• Published 3rd Jul 2023
  • 1,986 Views, 69 Comments

Empress Cozy Glow - Betty_Starlight

Cozy Glow becomes Empress of Friendship at the end of season 8 and it's not really what anypony expects...

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Chapter 8: Family

So I sat at my throne, holding my yummy blond cup of coffee in my right forehoof and staring at the purple alicorn in front of me, who frowns and says, “So, you had a nightmare?”

I widen my eyes, “I get it, alright Twilight? I’m reformed now and you helped me!”

She stares at me perplexed, “What are you talking about?”

I sigh, “The dream! It’s so obvious! You led me to the path to my true self or whatever and uh, well gee, you know, I’m not really evil after all!”

“I see…” She flatly states… Before staring back at me and asking, “So, have you thought about what you’ll do now?”

I sigh, “Well yeah! So now, I guess we have to rescue your friends then, huh?”

Her face lights up, “Oh, Your Majesty! That would be very nice of you!”

I sigh and stare downward, “Yeah, whatever!” before raising my gaze back to her. “The only problem is, I don’t know how we’re gonna get into Tartarus?”

Suddenly, a small serpent wearing a red mortarboard hat and red robes walks in from the front door, toots on a little horn and loudly proclaims, “His Majesty, the Lord of Chaos, Bringer of Bedlam, Master of Mayhem, Maker of Mischief, Purveyor of Pandemonium, AHEM!” he clears his throat while putting his small eagle talon in front of his face and waves forward to say, “Discord!”

Then, a much larger, albeit similar serpentine creature floats into the throne room after magically opening the doors, stares right at me with his two misshapen eyes, and mimics me when he says, “You know, whenever anybody talks about getting into Tartarus, they always forget that I can easily go there!”

I turn to face the bizarre motley serpent, “Is that so, huh?”

Twilight stares at the serpent, “That’s Discord, Your Highness! He’s a tricky one! I’d advise you to be very specific when telling him things… “

He smiles his snaggle-tooth grin at me, “Yes, we’ve been over my name once before, book horse” and adjusts his gaze higher and grins wider, “and so, now is your ultimate test, Empress Cozy Glow! I can easily rescue all five of Twilight’s friends as well as Celestia, Luna, and even Starlight Glimmer from Tartarus, but I will only do these things, by your command!” he flicks his eagle talon at me. “So, what say you Cozy? Do you wish for me to rescue these ponies from their imprisonment?”

I turn my gaze to my alicorn assistant who then stares at me with wide purple eyes, and quivering lips, not sure what I’ll say…

I turn back to the serpent and smile, “I don’t know who you are strange serpent, but yes! By all means, please rescue Twilight's friends and those two other alicorns as well!”

Twilight’s eyes widen as she shouts, “And the dragon!”

I widen my eyes, “Oh! Don’t forget that purple dragon either! Uh, I can’t remember his name?”

Twilight interjects, “Spike!”

I nod at the serpent, “Yeah! Him! Rescue Spike too!”

He crosses his lion paw and eagle talon across what I’m fairly certain is his chest, and frowns as his one tooth goes diagonal, “Well, if I MUST!”

I nod and smile, “Thank you, mysterious serpent!” before staring at him flatly, “Um, could you also rescue Tirek while you’re there?” and smiling.

Twilight turns her head back right to me and widens her eyes, “But Tirek is still evil, as far as we know! I don’t think it’s a very good idea!” and she narrows her them and frowns. “Also, how in the hay are you now openly good, anyway? I thought you know, you didn’t like admitting to stuff like that?”

I stare back at the other alicorn, “Yeah, about that!” I sigh and stare downward before adjusting my eyes back up to her, “I did a lot of thinking over the last few days…” I sigh again. “I guess I should just accept that I’m apparently on the side of good now? I mean, I don’t know if I’d call it something clicking inside me, but… “before frowning, “I came to realize that I care after all…” and smile dimly at the other alicorn. “I do care about other ponies and I care about Equestria…”

“But the Guardian Amethyst…”

I flatten my mouth and cut her off, “Had nothing to do with it, Twilight. I don’t know if you think I’m insane and I don’t know if I am, but I believe that since this was inside me all this time, that I gotta be good by default? I just don’t know what went wrong?”

“You got some bad advice!”

I blink, “Um, I guess so? But golly! You know, since I now have this power given to me,” before sighing again, “I should just accept it and do good with it?” and I smile dimly. “My name is Cozy Glow and I’m not evil…”

She blinks with an astonished look in her eyes that I’m guessing means she’s still processing this, “Okay, but, what about Tirek though? He’s still evil, as far as we know, right?”

I adjust my gaze back to the other alicorn, “Well gee, it seems so lousy of us to just you know, leave him there, don’t you think?”

She nods, “Well, don’t you believe we should reform him then?” before frowning as I’m still pretty sure this is still all new to her…

I nod and smile, hoping I don’t look evil or fiendish at this point, “Good point Twilight!” before turning my neck back right towards the strange serpent, “Discord! Put Tirek in the dungeon when you save him! Uh, don’t do anything weird with him, either, okay?”

He smiles his snaggle tooth grin at me, “Oh, you’re no fun!” before disappearing in a flash of light!

Twilight stares at me, “I can almost guarantee you he’s gonna do somethingweird now!”

I turn to stare back at her after blinking cause the flash kinda hurt my eyes, “Well golly gee, what can really we do now?”

Twilight sighs, “Well, there’s nothing we can do, until he gets back.”

And just then, the door to my throne room pops open and I raise my neck to see a pegasus guard pony there, with white fur and clad in golden armor. He stares at me and says judiciously, “Your Highness! You really need to go to the dungeon now!”


And so, I saw it… I saw Tirek there, with a purple pacifier in his mouth, and sitting on his haunches in what appeared to be a poufy diaper with purple star, heart, teddy bear, and lollipop designs on it… I gotta admit, that weird serpent guy must have a sense of humor! I widen my eyes and start to laugh hysterically at this!

He stares at me with wide black eyes from what I’m guessing is a playpen as the guard from earlier turned his neck right towards me and says as I compose myself and look back, “I have no idea where he came from Your Majesty? I left to go to the latrine and when I returned, uh, there he was!”

“Golly gee! I uh, really don’t what to say? We wanted to reform him, but…”

Twilight interjects from behind me, “Well, it’s certainly not the worst thing he could’ve done?”

I raise my neck, “Well, yeah!I mean, it’s not like he tore Tirek’s nipples off or anything like that!” before lowering it. “Can we still do that, now that we’re good, by the way? Tear his nipples off, I mean?”

I then hear something I haven’t heard in a very long time… I heard Twilight raise her voice to me! “NO!”

I widen my eyes again, “Oh, golly! Okay, no nipple tearing!” before normalizing them. “So uh, what do we do about your friends?”

Twilight frowns and sighs, “Well, there’s nothing we really can do, until Discord gets back?”

I nod, “Well, right! You know, that’s probably gonna be weird too?”

Her eyes adjust before she says, “Well, yes…“


And so, as I flew into the mental institution at a slow speed, the doctor trotting on my left began to explain to me, “Well, I know who Pinkie Pie is, of course, and immediately knew to contact you! I got in touch with one of your secretaries!”

I roll my eyes, “Well, do you have any idea how many calls I get each day? I’m Empress of Friendship!”

He nods, “Well, right! Uh,” before reaching into his left lab coat pocket with his snout and pulling out a piece of paper, and he then says through his teeth. “We also found this note with her!”

I stare down at the note as I continue to slowly hover forward and notice that it says:

Dear, whoever finds this,

I have brought back the first, this, Pinkie Pie, just as I promised! However, I decided to give her a little treat since she just got out of Tartarus and she’s currently blasted out of her mind on a number of psychoactive substances. Worry not, because she’ll be back to normal in a few hours! Or uh, it might take days? Oh well, I’m pretty sure it’ll happen eventually! Ta-ta!


I then stop flying forward to stare into the small porthole window of the metal door in front of me and I see a pink earth mare wearing a white straight jacket wrapped around to confine and contain her front two legs as she howled maniacally at the ceiling and stares on with wide eyes while frothing at the mouth and muttering, “I am the Empress of Friendship! I have no friends, but everypony loves me or else! You will all bow to me or die! Ha ha ha ha he he he he ho ho ho ho ho ho!”

I frown and stare wide-eyed at this, as those words make me think… I decide I want a chocolate milkshake when I get home! I say to the doctor while staring at the pink mare, “Keep her under observation and locked up until she sobers up! Do not let her hurt herself or get hurt, do you understand me?”

He blinks and nods, “Y-yes Your Highness!”


I approach Cloudsdayle Stadium from a distance, with my assistant flying near me… “I know they told me she was here somewhere?”

Twilight looks up and to the left before saying, “There she is! Rainbow Dash!”

As I’m floating near the stadium, a blue blur suddenly approaches me! Golly, I almost didn’t have enough time to trap it in my purple forcefield! My magick is always purple now… *

As I stare at her with my head tilted left, Rainbow Dash thrashes and kicks inside the barrier and screams, “You won’t get away with this Cozy!”

I look straight at the blue pegasus and scream at her, “YOU KNOW I’M THE REASON YOU’RE NOW FREE FROM TARTARUS, RIGHT?”

She stops in kicking in the air to stare at me, “W-what?”

Twilight smiles and stares at Rainbow to shout, “It’s true! Cozy’s good now!” before smiling at her…

I stare up at her and smile my toothy grin…


As the yellow pegasus smiled at me from across in my throne room, she says, “I’m so happy you’re good now, Cozy Glow!”

I stare at her, “So, what exactly did Discord tell you?”

Fluttershy vibrates, causing her pink mane to sway and excitedly exclaims, “Oh, just that you’re good now and that you’re really nice and friendly and cheerful and lovable and adorable and pleasant and calm and…”

I cut her off while widening my eyes, “Okay! I get it! I’m good!”

She nods, “Oh, and having a nice tea party with him after all that time was great too!” she happily smiles and continues. “We had cucumber sandwiches and scones and this lovely jasmine tea!”

I enlarge my view and suddenly wonder if being good is always gonna be this boring?


I stared at the filthy disheveled white unicorn in my throne room as she stared up at me from underneath her matted purple mane, “I WAS MORTIFIED!”

I frown and stare with wide eyes, “You know, I think the fact that you’re free from Tartarus at all is just swell, don’t you?”

Rarity stares at me with tears on her face, “He teleported me to the Canterlot Wine Mixer after I had spent months in that filthy dingy cage! Now, nopony in high society will want to deal with me!”

I stare at her, “What if I MAKE them like you again and say, ignoring you is punishable by death?”

She stares at me with wide blue eyes, “U-um, maybe not something so extreme?”

I blink and suddenly wonder if I’m gonna be doing anywhere near as much killing anymore?


I frown at the apple pony and the purple dragon, standing side by side in my throne room, “Well, aren’t you insulted?”

She raises her neck to me to stare with her green eyes from underneath her Stetson, “W-what do you mean?”

I blink and stare at her, “Well, he gives Fluttershy a tea party, lets Dash fly around Cloudsdayle Stadium, dopes up Pinkie Pie six ways from Sunday, and puts Rarity back in high society… He just dropped both of you off at the farm!”

She smiles, “Well, what can I say? It doesn’t take much to make me happy!”

I frown, “I guess not? Well, look! You’re permitted to stay here in Canterlot Castle, until we get the return all sorted out! Only the two princesses are left!”

Applejack smiles and nods, “Thank you kindly, Cozy! So glad to see you turned over another leaf!”

“Oh golly, gee! Get out of here, before I change my mind and put you in the stocks!”

She chuckles and turns to trot out…

As I shout at her, “I’m serious! I’ll tear your nipples off!” although it’s obvious by this point, she doesn’t take me seriously… I also wonder about my sudden nipple fixations?

Spike chuckles and shakes his head before turning to walk out of the room behind her and shut the door quietly behind him…

A few moments later, the door to my room bursts open and I see a magenta unicorn there with a deep purple and lavender mane! “Twilight!” Starlight screams at my assistant, currently standing next to my throne!

Twilight’s eyes widen, “Starlight!” before she gallops forward towards the unicorn!

They embrace in a tight hug and Starlight looks back at her mentor and says, “It’s so good to finally see you again!” before frowning at her forehead. “Uh, why are you wearing a restraining ring around your horn?”

Twilight explains, “Well, I’m Empress Cozy Glow’s prisoner and assistant!”

I interject before the other unicorn can respond, “Uh, about that Twilight! I uh, you know, there was something I was wanting to say to you…”

Twilight turns and trots back to me as I clear my throat…

First, I stare at her and I furrow my brow as I force her metal restraining ring to glow and levitate off of her straight horn and I then casually toss it to the side before staring deep into her purple eyes and suddenly realize that I almost don’t wanna say it… My lips quiver as I struggle to get the words out... “Twilight, um…”

Her eyes widen, “Yes Cozy?”

I’m silent and staring deep into those violet pupils before realizing I can’t anymore, lowering my gaze to the floor, and finally staring back up at her to sigh and admit, “I love you…”

She smiles, “I love you too Cozy Glow!”

I gaze at her for another super awkward moment before saying to her, “You know my parents are dead, right?”**

She gulps and stares back, “I kinda figured…”

“A-and I know that you could never replace them, but… “

She smiles and takes a pace forward to hug me tightly…

I barely manage to squeak out, “So you understand exactly what I need from you, r-right?”

“Of course I’ll be your mother, Cozy Glow!”

I widen my eyes in shock while still held in her embrace, “W-wait! Mother? M-mom? You wanna be my mom now?”

She releases me to stare down into my eyes with those purple eyes of her again, “Well, wasn’t it obvious?”

And as I sat there, staring back into those loving purple eyes, I suddenly realize that she’s actually not wrong… And I abruptly cringe when I realize the horrible ramifications of my sudden decision!


20 years later:

I stood there and swung my long curls behind my head as I raised my neck to stare down at the pink foal, “Oh, golly Luster Dawn! So that’s the full story of how I became Empress of Friendship at a very young age, and before that title even existed! And now, I reign from the Castle of Friendship!” I look up, “Well, they’re still building me a new castle west of Canterlot!” before back at her. “Yeah, they want me to start a new colony in the grassy fields out there towards Cloudsdayle!”

“With guidance from your loving mother!” I hear a much larger purple alicorn say from behind as my eyes widen…

The pink filly looks up at me and smiles, “That sure is a neat story Empress Cozy Glow!”

I smile back down at her, “Oh, golly! Just call me Cozy!”

She nods, “Okay! And you’ll both be teaching me?”

Twilight steps up to my left to speak to the foal, “Sure will, Luster! You won’t be alone in this! Cozy here is still learning, even after all this time!” before turning her head right towards me and frowning…

At that point, I feel my cheeks puff up as I grin nonchalantly, “Oh, golly mom!”

“Don’t you, oh golly mom, me, young mare! We need to talk about brainwashing and manipulating ponies again! You know, I already went through this once with Starlight Glimmer? Honestly, by now, you should be so much further along, than you actually are! We’ve made a lot of progress, but…”

And as I stood there, smiling at the young filly who stared up at me, Twilight continued to prattle on about mastering this and friendship thatalthough by that point, I long since stopped paying attention… And I suddenly realized that even after all this time, even if things were kinda weird, everything turned out okay…

Bucking Discord! “Oh, golly!”

(The end…)

Author's Note:

*The color of her magick is a metaphor for her soul. It’s purple now because her soul is purple and it matches.

**My parents are also dead… That’s actually one of the primary reasons I started writing in the first place…

You know, I think this could be a the prequel of a good "coming of age" style story about best filly?

Comments ( 11 )

Bucking Discord! “Oh, golly!”

... And? You call that a proper ending?

Leave it to Discord to speed everything up to mark one :rainbowlaugh:

Truth be told, I didn't see where else I could take this. That's why I developed a new plan...

That is fair. And don't get me wrong it was still good. Just fast.

Not exactly... You know, I'm gonna make this a prequel, right? I need a break now to work on Crystal Heart and get my thoughts reorganized, and then I'll start writing the new one...

Well, I liked it overall. I have to agree that was kind of an abrupt way to wrap everything up. To be fair, there really wasn't anywhere to go after Cozy Glow accepted being a good pony and Twilight being her mother figure, unless you wanted to add some other source of conflict to stretch it out. But I don't think you wanted that.

Also, I feel like Cozy gets let off too easy by every pony. I mean yeah, I did want to see a happy ending for her and Twilight. But she still lied and manipulated her way to taking over Equestria and locking away most of it's heroes. But they all immediately let her off the hook just for releasing them and take her and Twilight at their word that the manipulative villain is a good guy now.

Again I enjoyed it well enough overall. And I liked a lot of the basic ideas. And I do hope you do more with this in the future.

Now you got it! That's why the ending was a bit on the abrupt side! Discord does make for a useful plot device, I'll confess... That said, I still think this is probably only the beginning? I need to step back now and examine this story before deciding where it should go next... Although like you said, it is kinda weird that they would immediately forgive her, and I don't think Discord is so quick? Speaking of useful plot devices, I could probably utilize him again soon, when I really dwell on it...

I’m silent and staring deep into those violet pupils before realizing I can’t anymore, lowering my gaze to the floor, and finally staring back up at her to sigh and admit, “I love you…”

In another timeline of grand multverse, where everything possible. Twilight didn’t ended up as Cozy’s mom. And the sequel was called ‘Lolita empress and slave marefriend”

That was such a weird… everything

Why do you keep spelling magic with a k?

That's a habit I picked up earlier when I was an occultist... I eventually stopped my prayers in that manner and got into yoga and Buddhism after my transition! But that habit remains...

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