• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 912 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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6: Planet Eudora

Spike, Ratchet and Clank are flying through Space once again heading to the next planet, they soon come into view of planet Eudora and land there.

They all get out and see the robots are chopping everything down much to they're anger.

"We can't let these robots destroy this planet, we have to stop them!" Spike said pulling out his swords.

"Agreed, let's wreck some bots!" Ratchet said pulling out his wrench.

The trio proceeded to fight they're way through the dozens or robots while making they're way around the area, they kept destroying ships that were meant to assist the robots as well, they fought they're way around and found some large buildings.

"Hey. you think there's something in there?" Spike asked pointing at the building.

"Maybe, hope it's something cool though" Ratchet replied.

"We won't know until we see for ourselves" Clank told them and they nodded in agreement and glided down to check things out.

The first building wasn't full of much to talk about there was only a few robots and a lot of crates to smash to get bolts, but when they fought to get they're way to the second one they took down three large robots with axes with ease as they're weapons are stronger.

"Man, hard to believe we've only been out here a couple days and we're already wiping bad robots butts" Spike said putting his blades away.

"Tell me about it, and only a couple of weeks after we met" Ratchet said walking up to him, they then noticed another weapon near the exit and went up to it.

"what is this?" Spike asked looking at it, Clank turned around and scanned it
"Ohh! this is the suck cannon, you can suck in multiple enemy's and fire them out like they're missiles, they have to be small enough to fit in though, so robots like the ones we just took down won't work." Clank explained and they both already liked that, Ratchet then picked it up.
"Sweet!" Ratchet said holding it with Spike looking at it with a smile.

"I saw a nearby door that we hadn't opened yet nearby the ship, we should see if that commander is near that area" Spike suggested and they nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good, let's go check it out." Ratchet replied as they went they're way to the ship again.

They continued to fight off multiple robots again, thankfully the Suck cannon was really helpful in clearing these things out, it made things a lot easier.
"Wow, who knew that these guys would hide such weapons" Spike said as he slashed down another robot.

"Yeah, wonder what other cool stuff they have waiting for us to find?" Ratchet replied as they cleared out the last and were making they're way back.

"You know Spike, even after we find a way to get you home, you could stick around with me while we travel through the galaxy, and visit the place every now and then." Ratchet offered and Spike looked a little surprised.

"Really? You think so?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, i mean after we tell your friends what you've been able to do by yourself without them , i'm sure they'd be perfectly fine with it!" Ratchet told him. Spike thought it all over, on one hand it would have him travel around and see multiple amazing things, but on the other, it meant that he would have to leave them alone. But Spike knew his friends, and he believed that even without him at they're side 24/7 they would be alright.

"Yeah, i like the sound of that, i'd just have to convince them i'll be fine with you, then hopefully it can mean more adventures through the galaxy!" Spike said exited about it.

"Great, i'll look forward to that, wonder what we'll see?" Ratchet asked.

"We'll find out once this is over, the door panel is nearby, let's go." Spike replied as they were near the door again.

Ratchet used the Trespasser on a lock and used it to open the door, they then glided over large gaps and used they're wrench to bring in some floating orbs ,they saw that this required they're other gadgets.

"we'll at least we can use our Swingshot's for this one" Spike said looking at the floating orbs.

"Hope we can use these at a later date, this is honestly fun" Ratchet said as he and Spike swinged around the area and landed on another platform, they used they're wrench once again and more platforms appeared, they jumped over them again and landed on a ledge, once again they used they're wrenches and two more green orbs appeared above them.

"I just hope things get a little more challenging, not that this is boring, but it feels a little to easy" Ratchet said as they landed near a building.

"Yeah, just hope we get to more interesting places soon" Spike replied, Ratchet hacked his way into the door again and it opened.

"Finally, let's see what we can find" Spike said as they went in.

They came face to face with the commander, Spike pulled out his blades ready to fight, while Clank got into a Karate pose, but the Commander suddenly stopped and a robot came out of his... it then looked scarred and ran away.

"That's it? Coward!" Spike shouted as it ran away, they were left confused at that.

"You two sure showed him." Ratchet said still confused.

"I suppose we did." Clank replied.

"How was that guy in charge of things, aren't these guys meant to be threatening?" Spike asked.

"I don't know, at least we got this Info bot" Ratchet said as an Info bot came up to them and opened a screen.

They then proceeded to watch was like a shameless commercial baiting poor people into working at some outpost station, the scientists tried to demonstrate stuff as Drek speaked about what the job offered, but it continued to backfire over and over, the video ended with the scientist saying he'll call for a job and the video ended.

"That was pretty sad honestly, it's like they don't even think we have actual brain cells" Spike said as he thought it over.

"Did you guys see all the cool gadgets they're making? Let's go get some!" Ratchet suggested, and Spike was honestly intrigued to go.

"No, we must continue our search for captain Qwark." Clank told them and they groaned at that.

"Clank, if Qwark is this big hero? How come we haven't seen or heard any news of him doing anything heroic with these things?" Spike asked and Clank hesitated.

"Well.. I " Clank was trying to think of something.

"If he's this big hero we should have at least heard about something, but we haven't honestly it's like we're the only ones doing the work around here." Spike told him and Ratchet nodded.

"Spike's right Clank, if Qwark is unavailable because of something, we should at least be able to take care of things while he's absent, and i think going to that Station would help us with that." Ratchet explained, Clank thought it all over and decided it was best they do.

"I suppose your right, i'm sorry" Clank apologized and Spike sighed.

"Look it's alright, i'm sorry to , i just think that it's important we focus on Drek, then we'll meet him somewhere down the line" Spike suggested.

"He's right, let's use the Coordinates from the info bot and go to the station, we might find something interesting" Ratchet told them.

"I suppose so, let's get going then" Clank replied and they smiled at that.

"Great, let's go!" Spike said as he and Ratchet made they're way out, they all went back to they're ship and took off to the station to see if there is anything interesting.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! Sorry if it felt a little short but there wasn't much to this planet story wise and i hope you are okay with that. Sorry it's been a bit since i last updated, i was busy with my other story, but don't worry, i'm back on focus with this story and i'll be working on this now, don't you worry! Thank you all for reading this chapter and i'll see you next time!