" said Twilight with pleading eyes.

Isaac looked at Twilight as she saw her eyes. He could see that Twilight was really pleading him to go out. He could tell something was on Twilight's mind, but he didn't want to interfere with her private business. "Alright." said Isaac and he just left it at that. He gave Twilight one final hug as they began to walk out of the park and to a place to have lunch.

At that exact moment, Gizmo had finally found Twilight and saw that she was with Isaac. He didn't see much other than the last possible second of Isaac breaking away from Twilight after giving her a hug. He then saw them leave the park. He then started to follow them as he was wanting to talk to Twilight and possible get her to see what he was trying to tell her about being the one man in her life to give her all the things she desired.

Isaac and Twilight were now in a local restaurant as the hostess took them to their seats and gave them the menu. They took a moment to figure out what they wanted and eventually they placed their orders. It didn't take long as the chef brought them their food and gave them a bottle of apple cider for both of them to drink. Isaac then began to eat his food, while Twilight just grabbed her fork and began to stab her meal. Usually, she would be digging into her food without regard for what others thought about the way she ate. However, she was still thinking about what Gizmo tried to do to her and how it was eating away at her. Soon she let out a breath as she knew she had to tell Isaac about what happened and prayed that Isaac didn't do anything rash.

"So, love?" said Twilight.

"Hmm?" said Isaac as he was drinking some the apple cider that was brought to them. He was surprised that Twilight had decided to call him that. It worked as she had got his attention; he now focused on what Twilight wanted to talk about.

Twilight let out a breath, "I've got to tell you something."

"Go ahead, what's going on?" Isaac had a sincere smile on his face as he looked at Twilight.

"I've been trying to figure out how to say and word this. But something happened between me and Gizmo while we were hanging out in the park." said Twilight as she had a bit of worry on her face.

"Okay?" said Isaac as he was unsure on where Twilight was going with this.

"Uhm,... Gizmo pulled me aside at the park. And told me... That he wants to give me marriage and babies. He said that he was the one who could give me everything I ever desired and then he tried to kiss me." said Twilight as she finally said what was constantly bothering her.

Isaac was surprised by this as he didn't see this coming. He just simply turned his head in confusion at what Twilight told him. It took a while, but just as Isaac was about to speak the waiter came over to their table.

"Anything other drinks you would like, sir? Water? Soda? Something else. Perhaps?" said the waiter as he was doing his job.

"No, I'll stick with the apple cider it's doing pretty good. Things are about to get interesting." said Isaac with a sly smile as he addressed the waiter and looked at Twilight. With that the waiter left as Isaac and Twilight alone.

Before Isaac could say anything, Twilight told him one last important detail. "I'll say that when he did try to kiss me, I slapped in the face. I couldn't betray you, not after all that we've been through; we just got together and something like this just came out of nowhere." Twilight looked down a bit as she was scared on Isaac throwing a fit and making a scene with so many people around them.

"Okay." said Isaac as he could finally say his piece as he let out a deep breath. "Twilight, I love you. You know I love you, and you know that I treat you as a grown women. And you know the only thing that I want is for you to be happy; that's not me saying it because I'm your boyfriend, it's the promise I made when we became friends. As your friend, I want to make sure that you're happy. And if you feel that there's a connection there between you and Gizmo, and you want to pursue it. Then I can't stop you and I would be so stupid if I tried to. There's nothing, like-- It's not like I'm gonna slap him with an empty white glove and challenge him to duel on Main Street. It's just not how it works, right?" Twilight was taking in Isaac's response with intrigue. "I don't like to downplay this, but more could I do?"

"Okay, then." said Twilight as she quickly brushed her hair. She clearly didn't expect that kind of answer from Isaac. His response was just so real that she was expecting him to be a bit more himself. Twilight was thinking that Isaac would be angry like maybe throw piece of bread, or slam his fist on the table, or do something. She knew that if the roles were reversed, she furious if someone tried to kiss her boyfriend. She would be fuming as she tried to get her hands on said homewrecker.

Isaac then lifted his glass, "I say here's to you, you still got it." chuckled Isaac as he was referring to Twilight slapping Gizmo.

Twilight did the same as they clinked their glasses and Isaac began to drink. Twilight still wasn't pleased with Isaac's answer which didn't go unnoticed by Isaac as he saw that she was still not herself. Isaac then asked her and Twilight just told him what was on her mind.

"Something still wrong, Twi?"

"It's just that I... I was expecting so much more from you. I thought you get angry, throw a fit and then you do something that would cause you to be thrown in jail and then I'd never see you again. I know you gave me your thoughts on this situation, but I want you to get mad. Do something! Throw this bottle, slam the table, or do something! I just can't believe that you could just sit there and not take some action." Twilight then gripped the table with her hands as she looked at Isaac.

Isaac just had a calm expression on his face as he let Twilight vent out her frustration. He then did something bold as he reached across the table and grabbed her hand. Isaac then brought his other hand to Twilight's face as he wiped away some tears from her eyes and then cusped her cheek.

"It's just that you told me that if I felt a connection with Gizmo that you wouldn't get in the way. But I don't want to be with him, I want to be with you." said Twilight as she leaned a bit more forward.

Isaac then did the same as he was now mere inches away from Twilight's face. "Tell me, when Gizmo tried to kiss you, did you feel a special connection?"

"No. All I could think about was you and how this could affect our relationship." said Twilight.

"But what if I wasn't on your mind? Would you still think of pursuing that relationship with Gizmo?" asked Isaac.

"How could you say something like that? The only person who I want to be my boyfriend is the person who I actually have a connection with." said Twilight.

"Then if I kiss you, right here, right now. What would you do? Would you feel that certain spark?" Isaac was asking Twilight a deep question.

"If you kiss me right now, I would be the happiest girl alive. I would want to kiss and never ever let go, not even if we ran out of breath." said Twilight in a soft tone as she add some seductiveness on her voice.

"Then lets find out." said Isaac as he leaned in and pushed his lips to Twilight who immediately grabbed Isaac's head as it caused his cap to fall off.

Twilight was true to her word as she put everything she had into kissing Isaac. Isaac broke away for a single second to get some air, but Twilight was relentless in her assault as she quickly captured his lips in another lock. The kiss was even more intense than their previous ones, Twilight moved her lips and Isaac perfectly followed. While they kissed, Twilight ran her tongue over Isaac's lips gently poking as if begging for permission to enter. Eventually, Isaac's mouth opened and his tongue met with Twilight's as they danced. Twilight just couldn't control herself as she felt like if she stopped kissing Isaac, all the world around her would disappear. Soon she finally let go of Isaac, leaving a small trail of saliva connecting between the two as she wiped her lips. She broke away while looking deep at Isaac's eyes, Isaac was just surprised that Twilight had done something so intimate that he thought it kind of was hot, especially from Twilight.

"Wow. I didn't expect you to do that, especially with you know what." said Isaac as he was stunned by what just happened.

"I guess, you got me turned on a bit. I really do feel a connection with you, Isaac." said Twilight as she gave her boyfriend a flirtly look. "I can't wait for our trip tomorrow."

With that the two of them got back to enjoying their date. They were ready to spend some quality on this upcoming trip. Unbeknownst to them, Gizmo had seen everything that happened as he watched from outside through the window. Safe to say that he felt his hear being broken into pieces at seeing someone else kiss Twilight. Anger then started to cloud his judgement as he looked at Isaac who was laughing. To him it felt like Isaac was laughing at him and it caused Gizmo to ball up his fists and he knew what he had to do. He was going to make sure that Isaac pay for taking Twilight away from him, then Twilight would see that he was the right person to make her happy. With that he left.

Isaac and Twilight had just finished their lunch date when they decided to head out. "Thanks for this, Isaac. I guess I needed this after all that has happened." Twilight smiled at her boyfriend.

"Don't mention it, Twi." Isaac then grabbed her hand. "Just know that should like this happen again, just come talk to me and we'll work it out. I'm here for you, always." Isaac gave Twilight a wink and smile.

"Boy do I want to kiss you again." said Twilight with some seductiveness in her voice as she touched Isaac's face.

"Calm down, girl. I still need to finish packing for our trip."

"Then let me help you, that way you'll get done faster and then we could the rest of the day snuggling and kissing." said Twilight as she gave Isaac flirtly look.

"Then lets be on our way." said Isaac.

With that they both paid for their meal and decided to head over to Isaac's house to help finish packing his bags for the trip. Twilight clung to Isaac's arm as they began strolling down the sidewalk, they got a good distance when they stopped in their tracks as there was someone standing in their way. The person was none other than Gizmo who had a scowl on his face and his fists were bawled up.

"Gizmo?" said Twilight.

"Need something, pal?" said Isaac with deep tone.

Gizmo then looked at Isaac as he was furious, he looked down and saw that Twilight was holding onto Isaac's side. "You damn right. Hands off of Twilight, she's mine. I'm the only one who can give her what she wants." exclaimed Gizmo.

"Gizmo, I already told you. I'm not interested, Isaac is who I choose to be with." pleaded Twilight.

"Tell me, Gizmo? If you really cared about Twilight, then you should know how you made her feel? If you were her friend, you've known that the reason she rejected you was because she was with someone else. If you had known that right now you're creeping her out. I kindly ask you to leave Twilight alone." suggested Isaac as he put Twilight behind him.

"Like I'm going to take orders from you. The only reason she said no is because you're controlling her. You've got her under some sort spell or mind manipulation that's making her reject me. Well I'm not going to stand for it any longer." Gizmo then started to move forward as he got closer to both of them.

"Gizmo, stop!" shouted Twilight.

Gizmo then pushed Isaac in the chest as it caused Isaac to move a few feet. "Come on, fight me! Fight me, you bitch."

Isaac just stood there as Gizmo kept shoving him. "Look Gizmo, all I care about is making Twilight happy. That's the promise I made when I became her friend long before we got together. Stop this, I don't want any trouble."

"Well that's too bad, cause I do." Gizmo then shoved Isaac even harder, "Fight me! Do something you son of a bitch!" Isaac still didn't do anything. "Maybe this will!" Gizmo then slapped Isaac the face as hard as he can as it caused Isaac to turn his head.

"Gizmo!" shouted Twilight as she couldn't believe her childhood friend would do that to her boyfriend.

Isaac didn't take too kindly to that as he returned the favor. This time it was Isaac's turn as he slapped Gizmo in the face, but his was much more powerful. Gizmo had manage to stumble a bit and nearly fell on his bottom due to the force of Isaac's slap. His goggles were sent flying off his head and landed on the ground next to his feet. In fact, it was so powerful that a red mark was starting to form as Gizmo could feel the sting and pain starting to swell up. Safe to say that Isaac was standing his ground and he wasn't backing down, not if it meant keeping Twilight from danger.

"You think you're bad, huh? Got spunk, kid. Alright then let's settle this the old fashion way." Gizmo revealed his arm and he had a duel disk. He then slotted in his deck and was now staring at Isaac. "Let's have a duel, and the winner gets to be with Twilight. How about, man? Got the guts to accept my challenge!" shouted Gizmo as he pointed at Isaac.

Isaac knew like something like this would happen. He saw that Gizmo was clouded by anger that he wasn't seeing the clear picture, but yet Isaac was hesitant on accepting his challenge. More so to the fact that the stakes in this duel, the winner would be with Twilight. Isaac didn't view Twilight as some sort of personal trophy, he treated her like she was a person and he would treat her with the respect of a grown independent woman. But seeing as how Gizmo wasn't going to stop until he proved he was the superior man, Isaac knew that he had to do this to protect his girl. So Isaac got out his duel disk and was about to put it on his arm until Twilight stopped him.

"Twilight?" asked Isaac as he was confused on what she was doing.

Twilight shook her head at Isaac as she looked at Gizmo. "This has nothing to do with Isaac. This is between me and you Gizmo. So if it's a duel you want, then I'll be your opponent." That got the attention of both boys as they weren't expecting that from Twilight.

"Twilight, it's..."

"Isaac, trust me I got this. This is the only way that Gizmo will realize that I'm contempt with who I chose to be with." said Twilight as she quickly looked at Isaac. "Alright, Gizmo here's the deal. If you win, then I'll be your girlfriend. But should I win, you leave me and Isaac alone and you respect my decision. Deal?"

Gizmo was hesitant on agreeing, seeing as he didn't want to battle his friend. But he knew that it was to clear Twilight's mind from Isaac's control then he was willing to do it. "Deal."

With that all of them made their way to the park as they manage to find an open space where the duel could take place. Twilight had put on her duel disk and was currently going over her deck as she prepared to do battle. Isaac just stood behind her as he was concerned about Twilight doing this.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Twilight?" asked Isaac, "I don't mind taking your place."

"No! I have to do this. It's the only way Gizmo will be able to understand my decision on being with you. Plus, I figured you liked to see your girl duel, I know how it gets your heart racing." said Twilight as she put her hand on Isaac's chest.

Isaac just gave Twilight a smirk at how she was toying with his affection. "Very well then, here take this." Isaac then handed a card to Twilight; she took it and didn't say anything other than a simple nod. "And one more thing for good luck." Isaac then grabbed Twilight's face with both of his hands as he gave her a meaningful kiss as they both leaned into. Twilight let out a small moan as Isaac just poured everything into making her feel good. Soon they broke away as Twilight just had a slight blush on her face as she turned to face Gizmo. Twilight then activated her duel disk as it projected a purple light while Gizmo's project a grey light.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Gizmo's Life Points: 8000-
Twilight's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Gizmo

"I'll start things off," Gizmo drew his card and looked through his hand. "I'll start by summoning my Red Gadget(1300/1500) in defense mode." Out on Gizmo's field came a little red gadget that had arms and legs. "Now Red Gadget's effect activates, so now I'll add 'Yellow Gadget' to my hand. Next, I'll throw down facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Twilight

"Alright, then. It's my move, draw." Twilight looked at her opponent's field, "To start, I'll summon my Hermit of Prophecy(1200/700) in attack mode. Next I'll play the spell card, Spellbook of Secrets. So now, I'll add a 'Spellbook' card to my hand." Twilight then touched her screen as she searched for the card she wanted. "Now because I played a 'Spellbook', my Hermit's ability activates. Everytime, I activate a 'Spellbook', my monster gains 300 more attack points and its level increases by 2. With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 3: Gizmo

"Not bad, I see you've gotten much better since I last saw you duel." said Gizmo.

"Well, it's thanks to Isaac. He's given me some one-on-one lessons that have taken my game to new heights." stated Twilight.

Gizmo just gritted his teeth as hearing Twilight mention Isaac. He was going to prove that he was a better choice than him. "My turn, I'll start by playing the spell Pot of Greed, so now I'll draw two more cards. Next, I'll summon Silver Gadget. Then, I'll activate Silver Gadget's ability and with it I special summon Gold Gadget to the field. But I'm not done, now Gold Gadget's effect kicks in. So now I'll also play my Yellow Gadget. Now that Yellow Gadget has been summoned, I can add Green Gadget to my hand." Gizmo now had three monsters on his field. "Now, I'll reveal my trap, Metalhold the Moving Blockade! Now, I'll attach all my gadget monsters that I have to give my Metalhold a whooping 5700 attack points." All four of the smaller gadgets then morphed at they became spheres and they were locked into position on the giant metal robot as its systems came online.

"Now Metalhold attack Hermit of Prophecy." Metalhold then fired its cannons as it shot a powerful beam and took out Twilight's monster. Twilight put her arms up as she covered herself as she fell to the grass on one knee. Gizmo was concerned on him hurting Twilight. "Sorry, Twilight. But if this is what I have to do to get you to see how misguided you are, then so be it. I'll end my turn with a facedown."
Twilight's Life Points: 4200-

Turn 4: Twilight

Twilight then got up as she brushed off her skirt. "Believe me, I've taken more hard bumps from that. As I already told you Gizmo, Isaac hasn't brainwashed me. I choose to be with him on my accord, but I doubt you'll listen." Twilight then drew her card, "So to start off, I'll play Spellbook Organization; this allows me to look at the top 3 cards of my deck and put them in any order I choose." Twilight's screen then showed her the top cards and she sorted them as she saw fit.

"Next I'll summon my Temperance of Prophecy(1000/1000). Then, I'll play Spellbook of the Master. Now since I control a spellcaster, I can reveal 1 'Spellbook' in my hand as a result this card then lets me select another 'Spellbook' in my graveyard and copy its effect. So I'll reveal my Grand Spellbook Tower, so that I can copy the effect of my Spellbook of Secrets." Twilight's Spellbook of the Master then changed photos as it copied the other card in her graveyard. "So now that I'm using Spellbook of Secrets, I can add another 'Spellbook' to my hand. Next, I'll play the field spell, The Grand Spellbook Tower." Twilight played her field spell as it allowed a massive building to appeared while Twilight used her duel disk screen to pick the card she wanted.

"Now since, I played a 'Spellbook' prior to me summoning my Temperance of Prophecy, I can use its effect. So now I can tribute my monster to special summon 1 level 5 or higher, light or dark spellcaster from my deck. Appear my World of Prophecy(2900/2400)." Out came a new monster that Twilight had yet to show off as it radiated tons of shining lights. "Now its effect activates, since I special summoned it due to an effect of a spellcaster, I can add 2 'Spellbook' spell cards from my graveyard to my hand. So I'll add my Spellbook of Secrets and Spellbook of the Master." Twilight then took her cards as she added them to her hand. "Now the other effect of my monster activates, so I reveal 4 'Spellbook' cards: Spellbook of Secrets, Spellbook of the Master, Spellbook of Wisdom, and Spellbook of Knowledge. By doing so, now my World of Prophecy can destroy all other cards on the field!"

"Oh no!" shouted Gizmo as he watched his mighty machine be destroyed as it functions went haywire and exploded along with the other gadgets.

"Now I'll play Spellbook of Knowledge, so I'll send my Spellbook of Eternity to the graveyard to draw two more cards. Now, I'll play Spellbook of Secrets to add another Spellbook to my hand. Next, I'll place two cards facedown and then have my monster attack you. Go World of Prophecy, attack Gizmo directly!" shouted Twilight as her monster then raised its hand as it fired off a beam of energy that collided with Gizmo.
Gizmo's Life Points: 5100-

"Now then, I'll end my turn.

Turn 5: Gizmo

"Now that was impressive, all that planning and now you've rid me of my entire field and now have two powerful monsters. Where did you learn moves like these?" asked Gizmo as he drew his card.

Twilight just had a smirk as she looked at Isaac who just stood there with his arms folded while also having a smile on his face. Isaac was enjoying himself as he loved watching Twilight duel and have fun.

"I see." said Gizmo as he could understand what Twilight was saying by looking at Isaac. "Well forget about him, now I'll reveal my facedown, Powerhold the Moving Battery. Now I special summon this as an effect monster and then I can equip 1 Level 4 'Gadget' monster to it and its attack is double of whatever monster I chose to attach. So I'll attach my Green Gadget and now its had an attack of 3400." Gizmo's new monster then power up as Green Gadget was loaded into the cannon as the power turned on. "Now take out her World of Prophecy, ready, aim, and fire!" Powerhold then pointed its weapon at Twilight's monster and with a press of a button it took it out in massive shot that caused her monster to explode upon contact.
Twilight's Life Points: 3700-

"I'll activate one of my facedowns, Rope of Life. So now, I'll send my entire hand to the graveyard. Now I can bring back my World of Prophecy, but this time it gains 800 more attack points." Twilight now had her monster back but this time it was stronger than ever.

"In that case, I'll just end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 6: Twilight

"My turn," Twilight picked her card as it was the only one in her hand. "Now I'll play the Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere, since I have 5 or more 'Spellbook' spell cards in my graveyard, I can now reveal the top 2 cards of my deck and any 'Spellbooks' I can add to my hand. The rest are shuffled back into my deck." Twilight's duel disk then projected her two cards for all to see. "Well looks their both 'Spellbook', so now Spellbook of Fate and Spellbook of Power are added to my hand. Now, I'll reveal my other facedown, Spellbook of Revival. So by paying 500 life points, I can summon back a spellcaster from my grave. I choose my Temperance of Prophecy."
Twilight's Life Points: 3200-

Once her monster was revived, Twilight took a deep breath at what she was about to do. This is it. "Now, I'll activate my Temperance of Prophecy ability. Since I activated a 'Spellbook' prior to my Temperance, I can now tribute it to summon a level 5 or higher light/dark spellcaster from my deck. And I know which I want; so I'll tribute my monster to summon the Dark Magician!" Twilight's deck slotted out her card as she held it up high and then played it onto her card tray. Twilight now had a powerful monster on her field as it struck a pose while taking its position in front of Twilight.

Isaac was smiling that Twilight was able to play the card he gave her. Despite Isaac not being the one to play him, Dark Magician could still communicate with its master through its thoughts.

Make sure you protect Twilight, Mahad.

You have my word, master.

"Now then time to end this duel, first up I'm activating my Spellbook of Power. Now I'll give my World of Prophecy an extra 1000 attack points. Then I'll banish my Spellbook of Desire from my grave as well, this allows me to summon a monster from my deck, however should it have an effect, it's negated. So I choose to summon out my High Priestess of Prophecy! Next I'll play the last card in my hand, Spellbook of Fate. So I'll banish one 'Spellbook' from my graveyard, which allows me to return your return your set card back to your hand." Twilight's spell card then shot a beam of magical energy as it caused Gizmo's facedown to be transported back to his hand. "Now I'll have my World of Prophecy take out your Powerhold the Moving Battery." Twilight's monster then laid waste as it got rid of Gizmo's monster with ease. "Now your field is wide open, Dark Magician and High Priestess of Prophecy. Attack Gizmo directly!" shouted Twilight as she thrusted her hand out. Both of her magicians then combined their weapons as they created a huge ball of magic and then fired it at Gizmo.

Gizmo put his hands up to cover up but it proved effortless as the attack threw him onto the grass as his life points dropped to zero.
Gizmo's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Twilight

The duel ended as Twilight was declared the winner. The holograms of her monsters disappeared. Isaac had a smile as he was glad that his girlfriend was victorious. He then made his way over to Twilight who was congratulating herself on winning.

"Awesome work, Twilight." said Isaac.

Twilight was happy with what she did that she jumped at Isaac to give him a hug. Isaac spun her around as she was still hugging him; he then stopped spinning as he brought Twilight back to the ground and looked at her. He then gave her a victory kiss as Twilight just moaned into the kiss. They soon broke apart after a few seconds as they looked at Gizmo who was just getting up from the attack as he was now on his hands and knees with his head down. Twilight then broke from Isaac's arms as she made her way to Gizmo.

"Why!? Why!? I couldn't do it." shouted Gizmo as he was disappointed in losing the duel. He was so upset that she didn't notice Twilight approaching him until he saw her standing in front of him. He looked up and saw that Twilight was offering her hand, Gizmo was hesitant but he accepted her offer as Twilight helped him to his feet. "Why? Why help me, after all that's happened."

Twilight just smiled, "Because we're friends."

"We're still friends. Even after all the trouble I've caused you."

"Of course. Look Gizmo, I know I had that dream when I was a little girl, and I still want it to happen. But growing up, I learned that there are other things in life that you need to look forward. Gizmo you're an amazing person and I know you'll find someone who can make you happy, just like I did." said Twilight as she had a smile on her face. Isaac was now approaching them as he stood behind Twilight.

Now that Gizmo had a clear mindset, he could see just how much happy Twilight was being with Isaac. He felt so stupid for ever trying to interfere in such a wholesome relationship. "You're right. I'm sorry for trying to ruin your relationship, Twilight. Hope you can forgive me."

"I already have." smiled Twilight as Isaac put his hand on her shoulder.

Gizmo then looked at Isaac. "Sorry about the slap man. I wasn't thinking straight."

"Hey no harm, no foul." said Isaac. "Keep your head up, and I'm sure you'll find the one lucky fish in the sea that'll give you happiness." Isaac then extended his fist as Gizmo gave him a fist bump. Twilight then gave Isaac back his Dark Magician as she thanked him for letting her use it.

After their resolution with Gizmo, Isaac and Twilight told them about how they were about to leave on a massive trip along with their friends. Gizmo even learned that Isaac was the holder of the Dark Magician and even asked Isaac for some advice on his deck. With that Isaac did his normal thing as he told Gizmo about some suggestions and even offered some cards that would work in general. Twilight looked on with a smile as she was happy that both of her friends were getting along with each other. Soon it was time for Gizmo to leave as he and his family had to head back home. So with that they wished Gizmo a happy travel and hoped to see him again. Gizmo thanked the both of them and gave Isaac fist bump to show his respect and told him to not break Twilight's heart. Isaac gave Gizmo his word and he was off.

Isaac was now going over his last minute packing making sure that he had everything ready for the trip in the morning. Twilight was currently in his room as she was helping Isaac to pack.

"Okay, that's the last of it." said Isaac as he wiped his forehead. He then grabbed his bag and put in next to his door as he was all set for tomorrow's trip. "I can't wait to see all the different places we'll go to, not to mention the kids expressions." stated Isaac as he sat on his bed.

"I too am looking forward to that." said Twilight as she was sitting in a chair. "I always did what to travel to new places, so that I can learn their history. But mostly, I get to spend time with my friends. Including my boyfriend." Twilight then got up from her chair and made her way to sit by Isaac.

"Well I know that by having by my side, I'm already going to have a wonderful time." Isaac then booped Twilight's nose as it made her blush. Twilight then did something that caught Isaac off guard as she was now sitting in Isaac's lap. Isaac was definitely not expecting this as he was left with stunned look. "Uhm, Twilight? What are you doing?"

Twilight then grabbed Isaac's face with both of her hands, "Just thought I give you something for helping me through today's issue." Twilight then leaned in as she kissed Isaac.

Isaac wrapped his arms around Twilight as he undid her ponytail and started to stroke her hair. Twilight put everything she had into the kiss as she let out a moan, soon she broke away as she pushed Isaac onto his bed as she lay next to him as she cuddled into his chest. There was still a decent amount of sunlight before evening fell, so both Twilight and Isaac spent the next hour or so just hugging and kissing each other. This trip that they were about to take with their friends was something that they were all looking forward to, especially if it meant that they could be together and make some lasting memories. So with one final look, Twilight brought her hand to Isaac's face as they shared one final kiss before drifting off into a nap.

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