• Published 3rd Jul 2023
  • 1,987 Views, 69 Comments

Empress Cozy Glow - Betty_Starlight

Cozy Glow becomes Empress of Friendship at the end of season 8 and it's not really what anypony expects...

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Chapter 2: Equestria's New Hero

Twilight stares at me with sincerity in her purple eyes and says, “Well, since you want me to answer truthfully, I’ll tell you that you’ve become more benevolent and uh, nice…

I nod, “Right! But why?”

She frowns, “You think maybe you were never really evil to begin with?”

I widen my eyes at this preposterous notion! “What? No! I’m the evil filly who took over Equestria, remember? That can’t be it!” I shake my head. “It just can’t be!”

She lowers her gaze, “Well, let’s explore this mystery a bit, shall we, Your Highness? Tell me, when did you begin to notice a change?”

I blink as I think back, “Well, to be honest, I thought I had been acting the same this whole time? Although uh, I haven’t really imprisoned anypony in months now, come to think of it? I still think of those that I locked up earlier sometimes as well, and uh, I was actually thinking about releasing them now?”

Her muzzle raises, “So why don’t you do it?”

I harden my gaze as I say ferociously, “What? And weaken my power? I don’t think so!”

Her eyes widen as she speaks to me frankly, “Cozy, can I be honest with you?”

I loosen my face to stare at her blankly, “Wasn’t that the whole point of me saying that I wouldn’t punish you?”

She smiles and lowers her gaze, “Of course, Your Highness! I think you’re better than you thought?”

I gulp, “W-what do you mean?”

“I mean, I think you just might be a good filly after all?”

I scoff, “Don’t be ridiculous, Twilight!”

Her smile lowers, “My apologies, Your Highness.”

I eye her carefully, “You know I can’t let your friends out of Tartarus, even if I wanted to, right?”

She nods, “I am aware Your Majesty… “

I narrow my eyes, “You don’t seem bothered by that?”

She sighs, “Well Empress, I’ve long since decided that if at all possible, I will help them escape. But for the time being, since that is not possible, I’ll just bide my time until that point… “

“So you do care about your friends?”

She nods, “Of course, Your Majesty! I was Princess of Friendship before the change, as you’ll recall…”

I widen my eyes when I realize that I somehow forgot that. I take a look at her wings and horn and think to myself, “Well, what do you know about the Guardian Amethyst, anyway?”

Her eyes widen, “Why do you ask, Your Majesty?”

I sigh, “Well, I’m trying to think about this and that’s really the only X-factor here! We don’t know exactly what that artifact did to me!”

She nods, “This is true Empress Cozy! Until you discovered it in that cave, I had never heard of it! Exactly what were you doing in that cave anyway, if I may be so bold as to ask?”

I stare at her carefully when I try to think about exactly how much I’m willing to tell this other alicorn, “Well, if I’m being honest, I don’t know, okay? Oh, golly!” my eyes go to the ceiling, “I somehow felt drawn to that point… Something called me there…”

Twilight blinks and frowns, “Don’t you think we should’ve done some more research to find out then?”

I widen my eyes again when I realize she has a point! “Well, golly gee! Don’t you think I know that? It’s just that, well…” I blink. “I checked the Canterlot archives and couldn’t find anything, no matter how I searched!”

“Even the Starswirl the Bearded wing?”

“The what?”

She nods, “The Starswirl the Bearded wing! For an artifact as old as that, I’d think that’s where any records would be?”

I frown, “Well uh, I guess that makes sense?”

She smiles, “Empress, I was a very effective researcher once upon a time! I could find this information for you, if you like?”

I glare at her when I try to think about this… How much do I trust her? I stare at her again, “Twilight, I’d like to go on the research expedition with you!”

“Then who will run Equestria?”

“Well golly! Don’t you think Equestria can take care of itself for a couple of days while we find out more about this thing?”

She nods, “You’re probably right, My Liege!”

My eyes widen, “Of course, I am!” before we’re both enveloped in a pale pink flash!


We both stand on our hooves in the darkened book room, with the bookshelf lining all along the wall… I frown and decide to use my magick to turn on the overhead light and soon, bright illumination overtakes the entire closet section…

Twilight looks at me from the right and says, “Well, this is the rough location… I guess we should try to find the G section, now?”

I turn my head towards her, “Why G?”

She nods, “Well, we’re looking for information on the Guardian Amethyst and that starts with a…”

I nod, “Right! G! Of course! Uh, lead the way! I’ve never been in here!”

She turns her head towards the massive stone bookshelf before us and says, “Well, F is right here, which means G is…”

“The next section! Go check there Twilight!”

She smiles and nods, “Of course, Your Highness!” before adjusting her body further right and squatting to take off so she can fly in areas in the enormous shelf above…

I look up and think that it’s so strange that an area this tiny would have such a high ceiling! I frown when remembering that I didn’t design the place...

And Twilight soon yells back, “I found a book entitled Guardian Amethyst, A Guide! It’s very old though, and I don’t know how legible the Ponish will be!” before grasping the book in her forehooves and slowly gliding down towards me…

I nod at her as she lands with the brown leather volume in her front hooves, “Well, crack it open and see what you can find out!”

She smiles, “Certainly!” before lowering the book down with her body as she lands on all of her hooves, to stare at the book and use her mouth to open the front and look inside… I can tell this sudden interest in research has probably began to scratch an itch in this other alicorn’s mind…

Suddenly, I hear a loud crash come from outside the library! I widen my eyes at the other alicorn, “You keep reading! I’ll go check it out!” before turning and taking off to fly out the window at the side, roughly 5 feet over the ground…

I fly out and witness an enormous Queen Chrysalis standing there outside of Canterlot with a big smile on her face! “Greetings Cozy Glow! I, Queen Chrysalis am suggesting we have an alliance! I can restart my hive with a little bit of help from you, and together, we can conquer all of Equus!” she lowers her muzzle. “Join me, or die!”

I sigh and frown, “Oh, golly gee! I’m an alicorn! I’m pretty sure I can…”

Suddenly, a green bolt of energy comes out of her horn and zaps me and I can no longer move as I’m covered in green energy!

The giant Chrysalis smiles, “I took Celestia out! You should be no problem!”

Suddenly, I feel warm radiant energy come from below me somewhere and that shatters the green energy that had enveloped me! Suddenly, I could move again! I look at her and say, “Listen here, bug queen! I work alone!” before that same golden glow encases me and I lower my gaze and utilize my own magick to throw this new energy at the evil insect! *

She’s soon consumed by the radiant energy and she begins to scream as she’s pushed FAR back by this energy! “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!” until her body disappears from view!

I widen my eyes when I realize that a lot of that power wasn’t mine! I look down and see a smiling purple alicorn standing on her hooves near the library entrance and so I adjust my body in the air and begin flapping that direction to meet my assistant on the massive concrete landing, where she currently stands!

I land near her and stare up at her from 15 feet away, “What just happened?”

She replies, “Well, apparently I’m your friend, because the Guardian Amethyst was able to draw power from me!”

I frown, “Say what now?”

She nods, “Let me explain! Now, before you freak out, you need to understand that you’re actually no better than you were from the start!”

“What do you mean?”

“The amethyst brought out the good in you to make you a better pony! It was Princess Harmonia’s final safeguard, should the Elements of Harmony ever fall!”

My eyes widen, “Wait! Princess Har-who?”

She nods, “Princess Harmonia was the princess before Celestia! She was the one who founded Equestria!”

“Oh, wow! Where did she go?”

“Nopony really knows?”

“Okay…” I adjust my gaze. “So the amethyst made me good?”


My eyes widen, “What?”

She sighs, “The amethyst only brought out the good that was already inside you and made you an alicorn! It basically transformed you into a champion of justice in order to protect Equestria!”

I blink as my mind begins to process all of this new information… “So, I’ve always been good and benevolent then?”

She nods, “Well, basically, yes!”

I frown as I gaze at her carefully… I finally reply, “You’re an idiot, Twilight!”

She begins to snicker while I suppress a full-on grimace…

“So wait! What was that golden energy you gave me back there?”

She smiles wider, “Well, the amethyst also gives the hero the ability to absorb energy from her friends!”

My eyes widen once again, “So that could only mean… “

She smiles widely, “Yup! The amethyst considers me your friend!”

I blink twice as this new prospect occurs to me… “Okay, you’re both idiots!”

(To be continued…)

Author's Note:

*Yes, this line can be considered ironic.