• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,720 Views, 34 Comments

The Unstoppable Moron - aegishailstorm

  • ...

Reacquaintances on both sides

Several hours later...

"Wow, your life sounds horrible compared to mine!" Joey finished off the rest of the apples that Redheart had brought in for him.

"Well, I'm the one in collage and your the one marking trees in the woods for a living."

"Fair point."

"So, you ready to head out?"

"Hell yes!"

"Well, alright then." The of them got of their beds and walked out the door, flanked by the main six on either side.

"Uh, what about your stuff?" asked Joey, gesturing back to the helmet and rifle siting on the table next to William.

"Watch." They disappeared of the table in a flash of pale blue light, and reappeared in Williams hands.

"You know what, I'm not even going to question that."

"Oh, and I should have you know, you should prepare to be jump scared soon.


"HI THERE, MY NAME PINKIE PIE!!!" She jumped out from one of the nearby corridors. Fortunately, William was prepared. Joey on the other hand...

"GAHAHHHHH!!!" He stumbled back. "Uh William, what do I do?"

"Just go along with what she says, it'll be over sooner."

"What do you mean by that!?"

"I've got a party for you!"

"Oh god, uhhhh... maybe later?"

"Okie dokie!" She turned and ran down the hallway towards the exit.

"Something you should know about this place, take everything literally, I'm not even joking in the slightest, it's the only way you'll stay sane."

"Thanks, I'll be sure to remember that next time I get jump scared by a pink horse!"

"Oh and, fair tip of advice, don't call them horses, in fact, don't use that word around them, its derogatory in their culture. "

"What do you mean by-oh... that makes sense." They continued walking. Until they made it to the exit. William pushed the doors aside. And the 8 of them stepped outside. Joey was speechless. As if getting thrown into a different dimension, turned into a completely different species, and learning that magic was real wasn't enough, He gazed out on Ponyville.




"Joey, what the hell?"

"What, I like the town, is that to much?"


"So, what now?"

"Well, I've got go go off and plan something important, see you 2 later." Twilight gave a quick hoof wave, and flew off towards what appeared to be a giant crystalline castle jutting out the ground of the far side of town.

"Well, that wasn't here last time."

"We've made some improvements since you were here last time." Replied Rarity.

"So, you said you wanted to learn how to fly?" Asked Rainbow dash, nudging Joey's shoulder.


"Follow me." The 2 of them trotted off towards the edge of town.

"Don't get to carried away!!!" William shouted out. He turned to face the remaining 3.

"So, if you guys don't mind, I think I'll just take a stroll around town and see how things have changed."

"Uhh, sure, just don't break anything." Said Applejack.

"Don't worry, I still remember last time." He walked off towards town square.

William looked around him, the once destroyed, bullet riddled buildings of his last visit were now repaired, he looked off into the distance towards the mountain, where, only 4 years ago he had rained lead down over the entire valley, the crater and corpse of the dragon king were gone now, replaced by a meadow.

"Well, I'm at least glad they were able to repair the damages of my last visit. 16 year old me went a little... over kill with everything." He burst out laughing at the thought of it.

"Oh, who am I kidding? there's no such thing as overkill!" He stopped laughing, and looked around, to see the town's population gazing at him, wide eyed. Murmuring to themselves.

"It's him..."

"Remember last time?"

"Why is he back?" William sighed to himself.

"They may have rebuilt their town, by they sure as hell haven't forgotten me." He ignored them, and continued leisurely strolling.

"I still haven't gotten over the bright colors everywhere, I'm going somewhere that's less of an eyesore. He turned and began walking out of town.


Joey was being taught how to fly, and he wasn't exactly good at it.

"How do I take off again?"

"You just, here, let me show you." Rainbow dash landed, and the took off again.

"Ahhh, I think I got it." He opened up his new wing, and puffed them once, flinging him into the sky. Unfortunately, while he may have figured out how to take off, actually staying in the air was a whole other matter, and he went crashing back down. Iuckily, it was only a 8 foot fall, that didn't mean that it didn't hurt though.

"Owwwww, I didn't think it would be this hard!" He complained, getting back to his hooves.

"Try again." He did, and this time, he managed to stay in the air. He looked down.

"Holy ####, I'm flying, I'm actually flying, on my own, I can wait to tell William!"

"How did you two become friends anyway?"

"Well, we met back in highschool, he we kinda the school weirdo if you know what I mean, he never liked socializing, he didn't have any friends, when he wasn't working on something, he was silently pacing back and forth in the same spot. It was honestly pretty freaky. He may seem weird at first, but once you get to know him... he's still just as weird."

"Huh." Rainbow dash didn't exactly know what to think of William, they hadn't really talked much the last time he visited. Plus, it had been 4 years, she barely remembered him.

"Anyway, can you teach me how to actually fly, not just hover?"

"Uh, sure, watch me."


William kept walking, paying no attention to were he was going, immersed in his own thoughts. And kicking a dead fragmentation grenade.

"Why did they chose now to bring me here?"

"Why is Joey here, and why is he an alicorn?"He didn't even realize where he was until he bumped into a tree.

"Huh, what happened?" He looked around. And found that he was far outside of town.

"Oh, god, must be at least a mile from Ponyville, well that's what happens when you give me a even pathway, and peace and quiet. Eh, best get back before they realize I'm gone... You know what? I'm 20, I'll walk wherever I damn please!" He continued walking, and soon found himself In a place he was all to familiar with. Fluttershy's cottage. He could hear growling coming from behind it, growling that sounded all to familiar...

"It's that thing from last night!" He manifested a Beowulf .50 caliber rifle into existence, and charged the, whatever it was.