• Published 24th Feb 2024
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Castle crashers Elements of magic - Flip_The_Table

After the dark mage was destroyed our six heroes have kept the kingdom well safe form then on doing all kinds of work, until one day the mage returns...

  • ...

Chapter 1 Magic

“Sounds like an exciting adventure ahead! BattleBlock Theater must be a blast. Keeping calm on the road trip is a wise move, especially with such anticipation. It's great that you're thinking about the team's mood, including Zane's. Everyone has their reasons for how they express themselves. Safe travels and have a fantastic time at BattleBlock Theater! This is Tim, Pink knight of the Castle Crashers. Signing off on July 20th”

"I don't know, girls..." a purple pony unicorn said as the group of ponies trotted down inside a forest. Their hunt for the Nightmare Princess continued, and they had no clue what to do next. "Are you sure you know where to go, Twilight?" a rainbow-maned pony said, flapping her wings as the purple pony named Twilight turned around to look at the others. "I'm sure. If we can find Nightmare Moon soon, we can save Equestria!" Twilight said before turning around again.

"HahahaHAHAHA!" a male voice laughed as the group all saw two creatures fly by, making the six ponies all gasp as they flew over the trees. One was in what looked to be heavy armor of some kind, surprising to see that the wings could hold all that armor and the passenger too. The other one looked smaller but had what looked to be a robe with the colors of green and red and glowing yellow eyes, indicating that he was the source of the laughter. They dashed out of the woods, leaving the six ponies all standing still in shock.

"Sweet Celestia, what was that?" a white unicorn said before the sounds of loud steps made the ponies all quickly hop into bushes as one? No... six similar things all ran out with armor on, two of them having different colors. They could be dangerous.

"Where in the duck's name is that wizard!" a male voice said, "This forest... there's something not right about it." Twilight eye the six, studying that they were speaking Equestrian. The orange one stepped up, lifting a hand up, showing fire on his hand. "Keep close! And make sure Tim is alright!" the orange one ordered the others, "We need to find that wizard before he slips away," another male voice said as a huge purple one picked the small pink one up on his shoulder. Twilight then spotted the familiar blue smoke dust off of the group of creatures, making the mare know what to do next. She stepped out of the bush, hearing the others mutter but soon followed suit as a spell was charged. "Okay. I think if we continue moving this way, we might be able to--"



It had been a year since the knights were no longer nobles. At first, it wasn't hard for them, but once they encountered trouble looking for the evil mage, it led to their separation. The group still worked together, but the thrill of fighting crime was not the same.

Now, they did it for themselves, not for the kingdom. Even then, the crime wasn't too bad for them. They stopped thieves and embarked on rescue missions as well. However, it led the group to realize that the mage may actually be gone, and Patrick was just scared to leave loose ends unattended.

Tim walked down the path, adorned in his armor, on patrol with Rai, hoping to find some peasants in need of help. But with no avail, they found nothing. "Boy... Patrick is not going to be happy, is he?" Tim sighed.

"Don't know. But we will find something, I know it! Mace brother," Rai said, making Tim smile under his helmet as they bumped their maces together. Tim and Rai had known each other for years before becoming Castle Crashers. They were lucky to have been in the same spot with elemental powers. But it was also odd, since they apparently all knew each other before the group was even a thing.

"We're coming close to the end of our path," Rai said, pulling out a map. Tim still held his lollipop mace out as he eyed the trees and rocks. Some bandits had tried to rob them, but to put it shortly, they had been dealt with. The path was soon breaking into a proper dirt road now. Just not too far, and they would be able to see a village soon.

"You think the mage is dead?" Tim asked, making the red knight lower his map as he looked at the man with disbelief. "Of course not! He is still out there. Why, you think otherwise?" Rai said, putting the map away. Tim shook his head, remembering the fight as clear as day. He also remembered that the necromancer really left a number on Zane too.

"I'm thinking more about that necromancer guy; he made Zane become a different guy," Tim said, looking over to his best friend. Rai nodded at that, being the one to witness the fight. He felt his arm itch above his neck where a scar sat behind his armor. He rubbed it lightly as he then closed his eyes, recalling that image. Zane being held by the throat by the necromancer, his eyes shining with red... Rai remembered the one thing he said that made Zane become a beast of hate.

"You will die... just like your brother..."


Rai cringed at the scream of his friend. The necromancer knew that day to never piss off the snow... or else the blizzard would devour them whole. "You're right," Rai said, adjusting his hoodie armor. Something that evil had to be sure was gone forever.

As they reached the end, Tim noticed a cave not too far from the edge. He couldn't see inside due to the darkness, which meant it was either a deep cave or an abandoned mine. But as they slowly approached it, two shadows dashed out, yelling like madmen and wielding swords. The knights both pulled their maces out and bumped against each other before they also dashed forward, lifting their maces up high. Flinging the mace down, the figure dodged to the left but felt a soft thing touch its face.

A penguin looked up at the figure before it chirped and then held the figure's leg as it soon exploded. Rai's mace impacted the other figure's head, killing it instantly. The two looked down at the bodies and felt their blood go cold. These two didn't have the guts to try and kill; they were determined. The familiar color coating of robes made the two knights look at each other and back at the bodies.

"Dark Cultists? He is here!" Tim said, looking at the cave and noting the banner of the dark mage's entrance. "What do we do now?" Tim asked. Rai nodded along with the pink knight as he pulled out the map.

"We need to notify Patrick; he will be glad to find this," Rai said, turning around and pulling out a flare. "Steven worked hard on these; let's hope it's not a waste." He then turned and snapped as the flare was activated and sent flying into the air. Rai and Tim both looked back at the cave, noting more Cultists were approaching. The two took their stance and soon dashed forward, their elemental powers glowing bright in their eyes.

Gabriel hummed a tune from his homeland as he pulled out some swords and surveyed his handiwork. The man had been building weapons for hours. But as he lifted his smaller hammer, he slapped it against the metal before noticing the rune carved in it. He grabbed his big hammer and lifted it up high before shouting, throwing it down as sparks danced through the air. The blade stood tall in its glory, showing off its unique style. "100578," the blacksmith muttered before he grabbed leather and wrapped it around the weapon. He then threw the weapon up high, and unexpectedly, a tongue shot out and ate the blade whole.

"Forgor! You finally are awake!" the smith said, putting his hammer down and walking to his pet deer frog. "Ribbit," the lazy beast murmured as it was scratched on the leg. It soon puffed into black smoke, now floating around its owner. "Always sleeping, my friend," he sighed, rolling his eyes before petting the deer frog's head. The door was then slammed open as Zane stood there. He nodded slowly at the smith, making the tall man quickly grab his helmet and follow the ice knight to the main hanger.

"I came as fast as I could. What's the problem, Patrick?" Gabriel asked, putting his hammer down as he put the helmet on.

"Tim and Rai did not return, and they dropped a flare," Patrick said, moving his helmet aside as he pointed at the location. The map flicked a bit as his finger touched it. The rest all looked at the spot and noticed that this cave was not originally there the last time they patrolled. "Thief magic, I believe," Patrick said, grabbing his helm and putting it on. Steven grabbed his snake as they walked over to the armory. Now fully geared up, the four knights all grabbed some horses and took off out of the fort.

The journey was quiet. They needed to think this plan through. If the mage and Necromancer were there, then they would need to take safety precautions. The ride was fast, and before they knew it, they arrived to see a pile of bodies. Gabriel hopped off his horse and walked over to the remains, lifting one up to show the mark and hood. "Definitely dark cultists," he muttered before eyeing the surroundings. "But Tim and Rai are not here."

The rest all hooded off and started down at the bodies. Most looked to have their skulls caved in. "They went inside," Patrick said, taking his axe out. The others grabbed their weapons and followed close as they entered the cave. It was dark but not pitch black. Patrick raised a hand as a simple flame danced off his palm. They saw writing all around and noticed a wooden beam; it was a mineshaft.

"So the dark mage was hiding here?" Steven asked. If he wasn't second in command, he would have been the map landscaper. He had seen all kinds of mines but never saw this before. The cave looked old but new at the same time. Skeletons littered the floor, but carts and tools all looked fresh. Not a single cobweb was in sight. And the bodies that lay all around showed that this was the necromancer's doing.

"Stay sharp and close, bodies," was all Patrick said as they all grouped up back to back. But they all shifted as light panting made them all turn to the noise, only to stop as they saw Rai there. His armor was covered in cuts, and his helmet was a bit damaged too.

"Rai! Where is Tim?" Steven asked.

"You're too late..." Rai rasped before a buff skeleton picked him up. Patrick was about to strike, but he felt hands grab his feet, forcing him in place. Zane was tackled from the back as a skeleton held his arms close together. Gabriel punched some skeletons all around before too many grabbed him, holding him down on his back to the floor.

A light laugh made the group all look over to the darkness where slow clapping echoed all over, and there he stood, the necromancer. "I've got to say, you're all too good at getting caught like dogs," he cackled before he stepped to the side, revealing two yellow eyes glowing in the dark accompanied by another set of laughter.

"Indeed, my servant!" the Dark Mage said before eyeing all six of them. "Wow! A full house! Hello, my old friends! It's good to see you all again after what? One, two, no, three years after my defeat," he growled under his breath as skeletons soon picked them all up. "You're gonna regret holding me down like this!" Gabriel barked before he was jabbed in the jaw by the necromancer. "That's for my jaw from last time… Ironhide," he spat.

They all struggle as more skeletons take them further into the cave. “Where is Pink!” Patrick shouts, trying to free his arms. The mage laughed as he turned to the leader with his evil look. “Oh, him? Heheh, you’ll see, Orange,” the Dark Mage said as skeletons placed them all on tables. They felt the mechanism lift them up as they studied the room coming to life. Spotting Tim on a bench, his body covered from head to feet in cuts and bruises, they looked over to the group. He smiled under his helmet.

As the necromancer approached Zane, the ice knight gritted his teeth, clearly feeling a mix of anger and frustration. "How disappointing," the necromancer muttered before backhanding Patrick, sending him sprawling. "What is this, Mage!" Patrick yelled, looking at the tall machinery.

"Oh, this? Why, it's my device to leave this world!" the Dark Mage laughed. “What?” All of them said (except for Zane) as the ball in the top splits in half as a crystal appeared “A force energy crystal?” Rai muttered “Yes! Why don’t I explain it before you all die shall I?” He asked

“Master? We shouldn’t-“

“Shut up Nel” the mage said before grabbing the table forcing them to look more at the devices. “This here my enemy, is my latest invention! Meet the gateway bridge… star… planet thing?” Dark mage said frowning at the name “you… you didn’t think of a name did you?” Necromancer said, The mage regained his composure after the interruption. "Ahem! This device will be powered by magic and would open a bridge to the main Elemental World of Source!" he announced, his voice laced with anticipation as he chuckled menacingly.

The group collectively gasped in realization of the true purpose of the machine. They knew that draining magic from an elemental knight was not only dangerous but potentially fatal. Despite the impending danger, Tim managed a strained laugh, his hand wavering weakly in the air. "Silly rabbit... taking magic will kill the user," he wheezed, his voice barely audible over the mage's mocking laughter.

As Tim's words sank in, the necromancer's expression shifted to one of dawning realization. "Wait," he began, but it was too late. The machine sprang to life, and Tim's agonized screams pierced the air. Blurry vision obscured his sight, but he could still make out the desperate struggles of his friends as they fought against their bonds. The chaos erupted as the knights unleashed their fury upon the machine, their voices blending into a cacophony of anger and determination. "You piece of toast!" Patrick's voice cut through the chaos, filled with raw emotion.

"Tim, no!" Gabriel's shout rang out, a mixture of concern and urgency. With a primal roar, Zane added his voice to the chorus, his anger palpable. "Stop this madness!" Steven's command reverberated through the cavern, his determination unyielding. Rai's defiant refusal echoed against the walls, a testament to his unwavering spirit.

As the knights poured their magic into the assault, the device trembled violently, its structure straining under the onslaught. With a deafening roar, a tear ripped open in the fabric of space, unleashing a torrent of blue mist. The mage and necromancer, caught off guard, stumbled backward as their skeletal minions shattered into pieces.

But the worst was yet to come for the dark duo. The five knights, now free from their restraints, charged forward, their magic blazing bright. With a collective shout, they unleashed a combined beam of energy that struck the gateway with overwhelming force.

With a collective leap of faith, the knights followed Patrick's command, hurtling through the tear in the fabric of space. The rush of wind surrounded them as they plummeted into the unknown, their hearts pounding with anticipation and determination. Gabriel wasted no time, reaching out to catch Tim as they descended. With a strong grip, he pulled his friend close, shielding him from the chaos around them. Meanwhile, the others braced themselves for whatever awaited on the other side of the portal.

As they landed with a jolt, the ground beneath them felt solid and unfamiliar. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, and the landscape stretched out before them in eerie silence. With a sense of urgency, Patrick scanned their surroundings, his eyes narrowing in determination.

"We're here," he declared, his voice echoing through the strange new world. "Now, let's find that mage and put an end to his plans once and for all." The knights stood tall and resolute, their determination shining through the darkness of the forest. With their weapons at the ready and their spirits undaunted, they faced down the dark mage and his nefarious companion.

The knights wasted no time, their determination fueling their pursuit. With Patrick leading the charge, they sprinted through the dark forest, their weapons at the ready and their resolve unyielding. The laughter of the mage echoed through the trees, driving them forward with even greater urgency.

As they raced deeper into the forest, the knights remained vigilant, their senses sharp and their instincts honed. The dense canopy above cast eerie shadows, but they pressed on undeterred, their determination unwavering. "We can't let them get away!" Steven exclaimed, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of their quarry. Rai nodded in agreement, his lightning crackling around him as he focused his magic. "We'll catch them, no matter what it takes," he declared, his voice resolute.

With a shared sense of purpose, the Castle Crashers continued their pursuit, their footsteps echoing through the darkened woods as they closed in on their elusive foes. Victory was within their grasp, and they would stop at nothing to ensure that justice was served.

The knights forged ahead, their determination driving them deeper into the mysterious forest. As they pressed on, Patrick couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped him. The oppressive atmosphere of the darkened woods seemed to weigh heavily on his shoulders, and he couldn't shake the sense that they were being watched.

"Where in the duck's name is that wizard!" Patrick warned, his voice tense with urgency. "This forest... there's something not right about it."

His companions nodded in agreement, their senses on high alert as they moved cautiously through the dense foliage. Tim, still recovering from his ordeal, clung tightly to Gabriel's back, his eyes darting nervously around the shadowy surroundings. "We need to find that wizard before he slips away," Rai urged, his magic crackling around him as he scanned the area for any sign of their elusive quarry. "Okay. I think if we continue moving this way, we might be able to--"

"Look out!" Rai's voice sliced through the air, prompting the knights to brace themselves. As they turned, a blast of magic careened toward them. Rai acted quickly, raising his shield to deflect the attack.

Startled, Tim jolted awake, blinking rapidly as he tried to orient himself. Gabriel steadied him, his expression tense but determined. "Stay alert, Tim," he urged, his grip firm yet reassuring. Patrick scanned the surroundings, his instincts on high alert. With flames dancing in his palm, he assessed the situation. "Keep your guard up, everyone," he cautioned, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around them. "We may have unexpected company."

As the dust settled, the knights found themselves facing an unexpected sight: a group of ponies, their expressions a mix of surprise and apprehension. Patrick's brow furrowed in confusion. "What in the king's name are you?" he demanded, his grip tightening on his weapon. Seeing six ponies with horns and wings.

"Alright, you beast!" The purple pony's voice rang out, catching the knights off guard. It was a commanding tone, unmistakably female. With a forceful stomp of her hoof, she signaled her determination, her horn glowing with changeling magic.

"Listen up! You might serve Nightmare Moon, but you won't thwart our mission to save Equestria!" she declared boldly. A blue pony with wings swooped in, her voice carrying a hint of defiance. "Yeah! You stone-faced goons won't stand in our way!" she added, pumping her hoof for emphasis. Tim straightened, adjusting his arm as the others turned to him, then refocused on the group of ponies, clearly anticipating trouble.

"Best mind your manners, horse," Patrick warned sternly.

"I'm a pony golem!" the purple pony retorted, charging her magic.

"You ponies don't look like much!" Gabriel chuckled.

"Alright, partner, you're asking for it!" the orange pony grumbled.

"We did try to warn you," Rai interjected.

"No, you didn't!" the white pony scoffed.

"Hmmph!" Zane grunted, his stance firm.

"You're not much of a talker, are you?" the rainbow pony remarked.

"Should we really be fighting?" Steven questioned uncertainly.

"Um... I'm not sure," the yellow pony admitted hesitantly.

"Hey there! I'm Timmy, but you can call me Tim!" Tim greeted warmly.

"Hi, Tim! I'm Pinkie Pie! Wanna be friends?" the pony named Pinkie Pie responded cheerfully.


+=={:::::::::::::::::> THE END?