• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,720 Views, 34 Comments

The Unstoppable Moron - aegishailstorm

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My day has already been ruined, this just makes it worse

As soon as William hit the water, he felt an unfamiliar sense of dread wash over him, this wasn't a particular type of warfare he was entertained by. He looked around himself, finding his surrounding's dark, he waved a gloved hand in front of his face finding it to just barely be illuminated by his headlamp, he spun around 360 degrees, looking around out of paranoia to ensure nothing was watching him.

"Alright, now that you're down here, how do you find them?" He asked himself. Staring down into the blackness below him.

"Ah, got it!" He manifested a heartbeat sensor into existence, a device capable of Identifying living beings by they're heart beat's alone. Switching it on, he found, much to his disappointment, that there were no signatures within a good 200 yards of him in every direction.

"Great, just great!" He shouted, his voice muffled by his mask. Just then, he spotted something out in the darkness, emitting a faint glow. It seemed to be getting closer. He checked the air gauge on his gear. It read: 1 hour, 28 minutes.

"I've got plenty of time to look for them, as long as they aren't...well..." William shook his head again. He looked down at the heart beat sensor one more time. 4 blips of light appeared on it, clearly not those of his friends, whatever they were, they were circling him. Like sharks, or killer whales. Already on edge, William raised his spp-1 and flipped the safety off. He had chosen this particular pistol on account of it's ability to function underwater for extended period's of time. He moved from side to side, in and attempt to stay with whatever that glowing thing was that was stalking him out in the darkness.

"Stay back, I'm warning you!" He screeched out. The being finally showed it's face. It appeared to be part fish, part... pony? No, that didn't make sense, hypogriff maybe? Yes, that had to be it. In addition, it also seemed to be wearing golden armor, alongside a spear, William swam back.

"What are you doing here!?" It demanded.

"Oh, you can talk? That makes it so much easier, my name's William, I'm looking for my...er.. friends, there's 8 of them,7 ponies, one mini dragon?" The being cocked his head in confusion.

"What?" William asked.

"Hmmm... captain?" It asked, a second one swam up to him.

"Hello there, I'm sorry, surface dweller's aren't allowed here, leave now, and you will not be harmed."

"I saw my friends fall down hear, and I ain't leaving until I find them, dead or alive, me, not them."

"I see.. guards!" William looked down at the scanner, the other 3 blips on the screen, not counting the 2 already in his sight, were closing on him.

"Back off!" He fried a round just off the the side of the one who had identified himself as 'captain' causing him to swore off to the side, but not duck in fear.

"Damn water, it's a hell of a lot easier when you've got the sound of the bullet firing to scare them." Even so, it had worked. They were now holding they're positions around him.

"I will ask again, have you seen my friends?" The 2 creatures in front of him just shrugged.

"No, follow us." They began to swim away.

"Hey, where are you going?" He demanded. They didn't respond back. He just swam after them. Following them though a narrow underwater archway. Into an enormous cavern. William could hardly believe his eye's. Before him was an entire underwater city, straight out of a Disney movie. In the scattered reef bed's and houses below, he could see faces watching him. Ignoring them, he continued forward. The guards led him though wat appeared to be a large flower shaped formation made of pink coral, he could hear what sounded suspiciously like a teenager whining about their problems from inside, of no voice he recognized though. He continued up into it, entering a grandiose throne room, decorated with glowing coral. On the far side of the room was a throne. made of pink coral with a gold finish. Reclining on it was a being similar to the ones which had led him here. To it's direct side, was a slightly smaller one, who appeared to be pleading to the larger one for-

He spotted Joey and the other's. Alive, and wearing some strange fish bowl looking things over they're head's, like something out of a cartoon.

"Well, the more bull#### the merrier!" He shouted out, the group turned to William.

"William, you came for us!" Joey swam towards William as best he could, a smile on his face. William stopped him before he could make contact.

"Hang on just a moment. What's going on here?" He asked the one on the throne.

"Well, my daughter's begging for your right to stay here." She responded.

"Oh, really now?" He looked over at the six with skepticism.

"Please mama?" The yellow one asked." The storm king is trying to destroyed they're homes to."

"We need to find the hypogriffs, do you know what happened to them?" Twilight asked.

"Well of course I know, I'm the queen, I know everything." William looked at the guards, then at they're so called "queen" Then at the main six, then back at the guards. Without a second though, he drew his sidearm, and began swimming towards the throne.

"Oh, you know everything you say!?" He raised his pistol, sighting the queen right between the eyes.

"Uh, what's he doing?" She asked. Joey looked back at his angered friend.

"Oh no... Twilight, grab him!" William found himself being pulled by a purple and blue glow. He looked back at Joey, to find his horn lit, alongside Twilight. While irritated, he got the message hesitantly, William lowered his pistol.

"I hate royalty, snobby, condescending royalty most of all." He grumbled under his breath.

"Anywayyy... continue." Twilight told the 2 on the throne.

"Don't you dare..." The white one was cut off when the yellow one swam to the top of the chamber, and waved her flipped against the wall, causing it to light up. Revealing a series of hieroglyphics and mosaics carved into he rock.

"Once upon a time, like...a while ago-" William cut in.

"You were all once hypogriffs, the storm king showed up to steal your magic, so you all decided to go into hiding down here." The six looked at him in surprise.

"How did you know that?" The yellow one asked.

"It really wasn't that hard to figure out, you all bare more that a passing resemblance to what I imagined hypogriffs would look like."

"Well, you guessed right, all of it!"

"Well, I guess now that that's out of the way, proper introductions are in order? Can't keep referring to you as, White, and yellow."

"Yes, I am queen Novo." William thought to himself for a second.

"Hm, cool name, you?" He turned to the smaller one.

"Princess Skystar." William shrugged, unimpressed.

"Hold on now, let me get this straight, you took your entire city and fled?" Applejack asked.

"We didn't flee, we swam!"

"Same damn thing!" William called back.

"But how?' Twilight asked.

"Oh can we show them, can we, can we? These are the first guests we've had in a long time!" Skystar began to poke at her mother. William grumbled in annoyance.

"Well... I suppose I should make sure it still works." Queen Novo go off her throne and swam up to the strange, jelly fish like chandelier hanging from the ceiling, from it descended a purple orb.

"Careful now." She whispered, giving it a tap. A strange wave of energy emerged from it, engulfing the six, Spike, and Joey. William on the other hand, screamed in horror, and swam back, redrawing his pistol. He waved it at Novo, he watched as the wave of magic made contact with the group, the began to change, they're hooves were replaced by flippers, and they're wing's by... whatever those things were. To no surprise whatsoever, they seemed to except the change. Albeit, Joey was a tad bit confused at first. He soon accepted it like the other's. They all turned and stared at William.

"Comon William, it's not that bad, give it a try, you where the one who said you wanted wings after all." Joey said to him, reassuringly. William paused for a moment, he stared at his pistol. Ejecting the magazine, and then reinserting it out of a mixture of anxiety and habit. He did it a second time.

"William, you alright buddy?" Joey asked.