• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 898 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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16: Moon Base, Oltanis Orbit

We cut to Drek's ship while he is speaking with Qwark.

"It is time to begin your new assignment" Drek told him while they were walking to a small ship.
"Ah, a photo up by your shiny new shuttle! terrific idea!" Qwark told him and Drek groaned.
"Oh, you really are an idiot.." Drek said slapping his face in annoyance.
"What?" Qwark asked.

"You are to take that shuttle to the moon base, and ambush those three miscreants when they arrive!" Drek told him.
"Oh, yes heh heh, who are they again?" Qwark asked.
" THOSE GUYS!" Drek shouted pointing at a wanted sign of Ratchet Spike and Clank.
"Oh, of course! there is just one problem.." Qwark told him.
" Your to washed up for grounded combat? True, that is why i'm landing you my star fighter!" Drek told him.
"You can still fly can you?" Drek asked and Qwark shoot his head yes.

"It's settled then! you'll acquire the starfighter once you get to the base, screw this up, and the endorsement deal is off!" Drek told him and Qwark gasped.
"But that would ruin me! You wouldn't!" Qwark told him trying to sound threatening and Drek chuckled.
"Try me." Drek replied, Qwark then walked into the shuttle, he barely fit but somehow was able to take off in it and head to the base, Drek looked at the poster again, specifically at Spike.
"Where did you get those devices you punk? im sure that new planet we discovered will be important to you.." Drek said chuckling evilly.

the three of them flew through space again heading to the moon base, it took a bit but they eventually came upon the ship and landed on it, Spike looked around in amazement.
"Wow, Twilight's never gonna believe this!" Spike said while looking at the thing.
"She might once she meets us, let's find Qwark or Drek and put a stop to them." Ratchet suggested.
"I do not see Drek's ship we must have missed him." Clank told them and they groaned.
"Come on, we won't be able to catch up with them if we don't have something fast" Spike said annoyed.

" Spike's right, who knows where Qwark is now? If were gonna catch those two, we need a faster ship." Ratchet told them.
"There might be something here for us we could use." Spike suggested.
"This station could supply us with one." Clank told them.
"Well we're here, lets go check it out!" Ratchet told them.
"Sounds like fun, come on guys!" Spike said as they started moving.

The three started off by hovering down to a small open area, the three had to fight some creatures in armored suits, they then had to destroy a couple towers that provided power to some electric gates that halted their progress. Spike was thinking about all he went through while they kept on moving through the base at multiple parts, from him meeting Ratchet and Clank, to him traveling around different worlds.

But the biggest question Spike had on his mind was.. why were these weapons here for him? He felt a familiar connection with them, like they were made for him specifically. If there is no other technology piece like the ones Spike has.. then there must be something or someone who left these for him, the thing he wonders the most is.. Who? Spike thought about it all while they were fighting through it.

They fought through more and more enemy's while taking down guys in turrets. They had to walk on a metal surface again to get to the other side of some hallways, they then had to fight in a large open are surrounded by enemy's, they took down all the things spawning them in and soon took them all down, Ratchet then looked at Spike.

"Hey Spike, you okay?" Ratchet asked.
"You have not spoken for some time." Clank said concerned and Spike sighed.
"Sorry guys, i just have a lot thinking about right now.." Spike told them.

"What is it?" Ratchet asked concerned.
"These devices we've found, i feel so.. connected with them, i feel something incredibly familiar whenever i use them.." Spike said as he pulled out his blades and looked at them.
"Well it is unknown who made these things." Clank told him.

"Yeah, if it's not on any of the planets we've gone to, there might be something special about them.." Ratchet said while he looked at the devices.
"You know Ratchet, i never knew my birth parents, i was hatched by Twilight Sparkle, she raised my like she was my real mother, but i always wondered.. who were my parents?" Spike asked curiously, Clank thought about it for a minute and thought of something.
"What if.. your parents are connected to these devices in a way?" Clank asked and Ratchet scoffed.

"Don't be ridiculous Clank, Spike said his planet doesn't have anything remotely close to the tech the planets we've gone to have, so how could that be?" Ratchet asked
"Think about it Ratchet, if Spike or his guardians were never able to find out why Spike was found without his parents, do you think something could have caused them to disappear?" Clank asked and Spike looked interested.
"Well it could be.. we never got a definitive answer for why i was alone when i was found, maybe they could have made these things.." Spike suggested looking at them.
"Well, some people can be interesting in ways we never expect." Ratchet told them.

"That can't be more true... what if my parents had a reason to have me alone? Not just to meet you guys, but maybe for something else.." Spike said a little worried.
"i don't know buddy, but we won't find out by just standing here." Ratchet told him.
"He's right, the sooner we find a ship, the faster we can find out." Clank told him and Spike looked at them.
"Your right guys, we won't be finding anything out by just standing here, let's go." Spike said as he and the others continued on, Spike kept thinking about it all, who made these? Why was he alone? And who are his parents?

The three went up one more elevator and soon went up a few stairs, they soon came upon a takeoff point.

"Hello, captain Ratchet and Spike!" Qwarks voice is heard and they see him at the end of the ledge.
"RAGHH!" Ratchet screamed trying to catch him but Qwark jumped off it. Qwark was suddenly rising and he was on a huge ship that surprised all of them while he was laughing and Spike growled.
"Do you really think this is the best option?! getting thousands of innocent lives killed?! Lives who you most likely saved in the past?!" Spike asked angry and Qwark chuckled.
"Spike my boy.. you don't understand what the meaning of hero is." Qwark told him.

"I do actually, i saved my home once before, but if there's one thing that sets me apart from you, i earned that win, i learned not to let fame go to my head and become an Egotistical loser like you! You know what you are Qwark? A wash up, you should have stopped when you could!" Spike said with anger.
"He's right, you could never live up to be a hero like Spike, and when Drek is done with, you won't live up to me!" Ratchet told them and Qwark growled.
"We'll see about that you punks! come and get me hero's!" Qwark said while he was taking off in the ship.

"We can't let him get away!" Spike said with anger, Clank then noticed another ship.
"Perhaps we can obtain the ship in there!" Clank said and they pointed at it.
"Great idea! Let's go!" Ratchet said while they rushed to the ship.

The ship was a one seater so Ratchet had to take the seat, Spike used his magnet boots to latch onto the ship as they flew through the station, Spike looked at the thing with anger as Ratchet started shooting at it.
"Here's a little something from me to you!" Qwark said while he shot flares at them, Spike used his swords and slashed through them, Spike pulled out his launcher and took aim.
"Keep it steady Ratchet!" Spike said while locking on.
"Got it!" Ratchet said while he was flying.

Spike took a few seconds but was able to home in on the right side of it and fired, the blast may not have been strong enough to take it down, but it did do massive damage.
"My wing! do you know how much this is costing me?!" Qwark asked furious.
"Other then this stupid job, i don't know, and do not care." Spike said with anger. Ratchet continued to fire at him as the ship was being pulled apart piece by piece. Qwark tried to pull them into a tractor beam but Ratchet fired missiles at him while Spike took down the shots Qwark fired at them.

Soon they eventually cut down the ship until Qwark could barely keep it up.
"Hey Ratchet and Spike, buddy old pals! Why don't we just call it a day? "Qwark asked nervous and Spike groaned and jumped onto the ship Qwark was piloting.
"Sorry Qwark, but you should have retired or quit this while you had the chance, how the might have fallen.." Spike said sadly as he pulled out his blades one more time and delivered one final strike, the ship started to head down and Spike jumped back onto Ratchets as they watched him fall down to the planet below.
" Mayday, mayday! Well Ratchet and Spike i'd say you've passed the test! ahh!!" Qwark screamed as the ship came down crashing to the planet.

Spike honestly felt bad for having to do that, Qwark was once a hero in the eyes of many, and now they had to bring him down, if he's alive, he probably won't have much left after this.
"So sad to see a hero that was once Qwark fall so low.." Spike said sadly as they landed back onto the platform and Ratchet and Spike got down.

"Yes! Qwark is history!" Ratchet said feeling great that they won.
"Yeah, really sad that he fell so low though, he could have had the chance to go out as a hero still..." Spike said sadly.
"I must admit it is rather sad.. i just hope that some good will come of this though.." Clank said agreeing. They then looked at eachother again while walking.

"I must say, you are improving as a pilot Ratchet, and i can see Spike learning great things from you." Clank told him.
"Thanks, i try, can't we just relax and enjoy a little.. success.. " Ratchet said while they came upon a highly advanced ship.
"Awesome.." Spike said looking at it.

"Hey, if we wanna catch Drek, i bet you this baby will do it!" Ratchet told them as an info bot came out of it.
There was a news report from the city on the planet showing that it is torn apart in an attack, it is conformed that Drek is destroying the galaxy for his selfish needs and all hope seems lost for them and the video ended.
"Well at least that women got out of that situation in Blackwater City alright." Spike told them and Ratchet looked sad.

"Yes i know, it is way worse then i expected." Clank said sadly.
"You were right Clank, this is a lot bigger then the three of us, i was selfish focusing on getting Spike home after we took care of Qwark. but now.." Ratchet said while Spike put a hand on his shoulder.
"If Drek is destroying these planet's, my home may be next, we can't let it happen." Spike told him.
"He's right Ratchet, if we wanna get Spike home, we have to stop Drek." Clank told him and Ratchet looked determined.

"Your right guys, and we got this new ship! Let's go get him!" Ratchet told them and Spike smiled from under the mask they were wearing.
"Sounds great! I call dibs to keep it when this is over though, gotta have something to see you guys." Spike told them looking at the ship and Ratchet laughed.
"Sounds fine with me buddy. Let's go!" Ratchet told them.
"Now you two are talking!" Clank said as they were ready to go.

They got in the new ship of theirs and headed down to the planet, it was way way faster then the last one they used, Spike was determined to stop Drek, and once that happens, he'll find his home soon, he swears it. and once that is done.. Spike will plan on finding out who made these weapons with Ratchet, there's always a answer for something, and Spike will find his.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one! Sorry for my absence yesterday i had some important stuff to take care of and was to distracted, but i'm back now and i'll focus on this now, once i'm done with this i'll get back into my Ori story, just wanna finish this one first, i'll be making sequel stories covering the other games, i might do the future saga in a full story maybe. But i just want you all to know i have a lot more planned, and this story will help tie into them, hope you look forward to them!