• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 3,583 Views, 122 Comments

What If The Shredder Was In MLP: Season 9? - Battwell

The evil Grogar has unleashed four of the Mane Six’s greatest threats! Although one of them will be Equestria’s undoing.

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Ending Of The End (Part 2)

"And now for your complete destruction! Won't that be fun?" Cozy asked as she flew up to the prisoners.

The Royal Sisters, the Mane 5, Spike, and Discord were all hanging in the air, their hooves/hands were held by holographic handcuffs. Every time they tried to move, the handcuffs would shock them. They had no way out.

They were trapped.

"Patience, Cozy." Chrysalis said as she approached the Alicorn filly, 'Destruction is so... permanent. We need to show the rest of Equestria that we've broken their heroes first. Besides, we should have fun with our guests."

It was then that Tirek walked into the room, "No! We should hunt down Twilight Sparkle. As long as she's out there, she's dangerous."

Chrysalis then flew up to the Centaur with a smirk on her face, "Is that big, strong minotaur that scared of one little pony? Relax. It's not like her friends are going anywhere."

She then gestured around the room as Starlight and the Pillars of Equestria all floated in, hung up by their own holographic handcuffs.

"Besides, we're the most powerful beings in Equestria! And it's all thanks to Grogar's bell!" She then turned to Discord, "Isn't that right, "Grogar"?"

Discord hung his head in shame as Cozy went for the bell with an evil smile on her face.

"What are you doing?!" Tirek said as he stomped over towards the Alicorn filly.

Cozy pouted, "There's Alicorn princess magic in there! I could be so much more powerful if I just could have—"

"What do you mean you could be?" Chrysalis demanded as she flew up to the filly, getting in her face.

Cozy rolled her eyes, "Um, hello? I'm the best one out of all of us! Nobody sees..."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Tirek roared at the filly.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched by a Shredder, who used one of the many security camera's inside the Technodrome to keep an eye on his foolish allies. As they continued to argue, Shredder rolled his eyes. He was currently inside the Portal Room where he first learned of the Multiverse. He was about to turn off the camera, not wanting to be embarrassed any further.

But something caught his eye.

He saw Discord and the ponies talking to one another, obviously coming up with a plan. Shredder's eyes glowed as he disappeared into a dark portal.

"STAY AWAY FROM THE BELL, YOU PEST!" Tirek shouted as the three villains glared at one another, their magic flaring up as they readied to brawl.

Suddenly, a dark portal opened up behind them, catching everyone's attention. As the villains turned, they were instantly struck by a blast of Dark Magic, sending them all to the floor. As they groaned in pain, Shredder walked through the portal and glared at the trio of villains.

As the portal behind him closed, his eyes glowed red once more, "Fools! While you three are bickering amongst yourselves, the prisoners were coming up with a plan of escape!" He turned to his prisoners as his eyes glowed even brighter, "Not anymore."

The prisoners then all screamed in pain as they were electrocuted by their handcuffs. Shredder then turned and began walking out of the room. The electrocution ceased as the prisoners were forced to follow the villain out of the room. The trio looked at each other before following.

Starlight and the Pillars looked at one another with worry written all over their faces. While they were forced to stay behind, the Mane 5, Discord, Spike, and the Royal Sisters had to follow.

Shredder walked into the main bridge of the Technodrome, his prisoners forcefully following him. As Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis entered the bridge, the door closed. As Shredder approached the giant window, the prisoners gasped at what they saw.


Shredder turned around to the prisoners, "I had recently heard of your home, Ponyville. So I thought that I'd pay it a little visit."

As those words were uttered, the Technodrome fired its giant red laser at the town, destroying several homes and stores. The Technodrome then fired multiple tiny laser blasts as it moved through the village, destroying everything in its wake. As the ponies of Ponyville ran in fear, the Technodrome approached the Town Hall. The Technodrome then aimed its giant laser beam at the building and destroyed it, causing more panic within the town.

As the destruction continued, the Mane 5 and Spike could only look on in horror as their town was being destroyed. And just to rub it in, Shredder laughed.

"Gaze upon your home, ponies! Watch as everything you know burns! As your home crumbles to the ground! As your loved ones PERISH!"

The Technodrome then approached Twilight's Castle and the School of Friendship. Shredder glared at the two buildings with hate and malice.

"Princess Twilight's Castle. And the School of Friendship. Ridiculous! These two buildings are such eyesores. Let us remedy that!"

The Technodrome then fired its laser at Twilight's Castle. The castle shattered instantly.

"NOOOO!!!" The Mane 5 all shouted in unison.

The Technodrome then turned and fired a laser at the School of Friendship, destroying it.

"Hahahahahahaha!!!" Shredder laughed in victory.

Tirek and the other villains looked at one another in shock and awe. Shredder just destroyed most of Ponyville with ease, possibly killing a few ponies in the process.

"Jeez, Ch'rell is crazier than I thought." Tirek muttered to Chrysalis.

"Well, he is more of a threat than you could ever be, you muscle bound cretin!"

Tirek turned to the source of the voice.


Tirek growled and slammed his fists together, "This "cretin" could destroy you before you blink, so choose your words carefully."

Discord scoffed, "You're right. "Cretin" is too polite. How about "pathetic centaur who uses magic to compensate for the fact that deep down he's afraid he'll never be enough to please dear old dad, King Vorak"?

Tirek then snarled as he fired a blast of magic from in between his horns. Discord shuffled at just the right angle so the blast would hit his handcuffs, disabling them. Discord dropped to the floor and rubbed his head. He quickly looked to see the Terrible Trio all readying up their own magical blasts.

Discord got up quickly and jumped into the air as they fired. He moved so the blasts would hit everypony's cuffs, freeing them. When they were all free, the Terrible Trio gulped.

They were in trouble now.

It was then that Shredder turned around.

"WHAT?!" Shredder yelled.

Tirek fired another blast at Discord, but the Draconequus dodged it and the blast hit Shredder in the chest, sending him to the floor.

Tirek's eyes widened, "Uh oh."

Celestia got up and turned to the Mane 5 and Spike, "Find Twilight! We may not have our magic, but we aren't completely helpless! We'll hold them off as long as we can!"

They nodded and made a break for the door. Cozy turned and prepared to fire a magic blast but she was shoulder charged by Discord.

"Save Equestria. And keep Fluttershy safe!" He shouted to the retreating heroes.

The villains glared at the Royal Sisters and Discord, the heroes doing the same. They all then charged at one another...

Only to be held in place by Dark Magic.

The villains gulped as they turned their heads and saw Shredder approaching them.

"What have you done?! Twilight's friends have escaped! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Shredder demanded to know.

When none of them answered Shredder sighed in annoyance.

"I'll punish you three later. But first," he turned to Celestia, Luna, and Discord, "to deal with them."

The Mane 5 and Spike had no left Ponyville, escaping Shredder's clutches. They had arrived at the Crystal Empire in hopes of finding Twilight. When they entered, Cadance told them that she was upstairs. When they entered, they saw Twilight looking through multiple scrolls in a panic.

She turned to the door in surprise, "You're here?!" Twilight was then tackled into a group hug, "I was so worried! Where are the princesses?"

The hug ended and Pinkie got in Twilight's face, "They put up a crazy fight so we could escape and find you! Mission accomplished! Now let's save Equestria! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah!" As she cheered, a banner unrolled from the roof, for some reason.

Twilight sighed and backed away, "There's no point. Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis were already bad enough. But they've got Ch'rell leading them!"

"What makes you think that Ch'rell's leading them?" Rainbow asked.

"They may not think it, but he's leading them. And we can't stop him." Twilight said in a defeated tone.

Applejack then walked up to her friend, "Sugarcube, we've beaten him before."

Twilight scoffed, "By luck. If it wasn't for Tempest saving us, we wouldn't be here right now."

Spike then approached his mother figure, "You're.....still not over what happened. Are you?"

Twilight sighed and turned to her friends, "No. I'm not. Ch'rell isn't like the other villains we've faced. He made me question myself. He made me question everything I believe in. He kills without hesitation. Because of him, I failed as the Princess of Friendship. And now, he's got Dark Magic in his arsenal and a giant warship. How can we even hope to beat him?"

Everyone was silent. They really didn't have an answer for her.

Rainbow sighed, "At least things can't get any worse."

It was then that a horrible screech was heard outside. Everypony turned and opened the window. They gasped as they saw the Windigos, circling through the air.

Spike gave Rainbow a deadpanned look, "Haven't we learned never to say that by now?"

"We have to do something!" Rainbow replied.

Twilight sighed and walked away from the window, "I've already done enough."

Applejack had heard enough and walked up to Twilight, "You want the truth, Twilight? Bad things happen. No matter what you do, there's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect. But that don't mean you quit tryin'!"

"What if I make things worse?! Ever since Celestia told me I was taking over, I've been gaining confidence. Then I find out it's all a lie. Equestria's been falling apart around us, and I didn't even notice! What kind of princess does that make me? I'm scared." Twilight replied.

"I probably know more about being scared than anypony. But thanks to all of you, I've learned I'm always less scared when I'm with my friends." Fluttershy said.

"If we're facing impossible odds, we're facing them together!" Rainbow added.

"It's what we always do, darling." Rarity finished.

"But we're on our own, and we have no--" Twilight stopped mid sentence. A thought occurred to her, an idea. A plan. Maybe they didn't have to be on their own. Her face turned from panic to determined as she turned to her friends, "Girls, I have an idea. But I'll need some time. I'll need to get to the Crystal Mirror."

"But Twilight. Your castle...." Fluttershy started.

Twilight looked confused, "What about it?"

Spike looked heartbroken, "Twi, it's gone. Ch'rell destroyed it."

Twilight gasped as tears came to her eyes. Her home was gone. Again. First Golden Oaks and now her castle. She choked back a sob and looked at Spike, "There's a chance that the mirror is still functional. I'll just have to go through the rubble and find it. But I'll need you guys to distract Ch'rell while I get to work."

Applejack looked confused, "But what exactly are ya doin'?"

Twilight smirked, "Getting some help."

"Every prisoner is safely incapacitated. Now we can hunt down the rest of the— Windigos?" Tirek asked as he looked out the giant window in the bridge.

"I'm not hunting anypony d-d-d-down in this weather! Can't we magically get rid of them and w-w-w-warm things up?" Cozy asked.

Tirek arched an eyebrow, "We're inside a warship. How are you cold?"

Cozy stopped shivering, "Uhhhhh..."

"Enough!" Shredder ordered as he turned to the other villains, "Twilight Sparkle's friends have escaped because of YOU! Now you're going to correct this!"

Tirek and the other villains growled at the villain. But before they could do anything, something caught their attention.


Shredder turned to the window and frowned. He saw the Mane 5 and Spike down on the ground outside the Technodrome.

Shredder chuckled, "It appears that they have come to us."


Shredder's eyes glowed menacingly. He was going to enjoy this.

Rainbow looked at Pinkie, "You think that worked?"

Pinkie shrugged, "Dunno. Hopefully."


The ponies and Spike all looked up to see Shredder and the Terrible Trio walk to the ledge of the lower half of the Technodorme, looking down upon them.

"I AM CH'RELL, OROKU SAKI, DUKE ACUREDS, THE ONE TRUE SHREDDER!!!" Shredder and the other villains all jumped down from the ledge and landed in front of the ponies, "I am a destroyer of worlds. AND I FEAR NO-ONE!!!"

Shredder then fired a dark blast from his hand, separating the ponies. The heroes were all spread out, ready to fight.

Tirek charged at AJ and RD, firing magic blasts as he ran. The two ponies dodged the magic blasts, Rainbow flew around the Centaur and went to punch him in the face, but Tirek quickly turned and grabbed RD's hoof and threw her into Applejack, causing them both to fall to the ground.

Pinkie bounced around Chrysalis, dodging blast after blast. The Changeling fired again but Pinkie disappeared. Before she knew it, Pinkie was right behind her. Before Pinkie could act, however, Chrysalis turned and blasted her in the face, taking her out of the fight.

Fluttershy and Spike flew around, dodging Cozy Glow's various attacks. Cozy was getting annoyed. She picked up the pace and flew side by side with Spike and Fluttershy.

"Guys, do you know how fast you were going?" Cozy quipped before she blasted the two of them with her magic.

Rarity fell to the floor, blasted by Shredder's Dark Magic. As the unicorn tried to get up, Shredder grabbed her by the throat and punched her in the chest, causing her to wheeze. He then threw her across the field, taken out of the fight. The others crawled over and regrouped as Shredder and the villains surrounded them.

Shredder chuckled as he aimed his hand at the group, ready to end this.

"And now. Your story comes to an end!"

The ponies and dragon braced themselves for the end.

But it never came.

That's because a ninja star hit Shredder in the chest and exploded, causing him to stagger.

As he recovered, his eyes glowed red, "WHO DARES?!"


Shredder turned and was kicked in the face, sending him to one knee. The assailant did a barrel roll and joined up with his brothers. Shredder growled in anger and glared at his attacker. Only for his eyes to widen in surprise.


"Can The Shredder come out to play?" Donnie asked rhetorically.

Shredder stood up on his feet and glared at his mortal enemies, "The Turtles? How can this be?"

"You can thank me for that."

Shredder turned around to face Twilight Sparkle, who had a confident smirk on her face.

Shredder growled as Twilight spoke, "When we first met, I looked into your memories and saw who you truly were. But that's not all. I saw your enemies. I saw the Turtles. So I then had the idea to bring them here to finish this. All it took was a simple spell on the Crystal Mirror and I found your dimension. Which is where I found them. But that isn't all."

Up on a nearby hill, multiple silhouettes were seen. The villains' eyes widened as they saw hundreds upon thousands of ponies and other creatures gathered on the hill. But that isn't all, as the villains turned to see Celestia, Luna, Discord, Starlight, and the Pillars all on the ledge of the Technodrome.

"You've lost, Ch'rell." Twilight said as the Turtles readied their weapons.

Shredder was actually surprised. He was impressed. But that wouldn't save them. As the Terrible Trio charged at the Equestrian army, Shredder was completely focused on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Leo pointed his Katana at his enemy, "Let's end this, Shredder!"

"I have long waited for this! It's overdue, but I'll finally put an end to your pathetic lives!"

Shredder then charged at the Turtles, the Turtles doing the same. Twilight and her friends teleported to the hill while Shredder battles his enemies.

Mikey jumped into the air, swinging his Nunchuks, but Shredder turned and blasted him with his Dark Magic. Raphael charged forward, his Sai ready. Shredder turned into a mist and reappeared behind the turtle, kicking him in his shell. Donnie leaped into the air, his Bo staff ready to strike. Shredder turned and palmed him in the chest, sending him to the floor.

Leo leapt into the air and swung down his swords, but Shredder blocked them with his claws.

"This is it? This is all you have? Truly pathetic!"

Shredder then released a burst of Dark Magic, sending Leo backwards. As Shredder approached the turtle, he was kicked in the back by Mikey. As Shredder staggered, Raph took the chance to run forward and spin kick Shredder's legs, sending him to the floor.

As Shredder recovered, Donnie jumped into the air and brought down his staff, but Shredder turned into mist and avoided the attack. He then reappeared behind them and blasted them all with a Dark Magic blast. As the Turtles got back up, Shredder laughed.

"This is only the beginning, Turtles. Your end is at hand, worms!"

Shredder then opened a portal behind him and stepped through, leaving the TMNT to wonder what he meant.

"ENOUGH! Because of you, I almost lost my way! But everycreature here has reminded me of the true power of friendship! There will always be darkness in the world, but there will also always be those who find the light! The Pillars knew this! That's why they created the Elements of Harmony! The Elements showed me and my friends how strong our friendship could be! Together we worked to bring harmony to Equestria! But there will always be more to do! Which is why we teach others about the Magic of Friendship! Others who will continue our mission after we are gone! Now I truly understand! The Elements were just symbols! The real magic has always been right here! And the more who understand how powerful friendship is, the stronger we will all be! Together!"

Twilight's eyes then glowed bright with magic as she floated above the Pillars, the Young 6, and the Mane 5. Beams of rainbows shot from each of them and was absorbed by Twilight. She then fired a beam from her horn into the sky, banishing the Windigos once more.

"This is bad, isn't it?" Cozy asked her fellow villains.

The rainbow beam then arched downward and hit the Terrible Trio, draining them of their magic and returning them to normal. As Cozy fell to the floor with a thud, Tirek shivered as Chrysalis got back up. Twilight and the others then landed back on the ground and glared at the villains.

Chrysalis snarled, "You think friendship will save you?! We will always return! Nothing will ever stop—!"

She was stopped when a dark portal suddenly opened up behind them. They turned around and gasped, they were being sucked in. Cozy was the first to go, screaming as she fell into the darkness. Tirek was next, clawing at the dirt, trying not to get sucked in, but to no avail. Lastly was Chrysalis, she screeched as she was sucked into the portal, never to be seen again.

The portal closed, leaving a very confused Twilight. They all turned to Discord, "Don't look at me!"

The Turtles then ran over to Twilight and her friends, only to see a dark mist appear behind Discord.

The mist then took shape, Shredder stood behind Discord, his claw raised into the air. They all gasped.

"DISCORD!!!" Fluttershy screamed, trying to warn him.

Discord turned around, only to be slashed across the chest by Shredder.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Fluttershy screamed.

Discord gripped his chest, without his magic, he was powerless. He was no longer immortal.

(Play from 1:30 to 1:55)

Discord fell to the floor, his body limp. Fluttershy rushed to her friend's side, tears streaming down her cheeks. Twilight and her friends looked on in shock. Twilight then snarled as she looked up at Shredder with pure hatred and malice.

Shredder then started laughing, the lightning striking behind him as he did.

Everything was going according to his plan, and he was relishing in it.