• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,720 Views, 34 Comments

The Unstoppable Moron - aegishailstorm

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Klugetown, code 10-44

The 9 of them continued their way south, and all the while, William's irritation continued to grow, this far out in the wilderness, there were no settlements, they walked alone thought the rocky desert, which eventually turned to sand dunes.Only adding to their pain. William complianed the entire time.

"Hey, listen here Twilight, couldn't we have taken a less strenuess rout, like...I don't know, ALONG THE COAST LINE!?"She didn't want to hear it, and just kept on treading her way though the sand, alongside her friends.

"Hey William, if it makes you feel any better, I'm just as angry as you are."

"Can it Joey." He sighed, and walked back to Twilight, leaving William walking behind them.

"What's going on with him?" He wondered to himself. They continued trudging foward.

roughly 6 hours later...

Civilization was still nowhere in sight, which was very, very bad, considering that the 9 of them had run out of water long ago, even William.

"There's... There's sand in everything." Pinkie croaked out. She looked as though she had begun to suffer a complete mental breakdown.

"S-Saving Equestria, Hahhahahha." She trailed off into laughter, it's not like the other 7 of them were faring much better. They were all suffering the effects of dehydration.

"We're lost Twilight, and it's your fault!" William stumbled to the top of the dune, covered in desert camo fatigues, a pair of sunglasses and a cowl over his face. M4 still in hand, he pulled out a compass and looked down at it, shaking his head in anger.

"Hey, look, maybe this guy knows were to go!" She picked up a dried skull, waving it around, a strange beetle crawled out from its eye socket, and onto her face.

"Why do you always see skulls' in the desert? I mean, where did the rest of the creature go?" Joey asked, dragging himself along, just in as much pain as the rest of them.

"What's that friend, we're lost?ahahahahahha." She threw the skull away, and joined the rest of them.

"We could be going in circles." Said spike, collapsing on the ground.

"Not likely, my compass shows we're still going south." He grumbled out, sure he wasn't effected by the heat as much as the rest of them, but he was still aching, and sweating buckets.

"Endless sand, nothin for miles, but sand, and this rock, and this cactus, and this road." William chuckled.

"Reminds me a bit of Arizona-wait, did you say road?" William hurried to the head of the group, gazing out over the edge of the dune, sure enough, below, he could see the coastline, and a town.

"City! Finally!" Williams spirits brightened slightly, and his speed increased to a jog.

As they entered the city, William's mood began to darken once more, something about this place didn't feel quite right, he raised his rifle.

"Hey, there, you, with the horn, you sellin?" Asked a vendor. William looked over at them, then over at Joey, who was looking back at William with an expression that said "Help!" William continued walking, unshaken. They continued walking deeper into the city. They stopped an an intersection, there stood a strange looking turtle, spike's protruding from it's shell, lifting barrels onto a cart, he appeared to be struggling.

"Here, let me help you!" Twilight levitated the barrels onto the cart for the creature.

"Hey, no messin' with the merchandise!" He shook his claw in anger, and they continued on. William approached him.

"Hurt me, or my compatriots, and I will tear off that shell of yours's and beat you to death with it, understand?" he paused for a moment, and nodded, William continued on. He walked over to Joey.

"These monsters are acting like I won't air out this entire city, if you no what I mean?" Joey smiled a bit, he understood EXACTLY what William meant by that.

"We gotta stick together, be careful who you talk to, and try to blend in-"

"To hell with blending in! I mean, look at Pinkie!" Sure enough, she was already in the middle of the street, yelling at the top of her lungs for directions. Worse, when she didn't get a response she started harassing the cities residents.

"Pinkie, you can't just wander off like that, you don't need to announce that-"

"Relax! I've totally got this!" The townsfolk began to surround the 8 of them.

"Oh boy, that's my call!" William swapped over to a set of riot gear, swapping his m4 out for an AA 12 automatic shotgun. He put himself just behind the six.

"No listen, I'm willing to apologize for one of these pastel colored abominations transgressions, but enough is enough. Now, leave, scatter!" He waved his weapon at the crowd. All 8 of them turned back to give William an angry look.

"How much for the giant gecko?" One of them asked.

"Who you calling a gecko!?"

"Spike's not for sale."

"I want that fancy purple hair! I'll gave you 2 storm bucks for it!" William face palmed.

"Looks like I got a 10-44 on my hands."

"2 storm bucks!? I'll have you know it's worth more than that!" Rarity turned her shoulder to the crowd. The crowd's began to draw closer.

"ALL OF YOU, BACK!!!" William fired his AA 12 into the air, causing the entire crowd to drop to the ground, cowering in fear.

"Works every time." A figure emerged from the shadows on the far side of the street.

"Why hello there!" It was an anthropomorphic cat. William turned his weapon, training it on the felines head.

"Take one step closer, I end you!"

"Back it up a bit!, What did I do?"

"You exist."

"Cappers my name, charming my game."

"Shut. I've dealt with your kind before, just cut to the chase."

"William, furries don't count." Joey shouted back at him.

"So, to the hippos then?" The six, and spike followed him. Joey, and William followed behind.

"He tries anything, I won't hesitate to put a round though the back of his skull."

"I don't know if we should trust him." Twilight said to her friends.

"Well, of course you can!"

"You start singing I slit your vocal cords." William called out to him. Capper nervously shrugged and led them down th street to his house. All the while, William kept his shotgun shouldered, expecting an ambush at any moment. As they entered the courtyard of his manor, William looked around, watching for snipers. They entered, walked down a long hallway, and up a ladder.

"Welcome my little ponies, to my little manor."

"Roll credits." William grumbled to himself. The other 8 of them looked around at the room that lay before them.

"Apologies for the state of my littter box, I wasn't expecting visitors."

"Alright, we're here, now, please tell me-tell us what we want to know."

"And what was that?"

"The Queen of the hippos!" Pinkie squealed out. Twilight looked over at Capper's bookshelf.


Meanwhile, a company of storm beasts ravaged through the city below headed by Tempest, searching for them.

"Hey, guys, I found it!" Twilight levitated a map over to the 9 of them, setting it on a table.

"We've been looking for the wrong queen! We don't need the queen of the hippos, we need the queen of the hippogriffs!"

"The what?" Joey asked.

"Part eagle, part horse."

"This world is never going to stop getting weirder, is it?" William nodded. Twilight scowled at him.

"Or in this case, pony."

"Ah, the queen of the hippogriffs, problem is, no one know were they are."

"Says here, they're on top of mount Aris." Twilight replied, slamming her hoof on the table.

"You mean the mountain right outside the window?" Pinkie pointed out. Sure enough, in the distance, through the clouds, they could see a distant spire of grey rock.

"Heh Heh, objects in windows may be less mountainess appear."Twilight folded up the map.

"Let's go everypony."They began to leave. Capper rushed in front of the door.

"You can't make it by yourself! You need...an airship." William waved his shotgun at Capper.

"Out of the way furball!"

"I'm sure we can make it on our own." Twilight opened the door to leave.

"Here's Vercoat! Those ponies better shot rainbow lasers out of their eyes if their going ot settle you dept, I brought the big cage. Let's load 'em up!"

"You-you were going to sell us!?"

"I knew it!"

"Alright, here's the deal, we're leaving, and you can't stop us-" William was cut of when he heard chuckling coming from one of the other doors.

"Heh heh, silly little ponies, trusting strangers, big mistake." Tempest trotted in through the door. Without hesitation, William tossed a fragmentation grenade though the doorway.

"Run!" Twilight flew out the open window. Followed by the other 7 of them, William went lest, crashing through the window intot he street below.

"Get the-" Tempest was cut off when the grenade went off, blowing one of the storm beasts to smithereens, and incapacitating the other. Tempest herself was knocked to the ground, unconscious.

William hit the ground with a loud thump, he got to his feet and took off toward the rest of them, who were already on their way to the airship dock. The 8 of them got their before him, just as the last one was taking off.

"Hurry!" Rainbow Dash grabbed a stray tether with her mouth, tossing it to her friend, who proceeded to attempt to tightwalk their way onto the airship, failing miserably, luckily, Rainbow ant Twilight caught their friends before they fell into the abyss below. Joey flew straight for the airship, crashing onto it's deck. Just then, William came rushing out of the city, and onto the dock, he looked at the airship in anger.

"William!" Joey called out.

"Hang on, I got an idea!" William did something he swore to himself he'd never try, he manifested a wingsuit, getting a running stop, he jumped off the dock, spreading his arms open.

"Hey, it worked! I'm flying!" Unfortunately, he soon began to lose altitude.

"Oh ####,uh...One of you help me!" Joey and Twilight jumped off the deck. Grabbing William, and flying him back to the airship safely.

"You're welcome." They both said to him. He let out a low growl.

"As much as it pains me to say this, thank you."

"Why?" Joey asked him." William didn't answer back, switching back to his normal combat fatigues. Looking back at Klugetown one last time. He gave it the finger, and turned back to discern his new situation.

Author's Note:

For those of you who are'nt familar with police field codes, 10-44 means riot.