• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 1,038 Views, 83 Comments

Tales of Equestria: Changing into Love - Noratcat

Freed from stone, Chrysalis finds herself in a new form of prison, but will she ultimately find a new way of living?

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Chapter 4

Chrysalis awoke to the sound of chirping birds. She grimaced slightly but did not display any true form of displeasure. She was still playing a “role” so to speak, and she made certain not to disrupt said “role”. Though Crystal Hoof 2.0 was still a work in progress, she had to establish certain boundaries and personality traits. Enough to not tip her rescuers off that there was something amiss about her, hard as it was to break away from her true character.

As the faintest traces of sunlight passed through the curtains, Chrysalis slowly rose out of bed, slipping onto the wooden floor. She found her stance was perfect. She had been taking on different forms for years, so much that even if she took on a new body, it wouldn’t be any different than her true form.

She could hear voices outside. It appeared the sibling doctors were up. The deposed queen figured she had to at least greet them. Opening the door, she stepped out into the hallway, and followed the sound of the voices, stepping into a living room. The room itself was fairly simple, having enough that it could house guests and residents.

“Crystal, you’re up! Good morning!” Spring Herb greeted.

“Crystal Hoof” numbly looked over the smiling stallion and sister. Summer Flower true to form held a skeptical look upon her face.

“Morning,” She muttered.

The lack of joy in her voice didn’t seem to deter Spring’s good mood.

“I was just about to see how you were doing? We’ve made some tea, would you like some?” Spring offered.

Seeing the steaming cup, Chrysalis noted her hosts had prepared one for her in advance. They had anticipated her saying yes. She supposed it be best not to refuse it.

“I’d love some!” Chrysalis replied a little enthusiastically, putting on a smile as she sat down.

Using her magic, she levitated the cup to her lips and sipped. As it passed down her throat, she found it quite different from the previous day’s soup. The tea itself held a sort of peppermint flavor to it. And dare Chrysalis to say it, it was rather tasty. She soon found herself gulping the tea down rather fast.

“Have to say, you were out like a light,” Summer remarked, “It’s almost noon.”

Had she been out that long? Chrysalis asked herself. Her fever must have been more severe than she thought. Whatever it was, she seemed to be out of it for the most part.

“Do you mind?” Spring asked, holding up his hoof.

Chrysalis was confused for the moment, but quickly realized he wanted to take her temperature. Allowing it, Spring placed his hoof upon Chrysalis’s forehead and took it away after several seconds.

“Well, your temperature seems normal. And the fact you got yourself out of bed shows you are in perfect health,” Spring noted.

If that wasn’t obvious, Chrysalis thought to herself, but she granted a small smile, at least showing some kind of humor in the stallion’s words.

“So what was a mare like you doing in a rainstorm like that?” Summer asked.

Chrysalis paused, “What was I doing out there?”

“Yeah, I mean judging from your condition, you were actually in the thick of it,” Spring noted.

The former changeling had to handle this next part tenderly, “Oh...well I was...well that is to say...I was betrayed!” She found herself blurting out.

Spring and Summer looked to one another, “Betrayed?” They both questioned.

Chrysalis recalled bitterly the sequence of events that had led her to this point, “Yes, one of my subjects took everything that was mine and corrupted the minds of my people!”

“Wait? What do you mean by subjects? Are you royalty or something?” Summer asked.

Chrysalis suddenly realized her flub in her anger, “Well…”

“Summer I think she means “employees”,” Spring clarified, “Is that it, Ms. Crystal? You were some kind of business pony?”

Inwardly Chrysalis sighed. She had to think Spring Herb for that little save, “Yes...in a manner of speaking. Why you could even say I could be considered a queen,” She had to add that last bit. Perhaps as a form of ironic humor?

“Well don’t you have any friends that could help you out?” Spring asked.

Chrysalis grimaced, “I don’t do friends,” She firmly declared.

New identity or not, she wouldn’t dare lower herself to fall into the same trap that had taken her hive.

Spring looked at the mare sympathetically, “So you really have nowhere to go?”

“No,” Was Chrysalis’s simple response.

Sympathy crossed the stallion’s face. From the way he looked at her, Chrysalis knew Spring wanted to help her. A foolish notion. Charity, kindness, it was all just a tool for control. Besides, she could tell the mare Summer did not trust her. Even if she didn’t make it clear with words, Chrysalis knew there was a thin line of mistrust between her and the mare. No problem for her as frankly, she didn’t have a high opinion of the mare.

“Well, why don’t you stay with us?” Spring suddenly asked.

“What?” Chrysalis said.

“Excuse me?” Summer said.

“At least until you get back on your hooves,” Spring continued.

Chrysalis didn’t know what to say, but her suspicion spurred her to do something, “What’s the catch?”

“No catch, we have extra space and once-”

“Spring, can I talk to you for a moment? In private? Now!” Summer said dragging her brother off into the hallway, enough that their voices could barely be heard, “Okay brother, but have you lost all sense and reason?!”

“What do you mean Sis?” Spring asked innocently.

“What I mean is what are you thinking bringing a stranger into our home!?” Summer hissed, taking care not to make sure their guest could hear them.

“Look it’s clear she has nopony to help her, and she’s here now,” Spring clarified.

“I had no problem bringing her in to nurse her back to health, but having her stay with us?” Summer said suspiciously.

“What is your deal? You’ve had a problem with her the minute she came to?”

“I don’t know what but there’s something off about that pony. Something that doesn’t feel right.”

Summer was always a cautious pony, ever since they were foals, so it was no surprise to Spring that she would be cautious.

“Come on, you’re being paranoid!” Nonetheless, Spring wasn’t afraid to call his sister out when he felt she was being “too” cautious.

“She has three horns! How many unicorns have three horns?” Summer asked.

“She does! And it would be best if you didn’t bring it up,” Spring replied defensively.

“There you go defending her! Look, mark my words, there is something not right about her, and I don’t want to wake up buried alive,” Summer cried.

“Buried alive?” Spring replied skeptically.

“She could be a psycho!”

“Come on! Now I know you’re being paranoid.”

Summer could tell she was not getting through to her brother. But before she could make her point once more, Spring cut her off.

“Regardless of who she is or where she came from, she needs our help,” Summer was about to interrupt but Spring continued, “Besides if Dad didn’t take in a bitless stranger, we wouldn’t be here.”

Summer closed her mouth and at that moment realized her brother had a good point. She knew this argument would keep going back and forth and her brother was already firmly planted.

“Fine, but if I wind up dead because of this, I’m haunting you!” Summer warned.

“I’ll hire an exorcist,” Spring sarcastically retorted.

Returning into the room, they found their guest waiting.

“Have a nice chat?” Chrysalis asked.

Summer noted the question was directed at her, causing her to wonder for a brief moment if she had heard them?

“My brother and I would be happy if you stayed with us till you find yourself,” Summer said, hoping to quash any awkwardness between the two of them, for now.

Staring once more at Spring, Chrysalis asked, “Seriously, what’s the catch?”

“As I told you, no catch, just helping a fellow pony out,” Spring replied.

Chrysalis was taken aback but said no more. This was just about as good as she could get. She had to take what she could at this point. After all, it was all about survival.