• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 3,583 Views, 122 Comments

What If The Shredder Was In MLP: Season 9? - Battwell

The evil Grogar has unleashed four of the Mane Six’s greatest threats! Although one of them will be Equestria’s undoing.

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Ending Of The End (Part 1)

Chrysalis entered the cavern where her fellow villains were waiting for her to return. As she entered, she transformed from her pony form back into her Changeling form. She smiled as Tirek smirked at her as she took her seat at the roundtable.

"Ah, Chrysalis. Another successful field trip, I presume?" Tirek asked, already knowing the answer.

The Changeling smiled, "preading distrust among the unicorns and Earth ponies is almost too easy. We could take down Twilight and her friends a hundred times, but as long as they have the "love" of Equestria behind them, they'd crawl back to defeat us. Not anymore."

"No friendship, no magic! It's so obvious when you think about it. I did my part freaking out the Pegasi." Cozy added.

"And with the Ram's constant absence, it has given me ample time to prepare the next part of the plan." Shredder said as he slammed the book they stole from the archives on the roundtable.

The other villains eyed the book while Shredder retrieved the bell from the secret hatch and placed it on the table, "Grogar's Bell. This artifact can steal any creature's magic. It holds that magic until it is released by this spell. Which means all the power inside is ours for the taking!" Tirek said with an evil chuckle.

Shredder chuckled, "Now, shall we begin?"

Chrysalis nodded, "Let's try the spell before Grogar gets back. I'm sick of waiting for that old goat's master plan."

Tirek smiled as he held out his hands, "Take my hands."

The other villains looked at him as if he were crazy.

"You must be joking." Shredder deadpanned.

"So we can all be part of the spell. Unless you'd prefer I take all the magic myself?" Tirek said with a smirk.

Shredder growled in annoyance and reluctantly grabbed hold of Tirek's hand, the other villains doing the same.

"Our pact stands. What we do, we do together. Once we defeat the protectors of Equestria, we can claim this land and rule our kingdoms alone once more." Chrysalis said.

"Believe that all you want, bug. It still won't make it true." Shredder thought to himself.

Tirek smiled as he fired a beam of magic from in-between his horns. When the beam hit the bell, said bell started to levitate into the air. The bell then started to glow as the beam of magic ceased. The villains let go of each other's hands/hooves as the bell floated before them. The bell then rotated, it's face facing downward as it rung, summoning a portal in front of it.

The portal then fired a beam of magic at the four villains. As the magic flowed through them, they started to change, their laughter echoing through the cavern as they grew more powerful than ever before.

Grogar entered the cavern with a smile on his face. He held a strange amulet with his magic, levitating it in front of him as he spoke, "I have returned. Twilight Sparkle's coronation is today, and we are going to ruin it with this artifact. But to succeed, you must work together."

As he approached the table in the center of the cavern, he looked up to see a pair of green eyes hanging from the ceiling. Chrysalis smiled, "Oh, way ahead of you, Grogar."

She then spat a green substance from her mouth. The acid like spit hit Grogar's hooves, preventing him from moving. As he struggled, Chrysalis dropped to the floor, showing off her knew look.

Grogar then felt a tremor shake the cavern. He turned to see Tirek, fully powered up, burst into the room with a smile on his face. As Tirek flexed his biceps, Cozy Glow flew into the cavern, revealing her new Alicorn form.

Grogar growled in anger as he continued to struggle.


Grogar stopped as he looked forward. A dark portal opened in front of him, confusing the Ram.

Then from within the portal, out stepped The Shredder, sporting a new armor fit for a conqueror.

"Hello, Grogar." Shredder said as the portal closed behind him.

Grogar, for some reason, looked nervous, but Shredder didn't care as he grabbed the artifact in the Ram's possession with his hand and crushed it with ease. Shredder then opened the palm of his hand. A swirl of Dark Magic appeared in his palm as the Bewitching Bell appeared, shocking Grogar.

"The Bell! You had it all this time?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

Cozy shrugged, "We're villains. Duh."

Shredder laughed at the Ram, "You underestimated me, Ram! Exterminating you shall be an added bonus to today's great victory!"

As Grogar continued to struggle, Shredder activated the bell, aiming it at Grogar. The bell rang and began to drain the Ram of his magic. As Grogar roared, Shredder and the others began to notice that Grogar was changing. Shredder frowned as the Ram dropped to the floor, the bell draining him of all his magic.

Only Grogar was no longer a Ram. He was a Draconequus!

Discord shook his head as he turned to the villains, who looked confused, save for Shredder.

"That was unexpected." Tirek stated to his comrades.

Discord smirked as he snapped his fingers.....only for nothing to happen. He snapped again. Nothing. Before he could snap again, Shredder backhanded Discord across the cavern. The Draconequus landed in front of the entrance and scurried out of there the first chance he could.

Cozy turned to the other villains, "Wait. Discord was Grogar? Like, the whole time? Should we follow him?"

"Mwahahahaha. Without magic, that fool is no threat! Let him warn Twilight Sparkle and her friends! I want them to have a flicker of hope that they can stop us! So I rip it away from them! Hahahahahaha!" Shredder laughed in victory.

The other villains joined in, nothing could stop them now.

"Let me get this straight. You wanted to boost Twilight's confidence, so you brought back Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek to attack her?!" Luna asked the Chaos God in anger.

Discord shrugged, "Don't forget Sombra."

Celestia let out an angry sigh, "And while you united these three villains, you pretended to be Grogar?!"

Fluttershy stepped forward, clearly heartbroken, "Discord, how could you do this to Twilight?! And us?!"

Discord turned to his friend, if he could even call her that, "Look what a great job you did defeating Sombra. All the confidence you gained. Remember the cheering? The hoof-bumps?"

"Except it was all a lie." Twilight said from her throne.

Discord turned to the would be Princess of Equestria, "A well-intentioned lie."

He turned once again as Applejack stepped forward, "For all the time you've spent with us, you really haven't picked up too much in the way of friendship lessons, huh?"

"You've been setting up challenges for us the whole time, haven't you? None of our successes were actually real." Twilight said disheartened.

"Of course they were! You just had an extremely good-looking safety net." Discord defended his case.

Spike stepped forward, "And how was that supposed to help again?"

"I intended to prepare Twilight for anything by orchestrating an epic attack at her coronation." Discord explained.

Rarity pointed a hoof at Discord, "You beastly beast! Don't you know how much this day means to Twilight?! And me?! I made her dress! Why wait until now for such a horrible plan?!"

"You don't take a final exam on your first day of class. Just think – after defeating three baddies, Twilight would have to believe that she's the leader we all know she is!" Discord replied.

Celestia flew to Discord, scowling the entire time, "You have made a grave misjudgment, Discord. Do you have anything else you'd like to tell us?!"

Discord chuckled nervously, "Would you like the good news or the bad news?"

Luna sighed, "That wasn't the bad news?!"

Discord rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh.....has anypony checked on Ch'rell recently?"

At that moment, the room went quiet. Everypony's eyes widened in horror at the words uttered. Twilight started to shake as Celestia quickly teleported to the Vault. When she reappeared, she looked furious.


Discord shrunk back as he chuckled nervously, "I......freed.....Ch'rell?"

It was then that the realization had hit them all. Ch'rell was free. The Shredder lived.

It was at that moment that a beam of magic struck Discord in the chest, sending him across the room. Everypony gasped as Twilight stepped down from her throne and approached Discord, her horn lit up.


As Twilight panted, her horn died down. The terror finally kicking in. She wasn't hallucinating at the Summer Sun Celebration. Shredder was actually there. Messing with her. But she couldn't dwell on that now. She had a kingdom to save. She glared at Discord.

"We're not done."

She then walked back to her throne as Discord got back up, "Did I also mention that all my chaos magic is... gone? It's trapped in Grogar's Bell."

Spike sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "So what's the good news?"

"Ch'rell, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow now have all of the real Grogar's magic." Discord said.

"IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT GOOD NEWS?!" Rainbow shouted in anger and annoyance.

"We should take the magic inside it. You know how powerful Discord was. That much chaos magic in our veins..." Chrysalis said while licking her lips.

Tirek massaged his forehead, "But taking it all would be madness! It's impossible for any other creature to control!"

"I guess if you need a guinea pig to find out if anypony can use chaos magic, I'll volunteer." Cozy volunteered.

Shredder then swatted her away with his hand, "No you won't. Because I already know what to do with Discord's magic."

Shredder then walked out of the cavern. Confused, the other villains followed him outside. Once they were outside, they saw Shredder waiting for them, his cape flowing with the wind. He looked at the bell with determination.

"The only creature able to control Chaos Magic is Discord. Therefore we cannot possibly hope to control it. It is madness incarnate." He then turned around to his temporary teammates, "That is why I am not going to control it. I am going to aim it!"

He then turned his back to them and activated the bell, releasing Discord's Chaos Magic. As it flowed out of the bell, Shredder's hands glowed a dark purple as he aimed them at the swarm of magic. He then grabbed hold of it with his newly found magic and began to focus.

"Now to give it form! To give it purpose! This world never knew what TRUE chaos was! Allow me to show you!"

The Chaos Magic then levitated into the air and began to swirl around, increasing in size. The other villains' eyes widened at the sight. The magic was transforming into what Shredder wanted. Once the transformation was complete, Shredder laughed as he turned to the other villains.

Cozy smiled evilly as she asked, "So, where should we strike first?"

Shredder laughed as his eyes glowed, "Everywhere."

"We've faced enemies of Equestria before. And we've always succeeded, no matter the odds. That wouldn't be possible without all of you." Twilight said to her friends.

"You're welcome!" Discord said, causing everyone to glare at him.

"Dude, read the room." Spike said.

Twilight continued, "So I ask for your help again today in what is our biggest battle yet. All of Equestria is at stake, and I can't do this alone. But I'm not afraid. Because with friendship as our armor and teamwork as our power, nopony can ever bring us down!"

Suddenly, the doors to the Throne Room slammed open, revealing a pile of defeated Royal Guards with Cozy Glow flying above them.

"Oh, come on! Where'd you get that? A daily affirmations calendar? Yeesh."

Twilight and the others looked shocked, "Cozy Glow?! You're—!"

"About to wipe the floor with you!" Cozy said as she fired a blast from her horn, hitting Twilight in the chest.

Twilight flew back and landed in front of her throne. Everyone gasped as Cozy walked in.

"Wow! It's true! Alicorns really do have more fun!"

Celestia and Luna quickly turned to the others, "Everypony, check on Twilight and then get behind the throne! Wait for our signal!" The Sun Monarch ordered.

Everyone nodded as Celestia and Luna approached the filly.

Once Twilight got back up, she smiled to her friends, "Go, and wait for the signal!"

They all nodded and got behind the throne, causing Cozy to laugh.

"Well I'll be. Looks like there might actually be some brains in those heads after all."

Celestia stomped her hoof on the ground, "Stand down, Cozy Glow!"

"You're not in a position to demand ANYTHING Alicorn!"

All three princesses' eyes widened when they heard that voice.

A shadow was seen at the doorway. Red eyes glowing menacingly.

(Play from 1:30 to 1:55)

Shredder then walked into the Throne Room. The Royal Sisters gritted their teeth while Twilight shrunk back in fear.

Shredder then stopped walking and stood in the center of the room, "No-one opposes The Shredder! And now I will have my revenge for our last encounter! Say farewell to each other, while you still can."

As Shredder laughed, Twilight shook in fear. This was really happening. He was here.

The Shredder was here.

Celestia and Luna got to work and turned to one another, "Ready, sister?" Celestia asked.

Luna nodded in response.

"Wait! What are you...?" Twilight tried to ask but failed.

The two sisters took to the air and fired two magical beams at Shredder. Shredder then surprised them both as he fired two beams of Dark Magic from his hands, easily overpowering the sister's beams. The Dark Magic hit the two Alicorns and electrocuted them, holding them in the air as they screamed in agony.

Cozy then took out the bell with her magic and rung it, draining Celestia and Luna of their magic. Twilight looked on in horror as Shredder used his magic to slam them both to the ground, defeated.

"NO!!!" Twilight shouted as she galloped towards them.

But suddenly, she was struck in the chest by Shredder, who fired a magic blast from his hand, sending her to the floor. As she tried to get up, Shredder teleported to her and grasped her by the neck and held her in the air.

"I told you that I would break free. And I assured you that your friends would suffer!" Shredder said as he aimed his left hand at the throne.

He then closed his fist, exploding the throne and grasping all of Twilight's friends in his magic. He then started to electrocute them, laughing at their suffering.


Shredder then threw them all to the center of the room. They all fell down hard, defeated.

Before Twilight could say anything, Shredder threw her into a wall with extreme force. Before she could recover, Shredder appeared before her and started punching her repeatedly. Cozy cringed with each punch dealt. This was hard core, even for her. Shredder then grabbed Twilight by the throat and electrocuted her, causing her to cry out in pain.

Shredder then slammed the Alicorn to the ground, creating a crater where she laid. Shredder then stomped on her chest with his foot.

"And now......it ends."

Shredder bent down and grabbed her throat once more before throwing her at her friends. As she skidded to a stop, the wall behind where the throne would normally be exploded. It was then that Chrysalis and Tirek climbed in and joined their fellow villains.

Twilight mustered enough strength to stand up and cast a shield spell as Chrysalis jumped on top of the shield.

"You think your pathetic shield can stop us? HAH! The Pillars have been defeated. Your school is abandoned. Face it, Twilight. You've lost!"

Twilight, although terrified, wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

"You can attack us and we may fall. But Equestria will still stand, united in friendship. And we won't stop until we defeat you, no matter how many ponies you take down!"

It was then that all four villains laughed in their faces, confusing the ponies.

Tirek then stepped forward, "Didn't you all notice something was wrong in Equestria? We've been busy."

"A whisper here, a rumor there..." Chrysalis added.

"Destroy some crops, cause some damage..." Tirek continued.

"Turn pony against pony..." Cozy added.

Shredder then walked around the shield, never losing sight of Twilight, "Making you believe that you were losing your mind..."

"Until your whole kingdom is on edge, waiting for just one tiny thing to push them over the brink!" Chrysalis shouted.

"There's no backup friends or rainbow magic to save you now!" Tirek added.

Cozy then rubbed her chin with her hoof, "Golly, I think it's time for some redecorating!"

Shredder's eyes then glowed, "Excellent idea."

It was then that the roof of the castle was destroyed by a giant red laser, causing rubble to fall down around the ponies. Suddenly, a giant shadow loomed over the ponies, causing their eyes to widen.

"Don't worry, Draconequus. I put your Chaos Magic to good use." Shredder said as the object making the shadow came into full view.

The Technodrome.

Shredder then turned around and roundhouse kicked Twilight's shield, shattering it instantly. Before Twilight could react, Shredder turned into a dark mist and grabbed her while moving across the room. He returned to his normal form and held Twilight by the throat.

He then raised his claw, ready to finish this.

"First, you perish. And then, your world! Then I shall finally return home to finish my mortal enemies once and for all! And you cannot stop me!"

As Twilight prepared herself for the end, Shredder was suddenly struck by a piece of debris, causing him to drop Twilight. As Twilight got up, she looked to see Rarity, who looked exhausted from magical strain. She quickly ran back over to her friends as the other villains went over to Ch'rell.

Shredder roared as he fired a magical blast from his hands. The blast was blocked however by a giant piece of debris held up by Twilight's magic. She struggled to hold it as the other villains joined in. She was starting to lose focus. They were going to break through.

It wasn't until Rarity ran up to the debris and held it with her hooves.

"Go, Twilight! Get help!"

Then the others ran up and held the debris as Twilight let go.

"We'll hold 'em 'til you get back!" AJ yelled.

"No! I can't leave you here!" Twilight protested.

"It's our only chance!" Fluttershy yelled.

"You'll come up with something to save the day!" RD added.

"You always do!" Pinkie shouted.

"We believe in you!" Spike finished.

Discord then grabbed Twilight and shouted, "Fly, you foal!"

Discord then pushed Twilight as she galloped, tears falling from her eyes. Shredder saw this and frowned.

"NO! I will not be denied my revenge!"

Shredder then ran at high speeds and leapt over the rubble, reeling back his claw as he closed in on Twilight. He roared as he brought down his claw. But Twilight was gone. She had teleported to safety. Ch'rell snarled as he turned to the ponies and blasted them all with Dark Magic, weakening them so the other villains could break through the debris.

The ponies fell to the floor, unconscious.

Shredder turned around and gazed at the Technodrome as the other villains loomed over Twilight's friends.

"Shall we finish this?" Tirek suggested.

"No." The other villains looked confused as Shredder spoke, "Bring them aboard the Technodrome."

Cozy looked confused, "Why? We should--"

She was cut off as a blast of Dark Magic hit her in the chest, sending her across the room and landing on the floor. Tirek and Chrysalis were stunned and turned back to Shredder, who's eyes were glowing menacingly.

"The Technodrome. NOW!" Shredder ordered.

The other villains shrunk back as they grabbed the ponies and started to head towards the Technodrome, which lowered it's ramp. Cozy got back up and flew past Shredder, not wanting to tick him off any further. Shredder looked back at the Throne Room before walking up the ramp and entering the Technodrome.

This wasn't over.