• Published 27th Dec 2020
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One Thousand Years Ago - Scroll

The past has come back to haunt Cozy Glow in more ways than one. The fate of those who shared a similar history hangs in the balance.

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Chapter 27: Remnants of the Legion of Doom, Part 3, Tirek's Last Command

As Cozy makes her way to the next cell, she dwells on the fact that this next encounter will likely feel far different. To begin with, Cozy was only warned by Princess Luna that Chrysalis is suffering from a deteriorating mental condition. That implies that Tirek, in contrast, is of sound mind. This fact alone may drastically change Cozy's approach with him.

There is also the fact that she actually feels rather fond of the guy, and part of her suspects he feels the same way. He'd never admit it, of course, especially to a pony, but those feelings are there nonetheless.

But after she was cast down into Tartarus, she remembers that a strong part of her panicked. To be behind bars again! To lack her freedom again! At least she wasn't a slave that time, so she acknowledged that her situation possibly could be worse.

Only the worst of the worst was thrown down there. The disposition of the others might be harder to manipulate, and they could also possess abilities that she may not be able to counter.

She kept a calm exterior to avoid showing any weaknesses, but deep down . . . Cozy was scared.

However, things looked a bit up for her when she notices that her adjacent cellmate happened to be Lord Tirek himself. She hadn't met him personally up until that point, but she knew him by description and she saw some drawings of him earlier. Prior to that she had only known him through a string of letters passed back and forth. She had to admit to herself that her circumstances back then did indeed appear grim, but she always sought an opportunity to elevate herself. By then she learned she no longer had to send him letters to get a response. She could just talk to him directly. That would mean accumulating useful information even faster.

As she spoke, there were many times he acted disgusted to speak to her. He claimed he had no interest to speak with, “Weak-minded equines.” However, over time, she managed to wear him down and convince him that her mind was anything but weak, and she also tried to convince him that they were a lot alike and had a common enemy.

Their hatred, more than anything else, united them the best.

While she was willing to settle for that relationship if she had to, she secretly wanted more than that. When she asked him if he wanted to be friends with her, her offer was not only genuine, but it was also eager. More than anything else, Cozy wanted friends, and she had decided she'd do anything, be anything it took to get him to accept that. That was the ultimate example of stockholm syndrome. Since he had something she wanted, something she felt she needed, she'd do anything it took to attain it. If he wanted her to be a monster, then she was willing to be a monster as long as it gave her a chance to gain attention.

Plots and schemes aside, Cozy used to be convinced that was all she was going to get for all eternity. Just this one stubborn centaur beside her who was revolted at the mere idea of being caged next to a pony. There was nothing else worth focusing on, and she figured she had all eternity to wear him down. Every single tiny scratch of progress she figured would be cumulative. She was determined to have at least one friend, so she vowed to never quit until that objective succeeded.

But the thing about friendship is it's a two-way street. As she wore him down, she found herself identifying with him more and more. This caused her to be fond of him, almost to an uncontrollable degree. He was her last desperate hope for a never-ending food source for her soul. She knew she was a social creature and always would be. If he's all she's got, then she was determined to do anything it took to win him over.

It was so hard, too. So many times he complained about how annoying she was. She remembered his desperate cries of pain and the way he'd smack his forehead on the bars of the cage in the hopes that maybe it might knock him unconscious.

“STOP!” He cried out to her in desperate pain. “I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. JUST STOP!!! Stop your incessant rambling, you stupid little equine!”

“Only if you'll agree to be my friend!” Cozy had pressed.


“Okey-dokey, neighborino,” Cozy accepted as she smiled in victory. “If you'll agree to be my friend, I'll leave you in peace for a little while, but remember . . . friends talk to each other and share their personal feelings.”

Tirek rolled his eyes as he spat in disgust, “Don't remind me!”

Cozy giggled happily back then. After that, she twirled in place like a cat trying to get comfortable before settling down in the middle of the cage. She wrapped her tail around herself like a blanket, for it was the few things she had access to.

After that, she pretended to fall asleep for a little while, but secretly she peeked over at him. Her heart glowed even further when she passively observed him smiling fondly at her off the corner of her eye.

“You stubborn little equine,” he once mumbled quietly under his breath. Quiet enough that she wouldn't have heard him if she really was asleep, but since she was only pretending to be asleep, she happened to catch his words this time. “You infuriating little equine. I hate you so much. I despise you! You disgust me.”

For a moment, Cozy felt inwardly wounded. She grew worried that he only said what he said earlier just to shut her up.

But then he went on to say, “How can an impish little devil like you be so delightfully evil while still wearing that form?

“I don't know, but I'll admit . . . you're not like any other equine that I've encountered before. That's for sure.

“Maybe . . . just maybe . . . you have the heart of a centaur after all. If that's true, I'll consider your pony form a mere disguise.

“Yes. I can accept you under those terms.”

A centaur? Cozy thought back then. Okey-dokey. If that is the role you want me to play, I'll be it.

Anything. I'll accept any role as long as you be my friend.

For a moment, Cozy collapses against the wall of the dungeon. Tears rose to her eyes when she vividly recalls how desperate she was back then. She hadn't thought of it in such a long time, but now that she is, it's dredging up very deep emotional baggage for her.

In the days when he was the only one she could talk to, he became the center of her universe. All of her ego and pride were cast aside in light of that one fact. There were no real plans anymore except as a thought exercise to pass the time. All that really mattered to her anymore was him.

When they did get unexpectedly freed at a later time, Cozy was traumatized for a moment that Tirek might abandon her now that staying with her was no longer necessary. After all, now that she wasn't his only option anymore, maybe he'd reveal his true colors and trot away from her for good.

Cozy could have done that too, and the thought briefly crossed her mind for a moment, but doing so immediately caused great physical pain in her tiny body. That was because, by then, she had too much emotional investment in that individual. That meant she crossed a line in her tiny little heart that she could not cross back. Not unless she suffered severe betrayal, and if he did . . . Cozy wasn't certain she wanted to live anymore.

But, fortunately for her, he didn't abandon her. She feared it so much, but with every day that he stuck by her, her confidence in the integrity of their relationship grew. More and more she grew convinced that their affection for each other was indeed genuine. Nothing else would have mattered if she didn't have that. But, as her confidence grew, it became easier to focus on other things, like their revenge plans.

Chrysalis, on the other hoof, felt like a necessary evil. This was an individual that was suddenly thrust into Cozy's life with no warning or preparation. She just had to deal with it.

Cozy was immediately willing to see the changeling queen as a potentially useful asset. After all, it boggled her young mind how many possibilities a changeling’s abilities could present. Cozy once laughed so hard with evil glee as she considered how much subterfuge and sabotage could be accomplished with those abilities. Getting into places they shouldn't, framing innocent ponies for crimes they didn't commit, impersonating political leaders, and establishing new laws that would torture their enemies!

Oh! The delicious possibilities were endless!

But, deep down, Cozy couldn't help but look at the changeling queen as a rival. Maybe she was merely bothered by the idea that she wasn't the only female in the picture now, but it definitely felt like more than that. Cozy wanted to be in charge of the relationship and there were several reasons for that. There was the standard ambition, of course, but with Chrysalis, it was one step further. Cozy felt like Chrysalis was a threat. After all, if Cozy could come up with all these wonderful schemes on how those abilities could be used smartly, there was no reason to assume that Chrysalis couldn't come up with it herself. After all, she existed as a changeling longer than anypony else Cozy knew. She probably mastered her abilities to such a degree that even other changelings wouldn’t be able to dream of it.

By thinking of this, Cozy felt paranoid. At that point she grew determined to see even more subtle signs from Tirek just to help her identify if Chrysalis ever chose to impersonate her friend, or “Grogar”, for that matter, though that would have been an extra layer of irony to their situation since Discord was actually impersonating Grogar from the start.

Cozy wanted Chrysalis under her hoof to ensure that the former changeling queen wouldn't steal what is rightfully Cozy's, and that extended beyond their local relationship. Now that they were finally free of Tartarus, the world was their oyster. All they had to do was conquer it!

But now Cozy had to face the possibility that Tirek and her may have drifted apart too much. Cozy feared that impression from Chrysalis because of her instincts for survival, but with Tirek . . . it goes much deeper than that.

Then there was that promise she made to her own counterpart recently. She asked pony Cozy to cherish her friends. When Cozy agreed, she fully meant it. It was basically her plan anyway.

But now what? Tirek might be in conflict with her new friends. That's actually a certainty, so how can she hoofle this one?

Maybe this is one instance where she wouldn't mind some friendship advice from “dear” old mother. After all, this issue is too important to ignore that potential advantage, even if it comes from somepony she loathes.

Cozy wants to move away from the wall and continue her way down the hallway, but fear partially paralyzes her. The results of this next encounter could have a very strong emotional impact on her, and she feels herself at the precipice of a potential loss. Loss of a type and severity that she could not accept.

Cozy shakes with fear. She feels like a filly again. Just a scared, lonely, and vulnerable little child who is terrified that someone important to her is about to abandon her. There are so few in this world that she cannot accept that possibility from, but of those, he is one of them.

“Please,” she whispers under her breath within a tight, painful wince on her face. “Please don't forsake me. Please!”

Still shaking like a leaf, Cozy finally manages to put one hoof in front of the other, then another, then another, and so on.

Is this what courage feels like? Cozy wonders to herself. If so . . . I don't think I like it.

Cozy hates showing weakness, especially in front of him, because she knows him. Tirek is a centaur, and as such, he only respects strength. If she does not display it then she's no longer worthy of his respect. If she does not have his respect, then she might not have his friendship either.

Celestia, I don't often pray to you, especially considering I hate you so much, but for once, I beg you . . . give me the strength to face this trial!

“My, my,” Tirek coos slowly in a surprisingly similar way that Chrysalis greeted Cozy not long ago. She also notices that his voice sounds cracked and old. This is indicative of his shriveled form when he has no, or very little, magic in his system. She knows for sure that he despises that form most of all. “What do we have here? Is it my lost student . . . perhaps?”

“Uh . . .” Cozy panics for a brief moment, but she squashes it down and presses on. Maybe, this time, she can successfully play the pity card. Right now, that's the only card she feels like she has the strength to play.

“Indeed,” Cozy finally answers. “I am lost and feel the need for your guidance.”

“Really? And you have come to me for advice? A little pony?” After he asks that question, he snickers in an evil way.

His eyes open in the dark. Unlike Chrysalis, they do not naturally glow, nor are they green. The firelight of the torches is the only reason Cozy can see him this time, and the shine is much fainter as well. In this case, his eyes stick out of the darkness as tiny golden orbs.

“Of course,” Cozy answers. “I will always be your student.”

“Indeed,” Tirek says as it sounds like he settles. “Well . . . good to know that some things around here haven't changed.”

He sighs, then asks, “Why have you come?”

“I already told you,” Cozy reminds.

Don't play games with me, little pony!” Tirek snaps. When he does, Cozy winces as if physically struck. The fact he keeps accusing her of being a “little pony” is a bad sign. That is because, in his eyes, that is something to disrespect.

I knew it, Cozy laments privately. Approaching him outside a position of strength was a tactical error. I might have already blown this encounter.

“I . . . just . . . wanted to see you,” Cozy answers honestly. “At least one last time because . . . because . . .” Her chin quivers. “I'm . . . I'm going to be leaving soon. Leaving Canterlot for a long time. Maybe I'll never return if things go south.”

“Oh?” Now he sounds intrigued. “And just where is it you think you are going, little equine?”

Equine? Cozy reflects. Is that an improvement over “pony”?

Huh. At least he's asking questions. That demonstrates interest.

I'll take what I can get. Time to reel him in.

“Far,” Cozy answers. “Very far. Far enough to be beyond our maps. Beyond the boundaries of Equestria itself and any known territories.”

Cozy touches the magic geode at her neck, then says with a slight wince, “I don't know if you'd believe me as to why I have to go. Even if you did know, I'm not sure that you'd care . . . but . . . all you need to know is that it's important to me. It's something that I have to do.”

“Then why come to me about this?” Tirek asks back irritably. “If you need to go, then just go! Don't just stand there and wait for my permission. You never needed that anyway.”

“Why do you say that?” Cozy checks. “Why do you think I don't need your permission?”

“Do not insult us by pretending you ever did!” Tirek snaps in disgust. “I taught you better than that.”

Despite the fact she cannot see his face, she notices his eyes raise up further. It's as if he's now sitting straight from an originally slouched position.

“You are strong, little filly,” Tirek announces. “That's how you are different from other members of your pathetic race. You have the ambition, talent, charm, and wits enough to seize power! Nevermind the fact if you can hold it or not. Nopony else of your race has even tried.”

“Sombra did,” Cozy quickly reminds. “In fact, he tried to do it solo . . . and he almost succeeded.”

“Oh yes. Him,” Tirek sneers. “Well . . . I suppose he's different from most of your kind too, I must admit. In fact, he was quite the force to reckon with long ago.”

“What did you say?!” Cozy asks with sudden sharp interest. She was shocked to learn that Tirek has a history with Sombra. One that isn't forgotten.

Tirek's eyes close briefly as he says dismissively, “It doesn't matter.” He opens his gleaming yellow eyes at her again. “It's in the distant past and is no longer relevant.”

You'd be surprised, Cozy is tempted to say. But still, right now, she barely has the courage to talk to him at all. Refuting or arguing with him in any way feels like it risks any tenuous hold she has on him.

Cozy swallows her disappointment, but she does not press the issue. Instead, she'll let him speak on any subject that he wills, and once again, she'll play on the defensive.

“What matters today is you,” Tirek insists. “You have the chance to be somepony that neither Chrysalis, nor I, could ever be. It may also be something that you need to be.

“Deny it all you wish, but I know who you are. I know what you are. You are an equine, much like these other fools of your kind. You crave, thrive, and need social attention just as much as they do. The only difference is you are not weak. You are not stupid, for your trials have hardened you. Say what you will about your history, but it has made you strong!

In the dark, Cozy can hear him clench a fist. She can easily imagine him raising it and shaking it before him.

Be the pony that they cannot,” Tirek firmly advises. “They may not realize it, but they need you. They need you because you are not weak-minded like the rest of them. You don't allow such hindrances like morality to slow or stop you from achieving your aims, and someday those traits may yet save them from some greater threat than us all.”

“What do you care about them?” Cozy challenges. As she asks, she's beginning to find strength in her voice because that is the role he wants her to play. In accordance with that, she forces confidence and assertiveness in herself.

“I don't!” Tirek firmly assures. “However, for as long as you are a part of their society . . . there may yet be hope for them . . . and for you.”

Cozy just stares at him, feeling uncertain what to say next. She knew, if she does speak, she'd have to choose her words carefully. Everything he says sharpens her role to him. In doing so, it also limits her options, in a way.

For instance, she learned, by now, that she is not allowed to appear weak, even if that is the only thing her heart is telling her. She's not invulnerable and never would claim to be so. She won't deny that there is strength in her as well, though that may be somewhat conditional.

“You're the one who taught me to be strong,” Cozy eventually says. “I got this far with your help. I may need it again to press even further.”

“No,” he denies as he closes his eyes. But, just before they shut, she saw them move. Most likely he's shaking his head no in denial before opening his steady eyes at her again. “Strength does not come from a dependence upon others,” Tirek lectures. “It comes from within, child. Seek your strength there. That is the only place you'll find it. That is the only place you'll ever need to explore.

“The rest of your pathetic race all believe that strength only comes from 'friendship'.” He finishes his sentence with a mocking sneer. She can even imagine that he used finger quotes when he said that word. “And that is where they fail. They keep relying upon others, and in doing so, they become a slave to the whims of others.

“But here,” she hears him pound his chest, “within you is where your true core strength should lie. If you can discover that, then you have independence . . . and independence is freedom!”

“I . . . I will remember your words,” Cozy vows sincerely.

“In that case, you already have what you need to endure and thrive on your journey,” Tirek announces. “So go. Leave me.” He says more softly with a bit of an affectionate look to his eyes. “Do what you have to do.”

Cozy does not want to go, but he gave her a command. Defying it might seem like a sign of weakness, and she does not wish to risk the respect she managed to scrounge up from him during this encounter.

Besides, she did feel some measure of strength in herself after this conversation. He gave her permission to leave and do what she has to do. During that time, his only true command for her is to simply be strong. If she can achieve that, she will likely survive the journey ahead.

And, if she does that, it is all the more likely she'll return to him someday.

Now she sees his aim!

Cozy closes her eyes as she gathers her courage and resolve, then turns to leave.

Until he calls to her one last time.

“Oh . . . and one more thing.”

Cozy looks back at him to her left side.

“If you find that worthless brother of mine, tell him . . .”

He trails off.

“Um . . . nevermind,” he dismisses. “Instead of that, if you see him, do as you will. That's the only action that counts anyway.”


Oh, that's right! He's out there too, the one I originally got a letter from which was addressed to his brother, Tirek. That's how the two of us became acquainted in the first place.

Wow. I haven't thought of him in a long time, but I must admit . . . it would be nice to see him again.

My first friend.

Cozy looks forward again. Then, without another word or a backwards glance, she moves on back to Doctor Patience's office.

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