• Published 27th Dec 2020
  • 1,146 Views, 74 Comments

One Thousand Years Ago - Scroll

The past has come back to haunt Cozy Glow in more ways than one. The fate of those who shared a similar history hangs in the balance.

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Chapter 29: Touring the Carpet, Part 1

“Oh, hey there Spike and Professor Stygian,” Sunset greets upon their arrival.

“Hey! You made it!” Spike cheers. “I figured you would.”

“Just in time, too,” Professor Stygian notes as he looks back at the airship while several pegasi are working at the docks. They fly up and toss some thick rope at those standing on the deck of the Carpet. Once they have it, they loop it through a pulley. “The Flying Carpet is just about to be secured.”

“Yeah, we can see that,” Cozy figures. “So . . . that is the vessel that will carry us on our voyage together?”

“Indeed,” Stygian confirms. “The prince, who owns the vessel, can provide plenty of financial backing for this expedition, and he has his own motives for securing the mission's success.”

“So I heard,” Cozy returns. “Mother told me about it a moment ago. I'm glad she did, too. By knowing what his motivations are, it helps me to trust him.”

Stygian nods in agreement as he says, “I agree. By knowing that he stands to gain something from this partnership, we know that he's all the more motivated to cooperate.”

“What about the rest of his hired crew, though?” Cozy asks as she stands next to Stygian and gives the diminutive unicorn stallion a sideways glance. “How do we know that we can trust them?”

“Well, I know a few things about them,” Stygian returns. “For one thing, I know they are on the payroll of a pony we already established that we can trust. I also know the Captain and his First Officer by reputation. It is enough to know that they are competent and professional about their job. If the crew they hired was originally untrustworthy, I'm sure those two can whip them into shape.” Stygian returns Cozy's sidewards glance. “Especially the first First Officer. I heard she's very strict with ship’s protocol.”

“Oh?” Cozy inquires with a raised eyebrow at Stygian.

“Further explanations shall shortly not be necessary,” Stygian figures as his gaze focuses back towards the ship which is being secured to the docks. “I would wager we'll be getting the tour of the ship in a moment. That is, in fact, why I have come.” Stygian narrows his eyes slightly with a focused look. “I'm also interested in the ship’s inventory and storage space. Planning the route ahead will require some knowledge on what we carry with us.”

Up ahead, as the plank of the Flying Carpet starts to come out of the ship in order to be secured to the docks.

Stygian widens his eyes as he recalls something. After that, he looks back at Twilight over his left shoulder as he announces, “Oh, by the way, Your Majesty, I recently secured some rather good news. While I did not initially anticipate this, it seems one of my old companions has volunteered to join us on our journey. Rather insistently, in fact.”

“Oh?” Twilight asks with interest. “Who, pray tell?”

Stygian closes his eyes bows his head to Twilight for a moment as he answers, “Professor Rockhoof, Your Majesty.” He opens his eyes and lifts his head as he returns his gaze back to Princess Twilight. “My guess is he's getting tired of telling old stories back at the School of Friendship.”

A blare of a horn boldly heralds the arrival of the Prince of Saddle Arabia. Cozy focuses on the top of the plank. There, she does not see the prince himself yet. The view of that stallion is blocked by a rather bulky black minotaur who has iron chains wrapped around his chest. Chains which extend from his waist to over both of his shoulders. Upon sight of him, even from a distance, Cozy gets a chill crawl up her spine because of how menacing that minotaur appears to be.

Following the minotaur is a stallion which Cozy personally assumes is the prince himself. In this case, he is a brown unicorn stallion with white at the tip of his muzzle and at the ends of his hooves. He is dressed in white garments and topped with a white turban with a fancy lavender jewel in it. The turban conceals his mane but it is likely the same color as his medium-length, elegantly trimmed black beard which hangs at the bottom of the tip of his chin. He canters down the plank with a regal pose.

Behind him is the former trumpeter who follows her liege with a graceful and hypnotically seductive motion. Bells jingle with each sway of her hips. She is wearing a transparent pink silk skirt over her lower legs and a lilac-colored veil over her face.

The minotaur did not have to warn anypony else. Everypony who was in the way got out of the way as the three of them marches, canters, and dances (exactly in that order) on their way to Princess Twilight and her company. Upon arrival, they finally come to a halt.

Up close, they get a much better look at the hulking brute. He looks even more intimidating because they are afforded a closer look at his solid and thick muscles, especially in his thick arms, broad shoulders, and large upper chest. Closer inspection reveals that the iron chain worn around his chest is secured with a four-way grappling hook sticking through several layers of the wrapped chain. His chest, arms, and legs are covered with battle scars which he seems to wear with pride. His horns are tall and shinny black. He has a large scar tracing down across the left side of his forehead and past his white and obviously blind left eye. He has an iron nose ring in his snout.

The jet-black fur minotaur glowers at the party with a firm warning look which seems to indicate, “Try anything funny, and I'll crush you beneath my hoof!”

To her credit, Princess Twilight matches his cold glare with a look of calm and grace. She does not flinch in the slightest which might have secretly won some respect from the hulking brute.

The black minotaur responds by calming down a bit himself as he stands up straighter then steps aside as his liege advances forward. As he does so, the earth pony mare behind him announces, “Announcing the arrival of our liege, Prince Salizar Alabaster of Saddle Arabia.”

When the prince stands next to Princess Twilight, he gracefully scoops up her right hoof, lifts it to his lips, and plants a gentle kiss upon it before gazing up to meet the eyes of the princess.

Cozy focuses on her mother's face to gauge her reaction to that action. It honestly does not happen too often because very few ponies are that brave and bold. From what she could see, her mother looks only mildly amused with a slight grin on her lips. Upon seeing it, Cozy cannot help but suspect that her mother's younger self, the version she saw before she was trapped in stone, would have giggled and blushed very strongly or grew very uncomfortable and embarrassed, but this version of her mother learned to harness far more royal grace.

“Charmed as ever to be graced within your sparkling presence again, Your Majesty,” Prince Salizar says in a smooth and suave manner which has a thick accent that Cozy cannot put her hoof on. Whatever it is, it is not anything local.

“Likewise, Your Majesty,” Twilight returns gracefully, “and I thank you for loaning your vessel, your company, and those you have hired for this most important journey.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Prince Salizar says as he stands up straight again. “Considering what is at stake and the opportunity involved, I could do no less.

“As for you, Professor,” the prince's eyes shift down to the short dark gray unicorn, “I am most grateful that you have extended this offer. Rest assured that I shall do everything within my power to ensure the success of this most important and potentially profitable endeavor. In accordance with that, I am likewise pleased that you have chosen to join us personally.”

“You may rest assure that I consider this an honor as well, Your Majesty,” Professor says with a low nod. “For you see, one of our various destinations may carry us to the former dwelling of my old village. I would be most interested to learn what has become of the fate of my old home as well as that of Star Swirl's. As well, I am willing and eager to learn of the fate of the ponies who were left behind.”

“Well put, Professor,” Prince Salizar agrees. “To that end, I proudly extend the services of my ship and crew, including my ever-present loyal vassals.

“With that lead-in, I shall introduce vassals, beginning with my loyal bodyguard, who may have already given a bold impression.” He gestures to the minotaur beside him. “This is Curb Stomp,” the prince introduces. When he does, Curb Stomp gives only a slight, curt nod as if to silently agree with his liege. “He is an eight-time champion of our famous battle arena in Saddle Arabia, and notably a volunteer of the event.”

As soon as Cozy hears that, she privately wonders if that also implies that some, perhaps even most of the participants of the event are not volunteers but rather forced indentured servants, convicts, and/or slaves. If that is true, Cozy has very strong and mixed feelings about that, but apparently, the events are not closed off to volunteers. Her guess is there probably is some grand reward for the winners of those events, including great prestige.

“The reason he keeps me compony is fairly obvious,” the prince goes on. “Very often his mere presence keeps everything at the negotiating table civil. However, should such a negation devolve into something less than civil, it is always wise for an important diplomat, such as myself, to carry a big stick, and a stick does not come much bigger than him. Despite his rather intimidating disposition, let me assure you that he is far more deadly than he appears.”

More deadly?” Sunset double-checks to make sure she heard that right.

“Indeed, Madam,” the prince assures her with a brief glance at her. “He may look frighteningly capable, but his opponents often still underestimate how shockingly easy he can crush his opponents. The hint is in the name, though, so beware and rest assure that he is on our side.

“And, with that, I shall introduce the other member of my entourage, my surprisingly talented entertainer, the lovely and mysterious Lady Mirage.”

The tall, pearl white earth pony with long and silky golden mane and tail bows to those present. Closer inspection reveals that the silk dancer’s outfit is in fact several multi-colored layers. While the outfit is transparent, it blurs anything beneath, much like her namesake. As she bows, her movements constantly seem fluid and ever graceful. Beneath her obviously well trained sexy charms, there is also a dark air of confidence to her poise which Cozy interprets as a hint of a deadly edge to her, as if she might be some kind of trained assassin.

Fascinating! Cozy thinks to herself in delight. Now that is my kind of mare! Another lovely rose with hidden, poisonous thorns. I like her!

“Greetings and well met,” Mirage says with an almost musical and hypnotically soothing voice. “I am pleased that we shall share our journey together, for it gives me a longer opportunity to serve and entertain you all.”

“I am pleased to meet you all as well,” Twilight returns. “In time, I hope that we shall be far more than mere acquaintances. After all, they don't call me the Princess of Friendship for nothing.

“But, unfortunately, my royal duties will keep me here for the vast majority of your journey ahead. Special communication methods and teleportation spells notwithstanding, the honor and burden of the mission will be up to the rest of you.

“With that said, allow me to introduce the rest of my compony. You all seem familiar with Professor Stygian,” Twilight greets with a nod to the professor.

“I am indeed,” the prince concurs. “It shall be an honor for such a legendary pony to be aboard my ship. Your knowledge and knack for strategies will surely come in hoofy. I look forward to seeing you in action personally. I will also add that I have purchased and read several of your previously published books. I especially enjoyed 'Me and My Shadow'.”

In response, Stygian smiles a bit shyly as he says, “Well, that’s definitely one of my best sellers. I'm just glad you learned something from my experience. I believe darkness dwells within us all, so it is important we be aware of it as well as the damage it can unleash if it is not appeased or properly healed.”

The Prince nods at Stygian as he commends, “Well said, Professor.”

Sensing an opening, Twilight continues with her introductions.

“This here is my good friend Sunset Shimmer, who will also be joining you on your journey.”

“My lady,” the prince greets as he approaches then lifts up Sunset's right hoof and follows that gesture with a charming kiss. In response, Sunset does giggle and blush kind of shyly. Her eyes even get a bit shifty as she observes her surroundings in order to appraise who else might be present and judging her.

Having recently learned of Sunset's history, Cozy figures that friend should have grown accustomed to this behavior a long time ago, but it's been long enough that any restraint to her inner emotions to such a gesture has worn thin.

Cozy widens her eyes in delight for a brief moment as she realizes that her turn to be kissed may soon be at hoof.

“Sunset here is a very good friend who is also studying to help heal with clinical psychology,” Twilight adds. “She has a particularly strong experience reforming former villains.”

“Well . . . I had a lot of guidance in that department,” Sunset says proudly to her mentor.

When Twilight looks at her daughter, Cozy inwardly squeals with giddy delight, realizing that her turn is up next.

“And this is my daughter, Cozy Glow, who will also be joining you on your journey,” Twilight introduces. “Along the way, it is my hope that she will benefit from all of your knowledge and experience. It is also my hope that she may make a few more friends during the journey.”

Deep down, it still takes Cozy a bit aback every time she hears an introduction of “my daughter”. Clearly, her mother is trying to make their connection feel more familial as if Cozy was born from Twilight.

“My young lady,” Prince Salizar greets as he does indeed lift Cozy's right hoof and kisses it. However, while he does it, he looks at her eyes above his head (since his face is directed down during the kiss). In his eyes, she sees some sympathy in his expression for some reason. “Fear not, Your Majesty, for I will ensure that this one does not suffer a repeat of the tragedies that scar her soul from the past.”

Cozy supposes he would say that. After all, who wants a former super-villain roaming around his ship unsupervised?

But then again, Stygian also has a similar history. He might have been far more dangerous at one time, and yet he isn't regarded with sympathy or distrust.

This might have something to do with the difference between “reformation” and “redemption”. One is a path, the other is the conclusion of a journey.

“I appreciate the sentiment,” Twilight tells the prince, “and I welcome any assistance you can give to help my darling daughter heal from her awful past.

“And, with that in mind, I will also introduce my Number One Assistant and Ambassador, Spike.”

With a lift of a clawed finger, Spike closes his eyes as he proudly adds, “Also known, in certain lands, as Spike the Brave and Glorious.”

Twilight's calm resolve cracks a little as she giggles softly and rolls her eyes at that declaration.

“Unfortunately,” Spike continues as he opens his eyes again and folds his claws behind his back, just under his wings. “I will not be accomponying you all on this journey since Twilight will undoubtedly be relying on me too much here.

“However, I am pleased to announce that one way I can assist you during this journey is the fact that that I have the ability to magically deliver letters very quickly across vast distances. Through this means, I can help keep you all informed of how we're doing.”

“That's interesting, because we have a similar method at our disposal,” the prince informs Spike.

Spike looks shocked to hear this as he asks, “You do?! But . . . I thought I was the only dragon with that ability!”

“Technically speaking, you still are,” the prince informs. “However, one member of my crew can pull off that ability as long as she is augmented with the temporary effects of a magical potion which our ship's alchemist and medic can produce.”

Really?!” Twilight and Spikes say simultaneously. After that, Spike looks over at Twilight as she goes on to request, “I would be very much interested in purchasing that recipe. If it can be shared with our dragon allies, perhaps they may all be a greater use to us, each other, and their other allies as much as they wish. I hope the ingredients aren't rare or expensive.”

“For that, you'll have to refer to my ship’s medic,” the prince informs. “To that end, I welcome you aboard so that I may introduce you to the rest of the crew as well as give you a tour of the ship itself.”

“I thank you,” Twilight tells him with a gracious nod. “We would love to take you up on your generous offer.”

“If I'm going to give you a tour of my ship and my crew, then it starts here,” Prince Salizar announces as he uses his horn magic for the first time. When he does, his brown horn ignites with a golden aura. The same magic aura surrounds an item he draws from his person which happens to be a long bubble pipe. He uses the curved tip of it, where bubbles would expel out, in order to point to indicate the various crates that are being unloaded.

After that, he uses the pipe to point to one three-foot tall bipedal walking female hedgehog. Her belly, front side of her neck, and under her chin is white. Most of the rest of her is brown except the tips of her feet and clawed hands, which is so dark brown that it is almost black. She is wearing a white apron with a giant pocket in the front.

As they approach, the female hedgehog is holding a clipboard and checking her notes carefully. After that, she glances up above her clipboard to notice a pair of diamond dogs talking down. Each one carrying a large wooden crate. The largest of the two is pretty thick looking and has a rounded pill shape to his body and distinctive sagging cheeks. The other is as tall as his companion but much thinner and lankier. Nevertheless, he has no trouble carrying down his crate that is half the size of his companions. Since his face can be seen over the crate he carries, the most distinctive detail that stands out about him is his square bottom jaw and mop-top hairstyle. Both of them have gray fur, wear a red vest, and tie a red bandanna to their heads which kind of makes them look like bandits or pirates.

“Wedge, which crate is that?” the female hedgehog asks the skinnier diamond dog.

“I, ah . . . can't read,”' Wedge is ashamed to admit. “Besides, from my angle, it's upside-down.”

“Never mind. I can read it in the front,” the hedgehog notes as she steps forward to give it a closer look. “It looks like it's, ah . . . C168. Okay, that goes over in that pile,” she instructs Wedge.

“Aye-aye, ma'am,” Wedge confirms before moving to cooperate.

“Daaaaaaaah, what'cha want me do wit' dis one?” the other larger diamond dog asks in such a way that it conveys an obviously low amount of intellect.

“I don't even need to check the serial number,” the hedgehog replies. “I know what's in it by merely judging its size. Just put it over there with the other large crates, Biggs.”

Despite how obvious it is where the other large crates are, Biggs still stands there blinking in confusion.

“D'oh!” Wedge curses after dropping off his payload, slapping his face with his right paw and dragging down his face, then looks at Biggs as he points to where the large crate should go. “You already put the other large crates there, you fool! Just put that crate over there where I am pointing!”

“Uhhhhhhhh,” Biggs blinks in the direction Wedge is pointing, then exclaims, “Oh! I get ya. Yeah! I put dah crate over dare.”

“And be careful with it, you nitwit!” Wedge yaps in a warning tone. “Make sure you put it on the crates and not past the docks.” He glances over his shoulder at the very steep drop beyond the dock. It did have a guard rail but someone with Biggs's strength could easily plow right through it. “After all . . . it's a long way down.”

“Everypony, allow me to introduce to you my quartermaster, Missus Daisy Brizbe,” Prince Salizar introduces upon arrival, “as well as two of our heavy laborers, Biggs,” he points his pipe at the large diamond dog, “and Wedge,” he shifts his point at the other diamond dog.

“Greetings, My Liege,” Miss Daisy hails upon the group’s arrival as she curtsy's the prince a bit. “You'll be happy to know that everything is proceeding on . . . Oh my!” She blinks in astonishment at Princess Twilight. “Is that . . . is that Princess Twilight, My Liege?”

“She is indeed,” Prince Salizar confirms.

“Wow! I am so pleased to meet you, Your Majesty!” Daisy says to Princess Twilight with another curtsy, for she is still in awe from meeting that pony in particular. “I . . . I . . . Ooo! I'm just so excited to finally meet you, Your Majesty!” Daisy cheers. “You helped to free us from the influences of the Storm King. Life got a whole lot better where I'm from after that.”

“Oh yeah?” Sunset asks with a grin that she passes to Cozy. She followes that with a nudge from her left forward elbow into Cozy’s ribs.

“Yeah, I heard her,” Cozy acknowledges a little dourly. It is nice for her to hear things have improved in the lands she came from but she still hated to receive a reminder of it.

“I am very pleased to make your acquaintance as well!” Twilight greets cheerfully. “I hope, someday, we can be much more than that.”

“Oh, me too, Your Majesty! Me too!” Daisy agrees eagerly.

Cozy rolls her eyes in disgust. She admits to herself that Daisy is cute, and part of her can understand the art of sucking up to another with the intent to gather favors, but to do it to Princess Twilight, of all ponies, just rubs her the wrong way. The fact that so many have attempted to do it makes the act all the more sickening for her even though it remains understandable. Princess Twilight is the most powerful mare in Equestria who is reputed to be naively friendly. Of course a lot of creatures are going to suck up to her in the hopes of gaining royal favors.

When Cozy focuses back on the quartermaster, she notes that Daisy doesn't seem to be fishing for any favors in particular. Rather than that, she's just trying to express gratitude for a favor that was already rendered a long time ago.

“Ah! And there we have one of our last . . . No, two of our last heavy lifters of our crew,” Prince Salizar literally points out by using his pipe to indicate another creature heading down the plank while carrying another heavy load. This time it is a member of a different species. One with red-scaled claws.

Beneath that crate comically dangles yet another diamond dog, but this time his is so short that he cannot possibly lift this crate. Instead of that, he hangs from it which actually adds more weight to the crate. Despite that, the one who lifts it does not even feel the extra weight.

“A dragon?” Spike notes with surprise as he crosses his arms. “You actually got a dragon to do your heavy lifting?”

“Maybe that is a common trait among royalty,” Sunset jests with an amused snicker.

“Well,” Spike begins in a bragging tone as he points to himself with a thumb, “I was able to lift hundreds of suitcases back when I was still a baby dragon, and many of those had a heavy load within them, primarily because they were stacked with books,” he finishes with an accusing glare at Twilight.

“That one-” Miss Daisy begins but is interrupted by the red dragon.

“I know where this goes,” the female dragon interrupts. “I'm not like these three numbskulls.”

“Numbskulls. Numbskulls. Yes-yes!” the short but stocky diamond dog, who was dangling below the crate she carried, says with a high pitch to his voice. This is followed by a short but strong burst of mad laughter. “Numbskulls! Delicious numbskulls.”

“Hey, wait a second,” Gallus says with a note of rising caution in his voice. “Haven't I seen these diamond dogs before?”

The red dragon delivers her large crate where the rest of the large crates are located. Before she drops her crate, she kicks the short diamond dog hanging from her crate away just to make sure he does not get crushed beneath it which she stacks on top of the other crates. The short, pug-like diamond dog does twelve somersaults as he is punted back onto the top deck of the ship. As he flew away, he sadistically giggles in mid-flight as if he either enjoys his flight, the pain of the kick, or possibly both.

Only after setting the crate down does the red dragon turn about. Doing so causes the rest of the group to have a better look at her. Her chest, front side of her long neck, and chin are a soft pink color, but the rest of her is bold red. She has downward curved horns on the side of her head that arch back up like a ram’s horn. Her face has an elongated snout, and she has a long three feet tall flexible neck. Her tail is an equal length to her neck. There are intermittent spikes traveling down her spine and tail, but they are linked with webbed crests.

Blaze?!” Gallus cries out in horrified recognition, then boldly stands in front of the group and spreads his wings defensively. He maintains a very tense and guarded pose as he regards the dragon ahead of them. “Stand back, everypony!” Gallus orders. “This one is hostile, but I will protect you all!”

“Whoa-whoa-whoa! Easy there, hot stuff,” Blaze calls forward while giving pushing motions with her claws with each “whoa” word she said. “Take it easy. I am reformed now.”

“A likely story!” Gallus growls menacingly. “Don't think I have forgotten what you and your goon dog squad did to those citizens!”

“Hey,” Blaze shrugs, “a dragon has got to make a living. Am I right?

“Besides, as I told you earlier, I'm reformed now. In fact, it is because of you and your friends.”

That declaration takes Gallus aback. In surprise, he asks, “Really?”

“Well sure!” Blaze strongly confirms. “In fact, I'm surprised that you are surprised. After all, it was you, and your friends, that saved my bacon, and those left of my minions, from that evil, possessed buffalo. If it weren't for you and your friends weird rainbow powered laser,” she says while waving jazz hands while saying those last three words, “we would have been a goner. You remember that thing, right? That spirit was no joke.”

“I . . . guess,” Gallus accepts a little bit but he still appears cautious.

“More than anyone in your group, Smolder especially inspired me,” Blaze reports on. “After that fiasco with the possessed buffalo, do you remember when Smolder turned to face the rest of you guys and bid you to go on while she hangs back to talk to me?”

“I . . . think so,” Gallus says with uncertain as he scratches the top of his helmet with his right pointing claw.

“Well, she did,” Blaze assures as she crosses her arm. “We had a lot to discuss after you left. Long story short, she helped to convince me that opening my heart and giving friendship a chance does not mean I have to give up my pride as a dragon. Rather than that, it means I can gain something on top of that instead. If there is one thing you can count on when it comes to us dragons, it is the fact that we are covetous. We always want more, so we'll seek it wherever we smell an opportunity.”

“While a dragon may covet friendship like a great big pile of treasure, it does not cause us to spontaneously grow or lose our minds,” Spike points out. “In fact, I'd say it does the opposite. Friendship keeps us well-grounded.”

“Do you think I would hire some creature like Blaze without doing a thorough background check?” Prince Salizar asks Gallus. “I am perfectly aware of her shady history, but I am also an excellent judge of character. It comes with the territory of being a skilled diplomat and merchant prince,” he says while spinning his bubble pipe. “And this one,” he points the pipe at Blaze, “I judge to be sincere in her efforts to turn over a new leaf. I am simply providing her with an opportunity to prove it.” He floats his pipe to his lips and blows a few bubbles out of it. “I think it is only fair to give her a chance to repay her debt to society while simultaneously rewarding her for her progress achieved in order to cement further motivation.

“Besides, her abilities come in hoofy many times. Like my bodyguard here, she is another member of my crew where her very presence alone can detour a potential fight. She comes with a lot of other pleasant bonuses, too, like these diamond dogs here.” He waves a hoof across the air to indicate them all. “They are honestly not here for me, they are here for her.

“Yeah, I can't seem to shake off these lousy mutts,” Blaze complains with an affectionate grin at them. “When they first called me 'boss', I severely underestimated how loyal they would be to that title.”

“Yes,” Wedge agrees as he wrings his paws. “Boss is alpha leader of our pack until another can prove stronger.”

“Good luck with that,” Blaze says with a roll of her eyes as she leans back into the heavy crates behind her, but not with her full weight.

“Yeah! We follow dah Boss!” Biggs also agrees. “We follow dah boss because boss is dah Boss, and . . . um . . .” He trails off as he scratches his rounded head because he forgot where he was going with that point.

“That's okay, Biggs. Don't hurt your head trying to think too deep,” Blaze discourages Biggs casually.

“Right, Boss!” Biggs confirms. “Me no think deep because me drown if me do, and drowning is no good!” He strongly shakes his head. “No good.”

“It would probably give this imbecile a headache if he tried,” Wedge figures as he slaps his face again while shaking his head.

“Yeah, these doofuses are with me,” Blaze informs the rest of the group. “But don't you worry. I'll keep them in line.”

Daisy snickers as she roams about the inventory outside of the airship and does some double-checking, then she says, “Diamond dogs may be good at digging through earth and sniffing out gems, but one thing they usually don't have is airlegs. It took them quite some time to find their equilibrium on the airship while it was in motion. During that time, we had a doozy of a time cleaning up all the lunches they threw up.”

“Yeah,” Spike agrees as he narrows one eye at the diamond dogs. “Diamond dogs are basically earth affinity creatures, so an airship is the last place I'd ever expect to see them.”

“What can I say?” Blaze asks with an innocent shrug. “They insisted on following me like lost puppies.”

“We'd follow you anywhere, Boss,” Wedge promises as he salutes her. Blaze returns the gesture with a halfhearted effort.

“But why would you want to be here?” Gallus checks with Blaze as he eyes her with the last of his lingering suspicion. “So okay. Maybe I'd be willing to believe that you'd turn over a new leaf. Smolder can be pretty convincing when she wants to be, and she especially knows how to talk to her fellow kind . . . but riddle me this; why an airship? And why this particular airship?”

“Because it seemed exciting,” Blaze answers. “In order to expand my opportunities as well as my social circle, I figured I'd have to be willing to venture into faraway places.” Blaze thumbs behind her at the ship. “If I make my lair in a place like this, I'd see a new environment practically every day I look out my quarters porthole.” She folds her claws across her chest again as she continues to lightly lean into the crates behind her. “Think about it. I get to frequently explore new lands and cultures. This expands my network of contacts and associates, and as you are previously aware, I know how to manage a group.”

“That's what I'm afraid of,” Gallus says as he narrows his eyes at her.

“Right, but this time they'll actually be friends,” Blaze promises. “Look . . . unlike these numbskulls, I'm no fool. I'm perfectly aware that expanding my circle of friends is still unlikely to allow me to shoot rainbow lasers and whatnot, but it really does not have to go that far. Friends are loyal by choice. That is a very important distinction because it means that they are a reliable resource.”

Exactly! Cozy exclaims in her mind. Finally some creature gets it!

“It used to be I always had to question the reliability of my former contacts,” Blaze goes on. “Did I pay them enough? Did I threaten them enough? Is there some reason they'd seek to overthrow me or want revenge against me? If so, how long will it take before the risk outweighs their potential usefulness?

“Let me be perfectly clear . . . I never feared a challenge. Rather, I welcomed it . . . but Smolder taught me how friends can be a bridge to bigger and greater things. By relying upon questionable tools and shaky alliances, I was hindering my ultimate potential.

“Look . . . I have thousands upon thousands of years ahead of me to plan out. The best path, in the long run, is the one that has the greatest chance to accumulate the most wealth. Organizing an army of loyal contacts can certainly help me do that. The information I could accumulate from having so many informants alone could secure me a prestigious position in society. I'm patient and willing to play 'servant' aboard this ship for a few short years if it means helping me to forge a mighty empire in the long run. During that time, I am hoarding useful knowledge, contacts, and developing key skills.”

“Did Smolder really tell you all that?” Gallus checks with Blaze.

Blaze nods at him. “As you said, she knows how to talk to dragons. Remember, it is very important for members of our race to not only plan ahead for the present and tomorrow, but every day that follows for thousands of years because, to us, that very well can be a reality. Our success in that future depends on what we've accumulated across that time.

“Basically, it all boils down to this; the more wealth and power we have, the more influence we have over the rest of dragon society.” She waves a claw at him. “Even if our intentions are benign, it does not change that ancient fact. In order to permit us the chance to influence the rest of our race towards a better path, we have to learn to play by our society’s rules. More wealth and power equals more respect and clout in our society, and vice versa. So, you can see where my motivations stand in the long run.”

The claw that originally waved at him folds across her chest again as she goes on to say, “Smolder is well aware of this fact too, so she's working, in her own way, to extend her influence in dragon society across the future. Developing genuine friends within our society certainly can be an effective way to combine our accumulated resources and could give us a massive advantage over those of our species who played it out entirely solo. Whatever they gained would be theirs alone without any need to share with anyone, but in a society, we have to think of the larger picture. Leadership is best given to those who have practiced it and proven their worth with it. One way to do that is to show what we've done with those who have chosen to follow us.”

“Being a devoted follower can lead to a stronger and wiser leader in the long gallop,” Prince Salizar points out. “So the real treasure she's accumulating from me is knowledge and experience. Used correctly, it can be used to draw in far more resources across her vast stretch of time.”

Blaze grins at the prince as she adds, “That, and a comfortable bed to sleep every night. Also good food, good crew. So on and so forth.”

“Because we know we benefit each other, we can trust each other's loyalty,” Salizar assures.

“Prince Salizar, in particular, is somepony I am eager to learn from,” Blaze puts in. “Because, of all ponies, he knows how to accumulate wealth the best. That pretty much is his cutie mark and represents who he is as a pony.

“But, more than that, the prince accumulates wealth not just for himself, but for his entire nation. He accumulates wealth in mass for the greater benefit of all who choose to follow him. I, for one, greatly admire him for that. If I can learn those skills, I'll eventually be the greatest, wealthiest, and the most respected dragon who has ever lived. A dragon who also commands an entire nation into everlasting harmony and prosperity.”

“I can't argue with that logic,” Cozy Glow agrees.

“Well then,” Salizar speaks up, pauses to blow a few more bubbles, then floats the pipe out of his mouth to point at the plank leading up to the ship. “If we're all feeling settled with this debate,” he says then pauses again as he looks over to Gallus. When the Royal Guard nods in calmer acknowledgment, the prince continues. “In that case, everypony, follow me and I shall continue with the tour.”

As he passes Daisy, he tells her, “Good job, my friend. Keep up the good work.”

“Oh, My Liege,” Daisy prompts as she looks at him anxiously. The Prince pauses and gives her his full attention. “Are we going to have some shore leave in Canterlot? The crew has been bottled up in that ship for quite some time. I'm sure they could really use it, My Liege.”

“I'm sure I can make some arrangements,” the prince agrees with an emphatic look to Princess Twilight.

Smiling, Twilight informs Daisy, “Tell the crew of the ship that we would love to entertain your crew for . . .?” She trails off with a rising questioning inflection towards the prince.

“A week should suffice,” Salizar figures as he looks over to the still cheering crowd they passed over on their way to the docks. “It seems your citizens really are eager to embrace us warmly. This, of course, follows through with my calculated design.”

Cozy grows intrigued with his wording. A pony who plans ahead? Now this has her undivided attention.

“So that is why the horns and clouds of confetti,” Sunset realizes. “You were trying to butter up the citizens so that your crew would be well received.” Sunset grins. “But, in all probability, your efforts were overkill. Twilight's citizens and many friends likely would have welcomed you anyway.”

“Actually, my dear lady,” Salizar says as he turns to look at her, “there is an even more critical reason for that action.”

“Oh?” Sunset asks with interest.

“On that regard, I shall wait until we can discuss that in greater privacy,” Prince Salizar decides. “Which can be done in my quarters on this ship as soon as we finish the tour.

“Now then, without further ado,” he turns to face up the ramp of the ship as he floats the pipe back into his mouth, “follow me.”

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