• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 3,555 Views, 122 Comments

What If The Shredder Was In MLP: Season 9? - Battwell

The evil Grogar has unleashed four of the Mane Six’s greatest threats! Although one of them will be Equestria’s undoing.

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Beginning Of The End (Part 1)

Silence. That's all that Chrysalis was accustomed to as she cackled maniacally to herself.

She had been shunned by her hive. She became an outcast. She was no longer queen, but don't tell her that. All she could do to pass the time was talk to herself....or in this case, logs with Changeling faces carved into them.

"One day, you'll see! I will defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends! Nya ha! And they will pay for stealing my kingdom!"

She got no response from the inanimate object. She sighed as she turned to carve another face on another log, when suddenly, she was teleported out of the forest to parts unknown.

Tartarus. A place where the absolute worst of the worst end up. The place where the irredeemable spend the rest of their lives. This was the case for Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow.

The two villains were sat next to one another. Not literally, mind you, but their cages were next to each other, so they were practically neighbors.

As Tirek carved another line, signifying the amount of days he has spent in Tartarus, Cozy Glow decided to get his attention, "Psst. Tirek."

Tirek sighed in annoyance as he turned around to face the manipulative filly.

"It is Lord Tirek. And what is it now?"

Cozy smiled, "I just wanna make sure you can see my best friends rock sculpture from over there!"

She gestured down to a sculpture of her and Tirek. The Centaur rolled his eyes as he turned around....only to be whooshed away by magic. Before Cozy could say anything, she too was sent away.

Inside a damp, old cave, a small branch was stabbed into the ground. The unknown figure then drew a symbol in the damp dirt. Once the symbol was drawn, a small, dark crystal shot out of the ground as a dark fog swirled around it, engulfing the cave in darkness.

The only source of light inside the cave were a pair of glowing, green eyes.

The Canterlot Vault. Filled with many ancient relics and weapons. But what was wanted here was not a weapon, but a living being. In the center of the Vault, was a statue. But it was no ordinary statue.

It was a statue of an Utrom.

Ch'rell's imprisonment.

Normally the statue would be placed in the gardens, but both princesses agreed that Ch'rell was far too dangerous to be left out in the open. Even if he was a statue.

Suddenly, the statue was whooshed away by magic, leaving a very noticeable absence in the Vault.

Tirek and Cozy Glow appeared inside a mysterious cavern.

They looked at one another before they heard a whooshing noise. They turned to see Queen Chrysalis appear on the other side of the cavern.

She turned to face the other two villains, "Lord Tirek!" She exclaimed in surprise.

Tirek's eyes widened, "A Changeling?" He then turned to Cozy Glow, "See? She gets it."

Chrysalis then walked down the stairs as she spoke, "Chrysalis, queen of the changelings! Or at least I will be, when I'm restored to my rightful place! Why did you summon me? What do you want?!"

Cozy squeaked as she ran behind Tirek's leg, "Oh, golly! We didn't bring you! I thought you freed us from Tartarus!"

Chrysalis quirked a brow in confusion, "Tartarus? Whoever pulled you from there must have been somepony very powerful indeed."


Everyone turned to the highest point in the cavern as King Sombra stepped forward, reforming his body out of the black smoke that swirled around him.

He smiled at the villains down below.

"King Sombra! You have returned? Why did you bring us here?" Chrysalis asked.

But suddenly, a large thump was heard behind the group. It sounded like something solid smashed against the ground. They all turned to see the statue of Ch'rell. They all looked at it with curiosity.

Tirek turned to Chrysalis, "What's with the slug?"

Suddenly, a crack formed in the statue, causing Tirek and the others to freeze in anticipation. The crack grew bigger as more cracks made themselves known on the statue. Ch'rell's eyes glowed red as the stone prison exploded. Everyone shielded their eyes. Once the debris from the statue fell to the floor, everyone present uncovered their eyes as they gazed upon the now free Ch'rell.

(Play from 1:30 to 1:55)

Ch'rell's eyes snapped open as he stood up straight, "Grah! I live!" He looked around at the other villains and scoffed as he smiled to himself, "And now that I am free. All in this world shall know TRUE despair! Mwahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"


It was a beautiful day in Canterlot. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. Everything was perfect for Twilight and her friends. The Mane 6 were currently on their way to the castle. They had been requested by the princesses on a matter of great importance.

"Ah wonder what the princesses called us here for." Applejack stated.

Rainbow shrugged, "Dunno. Maybe there's another big bad for us to take down?"

Pinkie bounced up and down, "Ooh! Maybe there's a massive party being planned and they need our help?"

"Oh....I hope it isn't anything serious." Fluttershy added.

"Maybe its to help set up this year's Grand Galloping Gala?" Rarity suggested.

Twilight smiled at her friends, "Well whatever it is. We'll get through it together."

But all of a sudden, the sky turned into a sickly green, much to the confusion of the Mane 6. They looked up to see the transformation.

"What's goin' on?" Applejack asked.


Twilight's eyes shrunk to pinpricks. She'd recognize that laughter anywhere. Suddenly, a massive spiked hand shot out of the ground. The girls turned around to run, but another clawed and shot out of the ground, blocking their path. The claws turned into a puff of green smoke as a giant shadow loomed over Canterlot. Twilight turned and screamed as she saw a twisted, nightmare version of The Shredder.

(Play from 1:30 to 1:55)

Twilight stepped back in pure terror as Shredder laughed.

"Y...You? But that's not possible! You were sealed in stone!"

Nightmare Shredder laughed, "You truly believed that sealing me away would stop me? FOOL! Now you shall suffer the consequences of defying me! You're friends shall suffer first!"

As Nightmare Shredder raised his right hand, Twilight covered her ears and fell on her belly, shaking in terror. As Shredder laughed, Twilight screamed as he brought down his claw.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Twilight screamed as she shot upright in her bed, sweating badly as she panted.

She sighed as she started to calm down. This wasn't the first nightmare she had of Ch'rell, and she was certain it wouldn't be the last. Ever since the Tempest Shadow incident, Twilight had grown distant towards her friends and family. She always felt a heavy guilt in her heart for failing to save Tempest.

Just as she was starting to learn the Magic of Friendship, she was taken away by a monster. As the days went by, she started to return to normal, but was noticeably different. If anyone brought up Ch'rell, she would either shrink in fright or cause an outburst.

Sure she had started the School of Friendship, but her heart wasn't in it, and her friends noticed. Ch'rell had changed her. She hated the Utrom, but she was also petrified of him. Petrified of what he could do. What he could do to her friends. She knew that if he ever got out, everything she had ever known would be at risk.

But that's not all. Just a few days ago, she was informed that the princesses would be retiring. And SHE would be the next princess. Now her anxiety was at an all time high. But she wouldn't let that deter her. Ch'rell is gone. Sealed in stone in the Canterlot Vault.

She wouldn't have to worry about that monster again.

Ch'rell stared at the other villains in the cavern, eyeing every single one of them. Chrysalis looked baffled, "And what are you supposed to be?"

Ch'rell growled, "Fool! I am Ch'rell. Oruku Saki. Duke Acureds! The Shredder! ANd you shall watch your tone, insect!"

Chrysalis snarled at the Utrom, "You dare speak that way to me?! I am Chrysalis! Queen of the Changeling Hive!"

Ch'rell raised a brow, "Is that supposed to mean something?"

Chrysalis snarled as she lit up her horn, "WATCH YOUR TONE, SLUG!"

Ch'rell growled as he leapt into the air and headbutt Chrysalis, sending her across the room. As Chrysalis tried to get back up, Ch'rell approached her at fast speeds. He would have attacked again, had he not been thrust into a wall by a yellow glow.

Ch'rell struggled against his bindings as Cozy turned to Chrysalis, "Nice timing."

Chrysalis looked confused, "You think I did that?"

"She didn't."

Everyone turned to the entrance of the cavern as a figure slowly approached them. Once he stepped into the light, the ram frowned.

"You may call me.....Grogar."