• Published 3rd Jul 2023
  • 1,985 Views, 69 Comments

Empress Cozy Glow - Betty_Starlight

Cozy Glow becomes Empress of Friendship at the end of season 8 and it's not really what anypony expects...

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Chapter 1: The Reformation

Twilight looks at me with the restraining ring on her horn, “Well, Tirek says he’s still extremely unhappy with your decision Cozy…” before widening her eyes. “I must admit that I am curious though… After all he’s done, why don’t you try to rescue him from Tartarus? I mean, you’re starting to act nice all of a sudden as of a few months ago, but you continue to ignore him?”

I sigh, “We’ve been over this Twilight! There’s no way we can do that!”

Twilight nods, “I see…” she frowns. “But you’ve already explicitly told me in our confidential conversations that you think about all he has done for you, and you were mentioning that you think that maybe you should be nicer? And I’ll admit Cozy, it seems strange to me because you put so much effort into restoring magick to Equestria, and yet, you’ve done absolutely nothing for him?”

I gulp when I think that maybe she has a point? I furrow my brow and put on my evil filly face again, “Well, why would I? I don’t need him anymore! And I don’t wish to discuss this further!”

She nods diligently, “As you wish!”

I frown and look directly ahead in the throne room… It used to be Twilight’s throne room, but I had it converted for me… Everything is purple now… “Twilight? I uh…”

Her eyes widen, “Yes Empress Cozy?”

I look at her and suddenly say, “I don’t feel well! I need to retire to my chambers now! You handle my business for me and fetch me only if something super important comes up! You understand what I mean, right?”

She nods again, “As you wish, my Empress!”


I look at my diary as I sat at my ornate purple desk… I like the color purple and most things in the castle are violet colored… I look at what I wrote this morning:

Well, it finally happened last night! I restored magick in Equestria and everypony celebrated! Golly, I didn’t think they’d be so happy? Twilight wanted to know why I did it and I logically explained to her that now that I have power, it’s fine for other ponies to have just a little bit, since I can easily overpower them with my alicorn magick and she agreed… It was strange, but she agreed to wear the restraining ring without any arguments? I was actually expecting more resistance…

The truth is though, I kinda wanted ponies to like me again… They all do what I say, but I can tell that they don’t like it and they don’t like me… Oh Celestia, how lonely do I feel! Of course, I can’t tell any of them about this! The fact is I must remain in control! I am the sole alicorn leader of this great nation, after all! After finding the artifact and ascending, the magick contained within enveloped my body and for about four months, I was the only pony with magick… And I just changed that… I still don’t know why?

I think about how my writing is all over the place here and suddenly wonder if I can discern anything from it?

I soon decide to take the pen in my mouth and write,

Update: I still can’t get my mind off Tirek! I kept him imprisoned from the start because well, I don’t really need him anymore! Twilight wanted to know why I hadn’t released him or even spoken to him after I started acting nice… The truth is, there’s no real reason, but I also think about all he did to make my ascension possible… Of course, that doesn’t matter at this stage now, does it?

I look up and stare blankly at my wall with the pen in my mouth and think to myself… Twilight’s right! There’s more to this than just me wanting to be liked!

I soon pen,

I think I shall write him a letter?

I get out a new sheet of paper and write:

Dear, Tirek

Hiya old buddy! Remember me? Sure has been awhile! Now, I know you’re very unhappy that I’ve kept you there over the past six months, but as I already explained to you, you’re a threat to me with your magick sucking abilities and I can’t allow that! Besides, there’s no way we can unlock that door a third time! I hope you understand?

You know, I sure am glad there’s a mail slot and I just wanted to thank you for giving me another chance… I wanted to thank you for allowing me to ascend like this and get all this power… But now, I think things are going to be different? I recently restored magick in Equestria by reopening the vortex, and of course you’re aware that that means you’re even more potentially dangerous to me! As such, there will be no attempts to open the gate to Tartarus…

Although uh, I was wondering… You originally wanted me to get rid of all magick in Equestria as revenge for how the ponies defeated you earlier or whatever? How does it feel to know that I’ve reversed that? I hope you’re not mad? Please write back!


Cozy Glow

I sigh before nodding and agreeing with myself that this is what I will mail the centaur… Although I really don’t think he’s gonna be too happy about it?


The farmer pony looked up at me with startled green eyes underneath his straw hat as his yellow hoof kicked the floor in nervous apprehension and he cleared his throat, “Uh, Empress Cozy Glow! We need more water in the valley south of Ghastly Gorge and I was wondering if you could open up the water a bit more?” before smiling anxiously.

I smile at him, “Certainly! I’ll send an expert right over to determine your water needs and we’ll be happy to adjust that for you!”

His eyes widen, “Oh, oh really? Uh, th-thank you Empress Cozy Glow!”

I shrug, “Hey, no problem! What are supreme empresses for, right? Uh, “I widen my eyes to him. “was there anything else you wanted?”

He blinks and clears his throat again, “W-well there was my baby sister…”

I adjust my gaze to him curiously, “What about your baby sister?”

He gulps and stutters out, “W-well, she’s very sick, you see! And um, Dr. Hooves says she needs a new liver and well, I just can’t pay for that! And um, I was hoping…”

I furrow my brow and put on my evil face again and angrily ask, “You what? You want me to pay for her operation? Is that it?”

He blinks and stares at me wide-eyed, “Um, if you d-don’t mind empress? I uh…”

I sigh and raise my eyes to the ceiling, “Fine! I’ll buy your sister’s stupid liver transplant!” before lowering them back to him. “Was there anything else?”

His body shakes in astonishment as he looks at me with wider eyes than I thought he could make, “Uh, n-no Your Highness! Thank you s-so much!” before turning and trotting out of the throne room a lot faster than he entered!

Twilight steps towards me from my right and turns her neck right to stare at me, “You just did it again, Cozy! You were benevolent!”

I widen my eyes when I suddenly realize that she’s right and I turn my head to her and say to her blankly, “Twilight…” I gulp, “As you know, I’ve punished ponies for speaking up and about me in the past… But now, I want you to know that I won’t do that…” I look at her carefully with the straightest expression I can muster… “Twilight, what’s happening to me?”

(To be continued…)