• Published 24th Feb 2024
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Castle crashers Elements of magic - Flip_The_Table

After the dark mage was destroyed our six heroes have kept the kingdom well safe form then on doing all kinds of work, until one day the mage returns...

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"It's been nearly a year since I acquired these powers. I'm still trying to master how to use them properly without damaging my clothes. The king said that once I've mastered it, my plan will be set in motion. So for now, I just wait... wait until I can get more things done and out of the way. But boy, I sure do miss my mum. She would probably be making stew for dinner. Ah, well... I'm running out of pages. This is Patrick, signing off on February 10th."

"Sir! The rest... they're all dead! Those knights... they're coming!" A thief exclaimed, pulling his hood off as he tossed the sword onto the ground next to a bag full of money. The boss thief scoffed at the low-ranked burglar as he retrieved his axe from the wall, along with a crossbow.

"It's not over unless I say it's over!" the boss declared, kicking some gold over to the thief, accidentally hitting his face with a coin. "Ah... okay then, sir! I'll go get the others!" the lowly thief said, hastily running back up to the platform. However, he was caught off guard as a hand broke through and pulled him in. His screams alarmed the rest of the thieves in the room, causing them to rise and draw their swords, while a deep male voice erupted in laughter.

"Bwa ha ha ha! That fool didn't see that coming!"

"Just remember to keep your cool this time. I always hated your laughing..."

"Keep calm, friends. This wall is in the way."

"Then let me break it?"

"Fine... and quickly, hurry!"

"Ha! Here comes the blacksmith!"

The wall cracked, causing the group of thieves to step back further. The boss adjusted his grip on his axe as the wall cracked even more. Soon, the wall was blasted open, and six knights, each clad in different colors, strode in. "Ah... there you all are... do you believe your crimes can't be forgiven?" The knight spoke, adorned in a simple knight's armor with blue overalls covering half of his chest down to his legs, where his orange shoes stood out. He lifted his axe, pointing it at the boss thief before chuckling lightly.

"Hmmm..." The knight standing next to the orange one grunted. He wore a half-robe armor plated set, his half helm covering his mouth and nose, revealing his white hair and simple blue eyes as he scanned the room, drawing his two swords. "Easy, Blue... don't get too riled up!" The green knight interjected, adjusting his poncho around his arm. He wore less armor but sported a heavy gauntlet fist wielding a simple sword. A snake made of green power rested on his shoulder, eyeing the room and its surroundings.

"Now, focus everyone... we have business to attend to," the knight said, adjusting his darker red hood. Much like the others, this knight brandished a one-handed mace sparking with red energy. His eyes glowed through the helm, electricity coursing through. "Yeah, let's stop them!" The much smaller knight exclaimed, lifting a gauntlet in the air. Clad in a pink set adorned with hearts, he wielded a mace resembling a lollipop.

"Da! I've been waiting too long now, my hammer hand is ready for pounding!" the very tall purple knight declared. Towering over his allies, his muscular frame spoke volumes. His hammer rested firmly in his two hands as he laughed, watching the thieves tremble.

Just before any action was taken, the orange knight stepped forward, clearing his throat. "Listen, all of you! You're all thieves, yes? Well, your crime of raiding a small town has caught our attention!" he announced, pulling out a scroll displaying a list of names, one of which was circled, eliciting a scoff from the boss.

"So, what? You wanna turn us in?" the boss retorted before snapping his fingers. A group of barbarians soon rushed out, joining the thieves. The orange knight pulled the scroll back, chuckling lightly. "Just say I didn't warn you. Green, the door?" he chuckled. "Sealed. Nowhere for them to escape," the green knight affirmed.

"Alright, Castle Crashers, let's get dangerous! Pink, the music?" the orange knight instructed, gesturing to the pink knight holding a boombox. With a giggle, the pink knight placed his mace down and began rummaging for a tape. "Oh, I know it's here somewhere... Ah, maybe this!" the pink knight exclaimed, playing a romantic song. "Oh no, a good one, but not that one," he remarked, then played another one. "Oh, come on!" The red one groans

"Every time..." Green deadpanned

"Sorry, sorry... Ah-ha! I got it!" the pink knight exclaimed, putting the tape in the boombox and cheered when their theme song played. The Orange one steps forward and chuckles adjusting his axe "Good... Castle Crashers? CRASH!"


Patrick sighed as another day of fighting crooks came to a successful end. The group each carried a bag of coins on their backs as they made their way to the village's bank. Once it came into view, they all put on their noble act and began marching into the city.

"Oh! Hey, everyone, they're back!" a peasant shouted out, and soon groups of people ran over, surrounding the knights and cheering for them. Maintaining their stern march, they walked up to the bank and dropped the gold in front of it. They watched as the guards walked up and bowed before taking the bags inside.

"Next time, try not to leave the bank door open, please?" Patrick said as the guards all saluted him and returned to their posts. Gabriel grumbled a bit as they all turned to leave the village for the kingdom. He popped his neck as they walked back into the forest. "I hate how dumb those people are," he said, the rest all nodding along with him.

"They don't even know how to tie a shoe!" Steven remarked as he started petting his snake. Rai scoffed as he wiped some dust off his jacket. "That's what happens when we find a mission to do." Indeed, the dark mage was gone, and so the noble six knights were left to do simple tasks... help the poor.

They didn't hate helping, but after a couple of years, it started to get annoying. They were knights, for goodness' sake! They were meant to do real jobs like crashing evil castles, saving princesses, or even witnessing animals scare themselves to death! But now, three years after the invasion, the king had put them on stupid jobs.

"I can't say no to the cakes they give us!" Tim said, pulling his helm up a bit to nibble on the cake. Patrick groaned, rubbing his helmet. "Because that's all they pay us to do, Tim... stupid cakes!" He said, throwing the cake into the woods, hitting a nest of baby birds. "When can we get a real mission, team?" Patrick asked.

"I don't know..." Gabriel admitted.

"Hmm!" Zane grunted.

"Maybe we could—"

"Tim, I swear if you say 'build a box fort' again, I'll crush your skull," Rai snapped at the pink knight before he groaned again, seeing the kingdom in sight. Patrick would have to talk to the king for some "better jobs" and hopefully end his contract as a knight rather well. "Well, I suggest you all return to your barracks after the meeting with the king," Patrick said before they arrived at the door where a gray knight looked down at them. "Excuse me," Patrick said to the gray one, "we're returning from our—"

"Are you dead?" the gray one shouted, making the six raise their brows at the knight. "What?" Patrick asked. "How do I know you're not dead—"

"Oh, Jones! Shut up!" Captain Hawkmoon exclaimed, banging on the top of the rookie's head before he was thrown off the wall into a pile of hay. The gray knight then opened his faceplate and waved at the six. "Welcome back, sirs! Sorry about the rookie," he said before lowering the drawbridge for them. As they entered, Hawkmoon walked next to the group, chuckling nervously. "So, back from your quest, sir?" he asked.

"Yes, I thought you would be training your men?" Patrick said, making Hawkmoon grumble a bit. "Well, after the barbarian king was defeated, the king wanted me in charge and the men! But I'm just as green as they are!" he whined.

"Really? Huh... what's the problem?" Steven asked. "It's the montage music! We can't find a good one to play!"Hawkmoon said, tugging on Steven's poncho. "We can't work out without the music montage!" he cried before Patrick rubbed his chin. "Well, maybe try this tape," Tim suggested, pulling out the boombox and handing it to Hawkmoon along with a tape. "War by Edwin Starr?" he asked the pink knight. "Yep, try it with them!" Tim said, following the captain over to the troops. The rest all stood and watched as the music began playing. The troops took a stance as the song played.

The group of troops all began marching around the training area, following the rhythm of the music. Hawkmoon shook Tim's hand before joining his platoon in the march. Tim dusted his hands before giggling, watching as the group made their way to the castle. "Yes... okay then... yeah, yeah, that's all good. Have a good one," the king muttered, then threw his phone to the side. The guards around him seemed either bored or tired of being around. But once the Castle Crashers all entered, they took their positions and glared at the six knights' return.

"Ah! You all have returned, good!" the king said, hopping off his chair and onto a guard's back, who then escorted the group to the map room. Once inside, the king hopped off the guard's back and walked over to the map. He pointed at a few things. "Good thing you returned so soon, my nobles. We just got word from more towns with problems," the king said. "Oh, I see," Patrick said, frowning at the map before the king hit him on the top of his head with his cane. "Ah, the flubber duck! What was that for?" Patrick exclaimed, making the group laugh at his curse of not saying bad words.

"I did that so I could laugh!" the king said before he burst into laughter. Patrick grumbled a bit as the king returned to the map. "These towns are in danger and seek the mighty Castle Crashers!" the king declared, lifting a fist in the air.

"Hmph!" Zane grumbled, making the king look over to him. "More like babysitters," Rai said, crossing his arms. The king looked at his nobles and frowned. "Ah, come on! What's the worst that can happen?" the king said, making the six just stare at him with a frown. "Sir, if I may speak?" Gabriel asked.

"You may," the king waved a hand.

"THIS JOB IS FLIPPING STUPID!" the blacksmith shouted as he stomped a foot on the ground, making it rumble a bit. "Don't talk to your king like that! These jobs are meant to protect the people!" the king said, pointing at the map. "Sir, this is not a bounty board... This is a list of lost pets! They just put pictures of people on here," Rai said, pointing at a clear image of a man on a lost pet page.

"Ah... well, there is always a burglar problem, those are real!" the king said. "Sir, all the villagers have more than enough guards to watch over them, but—" Steven stopped abruptly and quickly led the group close to the armory. "Hey!" he shouted to the row of guards as they all stood in line, seeing the group. "How many assholes do we have on this ship?" he quoted.

"YO!" More than half of the guards raised their hands. "Well, never question why they joined, am I right?" the king said before Patrick walked up with a frown again. "Sir... we are knights meant to do real jobs! And the dark mage is still out there with his necromancer, and what do we do? Nothing!" the leader said before he looked at the group and nodded this time.

"Sir... I wish for my time as a noble is done... but I wish to keep my armor and weapons and fight to keep this kingdom safe!" he said before feeling his fire energy burn up a bit. "But... I can't... keep my anger from growing if... I. DON'T. FIND. THEM!" he shouted before his flames burst out all around him. The king's guards soon all walked out and pointed their spears at the six knights. However, they stopped as the king stood back on his chair, his frown returning, but this time with a more stern look.

"Well then, if that's the case... knights! I hereby... banish you all!" the king declared, making all six of them widen their eyes. "WHAT!" they all shouted (except for Zane, of course), as the king snapped his fingers and his two large cats appeared, growling at the group.

"You're right... These jobs are useless. But I formed your group to stop the mage when he was still around. Now, I don't need you... Patrick? Your contract is done. You can keep the weapons and armor... but you don't matter to me anymore," the king said as more guards walked out with bows. "Now... get out. I have a speech I need to make now," he said before turning to the door, leaving the six escorted out to their barracks.

"This is bull honky!"

"We have our rights!"

"The king is a big meanie!"

"You're lucky I don't use my hammer on you all!"


"Rat bastards!"

Soon, all six of the guards were then kicked out of the kingdom into a pile of mud. They had it all planned... but this was too unexpected. Now no longer nobles. What can they do now? Patrick shouted before he took his helm off. He looked over to the drawbridge, raised back up, leaving the group now officially banished.

"Welp, so much for finishing the contract now," Patrick muttered. He raised a hand up, charging a fireball, but stopped. Instead, he threw it at a tree and kicked the mud, storming off into the forest. The rest all wiped the mud off and soon got up, following their leader or... friend? "Patrick, wait up!" Tim said as the man stopped on the path, looking back at the group. He smiled a little before he put his helmet on the ground and sat. The rest did the same, taking their helmet off. The standard soldier order was to keep a buzzed cut, so not much of a difference to them. However, for Gabriel, he was not a true soldier but a blacksmith, so he had an average trimmed beard and long hair tied up into a bun.

"It's not fair! We've worked our butts off for this kingdom, and now we're just thrown away like that?" Patrick asked as he lifted his hand, a small fire showing up. He closed his hand, killing the small flame, but opened it back up, and the flame stayed. Steven's snake soon appeared from his magic and rubbed his chin. Tim was holding a pillow of a penguin and bunny. Rai was just showing off his magic eye. Zane also showed off his magic hands. And Gabriel just rubbed his beard. "We all still have our powers. Why not use them for good?" Patrick asked before an idea clicked in his mind.

"I've got an idea, mates!" he said before grabbing his helm, putting it on, and turning around. "I am Patrick the Fire Knight, leader of the Castle Crashers! We find evil and take care of it our OWN way!" he declared, putting his arms on his side. The others looked at each other before Steven soon caught on. He pulled his snake back onto his shoulder and put the helmet on. "I am Steven the Acid Knight, second in command of the Castle Crashers! We have our own way of saving lives!" he said, standing close to Patrick now. Zane followed closely, putting his half helm back on and standing next to the two, raising a fist.

"HA!" Zane roared. "And I am Rai the Lightning Knight! I keep all of our armor well-suited for the Castle Crashers. We work together our own way!" Rai said, joining in. "I am Gabriel Ironhide, The Blacksmith Knight! I build and repair all weapons for my comrades! I build them my OWN WAY! HA!" Gabriel laughed, clapping his hands together.

"I'm Tim the Rainbow Fun Super Duper Cool Knight! I keep the mood always happy for the Castle Crashers. I make my jokes my own way!" He giggled as the rest all looked at each other and shrugged before they all took their weapons out and cheered. "Castle Crashers forever!" And soon, a beam of light showered all around them before they all laughed as they walked down the path. "Okay team! We're going to make a base of operations, and once then, we will find the dark mage and put an end to him and his necromancer!" Patrick said as they all soon walked deeper into the forest.

Not too far away, a shadowy figure with wings sat in the tree, watching the six idiots leave. Soon, a green and red-hooded man flopped on the ground as a tall, gray-armored man landed next to him. "They're alone now, master..." the Necromancer said, crossing his arms and looking down at his tiny ruler. "Good, good! Now we can finally set my plans in motion. This world is no longer of use to me, Nel. We must find a new one!" the Dark Mage said, rubbing his dark hands together.

"Like what? We have no army," the Necromancer said. "Soon, my friend, soon," the Dark Mage said before he slowly started laughing, the darkness enveloping them both until only their eyes were visible.

+=={:::::::::::::::::> THE END?