• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 1,037 Views, 83 Comments

Tales of Equestria: Changing into Love - Noratcat

Freed from stone, Chrysalis finds herself in a new form of prison, but will she ultimately find a new way of living?

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Chapter 9

Young Chrysalis slowly stepped towards the still body of her mother. Several of the praetorians stood around her, eyes looking upon the frail body of their queen. Chrysalis supposed it was only a matter of time. Cocoon was already getting on in years, having Chrysalis at a very advanced age. The young Changeling princess stopped right before her mother’s body. Suddenly an intake of air, filled the whithered form of the Changeling Queen. Her eyes looked about, gasping for sight until she fell upon her daughter.

“Chry...sa...lis,” She gasped.

“Yes, Mother?” Chrysalis answered her voice even and without emotion.

“I...am...at...the...final...stages...of…my...life,” The old queen struggled to breathe.

Chrysalis remained silent throughout it all, never showing emotion.

Cocoon made a final struggling intake of air, “Now...our hive will look…look to you for leadership!”

Chrysalis continued to remain silent.

“Remember what I’ve taught you, my daughter,” Cocoon sank as she felt her energy drain once more, but she maintained it all the same, “Love...friendship...they are nothing but things to control, nothing more!”

Chrysalis nodded.

Cocoon made a pained gasp, this one more brutal than the others, strong and with a sickening coarseness to it. She fell, her breathing slowing, and then her body fell lifeless. All the while, Chrysalis remained silent, never showing emotion, never showing tears, no sadness, no joy, just acceptance. The other changelings looked to her, likewise showing no sadness for their now departed queen. They each said one thing, something that said the reign of Coccoon had ended.

“All hail Queen Chrysalis.”

Yes, it was her time to rule, and rule she would, for the glory of the hive.


Chrysalis watched outside the window as she noticed it. Every pony in town was bustling about. Today wasn’t just any old day, it was the day of the yearly festival. Spring and Summer had talked about it endlessly (well mostly Summer) since ponies began setting things up for it. Chrysalis wasn’t sure what this festival was about. She wasn’t sure what it was commemorating. Not that she cared. No, she certainly didn’t care.

“Come on Crystal!” Summer begged.

Chrysalis looked out the window, eyes never straying over to the mare, “No, my decision is final.”

“Really? You’re going to stay inside all day?” Summer asked incredulously.

“I haven’t the slightest interest in festivals,” Chrysalis stated.

Festivals and celebrations, in general, were never part of Changeling life. At least when she was in charge. She wasn’t sure what changes Thorax had brought to the Hive since he took over.

“That’s because you’ve never been to one sister!” Summer exclaimed, “There’s food, drinks, dancing, and it’s just the perfect time to unwind, and believe me, you need to unwind.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Chrysalis asked point blankly.

“Oh please, you’ve been wound up the minute we found you,” Summer replied.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, “Are you trying to make me angry?”

Summer raised her eyebrow, “Is it working?”

Chrysalis didn’t answer, not playing into Summer’s game, “You two just go on and have your fun.”

Summer was about to beg again, when Spring stopped her, “Come on Summer, lay off her, if she doesn’t want to come to the festival she doesn’t have to.”

Chrysalis grinned and nodded, happy at least one pony had a sense of mind.

“I suppose this festival is too high class for a pony of her stature,” Spring suddenly said.

That got Chrysalis’s attention, “Excuse me?”

“Yeah, maybe you should stay home?” Spring spoke almost in a suggestion.

“I am as high class as they come!” Chrysalis spoke up defensively, “And just to prove it I’ll go to this little “festival”.”

Striking a snooty pose, Chrysalis strode out of the clinic. Spring looked towards his sister and struck a knowing look.

“And that’s how you do it,” He said.

Summer struck her brother with an impressed glance, “Very nicely done.”

After congratulations, the two siblings left the room and stepped out into the village streets. The minute they did so their senses were blown away as the sights and sounds hit them. Chrysalis especially.

The village had certainly gone all out. Stands were set up, music was blaring, and there appeared to be games of chance. Chrysalis had never seen such sights. Changelings didn’t have much in the way of festivals. The only thing they had cared about was where their next source of love was to be found. Chrysalis supposed those were causes for celebration if one was found. Tartarus, she would have celebrated had the takeover of Canterlot gone off without a hitch. But this was different, this village was full of life, no stagnation, only progress, anticipation towards what the future may hold.

Chrysalis was snapped out of her thoughts as she felt a hard shove upon her shoulder.

“Well I don’t know about you two but I’m hitting the dance floor!” Summer boasted before heading off.

Spring chuckled at his sister’s eagerness as she started to jam. Looking over to Chrysalis, he asked, “Care to join?”

Chrysalis felt hesitant for a moment, “N-N-No thanks, I’ll just look around first.”

Shrugging, Spring replied, “Okay, you know where to find us,” And he too joined his sister.

Chrysalis had to admit, for a pair of doctors, they could certainly move, but she wasn’t quite ready. Joyous celebrations of the non-evil variety were still foreign to her. Looking around she could see the happy expressions upon the faces of the villagers. She even spied those three fillies, Honeywing and her friends running around in a game of what she assumed was Tag. Even without her Changeling senses, she could sense the love radiating from the entire village. But the funny thing was, she had no desire to feast on it. Had she been a Changeling, this festival would have been a smorgasbord of love, so much she would have knocked herself out in a food coma. Not that she was a glutton, but such a feast would have been too good to pass up. But she didn’t view it as a feast and realizing this made her realize and reinstate how contagious these ponies were.

She needed something to take her mind off of things. Food? A drink perhaps?

“Hello there!”

Chrysalis was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a familiar voice. Looking over to her left she saw a stand, and the pony running it was none other than Bagger Prance.

“Oh, Miss Bagger,” Chrysalis greeted.

“You can just call me Bagger, Crystal, we’ve only known each other for four months,” Bagger Prance said humorously.

Chrysalis found herself smiling, but then she noticed what Bagger was offering, “What is that?” She asked.

There lay a bowl of a brightly colored liquid.

“Glad you asked, it’s my homemade recipe of Dragonclaw Nectar!” Bagger proclaimed proudly.

“Dragonclaw Nectar? What’s that?” Chrysalis asked.

“Only the finest drink in Equestria, it’s made from Dragonclaw fruits,” Bagger explained.

“I’ve never heard of those fruits,” Chrysalis responded.

“I’m not surprised you haven’t, it only grows in the Everfree Forest, but it can be distilled into a drunk,” Bagger explained.

“Really now?” Chrysalis noted.

“Normally this stuff is reserved for the rich and powerful, but let’s just say I have some friends in high places who know how to give me the good stuff, but only the berries, trust me, it tastes better when homemade!”

Chrysalis eyed the drink and without thinking she took a glass, “Well, bottoms up,” She then took a drink and the minute it slipped down her throat, her face lit up, “This...This is delicious!” She exclaimed, and she meant every word.

Bagger let out a little laugh, “I thought you would dear!”

“I’m surprised the colts and fillies haven’t tried this,” Chrysalis noted.

The drink had a tart yet sweet taste to it. So much that any child would have certainly enjoyed it.

“I did spy Honeywing and her friends trying to sneak a sample when I wasn’t looking, but let's just say this drink isn’t meant for colts and fillies.”

Chrysalis didn’t understand what that meant, but she filled her up again and took another drink.

“Dear, you should probably slow down,” Bagger warned.

Chrysalis made a small scoff, “I think I can handle a little drink.”

And so Chrysalis drank away, not caring what happened. Though the more she drank, she found herself not caring about a lot of things. She wasn’t sure if it was the drink, or if the party was just eating away at her senses. But the truthful answer? It was the drink.

Chrysalis slammed her cup down, a sloppy grin plastered upon her face, “Hit me again shergeant!” She slurred.

Bagger looked uncertainly at the mare, “I think you’ve had enough dear.”

“Oh come on! HIC! Don’t be shuch a pooper!” Chrysalis slurred again.

“Trust me dear you’ve had enough. I’m a little mad at myself for letting it get this far. I suppose I was just proud someone enjoyed my work,” Bagger admitted.

“Well work you did my friend, HIC!” Chrysalis hiccuped, “I mean dish ish the beshtesht besht drinkie I-HIC-I’ve ever had!” The mare declared, “And you know what? I’d like another!” She finished with another brisk hiccup.

Bagger granted a concerned eye and replied, “Trust me, dear, those hiccups are a sure sign you’ve had enough.”

Though not herself, Chrysalis knew she wasn’t getting what she wanted.

“Okay, ya pooper! I’ll go she elsewhere!” Chrysalis declared, staggering off into the festival floor.

Maneuvering around was harder than ever, but Chrysalis didn’t care, no she was having the time of her life. Everything spiraled around her in a kaleidoscope of colors. All the while Chrysalis giggled, peppered with an occasional hiccup. Before long she came to a stop, her warped mind focusing enough to notice what was in front of her.

“Shrping!” She called.

Spring Herb and Summer Flower lay by the food table, taking a break from their bout of dancing to eat.

The stallion looked over

curiously at Chrysalis, then turned to alarm as he noticed the red glow upon her face.

“Crystal? What are-” Spring didn’t get a chance to finish his question before Chrysalis pushed her face into his.

“Well hi, there handshome! How are ya’s HIC?!”

Spring nearly gagged from the stench of her breath. Summer noticed her brother’s face, leaning in and sniffing.

“PU! Looks like someone’s been hitting the bottle!” Summer announced.

Looking over at Bagger Prance’s stand, Spring noticed an apologetic look upon her face.

“Oh dear,” Spring muttered to himself.

Before Spring could act, Chrysalis grabbed hold of him, “Ya know? Ah don’t shay dish enough but I like ya! You are mah besht friend HIC! Uh-huh yesiree Bob!”

“Okay Crystal I think we need to-”

“Yur a lot better than da osher two jerks I ushed to hand out with HIC! There wash the red guy wish the daddy isshuesh, and then there was the two fashed brat! Oh she wash terrible! But not you no sir! You are HIC! The most manly man there ever wash! In fact! Lesh gets married right now! Yeah, a big wedding in Canterlot! Bridshmaids, flower people, the worksh! And we can invite the entire village!”

Spring had, had enough, “Okay Crystal let's head back inside.”

Leading the mare along, Spring could hear the sounds of his sister’s snickers. All the while he carefully guided Chrysalis along.

“Dish day ish going to be perfect! Da day I’ve dreamed of shince I wash small HIC!” Chrysalis sang, “Come on ya know the words!”

Spring ignored them all and simply led Chrysalis back to her room and carefully tucked her into bed.

“Okay you’ve had a big day, so just take it easy and get some rest,” Spring soothed.

Though drunk as a skunk, Chrysalis managed a smile and said, “Nighty night my handshome king,” Then she was out like a light, snoring softly.

Spring let out a sigh, taking in what had just happened. Now he was wondering if it had been a good idea to use reverse psychology on his guest? With how drunk she had gotten, she was in store for a very nasty hangover. He didn’t go out to the festival immediately. He took some time to watch over the sleeping mare. She looked so peaceful, peaceful, and beautiful. And the stallion thought that all the more time he spent focusing on her words. He knew she had been drunk, but as some said, “One’s true self comes out when they were drunk”. And Spring would be lying if he didn’t think Crystal Hoof was beautiful.

Author's Note:

Just to let everyone know, the Dragonclaw Fruit I mentioned was not created by me, but by an artist, I know on Deviant Art named Queen Cold. She was just nice enough to let me use it. So she came up with the fruit, I'm just the guy who got Chrysalis drunk off of it. Now to await people to point out errors I made as I am bad at editing lol.