• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 913 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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15: Planet Hoven

The three proceeded to hurry up to the next planet called Hoven, it apparently was an ice planet that has had multiple bases be built, they had to stop the bomb before it leaves orbit. Spike kept getting more worried, he could feel there was something wrong, it may be the planet he's trying to destroy is important, he won't find out until they stop this.
The three entered the planet and landed on a pad and got out, they saw the bomb attached to the ship.

"That must be the ship that will transport the bomb!" Clank said as they looked at it.
"Ya think? great work detective" Ratchet said sarcastically .
"We have to stop it, come on guys!" Spike said as he quickly started to run off, Ratchet knew Spike was worried about this thing, he wasn't going to let it go off either, he proceeded to run with him to stop it.

The three went through the area, it was an icy planet that was freezing cold, but Spike's armor didn't let it harm him even though his kind is cold blooded, more enemy's tried to stop them but Spike was NOT having any of this, he quite literally tore them apart with his claws, and slashed them up, and used the RYNO to destroy anything else.

"Geez Spike, you alright?" Ratchet asked worried as he was panting.
"I will be once that things gone, sorry. " Spike said as he put it away.

"It's alright Spike, the stakes are really high right now, i understand the pressure." Clank told him.
"Let's just hurry up." Ratchet said as they kept moving along, this was no time to rest, there was a whole planet in danger right now and it was do or die for Spike and Ratchet.

They had to jump up some walls in order to get to higher places, they then went through a small cave to cross a bridge that had them wall jump into an even higher cave, they went through it and saw they were getting closer.
"The things just on the other side!" Spike said as he pointed at the platforms ahead.
"We're getting close come on!" Ratchet said as he jumped across them, Spike used his robotic wings and flew over them and helped ratchet across as well, they had to fight through another building until they came upon the ship.

"We are too late! The ship is leaving!" Clank said as it was about to take off.
"No!! I won't let that happen!!" Spike said angry, Ratchet then noticed a turret.
"Hang on! There's an old defense turret over there!" Ratchet said pointing at them.

"Hey are you two thinking what i'm thinking?" Ratchet asked them.
"Great idea! I'll use my launcher to help take it down as well!" Spike said as he pulled his rocket launcher out.
"We must hurry!" Clank said as he and Ratchet got into it while Spike was taking aim.
"Hold on guys! It's do or die now!" Ratchet said as he was taking aim.

Ratchet continued to repeatedly fire at the ship before it could take of, Spike was charging it up as he was preparing for a powerful shot, Ratchet shot down any helicopters that could come its way.
"How much longer Spike?!" Ratchet asked worried as he kept firing.
"A few more... seconds!" Spike said as the thing was about to finish, he was making sure he got a clear lock on, once the device beeped it was ready.
"Fire!!" Spike said as he shot the rocket, the rocket was so fast it hit the ship directly in the center, it created a gigantic explosion that destroyed not just the bomb but the ship, when they opened they're eyes they saw it was gone.

"We did it.." Spike said amazed and relieved.
"We did it!! Yeah!!" Ratchet shouted as he gave Spike a high five.
"We did it!!!" Spike shouted in victory.
"I am so relieved.." Clank said extremely grateful.

"Told you we could do it." Ratchet told him.
"Take that drek, when i find you..' Spike said crushing his hands together.
"You and me both pal." Ratchet said patting him on the shoulder.
"Guys, an info bot!" Clank said as an info bot came from under the turret, it then opened a screen and showed them something.

"Men, you are about to embark on a very dangerous mission!" Drek said as he was in his ship.
" We will be launching a surprise attack from our new moon base, against an unarmed planet." Drek said as they see footage of a base surrounded by moons and a nearby sun.
"Actually that doesn't sound too dangerous.." Drek corrected himself, he then coughed.

"Never the less, you orders are simple, destroy anything that moves! steal the power generators from Border city, then destroy anything that doesn't move!" Drek said as we see footage of the planets environments, everything drek said kept getting Spike more and more angry, he swear he was gonna make him regret ever wanting to make this stupid planet.

"Oh and don't forget, have fun!" Drek said as the video ended, Spike kept getting more angry, this was fun to these guys?!
" We have to get to the moon base to stop Drek1" Clank said worried.
"He's right, if drek is there Qwark is with him too, we need to hurry, i feel they won't be in the same place for long." Spike told him with anger.
"Your right, he's most likely gonna be somewhere else if we don't hurry, come on guys!" Ratchet said as they jumped off the platform and landed on the ground thanks to they're hover packs, Spike was furious with drek, he never felt more anger for someone then anyone in Equestria, everything Drek said in those videos about it being fun, he was killing innocent lives and destroying multiple planets, Spike wears to Celestia that he won't let Drek win this.

Spike and Ratchet decided to explore a little more of the planet, even though they still had to worry about Drek, they didn't have to worry about the bomb anymore, so it should be a bit easier to move around now. They made they're way through a cave by raising the water levels higher and higher to get to a certain point, they came across a bridge and saw a building just across from it, they jumped over the long ledge and went inside and found a woman at a desk.

"Hey ma'am is everything okay?" Spike asked as she noticed them, Spike could tell it was a women somehow, she then lowered the mask she had on.
"Oh my goodness!" She said as she picked Spike and Clank up, she sounded like Applejack a little to Spike.

"Aren't you two just a couple little angels!" She said as they chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, took them in myself, they're really good friends." Ratchet told her.
"Yeah, really he's great for taking me in." Spike said with a smile.
"Well aren't you three just a good trio then!" She told them and they smiled.

" I think i got something special for you two, how would you like a hydro pack upgrade?" She offered.
"Hydro pack ma'am?" Spike asked.
"That would be really helpful for swimming underwater." Clank told them, Ratchet thought it over and decided if it could help he'll pay for it.
"Sounds good, i think they'll look great with it." Ratchet told her as he gave her the amount of money.
"such a gentlemen!" She said as she started working on them, Spike's wings were able to easily adapt to her work, they were really handy thanks to Al's work, soon she finished and they looked at them.

"There you go sweeties! You two look so handsome!" She told them as they chuckled again.
"Thank you miss, your craftsmanship is excellent!" Clank told her.
"It's really amazing ma'am, thank you so much." spike said gratefully.
"Thank you so much for this ma'am, this will really help us. "Ratchet said thankful.

"You come back and see me any old time!" She told them while winking, Spike chuckled again as they left.
"Guess being cute has its benefits." Spike said a little embarrassed.
" I suppose it does." Clank said agreeing.
"I'm glad we found her, this will really help, let's head back to the ship now." Ratchet told them, they all agreed and decided to head back, it was a bit of a backtrack but they were able to make it back and take off again.

Spike couldn't help but be mad with drek, he was destroying multiple planets for selfish reasons, if Celestia and Luna found out.. they would definitely not like Drek one bit, nor would any Equestrian, Spike just hoped they could stop drek as soon as possible.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one once again! I know things might be going a little to fast, but taking the stakes the story is right now, it makes a little sense, again there wasn't much to this game in terms of character interactions outside of the main cutscenes so i know it may feel like they bonded too fast. Don't worry though, in the future story's i'll try better with the interactions and make the bond feel like it was properly earned and formed. Thank you all so much for reading this chapter again, and see you next time!