• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 1,038 Views, 83 Comments

Tales of Equestria: Changing into Love - Noratcat

Freed from stone, Chrysalis finds herself in a new form of prison, but will she ultimately find a new way of living?

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Chapter 10

The waves crashed softly against the beach, The sea foam absorbed into the white sand, darkening it as the water moved in and out. Chrysalis found it calming, the entire scenery was serene, so much she didn’t care she wasn’t in her pony state. Soft music played, violin stringing along with some unknown tune. Looking to the left she could see Lord Tirek playing it. The centaur was in his weakened state, paying no mind to his former companion heading to the candlelit table. At the other end sat Spring Herb.

“You made it,” Spring noted happily.

Chrysalis smiled, “Well it’s my dream right? Why wouldn’t I show up?”

Spring chuckled, “I suppose so.”

“Hello there!”

Chrysalis and Spring looked to the right and noticed Cozy Glow flapping her little wings, presenting a menu to each guest.

“I’ll let you two talk and decide on the menu. Thank you for dining with us!” The filly cheered as she flew away.

Using her magic to pick up the menu, Chrysalis surveyed it.

“See anything good?” Spring asked.

Chrysalis looked over it for seven seconds before she answered, “It’s all in gibberish.”

“Well that’s what dreams are, but then again sometimes they say a dream is a window into the soul,” Spring stated.

“Really?” Chrysalis asked.

“Of course, I mean why else would you be dreaming about this?” Said Spring, “It is what you wanted right?”

Chrysalis wasn’t so sure how to answer. This was a dream for certain, but she wasn’t sure if this was a manifestation of her innermost desires, or if it was just randomness? Regardless of what it was, Chrysalis couldn’t deny a simple fact: she liked this. No, she wanted this.

“You have a point, I just, these feelings, I’ve well…” Chrysalis trailed off as he noticed Spring rising.

“Shh. You don’t have to say anymore.”

The stallion stood in front of her, Chrysalis turning to face him. She looked deeply into his eyes, finding herself lost within them. The more she stared into them the more she found herself wanting to sink into them more and more. As much as he held it in, she couldn’t hold it anymore, and she drew herself forward, and Spring did the same.



“I don’t want to wake up.”


“Because then I’ll realize this isn’t real.”

“That’s okay, we can pretend it’s real for now.”

That was good enough for Chrysalis. As they leaned in, Chrysalis cared for nothing else. All that mattered was this moment now, but just as their lips were about to touch, Chrysalis woke up.

A sharp pain coursed through her head, spurring her to rasp in an intake of air. Her vision blurred as it adjusted to the light that spilled into the room. As soon as it cleared the pain in her head became a more throbbing sensation. Instinctively she put a hoof to her head in a feeble attempt to do it. She knew it wouldn’t, but wanted to offer some form of comfort to herself.

The door creaked open and through it stepped Spring Herb, “Good morning, how are you feeling?” He asked.

Chrysalis let out a low moan and replied, “I...feel…like…yak dung.”

“That bad huh?” Spring replied with sympathy, “Sorry, I should have warned you about the dragonclaw nectar.”

“Dragonclaw nectar?” Chrysalis repeated, then the memories of last night hit her, “That drink...I was drunk wasn’t I?”

“Oh yeah, very much so,” Spring replied.

Groaning to herself, Chrysalis sank further into her pillow which only spiked the pain she was already feeling in her head, “Ugh, a pox on dragonclaw nectar, no matter how delectable it is.”

“You just have to learn how to pace yourself, but I take it that was your first time with alcohol?” Spring asked.

“Was it that obvious?” Chrysalis rhetorically asked.

“Hey don’t feel too bad, it happens to the best of us. Heck, I got pretty wasted off of it my first time,” Spring admitted.

The hungover mare presented a grin, “Glad I’m not alone, what about Summer?”

“Nah Summer’s always been the careful one, fact she helped me my first time,” Spring recalled the first time he had gotten drunk.

“I bet she rubbed it in didn’t she?” Chrysalis grimly asked.

Spring chuckled, “She wouldn’t be Summer if she didn’t.”

“Great, I suppose I have to look forward to her granting me the same courtesy,” Chrysalis groaned.

“Don’t worry, I talked with her and she agreed to go easy on you,” Spring reassured.

Smiling, Chrysalis added, “Thank you.”

“No problem.”

Before anything else could happen, Chrysalis felt a wave of nausea wash over her. So much she quickly got to her hooves and headed inside the bathroom. Spring nearly asked what was wrong, but the sounds that emanated from the bathroom were indication enough. It would appear the mare’s body was not reacting to the alcohol well. Her stomach at least.

In no time Chrysalis recovered, or at least recovered to the point she could move freely without feeling the constant numb of pang.

“Hey, drunky! How goes it?” Summer greeted.

Chrysalis winced slightly at the volume of the mare’s voice.

“Knock it off Summer,” Spring warned.

“Relax bro I’m just messing with her. Besides, this will teach her not to drink so much,” Summer declared.

“Duly noted,” Chrysalis replied.

Already the hangover was subsiding, but she still couldn’t shake this small pain in the back of her head.

“Shame you got wasted because last night was a hit!” Summer declared excitedly, “I mean probably the best festival yet!”

Chrysalis fell a little in spirits. She couldn’t believe it, but because of her intoxication, she had missed the festival. What she couldn’t believe was that she was upset over missing a festival, a pony one no less!

“Hey it’s no problem, she can catch next year’s,” Spring replied optimistically.

“Next year?” Chrysalis questioned.

Spring didn’t hesitate when saying that, there was no uncertainty in his voice. He was dead certain she would attend. And oddly, Chrysalis found herself not disagreeing with that.

“I suppose so,” She muttered.

“Yeah and I guess our own little “festival” could count tonight right bro?” Summer asked.

“Your festival?” Chrysalis questioned.

“Yeah, every year, the day after the festival, Spring and I go out on a little camping trip, sort of like a vacation.” Summer explained.

Chrysalis eyed the pair skeptically, “Are you so certain it’s wise for two doctors to go on a “vacation”?”

“It’s only a mini-vacation, and it’s just one day, not like anything big is going to happen in one day,” Summer reasoned, “Besides, it’s close to town, and everypony knows about our yearly trip.”

If everypony in town knew, then Chrysalis did suppose it was alright.

“Of course if you want to stay here we understand,” Spring said.

There was a distinct lack of reverse psychology in his voice. The stallion was earnest in his sentence. But at the same time, she could tell he was extending an offer.

Chrysalis thought for a moment. Though her hangover still lingered, and she supposed a day of rest would do her well, she found herself perhaps against her better judgment saying, “Why not?”

Spring grinned, “Had a feeling you would say that, so we packed a few extra supplies.”

Summer grinned as well and shrugged, “You know our guest well brother. Course you would want to accommodate your “girlfriend”.”

Chrysalis waited for Spring to retort against his sister, but strangely, he didn’t. Chrysalis would have said something herself but found herself lacking as she got ready for the trip.

It didn’t strike her odd to not find offense at the “girlfriend” comment.


It took some time for them to get ready, grabbing the right supplies, and then hiking outside the village to their location. Chrysalis didn’t question. It wasn’t the first time she had gone camping so to speak. After all, she had spent much time in the wilderness alone after she lost her throne, and there was that period where she, Tirek, and Cozy Glow camped outside as they quested to retrieve Grogar’s bell. Granted she didn’t enjoy doing that, but this was a cakewalk. For one, she wasn’t alone, and those pieces of wood she used as “subjects” didn’t count. And though in the past she would have never admitted so, Spring Hoof and Summer Flower were far better company than a spoiled brat and a centaur with body image issues.

She found herself privately laughing. It was the first time she had thought of her associates in a long time. It made her wonder exactly what Tirek and Cozy Glow was doing? Throughout the months she had stayed in Trotter, she had heard no news reports about her statue being broken. She would think that a monumental event such as the “Mean Three” breaking free from their stone entrapments would make front-page news. Of course one wondered if Twilight would have caused such a widespread panic among her subjects that three of their biggest enemies were set free? Nevertheless, from what she gathered, her statue was still standing.

There was always the possibility that the filly and centaur were hit with the reincarnation spell just like she was, but it was unknown at this time. If they were smart like her, they would have laid low, not sharing their former selves with whomever they met.

Before long they came to a stop. It was a nice clearing, wide space enough to put up a tent, maybe make a fire, but what got Chrysalis’s notice where the two slabs of stone sticking out of the ground. Thought standing some distance away, Chrysalis noticed some writing upon the stones.

“Hello Mom and Dad, right here on time like always,” Spring said as he and Summer trotted up to the stones.

“Last night’s festival was really great, you two would have loved it,” Summer said.

Chrysalis looked curiously over at her two housemates and asked, “What...are you two doing?”

For a brief moment, Spring looked surprised but motioned for Chrysalis to come over. Chrysalis did so and the moment she did, she could see there was writing upon the stones.

“Seasons Bundle, and Winter Sauna, beloved husband/wife, and devoted father/mother,” Was what each stone said.

It soon dawned upon the former changeling, that these were gravestones.

“Mom, Dad, this is Crystal Hoof, Crystal this is our mother and father...or rather where they are now,” Spring added that last fact sadly.

Summer shared the same sentiments, her face forlorn.

“So, we’re camping near your parent's graves?” Chrysalis asked.

“I know how you feel, but trust us this is less disturbing than it is,” Summer reassured.

“Every year after the festival, we come here to pay our respects and look back on the past,” Spring explained.

Chrysalis eyed the two graves curiously, “I see.” She muttered.

“Anyway, let’s get the tent set up,” Spring said, going to work setting up where they would be sleeping.

Summer joined in, but as they began hammering in the first post, she turned to Chrysalis and called, “Mind pitching in?”

Without thinking, Chrysalis did so, “Okay, what do I do?” She asked.

“Never set up a tent?” Summer asked.

Chrysalis was about to answer when Spring interrupted, “Don’t worry, we’ll show you.”

Spring’s offer of aid spurred another smile upon Chrysalis’s face. So much she ignored the small pain in the back of her head. It had been faint but it was noticeable. After all, her first experience with alcohol was something that both she and her body would remember.

In short order, the tent was set up, and that was only the first task.

“Why don’t you two go gather firewood? While I finish things up here?” Summer suggested.

“Sure, thanks sis,” Spring expressed.

“No problem, besides, I think you two could do well with some alone time,” The mare replied sneakily.

Chrysalis shot Summer an indignant look, wincing slightly as she felt the pain once more in her head.

“You ready?” Bet I’ll gather more wood than you,” Spring boasted.

Chrysalis shot the stallion a defiant look, “Oh really?” She dared, “Let me show you how a lady gathers firewood.”

“You’re on,” Spring likewise dared.

The two ponies were off leaving behind a chuckling Summer, “Just a little prodding and those two will be lovebirds in no time.”