• Published 24th Feb 2024
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Castle crashers Elements of magic - Flip_The_Table

After the dark mage was destroyed our six heroes have kept the kingdom well safe form then on doing all kinds of work, until one day the mage returns...

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Side Mission Lightning and clothing


God I hate water! We were on a mission to deal with rogue pandas and next thing you know we get ambushed by a freaking sea cat! It must have been there leader because most of the pandas were on his back, and it was… something special if I say, The king help us back aboard before the river would have eaten us whole but… now I have soggy clothes and armor to attend to, hopefully it does rust… god I hate water, anyways This is Rai, Red knight of the Castle Crashers signing off on 29 of February

Rai sits on the floor as he keeps his eyes closed as he fells his power surge through his veins… it’s electrifying. His thoughts were cut short by the door opening. Looking over his shoulder he spot Sweetiebell, Rarity’s little sister trotting the man with his helmet on her back balanced very carefully “here is your helmet Rai! Rarity finished polishing the last of your gear” she said placing the helm on Rai’s laps. He smiles and pats the top of her mane “Arigatō” he said bowing his head down before he eyes his whole gear rest on a makeshift human mannequin.

Sweetie trots over to it and eyes the armor, noting the huge difference between the royal side of the helmet and shoulders but then stop to noticed the cloth hoodie for the chest. “So. Mind if I ask something?”

Ask away

“What’s with the hoodie? I saw Tim has a full gear of armor, but yours is so different. Why is that?” She asked making the human laugh a little, a simple question that he always get asked by peasants and other knights, even ponies too. Rai eyes the filly and smiles “well, I’m not like the rest of my brothers, the noble gear was made for regular knights, and me and the others being elemental beings, we get our attire different, Patrick dawns a simple overalls to remind him of his past life as once a farmer, Tim, Steven and Zane were part of a royal family so there armor was simple (except for Zane’s half helmet) but for Gabriel, he joined last so his was simple (plus he wanted antlers to represent his family’s belief)” Rai said now standing up to pick his helm, soon he placed the helmet on the headstand next to the armor and eyes it with pride.

My armor is the representing my job and who I once was!” The workwear shouts before he laughed as he pats the top of the helmet, soon he grabs his helmet and puts it on and looks down at the filly smiling under his helmet

Cus I’m the workwear of my group, and I show my pride in both the armor and the team!

Rarity sighed as the human and her sister were laughing loudly, it’s been three days since the defeat of Nightmare moon and already the humans have made a reputation around town. Patrick is now helping Twilight with her new bookstore by being an assistant with the dragon Spike, Tim had apparently been hiding from a mare that’s been obsessed over him, Zane was still unknown, but from what Rainbow said is that he is looking for something up in the clouds, Steven is unknown too, Fluttershy had not shown up in town yet. And for the tall human Gabriel has been working with Applejack at the farm.

But as for Rai, it’s like a dream come true, Rarity struck gold on having someone with the same talent as her, Rai loves to make armor and show honor with them. His outfit at first was eye catching but as he said, you’ll would get used to it. Now Rai was walking down the step in full gear with Sweetiebell sitting on his shoulder. “Evening ma’am” he said bowing down a little before placing Sweetie down. Rarity smiles and trots over towards the human with a sly smile on her muzzle

“Well good morning dear human, how was your new bed?” She asked, Rai pats his chest and chuckled “the bed was perfect, and I’m in your debt for your hospitality” he said making the mare wave a hoof “that’s all good Mister Rai” she said making him slouch lightly, and roll his eyes under his helm before the door were opened. Both man and pony look over to see— “a royal guard?” Rarity said as the pony in gold armor walks up and bows at the two.

“Forgive me for the intrusion ma’am and sir, my name is Clash crusader, and I wish to see Mister Rai?” Clash said while looking at the human with hope in his eyes. The human then bows lightly “Sir, that would be me” Rai said. The guards smiles and bows again before the door opens again reviling another guard, but has on a more different set ‘must be a higher noble’ Rai thinks as he walks in. Clash was still bowing down as the guard trots up, Rarity is now bowing with Sweetie bell as the guard looks up at the human with a welcoming smilie.

“Greetings, names Shining Armor, captain of the Solar guards!”

Castle Crashers Elements of magic

Captain… Sir!” Rai soon salutes to the pony as he shows respect to the high rank, Shining keeps the smile and salute back “at ease knight. Man the princess was not kidding about you golems” Shining said

Humans, sir” Rai corrected before the captain nods to that, Shining then waves a hoof for Clash to trot up before Shining looks back “Right right, now the princess has put me on duty for a task, and you are the one she is interested to hear” Shining said making Rai tilt his head to one side, the red knight soon gets on a knee to be eye level with the captain as the stallion continues.

“You are needed in Canterlot for an experiment” Shining said before turning around to look towards the white unicorn, he smiles “and you mis Rarity are welcome—“

“Yes!” The fashion mare shouts out, Shining listed along with Clash and Rai, Rarity blushed and clears her throat and looks over to the young filly “Sweetiebell? Do you wish to come?” Asked Rarity witch the unicorn shakes her head “nah me and Applebloom are gonna try and get our cutie marks today! Mr Ironhide is going to help us with it too!” She said making Rarity scoff a bit, her and Gabriel are… not really the pair you would see talking too, Rai cringed at the thought of having the mare bonk him on the head thousands of times…

Bonking the top…. Poor Gabriel

Clash and Shining soon trot towards the door with Rai and Rarity as the group make their perpetration too the capital, Canterlot! The walk through Ponyville was odd, it looked like the captain was trying to hide from someone, Rai asked about it which made the stallion nearly fall out of cover when they past golden oaks. Patrick was out probably looking for the mage, so all what was there is Twilight Sparkle, and the mare looked busy with somethings.

Shining smiles and gets out of cover and smiles wildly as the mare did not noticed him, his grin drops slowly as the mare continued trotting, and trotting and… she bumps into him. Twilight shifts a bit and looks up at Rai and Rarity.

“Oh hey? What are you two doing?” She said before noting the guard next to them, Clash runs the top of his head as he eyed his captain, who happens to be standing in shock as the mare looks left and right not noticing at all.

“What? Is something— crud! I need to get back to work, the princess has giving me a job. Uh I’ll be around later! Bye!” And soon she picks the book back up and trots off leaving Shining on the floor, Clash trots up with Rarity and Rai as they look down at him

“Uh… Captain?” Clash says

“She didn’t notice me…” Shining said making the group all sighed, Rai then points at the two “go head to the station, I’ll help the captain” the human said witch both the ponies nod and leave the human and the unicorn.

Well guessing form you reaction that Twilight Is your sister?” Rai asked picking the stallion up to his legs. Shining snaps out of it and nods slowly ‘how did he know that?’ He thinks as both of them walk down the road, both Rarity and Clash are not to far up ahead so a little chat wouldn’t hurt.

So. Mind asking more about this task sir?” Rai asked looking down at the guardpony, Shining adjusted his helmet before looking up at the man with a stern look “it’s something about our ranks armor sets, she believes that your teams armor is far more advanced then ours” Shining said before he bands his chest armor making a loud clank “but I think that she is worried that you gol— Humans are more powerful then us. Sure you got the elements and magic thing, but it’s not about the magic it’s—“

The arm and the legs” Rai interpreted making the captain eye the man with curiosity, he soon thinks of a question “are your guys knights? Like royal knights?” Said Shining

Rai process the question very slowly as he can recall the last years of work. Of course there not nobles anymore, the king said so himself. But the last five years on earth the Castle Crashers have been swords for hire, so answering this shouldn’t be that hard. But it felt wrong to say at the same time, so Rai said only one thing.

We used too” he answered not looking at the captain as they soon caught up with the pair. Rarity and Clash were laughing about something, but they catch their breath as the human and captain returned. “Ah Rai, Captain. We’ve got the ticket for Canterlot all ready for us” Rarity said before entering into the train, Clash looks at the two before bowing lightly letting them both go in next.

“Mr Rai? How well are your armors?” Shining asked

Rai takes his helm off and knocks on the top hard making a loud ring to it, Rarity eyes the helmet before she whispers about not to get it dirty. “My worlds regular armor is weak compared to my craftsmanship, my ways of making them feature magic in most for protection, but with also having one of the most strongest metal made with it two can make it indestructible” Rai says beaming his pride at the guards.

“Huh how odd indeed, but why do you have more of the fashion on your armor then your team?” Clash asked running the top is his head. Rai gave his explanation on his armor and just putting it simply saying that he loves making armor and shows it.

“But now thinking about it, I never thought somepony that makes armor for a living would become a knight” Clash says shifting in his seat as he asked “how did you become one?”

Rai hesitated at that, he doesn’t like talking about the past, his old family, or even his magic. “It’s… complicated” he admits “we enhanced humans don’t really become a knight” he said. Rarity was now interested and leans forward resting her head on the arm of the seat. Rai looks down at his helmet and then his hand, charging his lighting magic his hand soon starts glowing red, and then his eye surges out his magic. The ponies that sit next to him all flinched at the magic seep out of his eye. “We’re cursed in a way. Both a good and bad way, the good way is that we get more stamina then average humans…. But the bad way is that enhanced humans get treated like dirt” he says depleting his magic.

“I… I won’t ask anymore” Clash said now looking down, Shining sighed and looks out the window as they spot Canterlot in the distance, he soon looks back at the human with a determined look “well don’t worry about us Rai, we ponies alway welcome anyone” he said making the man smile. Sliding his helmet back on he claps his hands together and leans in towards the captain.

So, mind explaining this plan more captain?

So the plan is simple, the princess wants to test the human armor strength and compare it to pony armor and hopefully to see the difference. She also requests if the human can make armor for ponies too if her theory is correct. And Clash Crusader is the one who will be the tester on it. Rai was now at the Royal forge ready to meet the smith of Canterlot.

“Mr Pike can be a bit hard on us guards, but he is nice if you don’t get on his bad side” Clash said as him, Rarity and the human walk up the steps towards the forge. But as they approached the top a stick was lifted in front of them as they see an old grey stallion eyes the furnace filled with ingots.

“Human! Talk” the old stallion says making Rai flinch a bit under his helm before he bows lightly “hello my name is Rai… Thunderstone I seek the royal forger” the man said before he eyes the stick lift high up in the air before—


The red knight was now laying on his back while rubbing the top of his head as he groans in pain, he had never gotten hit in the top of his helmet before… wow…

What… what was that… for?” The man said slowly getting back to his feet, the stallion soon smiles up at the human “forgive me… but I you remind me of someone” he said making the man grunt in frustration. Rarity and Clash were snickering a little before they regained their composure and eye the earth pony.

“Names Pike, but you can call me… Pike” Pike said. Rai groans a bit in frustration, this man is too much like Patrick when he gets annoyed and seek to bother others. Thoughts aside the pony torts over to the human with a big grin now as Rai looks around “uh… Pike? Captain armor sent me here to give you a list of—

“Done” Pike beamed pulling a bag of the minerals out in front of the man, Rai jaw dropped before he picks the bag up and gasped “where the heck did you get this?” Rai asked as he sees all the items he has listed out. Celestia had done her homework… or she just read his mind or something.

“Form a friend along time ago” Pike said before trotting over to his furnace, dragging the ingot out with his bare hooves. “Let’s get crafting young master” Pike said quickly throwing a hammer toward the human. Rai smiles a little as he eyes the hammer, he takes the helmet off and hands it to Rarity before saying to the two “stand back and watch a master at his work” he said before Rai lifts the hammer up high.

“I assure you princess, I think these knight are worth something” Shining said while looking out the window eyeing the kingdom below him. Celestia was sitting close to the captain as they look out together “I’ll have to think on that Shining, the crystal empire sounds like they would need more guards” The princess said now looking down at the captain with a sly grin.

“Is the captain worried for the princess there or the marefirend?” Shining only blushed at that and snorts a bit “not because— hmpf okay maybe I’m saying that, but come on, these gol— humans are something special!” Shining said. Celestia nods at that, maybe sending some of them there could possibly help equestria “but these knight are already on a mission, the mage is… something I think? They say that he is evil” Celestia said now rubbing a hoof on her chin.

“Well we help them, kick that evil mages butt and have them as one of us!” Shining said pumping a hoof in the air. Celestia frowned before little Luna trots up towards the group “ah sister, what seems to be the problem?” She asked

“We’re thinking about adding the knights on their quest, and have them be part with equestria’s military” Shining explained to the princess of the night. The little princess smiles brightly thinking of the six humans, both her and Tia have been getting odd sense of déjà vu when seeing Patrick and Steven… but they put it aside for now. They might need a memory spell for later.

“How wonderful! I do enjoy the Castle Crashers, there humor shows more life in knights lives” Luna said with Shining grinning more now.

And more lives will change the world too” Rai said making the group all look over to see the human stand brightly with Rarity, they bow politely as all three trot up to the two, Luna hop over to Rai and giggles lightly.

“Dear Thunderstone I guess you achieve the prototype armor?” Celestia said making the human stand tall before he turns to the side, lifting a hand up as they look where he points. At the end of the hall the rulers spot Lieutenant Crusader trot up with loud clank of the armor plating, the guard trots In slowly as he shows off the armor. It shows the same resemblance as Rai’s armor but with the helmet being more modified around the muzzle, also minus the hood.

Here is your prototype of my armor ma’am. Rarity helped with the cloth for the inside to help make it comfortable to have on” Rai said as Clash takes a pose to show the armor, Rai smiles under his helmet as the pony moves more freely.

With my armor I can have the pony move there limbs a lot faster then their original, and for the toughness…” the man quickly pulls his mace and swings it at the pony chest having a loud clank sound out of the room. The princess flinched a bit but then sighed as they see the pony stand still. Clash lifts the face plate and smiles brightly at the rulers.

“This armor is comfortable too, I feel like I could run a mile for week!” He said before bowing down at the human “thank you Mr Thunderstone!” And soon stands still as Shining trots up, and whistles loudly as he eyes the armor.

“A good work indeed Rai” he said

Rai chuckled a bit before he kneels down a lifts a hand to point at Rarity “don’t forget about Rarity, she has help too” he said making Rarity flush a bit before she bow before the rulers again, then she looks back at the human with a warm smile “thank you as well for having me experience such beautiful craft of armor Mr Rai” she said making the human laugh loudly.

“Now! I’ll be taking this armor out for a test fight, feel free if you wish to come along” Shining said now following Clash to the door, and before he leaves he looks back at the the two “thank you both for this armor” Clash said as he then opens the door and leaves. Rai looks down at Rarity and smiles lightly under his helmet before they both make the choice and bow once more to the princess and leave the castle.

But now back outside both Rai and Rarity let out a huge sigh as today was an interesting turn. “So… wanna get some metal? I think I have a shop to start in town” Rai said making Rarity jump in excitement.

“Absolutely darling! We have to think of a good name for it! And everything!” Rarity said making Rai look back up at the sky. You know maybe this world is not so bad, the ponies are so welcoming to them, and kind… Rai might have a chat with their boss about stay here… maybe…

O==[]#######>The end?<#######[]==O

End song

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