• Published 27th Dec 2020
  • 1,146 Views, 74 Comments

One Thousand Years Ago - Scroll

The past has come back to haunt Cozy Glow in more ways than one. The fate of those who shared a similar history hangs in the balance.

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Chapter 12: A New Direction

Sunset Shimmer stirs awake. She raises her head off the books her face was collapsed on. She yawns, then looks at the books with sudden concern. The ink of the books do not seem smeared as a result of her face resting on top of it. Quickly, she levitates a mirror to her face and examines the side of her cheeks carefully to see if any ink is smeared on her face. She does not see any, then recalls the fact that having more fur on her face might have something to do with it. Since there is no direct oily skin contact to the surface of the page, it may explain this.

Sunset sighs in relief to notice that there does not appear to be any damage as a result of her actions, but then it dawns on her that she fell asleep while trying to study these arcane texts.

Whoa! That takes me back, Sunset thinks to herself. That reminds me of my good old days while studying under Celestia.

She frowns at the books in front of her as her thoughts continue.

However, what doesn't remind me of the good old days is how much I am struggling to even read this text now. Equestrian script is one thing. I kept up my practice with that over the years, but these texts . . . it's just blurring in my mind.

Still, Sunset feels determined. By being in this world again and exposed to the dangers therein, she feels it is important to catch up on this stuff again. She lost count of how many times the human world got plagued by magical threats on occasion, but this world is the source of those woes. It is the source of good things too, but she feels she really needs to remain prepared for the bad stuff because, if those things take her out or those she is in charge of protecting, nothing else will matter after that.

What's wrong with me? She asks herself as she rubs her face with both forward hooves. I used to actually be good at this stuff. Other students used to envy me.

She sighs as she looks back at the books.

Maybe I have been out of the game for too long. I don't even think of my pony body as me anymore.

Then, unexpectedly, there is a knock on her bedroom door.

Who could that be? Sunset wonders to herself as she looks towards the door. Well, I suppose there is one way to find out.

“Sunset?” inquires Sunburst. He notices her puffy eyes and somewhat messy, drool moistened, mane.

“Sunburst!” Sunset exclaims. “Oh, um . . . I didn’t expect you. Come in, come in,” she bids.

Sunburst nods and trots past her at her invitation, “Thank you. I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

“Wake me? Oh no. No, no,” she assures him. “I recently woke up, in fact.” She looks off blankly at a wall with a dry look on her face. “Although . . . it might not be enough sleep.” She looks back at him brightly. “It’s great to see you again, even if the visit is unexpected.” She tilts her head at him slightly as she asks. “Who tipped you off that I’m back here in Equestria, at least for the moment? Was it Spike, or Twilight?”

“Mom,” he answered simply. “Though I don’t know how she knew. Maybe she heard something from the Princess? You know how they get,” Sunburst replies.

Sunset sighs as she looks down, then admits irritably, “I suppose I wouldn’t put it past either one of them. Honestly, I can’t write off the princess tipping either one of them off, even though I kind of implied for her to stay out of our family business. I don’t want to dredge up bad memories again.” She looks at him more brightly. “Still, it’s wonderful to see you again.”

“And I could say the same, except you didn’t tell me you had come back.” He sighs. “And you’re already packing up to leave so soon, too.”

“I know. Sorry.” Sunset smiles at her cousin sheepishly. “To be honest, I don’t know how long I’m staying in Equestria. I’ve been so busy focusing on why I’ve come and trying to take care of that.”

“Typical Sunset Shimmer,” Sunburst chuckles. “I haven’t seen you in moons, and the last letter you sent to me was almost as long ago. Seeing how busy you are now, sort of, shows how busy you could have been before.

“So where are you going anyway? And why are you here? Nopony was very clear on that.” His eyes scan over the books she’d been reading. He raises an eyebrow.

“Core Casting Concepts?” Sunburst remarks. “That’s . . . practically elementary level, and you’re so far past that!” His look shifts back to her. “What has you going through a refresher course?”

“Frankly, I’ve been out of practice with it for so many years. Right now I’m struggling with spells that I used to consider elementary aside from basic telekinesis.” She sighs as she shakes her head. “I used to know teleportation and all of that, but right now I fear I’d fuse into the floor if I dared to cast it now. I just want to be prepared.

“As for where we’re going, I’m not exactly sure, but I get a strong feeling you’d be interested in the answer. You see, we’re bound for the lands beyond Equestria. More specifically, to the area of some of the founders of Equestria like where Stygian, Star Swirl, Princess Platinum, and Clover are from.”

“You’ll get your talent for spells back in no time. You were always the star of the family, Sunset. Always super talented. I’m confident you’ll pick it all up very quickly.

“So, why are you heading out past Equestria borders, exactly?” Sunburst prods.

Sunset sighs again as she rubs her left shoulder with her right hoof in a gesture of discomfort, then replies, “You know Cozy Glow from this world, right?”

Sunburst blinks. “That would be a hard pony not to know,” he replies.

“It’s a little hard to explain,” Sunset decides, “so maybe I should just share my memories with you and allow that to explain my situation.”

Starburst blinks. His glasses slide down his muzzle until he catches them with magic and readjusts them. “I… I’m sorry. What was that?”

“I’ve come into contact with Equestrian magic in the human world as well. Notably, the primary way to use it there is when it enchants various objects like this.” She floats her crystal up on her neck, then explains, “I found this in Camp Everfree some years back in the human world. I believe the magic imbued within them has a tiny sliver of the Elements of Harmony, and the function of each one seems to depend upon the one who uses it. In my case, my crystal allows me to access mind magic. At first, it only allowed me to read the memories of those I touch, particularly in relation to the answer to some question of mine . . . sort of . . . but I’ve since learned to refine this magic, so now I’m able to also give some of my memories in addition to taking them. If you will allow me, I’ll touch you and give you all of my memories that are relevant to this issue.

“So . . . do I have your permission?” She waves a hoof back and forth between them. “That would smooth out this conversation quite a bit, although I should also warn you that the memories you’re about to inherit will be from my perspective so that might seem a little disorienting to ‘remember’.”

“Interesting!” Sunburst explains with bright fascination. “Yes, you have my permission. I’m excited to dissect this magic!”

“Well then, hold on to your socks,” Sunset advises as she reaches forward to touch him.

“My… my what now?” Sunburst asks in total confusion just before Sunset touches him and activates her magic. Then, from his perspective, his eyes are engulfed in white magic. After that, he experiences what he would later describe as almost a “life flashing before his eyes” experience, except it is not his memories that flashes in his mind and it is not Sunset’s entire memories. Instead, he only receives a select few. More specifically, he receives the memories that are relevant to the current situation such as why she came, where she is going, and why she is going there.

“Oh my,” he says, staggering back and slumping to his haunches, “That was… quite something.”

“Oh! I’m sorry! I should have warned you that it can be quite dizzying the first time.

“Here. Sit down,” Sunset bids as she guides Sunburst to the seat at her desk, to which he does not struggle.

“I see,” he says as he takes a seat. “That’s… quite complicated.”

“I’ve gotten so accustomed to those side effects a long time ago that I hardly think of or feel it anymore. That’s why I forgot to warn you. Also, it’s been a while since I did this with anyone else, so I forgot what it’s like for them.”

“Just… May I have a moment to process everything?” Sunburst requests politely, rubbing a temple with a forehoof.

“Oh, sure. Take your time,” Sunset invites before falling silent and waiting for Sunburst to recover. He needs a few minutes to do so before speaking.

“Okay… so Cozy is carrying around Sombra’s memories, but they’re missing chunks?” he asks first.

“Yeah. In fact, human Cozy is actually assailed by two sets of Sombra’s memories. One of them being his good side that was trapped in crystal for over a thousand years, and the other one being the one you know, King Sombra, whom I believe you have met a couple of times.”

“Actually, I only met him once, which was too many times,” Sunburst replied flatly, “And we’re helping him?”

“Actually, I’m not really here to help him out. That’s only a means to an end. I actually promised her mother that I’d help Cozy. That is, human Cozy,” Sunset explains, then points out, “I just gave you my memories explaining this . . . but I guess you asked because it’s hard to believe, huh?”

“Yes, it is,” Sunburst says with a groan. “Just… I know I’m not going to talk you out of this, so all I can really do is say: Be careful trusting him.”

Sunset grins at Sunburst as she says, “Funny. He said the same thing.”

“So, are you wondering at all how our family is doing back in Sire’s Hollow?” Sunburst asks.

Sunset frowns a bit, but replies, “I guess so. Lay it on me, then. I’ll try my best not to fall asleep because . . . Well, you know. I’m a bit tired after all that stud-” She cut herself off with a shake of her head, then waved at him. “Proceed. I am eager to hear what happened to our family.”

Sunburst sigh sadly as he says, “Well, there is no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it.” He focuses on Sunset. “Your mother, Eventide, is very ill. Many of her servants are attempting to tend to her, but most of them don’t think she’ll make it that long.”

Sunset looks crestfallen, then says, “I know Mom and I had our differences, but . . . that isn’t the sort of news I wanted to return to Equestria to hear. I hope she’ll be alright.” She looks back at Sunburst with a faint smile. “But I appreciate you being honest with me. I wouldn’t want you to sugar coat this if there actually was a problem.”

“I hope you can find some time to visit with her before you leave to go back to . . . whatever you call that world through the mirror. I’m sure she would appreciate it,” Sunburst says.

“Do you have any idea how much time I have?” Sunset checks with concern.

“No,” Sunburst replies grimly. “The doctor isn’t even sure what’s wrong with her. It seems as if she doesn’t have long to live.”

Sunset looks down and her ears droop as she says, “For several reasons, this isn’t easy for me.” She looks back at him more firmly. “But I can’t ignore this.” Her eyes shift to her right at the exit to her bedroom. “Maybe I should also talk to Twilight about this. She has access to resources beyond what I have.”

Sunset glances down with a sigh, then looks back at Sunburst as she requests earnestly, “If I go . . . would you be willing to accompany me there? At least to the town? I haven’t been there in a very long time.”

“Yes, I’d be willing to do that. Heck, I need company when I go back there too,” Sunburst admits. “I don’t think any of us got out of that town fast enough. I didn’t get along the best with my mother either, but she’s the only mother I’ve got. I wouldn’t want to miss my chance to say goodbye, or spend a little time with her before it was too late.”

Her face still directed at the desk, she closes her eyes and sighs, then says, “Over a decade ago, I would have told her that I ran to that world to avoid her, although I had my issues with Celestia as well, but now . . . if I were honest, I’m staying there because of the friends I’ve made there.”

Sunburst smiles awkwardly. “And um… on that topic… I have to ask if I may borrow your geode? I think it will help me immensely in gaining a greater understanding of memory magic.”

“Oh, sure!” Sunset gladly welcomes as she floats the necklace off of her and over to him. “There is no other pony I trust more to uncover useful information like this, especially if it relates to magic. Just make sure to return the necklace before either you or I part.”

“I promise I will. Even if my work keeps me rather busy, I know I can manage,” Sunburst replies. He stands from his seat.

“Well, this has been a nice, if also depressing, visit,” Sunburst announces. “I’m going to go ahead and get started on that now. I have a lot of ideas brewing in my head.”

“Then I’ll leave you to it. I know how you get when it comes to you and research,” Sunset notes with a giggle. “You taught me a thing or two that helped me when I was Celestia’s student.”

“Glad to be of help! I hope I prove that I am, honestly,” Sunburst says with a chuckle as he trots for the door.

At first Cozy Glow was following along with all the discussion in the room about the detailed logistics of the trip she is about to embark upon but, after a while, she realizes that most of this is speculation and meaningless dribble. It does not hold her interest as much as these things used to. Gathering information used to be her bread and butter, but now . . .

Cozy's ears perk up, however, when the guards of the castle open the door to the throne room to admit a new occupant. She knew those guards knew that this Gathering has a very specific guest list so, whoever this is, it is either an emergency, or it's somepony on the guest list.

When the door draws her attention, Cozy brightens for a moment to notice that it is Sunset Shimmer. The mare finally decides to grace them with her presence.

But Cozy's expression shifts to concern when she notices Sunset's look on her face. Cozy isn't as good at this as she used to be, but if she has to put her hoof on this, her guess is that Sunset looks depressed and guilty. Very likely this means she has come to deliver bad news.

“Hey there, everyone,” Sunset greets upon her approach. “Sorry I'm late.”

“Sunset Shimmer!” Twilight greets brightly. “I'm so glad that you finally joined us.”

“Hey there yourself, Sunset,” Pinkie Pie greets as she bounces next to Sunset. Then, unexpectedly, Pinkie touches Sunset's face and proceeds to drag it forward. In doing so, Sunset's face stretches to an impossible degree. While Pinkie is pulling, she asks, “Why the loooooooooooong face, Sunset?”

“Ow! Pinkie, quit it!” Sunset sharply requests as she pushes Pinkie a few feet away with her magic. In doing so, Pinkie can no longer reach Sunset. When that happens, Sunset's face snaps back to normal after a brief jiggle.

“Yeah, Sunset, what's bothering you?” Flurry Heart prompts. “I can feel that you're upset.”

“Perceptive as always, I guess,” Sunset notes with a brief smile. “Your human counterpart is like that too, although she's much younger right now.” Sunset focuses on Cozy as she says, “I'm sorry, Cozy, but I need to make a short detour. Something important has come up.”

“What is it, Sunset?” Twilight asks in concern.

Sunset looks at and tells Twilight, “It has recently come to my attention that my mother here in Equestria is gravely ill. I need to see her before she passes away. Maybe I can even do something to help.”

Upon hearing this news, most of the occupants within room gasp in astonishment. Shortly later, Rarity reaches a hoof up to her forehead and faints dramatically onto a couch that she floats behind her from seemingly out of nowhere.

“Oh no!” Twilight gasps with a hoof in front of her mouth. “That's terrible news, Sunset!”

“And surprising,” Spike adds near the throne in the room. “No pony ever sent us a letter about this grim news.”

Sunset glances cornerwise down for a moment, then looks at Spike as she says, “I think it's because no pony there saw a point in sending such a letter here. They didn't know I am back in Equestria, and if I know my mother . . . she would keep her weaknesses a private affair. The image of the family has ever been her top priority.”

“You haven't seen her in a very long time,” Twilight notes as she returns her hoof from her mouth back to the floor. “She might have changed since you last saw her.”

“Wait a second.” Spike reaches up to scratch his right cheek as he asks, “If no pony would think to send a letter here about this news, then how did you find out?”

“I recently spoke to Sunburst when he paid me a visit in my room. He filled me in on the details,” Sunset explains.

“That makes sense,” Applejack figures. “Ya two are kinfolk, right?”

“Confirmed,” Sunset reports as she looks at Applejack. “Sunburst and I are related. More specifically, he's my cousin.”

“Why must this be?!” Rarity wails from her couch sadly when she recovers from her faint. “Why? Of all the things that could have happened, this is one of thee . . . worst . . . possible . . . things!”

“Oh my!” Fluttershy gasps, then asks Sunset, “Does anypony know what she is sick of?”

“Sunburst didn't fill me in on those details,” Sunset answers Fluttershy. “But he did tell me the doctors are looking at her, and he tells me their prognosis isn't good.”

Fluttershy gently lays a wing on Sunset in sympathy as she encourages, “In that case, you need to see your mother right away! There may not be time for anything else.”

“I know,” Sunset says to Fluttershy then regards Twilight earnestly. “That's why I've come to you.” She places a hoof on her chest. “I haven't been to Equestria in a very long time, so I have no savings to speak of other than my family’s fortune, but I haven't had access to that in a very long time. I -”

Twilight raises a hoof and spreads her wings as she interrupts, “Say no more, Sunset Shimmer. If you need to see your family now, then I'll do everything in my power to secure a method.” She folds her wings back onto her back as she asks, “Do you have any objections to a pegasus chariot? That's one thing I can secure on such short notice.”

Sunset breathes a sigh of relief, then says, “A pegasus chariot will do fine, Twilight. Thank you.”

“Anytime,” Twilight returns with a bittersweet smile.

“Do note, however, that Sunburst also plans to come along,” Sunset warns. “He's family too, and he's the one that tipped me off to this crisis.”

“Of course he can come along,” Twilight says matter of factly. “He can share a pegasus chariot with you.”

“In that case,” Gallus brings up as he looks from Sunset to Twilight, “I request permission to be one of those to pull the chariot. This family are also my friends, and I'd like to do everything in my power to-”

“Permission granted,” Twilight cut Gallus off with approval.

Gallus bows to Twilight as he says, “Thank you, Twilight.”

“Weren't you supposed to keep an eye on Cozy, though?” Cheese brings up. “You promised Cozy's human mother in the other world.”

“How did you . . .?” Sunset wonders while regarding Cheese with confusion, then shakes her head before saying, “Um . . . nevermind. I make it a policy not to question a member of the Pie family.” She points at Cheese briefly. “Yes, I have said something like that, but this will just be a short detour. I'm sure this Cozy will be well looked after here in this castle.”

“But if you take her along, you can accomplish both goals,” Cheese suggests before placing a hoof on her chest. “And I, of course, can tag along to give you both moral support.”

Cozy passes Cheese a, “What are you doing?” kind of look, but Cheese seems to ignore it.

“You just want to come along, don't you?” Sunset realizes, then shakes her head. “Normally I wouldn't hesitate, but this is a private, family affair. Issues like this have always been sensitive to my mother.”

“We don't have to come along with her into her room,” Cheese points out. “Maybe just outside of the room, or at least in the town itself.

“Look,” Cheese takes an emphatic, single step forward. “it sounds to me like you don't know what exactly is going on here, so it's hard to predict what preparations need to be made, but I do know that having friends along can help with big obstacles. The way I see it, the more friends you have available, the more prepared you might be.”

“You have to admit, my darling baby has a point!” Pinkie chips in.

Cozy raises a hoof and opens her mouth in objection, but Cheese cuts her off before she even gets a word in.

“You care about Sunset,” Cheese quickly reminds as she sensed the incoming objection from Cozy and headed it off. “You also like gathering information. Are you telling me you don't want to find out how this turns out?”

Cozy closes her mouth and lowers her hoof back to the floor slowly. She looks thoughtful and remorseful, then passes her mother a, “What do you think?” kind of look.

“I think you should go with her,” Twilight tells her daughter, then adds with a glance to Cheese, “both of you. I honestly wish I could go as well, but I have royal duties here. However, just because I can't personally go, doesn't mean I won't do everything in my power to help secure Sunset's moral support.” She focuses on her daughter. “Besides, you still need to make progress on your friendship lessons, so you need this.”

“Don't worry, Twilight,” Cheese says brightly while her left foreleg stretches an impossible distance to grasp Cozy then use that grip to pull Cozy in close next to Cheese. “I'll make sure she completes her friendship homework.”

Cozy rolls her eyes with a droll look, but her expression considerably softens to sympathy when she regards Sunset. She did not appreciate being volunteered for this mission without being asked, but this particular objective is dear to her heart. Sunset really does mean a lot to Cozy, especially considering all the affectionate feelings and memories she inherited from her counterpart. If Cozy does not go, she'd probably spend every waking moment stressing over the lack of knowledge on how Sunset is doing.

“While all of you do this,” Twilight puts in, “I'll make arrangements for your transportation beyond the lands of Equestria.”

“Do you want me to send your mother, or her caretakers, a letter to let them know you're coming?” Spike offers to Sunset.

Sunset sighs, then replies, “I thought about it along the way to this room. I realized that if I was in front of a blank letter and had to tackle the challenge of thinking what to say to my potentially dying mother, I think I'd be unable to put a word on the page.” She waves a hoof through the air. “Instead of that, I think I'd rather speak to her in person. Likely I'd not know what to say to her until I'm right in front of her. You might be surprised how often my life works like that.”

“I believe it,” Spike accepts as he looks down with a sad sigh. “I still don't know who my parents are, but after this long . . . I'm not sure what I'd say to them either.” He looks back at Sunset. “What I do know is that I have my true family right here in Equestria, and I wouldn't give that up for anything. I may have questions, but I don't have regrets.”

“Oh, Spiky-Wiky!” Rarity says in a gushy way as she presses both of her hooves into her cheeks. “That's so sweet of you to say.”

“It's the truth,” Spike assures. “And stop calling me that like I'm still some little kid. I'm a grown dragon now, Rarity.”

“Oh, yes, I know,” Rarity assures with a wave of a hoof to him. “But to me, you'll always be my little Spiky-Poo.”

Spike grins at Rarity with a touch of fondness for that comment despite being slightly insulted. After that, he focuses his attention on Fluttershy when she speaks up.

“Do you know how long you'll be staying at . . . um . . .” Fluttershy brings up questioningly but then realizes mid-sentence that she does not know where Sunset is going. She passes Sunset a look which admits that she is stuck and needs help with that answer.

“Sire's Hallow,” Sunset answers Fluttershy's silent question. “The same town where Sunburst and Starlight are from. In fact, my family actually funded the town originally, and they still own it.”

“Own it?” Applejack questions. “You mean the town does not have an elected mayor like Ponyville?”

Sunset shook her head as she answers, “No. Ownership of the town has always been passed down the family. My mother is the Duchess of Sire's Hallow, Eventide Radiance.”

“Well, no matter what her status is,” Applejack says sympathetically as she pulls her hat to her chest, “she's still family, and ain't nothin' more 'portent than family, 'cept friends, of course.” She replaces her cowboy hat on her head as she goes on to say, “Believe me, I know from personal experience that family will not always last forever, so it's important to cherish 'em while ya still can.”

Rainbow frowns at Applejack sadly, then looks over to Sunset as she adds, “I know you might have your differences with your mother. Trust me, I know what it’s like to have family issues, but I’m with Applejack. When your family needs you, you just be there for them. Simple as that.”

“Thanks, Rainbow,” Sunset says with a bittersweet smile, then grins slightly as she adds, “What a loyal thing to say.”

“Don't mention it,” Rainbow says back with a dismissive wave of a hoof and a roll of her eyes as if embarrassed by this sappy moment, but Cozy figures there is more to it than that. Maybe a lot more.

Glancing between Flurry and Cheese, Cozy recalls that these two have a gift for reading the emotions of others, including deep, hidden feelings. Cozy herself was never that good, but she used to have some talent for this based on observation. Being couped up this castle for so many years may have dulled her senses and wits some, and there are likely other reasons for it as well.

There definitely is,” Sombra inwardly assures.

Cozy blinks, then thinks to him, “I didn't know you were even following along in this conversation.

Startlingly, Flurry whips her head in Cozy's direction as if she realizes that Cozy is telepathically communicating with another.

Just because I don't say anything does not mean I'm not gathering information,” Sombra assures. “You are definitely past your prime here, and you need to be whipped back into shape.

“And yes, it does seem like Flurry can sense me when I make myself known. Please, quietly assure her that all is well.”

Cozy opens her mouth for a moment to do as he requested, but shifts her attention to Sunset when she spoke.

“By the way, to answer your earlier question, Fluttershy,” Sunset says as she regards the pink-maned pegasus, “I'm honestly not sure. I'm playing this one by ear for now, but I don't want to take too long.”

“But the condition of my counterpart is stable in the crystal,” Cozy brought up, then widens her eyes as she realizes something. “Come to think of it . . . couldn't we do the same for your mom?” Cozy focuses sharply on Sunset as she asks, “The doctors don't know what is wrong with your mother or how to treat her, right?”

“That's what Sunburst told me,” Sunset replies.

“Then why don't we just freeze her in crystal stasis too?” Cozy proposes. “That would buy us more time to come up with a solution!” Cozy adds brightly.

“You know, that might not be such a bad idea,” Twilight agrees. “But, in order to do it . . .” Twilight trails off as she gives her daughter a hesitant look which reminds Cozy that Sombra would have to take over Cozy's body again to pull off that spell.

“Our options may be thinning by the second,” Cozy puts in. “At least this way it puts a stop on the clock.” She shrugs. “If I'm going anyway, we might as well at least consider that option since I have it with me.”

“What in the apple pick'n core are you going on about?” Applejack asks in confusion.

“Oh, nothing!” Pinkie Pie assures with a wave of a hoof. “Only the fact that Cozy's human counterpart got possessed by the ancient spirit of King Sombra, except he's combined with his original personality this time. Upon his return, her human counterpart fell unconscious and their doctors didn't know what to do, so Sunset decided to bring her to Equestria because she suspected it might be a magical curse. Once here, human Cozy's condition grew unstable again because she wasn't plugged up to the human world's life support thingamajigs, so Sombra decided to possess pony Cozy's body for a moment in order to cast a Crystal Stasis spell on her ponified human self in order to buy them more time to solve the problem which they'll use to unravel the mystery of his mysterious past.”

Once Pinkie finished that startling and unexpectedly accurate recap in one breath without any reasonable explanation as to how she knew, she gasps for breath as she pulls out a cupcake from her mane. Once that is down, she flips it into her mouth. After chewing then swallowing it, Pinkie adds with a casual shrug, “You know . . . the usual.”

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